rax DAILY hrw -J AN EGGLESS EASIER G. H. Arnold Local News Notes j TO CONSERVE FOOD Don't T&ke Risks If your stomach is strong, your liver acti -,nA u NOTARY PUBLIO and novelties for Jf3. A Easter Cards Washington. March els regular, take care to keep them so. 1 h. March 29, at Mcftae Uros, Ltd. 74 movement to sav some 00.000.-000 SALE OF GOVERNMENT epas fr food this year bv arc important to your health. Keep them m order w5jS We Sell Ileal Estate. LAUNCH. The llev, Father Hhet arrived county wide observance of an egg back in the city last evening from L, W write Fire and Marine ,U(,ef Ianched her. to Beeches Pills Insurance. Tender will bo received at tb up river. tl.iy by prominent women bended oOlce of the District Engineer, i'y Mrs. Herbert Homer, Mr. Xew-ti.n. We have Stores, Apartments, Knights or l'yllilas will Hold a Houses, and Ofllccs for Prince Ilupirt, up to and includ Social Dance on April 8. Invila. P. Ilaker. Mrs. Medill Mr and avoid any risk of serious illness. A dose or bra fient, and Want More. log March 31st, 1918, for the pur linn nnlf. Inn? Cornilfk, and Mrs. JVII. Claxton. as needed, will help the digestion, stimulate thebik We Deal in Mortgage Loans. chase of the government Launch It wns annoiiiel fWently that and regulate the liabits. Their timely use will lave "Wakesla" complete, with engine The members of tbe Ladies' tbe tiaual fBir relUngOll the While much needless suffering, fortify the system and We Sell Timber Limits. and other equipment as it now Auxiliary of the G. W. V. .1. are llou grounds lt ISnster Monday We do Conveyancing. elands. Launch can be seen at asked to bring their sewing am would be abandoned Insure Good Health fwanson's Hoal House, Govern knitting this evening. It H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. ment Wharf. Prince Rupert, Violin Lessons. Wm. IUIa. U M-rf-Ure la Caaai.tmt U.5.AmmZZ U UTzS tSSr The successful lender must be The train from the East arrived gno. Terms moderate. Phone prepared to pay cash down and last evening a few minutes late. Green 167. 78 Several of the passengers com. I ale immediate possession. plained of the heal here on arrival The Adair Chapter, I.O.D.K. Prov. Govt. Pub. Wks. Dept Subscribe for The Daily Prince Rupert dance Is on Easter Monday. "The Daily News" On account of the heavy traflic moving to coast points the arrival CITY Or PRINCE RUPCRT of the Venture has been delayed. CLASSIFIED ADS. .notice It hereby men tht Court of She is not eipected in until some. f.Tllon for l parpote of rtTUinr and time tonight at the earliest. rtrreeunr tbe Anct Roll Of tbe aty will bt held In tbe Coun WANTED. of trior Rupert, Mrs. Leltout and Mrs. Drown rii dumber, aty HalL air or rnnee WE3TED TO REST SU or eO rootntd Rupert, oa riiday tbe t(tn aty or April. will give a whist drive and raffle bous, rkt In. With rrden prehrrtd. A.D. ttlS. rommeiwinr at IS.10 o'eiork tm Wednesday evening, March 27. 1 Applr H. E. Roa, Empraa Hotel If a.m. at eight o'clock at tbe residence All roaplainu or objeetton to aald WASTED. Otnrral SrnL fl l roootft. Aiatsiment Roll mat be made la wrltinc, of Mrs. Lelloux, Sixth Avenue. H., an. Ouimin, SUta and TtUcw it tf itxl deUrered to tbe Aiteiaor at least ten n aid of the Seal Cove Uranch uf I 10) dajt before tbe date or tb Onl alUlnr tbe Red Cross Society. CAMAOA WASTEU Vttwnrtr boj. Arpiy Ooteni or tbe laid court, ill., tbe ttth day of n.nl ItUrnpbs. It April. A.D. till. Dated al Prince Rupert. B.C tblt Ills There are few fishing boats ar- The Dominion FOR SALE. day or March AD. tflS. riving in port just now, and! roa sale. J Brctdinr pa or prtte TRED FETERS, they report extremely stormy Qty Clerk. SalaJtpL. mi Lfroorn. tontlittnr of ooc eock weather prevailing outside for the I rH and elrbt btn ir pen. m.00 per past week. The Volunteer is in I pea. Alio Crphen' SEEE.1A USD DISTRICT DISTRICT or Incubator, ItT tapa ith 3,000 lbs. halibut. Ruth 1 1 Income city and Cypher brooder, 7 apart l j QCEE.1 CHARLOTTE. .000 War Tax Apply S. McQullItn, Tr, O.T.P. lbs; Alliance 1.000 lbs. and Lillian It TAKE NOTICE that I. E. H. SUnpaon, of ,000 lbs. These catches are Prince Rupert. B.C. mariner, Intend to ap- FOR SALE Launch bulL Fully equipped.I ply for permlailon to purchase tbe follow- way below the ordinary capacity flrtt clan condition. Enquire Rovlnv I Inr described lands. uf these vessels. Club. 70 I Commenelnr at a pest planted at DOrtb- Its Meaning and Application, east corner or tb Lonr fellow Mineral FOR RENT Claim. W. P. Sortbeast corner So. 1010; LUDENDORFF HAS tbence west to chains; tbenc norta tt FOR REST. Four acre ranch at Remo rbalm: thence east t chains; thence south GREAT OPTIMISM Dominion Income War Tax Act, the at last passed session B.C About two acre! In imall fruit; f 9 chains more or less aloer sbor line THE of remainder under cultivation. For parti to point or commencement contalnlnr 40 Is now in force and all those liable to taxation under Station,culara. apply O.T.P,to B.C.p. O'Brien, Amesbury tr acres,DATED more t7Ui or January.less. ISIS. Amsterdam, March 21. fler-l the provisions of the Act must file the required returns for the e. ii. sixrsos. many Is now stronger than her year 1917, on or before 31st March, 1018. LOST By Cbaa, I. Benson. ArenL enmies In men, material, air for- ces and in tanks as well, General The Act provides that there shall be assessed, levied, and paid upon uust Finder returned return Daily soldier's Sews wrist Office. Liberal!watch. udendorff declared in an inter- the 1917 income of every person residing or ordinarily resident in reward. 7j FOR YOUR NEW SUITS iew In the Cologne Volks Zeitung. Canada, a tax upon income exceeding $1500 in the case of unmarried See ine general said tne enemy was persons and widows or widowers without dependent children, and wsi. uoia mounted fountain pen. yes terday, inltlila H.L.W. Finder please Steve King elcome to attack and would find upon income exceeding $3000 in the case of all other persons. return to kelly, Douslas 4 Coy's office. Germany ready, and that if be was Reward. 10 Prompt Cleaning A Pressing iiot Inclined to make peace be Corporations and joint stock companies carrying on business in Canada, Phone Green 418. would have to fight. no matter how created or organized, shall pay the normal tax upon uur iront in Uie west is now income over $3000. The fiscal year of corporations and joint stock V.I.SO PRIVATE Metropolitan DETECTIVE BI4f., Vanceutae.AAENCr much more favorable for us than companies may be adopted if desired. it was last year," Gen. von Luden. Day Pnone. Seymour Hit. cJoriT told tbe interviewer. Your Immediate Obligation. You are now required by law to Sirht Pbone, Fairmont ISIS. Phm). 157 Pliea "How different the situation fill out in triplicate, one or more of the five special forms enumerated Head Office, 912 Hlbtn-S B4f was must be gauged from the fact below. Read the particulars about the forms provided, then note the jos. r. filion Victoria, B. C, Phena S412. that we had to restore cairn in the form or forms that fit your case. Don't forget to make three ccj ;cs. FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR east and defeat in tbe south. Hut You keep one copy, and in the case of Forms Tl and T2, deliver two DECORATIONS now we both are stronger than the to the Inspector of Taxation for your district In the case of Forms enemy as regards men, mat erials, aerial forces, tanks. Every T3, T4 and T5, two copies must be filed with the Qmunissioncr of DENTISTRY Acorn Sign Co. thing, in fact, of which be boast. Taxation at Ottawa. ed is standing in readiness on our Penalties. Default in filing returns renders the person or persosi onoMraj AMD SMDM side in the greatest abundance. A SPEOtALTT FOR SIGNS If the enemy wishes to attack, let liable on summary conviction to a penalty of one hundred dollars for OR. J. S. BROWN him do so. If the enemy does not DaUrriBT want peace, he will have to fight. false statement in any return or in any information required by the It t iu suaca. mice aa and this fight will, of course, be Minister of Finance shall be liable on summary conviction to a Density the most tremendous of the whol not exceeding ten thousand dollars or to six months imprisonment, Prince Rupert Feed Co. war. With God's aid we will ob or to both fine and imprisonment. tain a German peace." E. H. SHOCKLEY PHONE SS .AT THE WESTHOLME FORMS TO BE FILLED IN AND FILED iSoccessor to i. L. Hlckey). Individuals. Form Tl is for all individuals having the requisite CONTRACTOR A BUILDER FOR Playing Fair.'Hhe great play income. Fill in pages 1, 2 and 3, make no marks on page 4. founded upon the story of "The BULBS Ironmaster." will be repeated al In giving particulars of dividends received, state amount received Store and Office Fixtures, the Westholme theatre this even from each company, listing Canadian and Foreign Companies scpar Sash, Door, and Mouldings, ing. Although this was already atcly. Oak and Hardwoods of all Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, shown last Iriday evening, the de- kinds. Partnerships as such need not file but the Easter Lilies, Narcissus. manu lor lis second appearance returns, individuals forming We Specialize In Hard. has been imperative. There are the partnerships must wood Boat Rlbe, Sah, many of the Westholme natrons Corporations and Joint Stock Mall Ore PremaUi AUed le. Companies must fill in Form T2, Doors, etc. uiio missed this great nhotonlav showing total income. Amount paid during the year to Patriotic and owing to the uncertainly if the Plate and Sheet Qlaaa and conditions prevailing lat Friday Canadian Red Cross Funds, and other approved war funds, should be P. 0. Sas SU. SOS Tklrd Ate. Glazing. when the snowfall affected the undcr Exemptions and Deductions. A financial statement Corner Fraser and 6th Sta. lighting arrangements so much should also be attached. In giving particulars of dividends received, PHONE .However, the opportunity afforded state amount received from each Company, listing Canadian and GREEN 26S SUBSCRIBE FOR by the absence of Mary I'ick- Foreign Companies separately. P. O. BOX 168 ford Ibis evening, is being seized. The Daily News Trustees, Executors. Administrators Ibis play is certainly one that of Estates and Assignees people will enjoy. It Is an Intense use Form T3, to state particulars of the distribution of income from piece of drama allhrough, and estates they are handling. A separate form is required for each grips the attention from start to estate and total incomes must be given as well as distribution thereof. Fishermen Notice! ,I appear finish. Charlie in 'The Chaplin Vagabond"will also and Employers. On Form T4 employers shall make a list of the nnmrs of ,everyone who has seen Charlh employees and amounts paid to each in salaries, bonuses, commis m, once wonts to seo him again. In or other remuneration wherever the combined sum of such remuneration The Cold Storage Ferti izer and Oil I'nt at I'acofl is this sketch, he is ridiculous as for the calendar year 1917 amounted to $1000 or more. This applies (ever, and brings one continuous to all classes, regardless of number of such employees. now in operation and will operate all the year round. The .laugh from the audience. The enjoyment company will buy all marketable fish and will also buy Dog which Charlie himelf Corporations Llstlnf Shareholders.-Corporations and Joint Stock Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about five cts. gets out of his antics conatitutes Companies shall list on Form T5 Shareholders residing in Canada to per fish). Halt will be provided free and all supplies can not trie least or the charms which rm ai," WcrePaId durinK the calendar year 1917, stating the be purchased at the Company's store at reasonable prices, he displays. dividends and bonuses paid to each. Special facilities ore" provided for gas boats and fishermen appear Mary this I'ickford evening,was but expected tbe steam to Don't wait till the last minute. Get the necessary forms now, and bringing their gas boats will bo allowed $25 for ex. it conveying Her Is behind time. make your Information accurate and complete. penses of trip to Paeon. Tbe plant Is located in tbo heart ana it is not expected that she Forms may be obtained from the District Inspectors of Taxation f the fishing grounds and dog fish can be caught In great win arrive in town in time. Some anal from the Postmasters unrigs are beyond the control of at all leading centres. numbers all the year round. Come to I'acofl If you wish to liio vveslholme management. make money every day fishing. Pottat$ mutt bt paid on allltUtn and documtnti forwarded Department of Finance Obi King Spear was a mei rv ni.i by mail dear, It Intpoctor o Taxation. Ottawa, Canada International Chemical Co., Ltd. And a very old dear wan Uf He called for gum, Pacofl, Queen Cha lotte Islands. Till they brought him ime, Then he shouted A u 1 'Hurrah f,.i u wccandiaaa, MoUone Wrlg-leyl Bank Building, Vancouver, B. C. Inspector of Taittlon for Pro'"0 of Brltl.h Columbia and Yukon Territory.