Mar t r5, I9t THE DAILY NKW A DISSERTATION UPON A6RIPPLE FOR AN IMPORTANT MATTER THREE YtAK Iklltor,lcar Dally Hlr. Ncw I would be ubllfred to you If B",!"n you would Ktanl m apace in your . . . i. Bed Wlta pajifr to auk tlie Cily (kuncil a U,ul IU i qurolion ilealinif with a very vital LAST HI matter. There ha been a lot of CALL whlokey and booze found loitering in placet where- it hai no rluhl to be and it has len seited by a val iant police force -and auppotedly interned in tne Uity Daitile. What beeomaa of thla liquor? l Tu frail.err ia Willi human a large and humanity alafT of Order Now :: You Can't Affort To Delay civic employees in and around the REALIZE WHAT "BONE DRY" PROHIBITION MEANS.-.It means that after April 1st you cannot purchase liquors City Hall, it ia hardly fair to them of any kind for home use - medicinal, personal or aoclal - without a doctor's prescription - for which you tu have to labor the in pretence have to pay, as wall as get the liquor at prescription prices. eiv. of luch Imptatlon. Uprightness of lio character service should and Integrity not be in endan pub. Be Wise :: Lay In A Reasonable Supply Now gered by the pretence of a large CAUTION Just now all kinds of liquor are being made by unknown firms. .Be on your guard. Vancouver residents P n :o i Lome, OnL varied and priceless slock of have been badly "atung" by dealing with some of these firms, the liquors being of lower grade and .,.., mrra tctrt. 1 WSJ) booie In the Civic Headquarters different brand than waa ordered, and the cases being "short." Don't be atung. miiaed bed wilt KhnMlim. As a matter of public Interest, to GOLD SEAL LTD. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES Ita liquors as being true to brand.of full strength and perfect purity puriof that time, I bd treatment I would like to know if this stock ..a, r o; doctor, awl tried of liquor is dlmislilng and how? Nnfp- Look oul tor otttTB ot Hiuors at f.oJ). prices at points in the east or middle wesL Express charges ter'v er-rrth tOf I sdveruted to Are civic employees allowed '-to are Ujgh. you never know what your liquor costs until you get It. i:t.rinuuiffl without receiving carry firearms in tbelr hip pocket and if so Is it necessary to carry Our Prices Include prepaid Express Deliver liquor, allcharges paid, to your door or nearest station. rutllr, I deeMed lo try-f ruit a- any guu in the hip pocket more MUb4 I, 1 . 11.1 tlTM UelOf i:nu wm - r than 12 Inches In length t Any CASIO SCOTCH WHISKIES triciAL aorrvma I ttUfwJ improvement; the rain weapon solid or liquid of undue Per Pr O. A W. Rye SI 40 $1840 tod the f welling. Bottle '- O. A W Special 148 1740 tot to K-Tfir, 'carried In the in length rear pocket A ito cmuMU ef I jurl boltlet. "l to m '" pushes the- coal up at the back Yooar "0W HnUV (M. D.) ItlrbHiKl scotcb S1.SS S1B-00 DISTILLCRV BOTTLINQS B C. Jpertar Eirtllent old oldeal ,.U(J UktZ tkttJrnU MrlBUMb "VtrtttUoV 2.00 rye; 2240 1 1 it . .. 1 at an unseemly angle and robs "Huom of I'trtuinrat" Hum ti tlwve, dlilllllery bottUnr; limited tupply 228 22.00 kiW, UUJ''"U BU Mi In figure of that grace and de la ordiotry round bottles; to yrtrt old; r aBtdiaa tax hi a aub" Ulram Waikeri; very 2-28 22.00 very pupuUr; tuodtrd vtloe UO 2740 . ,. .. portmeut so necessary to a model Imperlir -Hiram Wtlkert 140 1S40 feutcborrt w tue pttee. "StDdertvo't Movouia Im-w suuo tt i-uuderbaio 0 WorU' "Special" 2.18 10.00 of civic rectitude. tlwte, in orduury reuud bolUct; bkmI Ouwvrbam A Worta' Ordinary 148 1740 ALEXANDER JIUSHO. fall tweoxr tod rrluLle broad of auodtrd Joaepo SearranVo 5o. II 2.10 10.00 If"an employee should down owWb aouky iminrted 2-25 2840 B. Ordinary; foil ftrtnrtn tod fitvort 6 for J M,trUl olio lie. SOc i lot. on his way home and cut himself bbnoM Uttker't kllmtraocr ; red UUI; eta unul sold 240 2040 . or sent pout paid on NOTE Mr ortnte tlte OlatUleey bottled Rye qvoteO ( i., iftleri l A be mUcd 3.00 SS40 through the hip pocket, could be abet ta hate Oeea betUad ot the dlttlllery oad U have Frult-a-llte fUUtOIr Owulw W tUnOtrd of priee by futrtiitM tftry i ,pt the CanaStaa Oeveenmeitt'a revenue a tarn oa to quality p collect damages from the City for artarttury OruiO of td Midi WOKIy o0irtlO In and age am ltd ovae the caoalo of bet II a. 4L0ta. every the ice on the' sidewalk? Jutlico UM lo b (bMliiMr omiiI. SwlUad ta 0tU0 la bBbbBSbI AtttrfMRMi a0( ipertM frtm tkt Ualt0 KlnfOtm In RTB WHISKV BULK REGISTRY ACT ia represented by a figure holding tt, tiortd la CtAtOa lo CtatOlta OcttrBniMI boa0 BaBaK5yBaaaaV l-Oal. Jor. UID the scales, blindfolded. Many old rhui. 'Limited Reaerve" Uqoear Rye S840 ItCtUM II tod III.) Aodrvw I'ibrr'i Spedtl -O. V. 0." lo Im-Drrtal Three Aetl. S year old; very One tod tpecttl time admirers of John Darleycorn u4l auirtt. Direct UnDorutloa; bteod 70 iuaitrd qnuiuiy. maCMlrrful ttlot .... 440 4S40 Trltate Slock" Special Liqueur 7.78 1MM I II I I, lllt-l. III-I. believed that bis figure represented "BUck tod Wb)t ' UurtitMO t iikwI pup-oUr uualrrbam a Worta' Special; tuodtrd all over TtU f!l l Uul tpptlctUoa hat beea lbs Inevitable result of a big Hoc la Um world; aooderfvl Oiror tod Canada 8.00 S-2S 220 Guuderftam A Worta I-year-old I pedal iblpmeol; i n ntuics rrtek W Hart, of Print bat the night before, scales lo qutlily very One 78 . u oeaer la fee ooder loor difference be- Bocbtata't "Kd Setr 340 90.00 t. searrtm'e "Waterloo" 840 carefully the -Litrt eigb Itirr tit ma fvtntii" ooo of Um Walker' Canadian Club 840 tween dissipation and sobriety, Burt I QILlr twcpeat it yttrt OM; Wa fuaraate the ate tad quality ef every aallea la the : n tnast hupeii, Letntf date the Umiud quiDiity as 2i0 akeve liet. full ttreatU aot leat thaa 28 a-a. Canadlaa I; ' H trmber, HIT, and oo Tti ilh a towel tied tightly round tbe MlUbrU't CcDUtn Old llettbrr Dewj fuuoot Oevamaieat taeU i t4 (U4 ti4 day or September head to quell tbe raging headache Uo 240 2040 WBma Hilt PLY SOUTH, LONDON DRY AND TO 01 AIMS Wtttoa't So. IS S40 3O.00 :' rf 11... UB SttOL'LAR that certain of tbe morning after the night Per Per O. O, MrOoeaet'o Orkney 240 S04iO RBO A rate rxioalaU of It quart boltiet. Bottle Cte if H Ml MOT Wt HUM before. Could tbe City afford lo kior cwrr hi(bvi rrtdo a28 2840 WJrl Mtea' Plnnoutn S3 28 tSO-OO man put uUrty koowo ud do- erect a figure of Ibis kind over the (iordaa'a Dry S.2B 2840 iiutiowty't London Dry s.00 ao.oo portals of tbe City Hall? SCOTCH WHIttt BULK x.'iton'a London Dry 2.TB 2740 ; tee: i l jI twelve it. Block ! always lake a drink when I -Mouoltia l-OrX Bond A CO. Old Tom 240 28.00 ttodcroea't Old I'rttito Stock Dew;" tu ocr., - at ii . Black anr-ofM on get it. Prohibition has cur. It yetrt old; UBduobleiUy uoe or um ooeti OcottB wbitktet Impurled U tbit cooalry 1140 t. a lent Ur&i in, Mtp tit. tailed my usual practice and so f tbe City stock of booze ia publio Wane Mcfbroat llorto ntro Celltr SpeeUI A ftoxMit tit brtndi Uqveor 1040 1240 No Charge for Kegs, Packages tt r t two ii aijt rrva um property, I rise right here to claim l-elrr Da't "rrrtrcuoo;" t tery Boo old Itq- 1240 Ii tft ir4 try psMlrtnoa la Um my share. The question before Trtcbert oeor abUky Hlraltod Cretai; o f.recite, tuodtrd.. 1240 or War Tax i tod four tt- the house Is who owns the liooze? "Moum of I'trliuaear" 0. Hrodertoa 0 Co.. tea In moil cities, confiscated liquor jrar old. tery unllucu quality tod favor 1140 'tititac ritrtet ttmrruo) I is poured into the sewer, but as CASED GENEVA OR HOLLAND SUN things are done differently in Bottle Per Per Cao ino. tr at al4 toloro Uo rtflo- r I nee Itupert, I would suggest De ka)pert "Anchor" Genera lars tilt; im : J Um twtooa toUltod We Pay Ail Express Charges It bollle In rate: moat fainou line to' raund of grog that the City serve a UM WMkl 240 2240 I VST tad taooo tltlaWBf as a premium for tbe payment of Cold Cruae" Canadlaa Holland Oln, Urre -i-. It bollle in cote; roreromeul 'Mi v wroo, tar tu (wrtnai light and phone bills; and as an aiamp 2.78 2040 ox tt asrai ia um Uad tr ma collect delinquent inducement to CASIO JAMAICA AND DEMEKAItA "UUI CASED PORT WINK Ml rirVcd UMU-mnn tad tU taxes, for each 150.00 paid id rer I'er Per Pe mil tay uuml U. m mm Buttle Bottle Ctae . kM nuo it aol ii.txrr overdue taxes, one bottle of Scotch llurtce CUrk XXX Jtmttct; U tod pore; Ww-e A Co.. oporto. lottlld Port, red label ' ' W v uup AC1. NKU PV f good quality to be given as a tery MM S340 20.00 f year oui 2.28 2240 tad Ituoerteua o "tralartee'' Jaauira; rtnwut line 2.TS 2840 BawaT- I'Hnce of Walea" Warre A Co. 2.00 2040 K3:ft4 dtUmd iruui premium. Falling some sucu arrangement, hboerltuo'o Demertrt Hum. luvy Vjpe 2.7S 24.U4 Nif and gonurna "Pour Eayle" CtUforntt, general publio OuW Buod line old Jamaica taicr prouf BaBaBBaBaaaM1 2Lm Port; Eltra Ruby 1.78 1740 M ac4 uim, tad tbo IUU tbe la Urr imperul quart boitle; very one 440 40.00 Ktpt and Sooomt "Three Earle'" California "irfnrf UM DOfMO) tBUIMd KB-OHO hould be assembled at staled "Ue4d ttuod" It. U. Otd Detnrrtrt tover prwf I port: hubr 140 18.00 kf ui. .. . . ... .., imiarrUI watrt txiut; purity and CuM SetlTao tayle'- California Port; de ua vvprr di iiuu hours each day to receive their strraria - 4.00 40 4 ll clout navor 1JS 1240 the Dnuerara Rum tover proor. St tlmo" Concord Port . 140 840 morning's morning as long as hubrrtauo't twelve bottlea be ttaorted al quart f-fo 28.00 order for three, atx or may upply lasts. trna Uark Old MaoUUoo 340 2240 varteue of Port or Sherry. at!; o4 Uodt, la Um bum Yours truly, CASED SHERRY WINK A TIIURST- JAUAICA AND DEBURAKA RUMI -BULK tlaya tiloroat" nne 8240 82840 UtU om lat.aiiMtin Um lit Map and Soouiaa Tour Earle" California Sherry; dry 240 2040 r" mi xmr u um ilia ot OM Jamtiet hteai l over peuuf. roveriiiueot tejl. Sapa and Sooutnt "Three Karle!" CtUrorolt Special information regarding n.l tMireat tweaible to obtato: IPleOdld ft 840 Sherry; pale 1.78 1840 m dd rise lietnerart Hum. 1 ever proof, lOvcr&mcBt teat, Oold Seal -Two CtUtorolt Sherry; for ovtrdvo uttti, tbe producta of Gold Seal Ltd, eiretleot 1440 Etflea" dark navy mm; aotind. soM color 10 1440 rifuwrta t&a lutwt ova- ho have been using our columns Pure 1 ana ira Hum; llurace-CUrk; II over proof; 14.00 lMt titr r,Tirf ik.i .i ik. lately for advertising may be had II.very B. Old hoe Demertrt Mavy Rum; IT over proof .. 12.78 PORT AND SHERRY WINK -0tl. Jur. , .... from Mr. II. K. Boss, of the t.m- Pine Jamaica Hum. Li4idoa Dock; proof ttreayut 1340 rofre Imperial (Ruby: very old vtntare) 312.00 MM- - .. ItrfBeetrt Hum; alaotlard Une, proof ueo(U; el-ire Sulrra Amontillado V. S. O. P." Ao tiquUtte old press Hotel. Bee him first. If. value 1240 In la re wine of pronuuueed and pleaaant character 1040 1 tornado TiUo to tbo ttld Napa and Suouma Tour Earle" California Port . . 840 Ba OUBO T Frank Mit Mart unUn ciM Seal -Two Earle" CtUfomit Sherry MINERAL ACT BRANDT . CASED -Two a.00 - uu n- ,-Mt. t. Per Per 4old Seal tarle" Ctlltoralt Port Xapt tod Sonoma old Eaile Brand Port MUt l! Bottle Cae i" lour cuun. if toy. e lawaowiataaTe Niva and Sonoma OM Eaile Sherry ccntvicats moatlta T It boltlea. A roao 40 Si. Elmo Premier Port ' LJ0 SO Itv nan Oold Seal Three Sui -Oohl Label Very NOTtOC old Comae of eacrlleot Bar or 2S0 328.00 Miotrtl Manure- Three Star Uold Ltbel ........ JJ P.I rr.rli.m- tad "Dolly I rtbrotry. UeUiuarra Ktlrt Special MX Oold Ltbel.. . .340 30.00 OUR aUARANTEE AND WHAT IT MEAN 3. Cltita. Mlutto la tbo rorutod Cootl Mlalos llraaeaay'a Threa SUr Contt 440 4840 ft r MACLEOD. tmuton of Ctttitr DutrtcL Uuid tttinii xxxtL'kau dor) Lor re oral Wa luaraatee ta deliver your erf or fee liquor, Wboro loctlodi Oa too om tioo oi quart. I'tle Coyote -T8 3740 true ta brand, full oouat to cat, of full etreaath, I a- -Myioo,,"' Mniur rrtara Hnnmrl I TltWt.r. Utctdo Cml, It mlWi rroa tbo btd of aa noted oa apeclSe autranteet below, pure 00 to " "r ' U 11 tod II Btocl rortltod CtntL COONAO BRANOT-aULK aaeMaafBaj )eallty. Your order will be ailed Jutt aa carefully iukbjo and rledly aa though were aetectlae and -amlalnt ' rl:l Tivr. kitice Shtt L I. rrod yoo r.- tdmootoo, Alu, rtt Wo. tl.l-C) SCI Meakuw XXXX Old VlnUfe Comae the aooda otee the oounter. mm OMIBCOM tO-OO ..KiK-a omiwr of Lot if. rteo MUMrt Ph. Hlrbarda, V 8. O. P, . .. ,) tar ntniid tior ntui. rrr Gd Seal UM XkX Brandy 1 J la toovparlng our pelete remembee Old Orkney WW? it.. v lib dtf Miimti Coruflctio No. IIIT-C, Utmd. Hliall'l XXX Old Palo Comae ....... ... ...... O.O. Whlaky at 130 per eata tt 20 U.P, bottled . Vu III from Um dtto beroof. to tpply NOTE The OeM Seal Company haa la atock no other la Canada iuf a I? aftaVOB.BVAo4 Utty dtyi Prone Cenao Imported direct Irom " 1 tod H. Block It. to ibo KiulBj nettsrder roe "ruuun yran'Z. wTee pel aunk or anip Calltoralt, Spaalah or trrj wwtaT J Dewar't Special Scotch ot $23 per ctae ot IS U. P. ImprotroKBU. for tbo purpoto of obUlalot Canadloa Brenei. Vteatvnert I aoltloo la Scotland, la net worth $14.00 pee cat .latlori Artny. Crowo Ortot of um odot cituu. SI 40 pee bottle at 40 U. P. bottled la Canada ttiA rHh.. i.ka notlrt tbtl ocUon. VO- CASED RVE WHISHT aauat or ooaaaS I iitt trtllua II. mull bo eoiuawBCod boforo Per Per tbo Itiuioro of tucb Cruactto of Hnpw boitle. Boiiie Cte Jn'OTK On all above brands deduct on orders 'KUjri j conlU of II flutrl n.illrii... . n A eae a mratt. ThrM oral !" .ine yrtrt old. ror when all goods are shipped at one time only: ' tblt lllh dty of DeeBtorf . w. atandarU on tbo Weiwrn ' Dttod 30 t p. m. IT. maw ranadlaa r MtrkeL Ad m aarenouao Three bottles or more 15c each bottle. m ca.k.:-o reyl.lered braodj laryo 24.00 Six bottles or more 25o each bottle. tal Quart botUea $tM SJEN&LQNGW1LL MINERAL ACT .:"" hye- Mn year oldi aame Twelve tattles or more Case price net, no T.b.W.lS.v.. rvUJ tMM"i ccRTirioATi or itipaowBBiBiTa Wf'7 178 13 00 deduction. (One kind or assorted) ""'TARY AND HEATING ynithiiMum" .ml "SucceM" Mlnoftl ENGINEERS Jtlott. tliutto la lb." kotos Mlotos Dl .l..n rttolts filalrta s . . WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. Wtwra locttfd: AM I . . ,lJUil i, accompanied by remittance in I'ost Oillce or Kxpress Mouey Order or Cash In registered Letter. 8te for frwn too btd of All Arm. tod tboot list or further information write to CLABy price Forfull FURNACES nil. fMum Itul H r h TAka NOTICt; tbtl Lowl W. rtuooro, H 12. ROSS, Empress Hotel, Prince Rupert. G. A. SWEET, Prince Rupert. Iroo kHMft eoriiactu wo. liiit-c, o plumbing; . - k. u.i.u..iii Vllalnff tod K0. irni VI .mv inj. and ducUoa Compooy, UmlKd. IKoo.a0Va rortoool laB TEA. GOLD SEAL LIMITED LI ttl Din rroo Mirwri - .iti dart fruM UM dlM btroof. to opply to m ". R?ew' REGINA for a CortlOctio of io.prou". CALGARY 137 Water Street, Vancouver, B.C. DurtMM or obuioior s Crowa ortoi of a s ai Ikt aruVlra sIaIexIbV. . a to wo Soj av ti AND rUHTIIEH TAka nUTli.a wi I r,: HBht bo. uodtr .etloa l mutt bo eomniooeod fort tbo luuo of iucb wrwuctw w u- ru tUituti,