My Mar l, ti ML T7IE PAILT WEWB nnrOT JUT PA N NEW EQUIPMENT FOR Fr fjulllllllH l I niii CANADIAN RAILROADS i , BITING Ollnwn. Mnrcli o. ii,,n n. UFO Ilclrl, MliiUter of llmlwayi, i nr." ranging for new rolling nturk, lo. romotlvpo and rail for Canadian ma Tcrtures of Dyspepsia rnilwaya thli year aajtreiralinif CtrrscleJ H "Fmll-a-llres" lolul cot of approximately forty Introducing minion uoiiara. in addition o Br. Mastm's, N.D. the 100,000 tona of steel rail to rami . f ,ufTl tortures oo roueil by tho Dominion Iron frca 8UI Co., and the raila secured ... mm ,ftcr huh: r,B In Iho United Statea, as announr. .,a ed yesterday, the Hallway Depart, , , iluff often earoe up men I la ordering 7.500 new freinht The Famous "Staff cars, too locomotive and several Family did not i , l it titty I started hundred new oolonisl aleeoers ami other passenger cars. The colon. , . I beytn to -, ',,. h.s ifix-H mm I.I tint,me roaJo when Int sleepers th will hlg he requod movement l accommodate of of Good Drinks to the troops lo be expeled when the MAMIIIM.VfC. tnllux of returning soldiers really o,trial site e. ilnrls In. The freight cars will nt w4fU by Include a large number of coal People of Prince i 'itawa. enrs lo relieve the scarcity evident Rupert. this winter. All the new enuln-i mem win be ordered on Oovern-menl account, but deliveries will be allocated to all railways as needs require. I'rie submitted In Ihe tenders received are very high as com 71M0EH SALE X 979. pared with prewar prices. lU,x ears, for Initanee, now cost from b rveolted by I tie It.G0O to 18.800 each, as compar- ; liur than Doofl oo P e with 91,100 each before (he tSPARKDNG ' . roe " j a ; par II I. IS Ml l,tlt,M outbreak of lhe.war. Locomotives f. Jir ind Ifcantork oo an have increased in cost by 150 per U. ...It ' 111 Iwlndf lilind. cent., and now run at about $60.-000 I mt EUtrK-l each. NEGTAn of Purest Apples, blended Into a drink of --3 mill b i(tewed for re- oo . .. J-j In an effort to reduce costs a rare deliciousness and flavor; clear as crystal, 4r -f lb CWf rmur, through pooling orders by Ihe f H I DUirirt fomier, rrlne Oovernmenl. oflielals of the Hall sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full per E M. II way department are Investigating bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected costs of raw material and of man ripe fruit. glass of Try a Applestaff todays order BRITISH COLUMBIA ufacture, and arrangements may be made with the manufacturers oo a case for the home. to M if frelerUk miwm Oelnuii, or Governmental purehae of iron APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. hhii4, end and Pieel supplies at minimum to M(t f li -MmlaUUatlM Act" cost, through co-operation with vji i fe r " D thai under an the United Stales flovermnent. n nta nimniiw nr. jbi i ac i tse tJu dir r rtt Salvation Army. Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence ' u iutmiwd, wai ' "f to raui r of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage f- d. Public mectlnga I ! , -. i uHim sratnit tbe Thursdays aad itatur4) a1 e, for young and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating :Lata r. 4 to forward pU j. Sundays at 7:M p. m lo body and nervt-, Lifestaff is foamy, on or befer tlx it III. and R creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that saya "Come Um mm ttuut r Ppeetal InfiHtnalton rogardin-g 0Vtl0M U KM again!" In popular priced bottles. it.J trie products or Cktfu real Ltd, 4, BrtUeh fol tUU, Ihll who have been using our columns LIFESTAFF- EVERYWHERE. " UII. lately for advertiiiog may be had Mi'STUm. from Mr. M. K. Itots, of the Krn- :sl "" ut o4 rr uw press Hotel. Bee him first. If. uoir r VRtorte. MINERAL. ACT Ihe Daily Newt delivered by Good old fashioned Bock brew, more tasty and arritr M eenU prr wwntb. creamy than ever; rich and dark of color,.foaming TOTICATI Or IMPDOVIMEIITS Ktviaisu: wATtas raoTccno.'v act. with spirit and life, JJockstafiT is the "Hit of the mcc a. a. c ctupur i ii.i Town" wherever it has been introduced. It is the .:ca 4 secat- Mineral Ske MtBMf DlTt AiraacKQ thomio.i siki conrAxr. pleasing, snippy drink you have been waiting for, UMITtb. htttbf r tM UMI Ibfy withjau after taste that makes smack Ute, oodrr Uoa of hM ! drpotlud you your lipa lib lbs MMtUt ef rubHc VTarkl. tl with Joy. iu too ta to isrs or ti Dutnci I 'X t&tl Mil V rilnoM a(ittnr r ib uo4 iu rt i rr omc. dii- BOCK8TAFF EVERYWHERE tmt r lrio Raprt. ornpuoa or tbs mm tad tb pltm of viiurf tnd otbrr rki prvpoKi o I ball I oo Lei oo. il r. Wtrfrct Btork r. air of rnot nnpert. frvMor f BiiUb OulamtM. sb4 Uks We are pleased lo announce thatVe have Just been named distributors of "Staff" Deverages for Prince outic umi srtrr Um tpmua of oo "r 't taorovrmfau. tnr th walk Iran lb diu r Um Brtl ptllr-mm Rupert and vicinity, fer the Hemrich's Staff Products Company, of Seattle. We are supplying.Cafes, refreshment of thli doik AkrrWrt T bum ton tnd If Lki , . . aptojr Umi led will a fetor SXUoa xrts pJaces.'hoUls, restaurants;,grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned if - - NOTICE that itiKxi f im Mhl Art. ppiy M lb Miniiwr or t 31 U rvtBOtrnrl b- futAH Work si bit offlr Is lb aty ef you ran't get Applestaff, Lifestaff or Hockstaff; we will see that your order is promptly filled. hus rr rtri of tb id n tod stout and tar Ir lo totutrvct lb Mid brf od vorkf. it... o oo oo oo o tuid l rrtnr Ruprl B. C. UU lecood day f Jatwary llll. AkEneCRO THOMSON and COMPA.IY. LTD. N-H M (It 1wo MH O DiTld Tbooxoa. 9(rury. F. G. DAWSON, Limited ,, '' "I4 IU1IK o MINERAL ACT ciRTiricATK or iMeeevcMtNTa. Distributers -4iu JXVAIM4 'I 'A O NOTICE. Phone 77 and 7t. Prince Rupert, B.C. 'SiB4on, "Huprl," "Plrlou" KiIdi- ton." -Catrad ralU No. 4" sod "Caacad raHa No. I MlDtral Claim, attuau In tb rwlland Canal Minlnr Dlrlaioo of Caur' ICC IHitMri. Vbrr located: On lb ail lid of; (UtnJc Cmk. II mlltt from Uc brad of, lrUatid Canal. TAkE NOTICE Ual I. i. Ttvl Hlltbl r0" INTERIOR trrrm Ulntr-i rrtlflrala Ha. SITI-CI act- 1 AND EX- REGISTRY ACT under tb provliion or tbia Act, ahall b LAND ACT SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF I TI0R Mr at artnt for Oaktay Brautorl Buih. rrc LAND fur irr iioppd aod debarred irmu COAST. RANGE I, DECORATIONS Hibrr-s Ccrunrai Ma. IIH-C Intend, i (SecUuoa I and H etilar up any claim to or In rcipect of lily dtyi from lb dat hereof, lo apply ( tb land o ioU ror uxe. and lb ReiU SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Tak nolle that lb Western Salmon il U'earder f.r Orimc.u of Parklnr Ox, Lid., or Vancouver, B. C, occupation U Miatof Ufttt0B o. tut., nil I. .Ul-I. irar iball re tiller tb person entitled un-der COAST, RA.1CK 4. ror lb f cuiiti" Salmon Cannera, Intend to apply lu.pffmnia. purpoa . hI. lucb tai al aa owner or tb land a Cruwn Oram or tb abo elalm. i Taa u old fur Uita." ror permlMloa to leas Um followlnr d And ruriber lak nolle that aeMoa, on- mad W rtrilf Trai W. Hart, or rrlnc A.ND WHEREAS applaaJl ha beta TAkE NOTICE that ;hn Orae. or Van-coure icrlbcd lander 'OR SIQNS der aeeilon II. mull b roinmenee.1 bfre ' rwpwt. B. C. at onef In fe under rour tuJ for a Ceriiacat or Indef utbl TlUe r, B, occupation Biberman, In- Commencmr at poal planted at hlrb lb liiuaor of lucb CcrUOcai cf Imprsr !-. a.i. rvMu rram iFfcA Cotletwr of lO lu lit abov-raaUonet landi, to Um nam lendi lo apply ror parmUalon lo lea Um water mark. Steunep Pauit, An ,m.ri inroia. Idly of rrlnc Buperl. t)Mrlm dl tb or Frank W. Hart. folio lor tfvarrtbed landit birhl on Um laid pauirt about oo mil Paird OjU tltb day of Aumit, A. D. IIUi dty of ?(niber. ttIT, and on Tai AND WHEREAS oo InvtiUraUor Um Oommenclnr at a post planted on Um borU of Qutnamaia Bay) lea (10) chain HIT. MS StU- Deed dated Itnd day of September, UU It appear thai prior to Um IIUi day foreibor oo Um wcil ild of Stewart due weal or Mid blbl; Ibenc twenty (10) till, ef ALL AND SLNOULAn thai wttin or October, toil (Um dat on which tb Narrow , about two mil aouih of Hartley ebalna du north. Utenc twenty (10) vE&HOCKLEY MINERAL ACT Pircel or irael of Und and premiaei illuaw. Mid land wcr sold ror oierdu tax), Bays thence weit 10 chain, Ibenc Dorlh chain du eaal. Utenc twenty (10) !liter wi ,h a" nf pr,nc Bu" tuu t Um rerlilertd aud aaad own to chain. Utenc tui 10 chain, ibenc Chalna aoulh. Ibenc back to point of commencement, Ml, jiwr partlculirly knn and d-liertbed tri aa tilled bekiw, louth to chain! to tb point of commencement and contatninr forty (40) CERTIFICATE Of IKCAO VIMINTS ai Lou tl) o4 Dfteen III). FURTHER TALK NOTICE that al UM and conialnlnr 41 aerei mor or led. acre mor or le. Bloek !! (III. lo I mum tuu I ihiU effect rt filtration In JOHN 0RACE. Applicant THE WESTERN SALMON PACUN0 COM. NOTICE !friy-lbl . B1 Mtlt itorr Ipunumc or luch application and lain a DATKD Norember It. HIT. PANT, LIMITED! C C RotwrUou. Art. He ... . . i-.i rp.,iinn ni "naiiv" Mineral' ill) and thlrty ftfur III). Block nfty-oni oerlincit r Indefeaiibl Till lo lb laid DATED December lilt. HIT. bit ii in Uairn, iiiuau In lb rorlland Canal Mlolor . (III. all In Sliott IC,"..,1t eUtsn or land In lb nam of rrank W. Hart uoleu SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or "u Plrttton f Clialir PUtrirt. 1 10 ar itm-it- tKm lhe ou lak and proucut Um proper pro-eeedmri 01'EEN CHARLOTTE. SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP u ,u. .."I'-dwoods amdlngs. Wbr- loriled. on lb eatl lid or lit purrbaair "' " ,nuh to (abllih your claim. If any, COAST, RAN0E riVE. li of all taacadt creek. It lull rrvm lb bead of ,dal U lb amlc f lu lb Mid landi, or to prevent lucb. pro-ptiaed TAkE NOTICE thai I. E. H. Suxpaoa. of foriun-t Canal msy o. err.eied by P u '""J TT action oo my pari. Trine Rupert, B.C, mariner. Intend to apply Take nollf tbil I Intend lo ipply to . TAkE NOTICE that I, I TreJ Ulirnio mf itupri Pr " UM Dated al the Land Rerlitry Omce. Prlnci Tor permiialon to purr bat tb follow-In be Honcribt Commlnloner or Inda and (free Miner- Orilflfal. No, llll-O atl tenth II railed 'to "fn(WB,i and Huperl, U. C. Ihli IIUi diy of rebruary, r described land. Worki to ) Um fuliowior described nr si artnl tor Rriinald klnr N.UL rre. -land Itorittrr 'u,,r P. llll. Contmencinr al a pot plnt4 al north- land; Miner- Cenlilfal No. IIITC mienu. M in " ...i or "r II. r. MACLEOD. ail corner of lb Lonrftlkiw Mineral Commenclar al a Dual Dlanted i tiu 114 " ihHl M.iy dayi rrn lb dit. hror. lo apply -and In Uifaull of U-"f. PUIrlcl RerUlrar of TllWa. Claim, W. P. Norlbeaal corner No. 1110) oorihweal corner, at) hlrb water mark. 01... aRd H um Minlnr H.eord.r to, Crimati of of II pnden. loi - HM l,hM To r W. Uiyion, rrlnc Rupert, B. C, Utenc weit to cba'nii thenc north tl II Bartlell Point Iben ten rtulm du Uw l-rpfoveiuenti, tor lb porpuao ' obtalnlnr ir ton l omiier of (Mied owner of Lou II and II, Block rbauiii ihenr eail 10 cnalni; ibenc toaUt rail, then aoutb lo tb Boor line, then Pri" irown until er in ao II. Cbarlei I'linlti, Edmonton, Alia, rr-uiered to rbaiua mor or lea sloor ibor tin rouowior in coo tour or to iboro Uo nd sth St.. And ruriber Uk mttKo tbal attmn, imi-dor and aliened owner of Lot It, to point of commenreiueat coouinlnr 41 lo lb plec of cummncemei, conialmnr letilon It. luuit Im ouinnxnred be for Btork 41, and aold ror uiei on tub diy icrei. mor or I. iwcniy acre, loo re or tea. lb liiuanr or iuti OrttMK or lmpro ?."r...i ui ( Sepieiubr. llll) V. tiriubo, IIT PTkn tTth January, llll. IAMBS DESBRISAY. manarer. ntnu. in.' an f IU tana rootli bl, vincouYir, 8. c, tiMind E. H, BIMrSON, Wale llland Cmiuiar. Piled thla tub dif or Deremtwr' A, D prioni rlaintinr M. BT' . uwner of Lou T and II, Block It. By Chaa. J, Binaoa. AnL notriutwr II Ih, HIT. Pit HIT. by deinnl ba till