TUT DAILY NEWS The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN N0.:TT!F.rj4 MUTIS!! COLUMBIA llr. . xlkTTVI BISK , For lha East. tst and Wklr PublUhed Dnllf Mondays, Wednesdays and Bat. Guaranteed Larrt Cirfukfh urday at .30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE; From the East. Duly News Buildinff. Third Avenue. Prince It ipe; t. T?. Sundays. Tuesdays and Thurs- The c ddy that TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - cc .tr I' ( days at 6 JO pan. benef cUl to Is teeth Contract Hates on application. Tor Vancouver: and s;omach is best Tuesdays p.tni DAILY EDITION. 3v Monday, Apr.I 1 1918." Thursdays lup.nir. for all Saturdays 4n TO ASSIST PRODUCTION. eng-ines. and the other fittings From Vancouver for fishing beats are as neces Already the question of Sundays .10 p.ra, .1 Pacific enast -iaJLPl to the as wheber the duty shall be removed ary idnrntlayB 10 JO a.m tractors and agricultural m. upon agricultural im Pn- Saturdays to the massages plements are prair.i plements so as to assist greatet and And the Pacific fisher, farmer. production of food studs in For Anyoz: strengthens vie ilh the the man can prairie Canada, or not, has caused the 10 Sundays p.m. farmer In the production of cums. Keeps free Trade and Protectionist 10 teeth E.wTci Wednesdays p.m food stuffs. Cheap producuuti l if sections of the Union Govern LLETT CO.LTD. clean and is equally necessary in earti HI TO0rrO,CAA& 1.3 breath clash in ment's supporters to the Dominion Parliament. This case, and the argument for the Tuesdays From Anyoi: ....a.m sweet, allays thirst remission of the duty upon ag . is one of the questions upon Thursdays pan. aids appetite ricultural implements applies and which the West has been prac tically united Tor a long time. with equal force to fishing appliances. there are fewer people who For Port Simpson and Naas River aigestlon. They"feel too keenly the neces "dearly love a lord," for his points: sity for the introduction of ag n lordships sake. Sundays 10 Keep DUKE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA p.:n I -After I YOUR boy at ricultural implements into It has ta be remembered that ) Even the London Times has number of the the front supplied. Canada as cheaply as possible. a very great From Port Simpson and Naas Av The payment of a large import a corresiKindent who is protesting emigrants who left the shores River Points: every duty, over and above the cost against the granting of of the old countries of Europe of modern machinery is one of herelitary titles to the citizens did so just to get rid of this Tuesdays a.m the things that the farmer kicks of the various overseas daughter "class distinction' which is Queen Charlotte Islands: Ik "7 The about, and with good cause, nations of Great Britain. made so evident in the older e. For MasseU, Port Clements and too. "Does the government realise tablished countries. Many of It the Canadian farmer could the very strong feeling existing the revered institutions of the I'pper Island points: Flavour purchase agricultural implements in Canada, South Africa, Australia "eld country" are laughed at by February 27lu 2 pun manufactured in Canada and New Zealand against the sturdy democracies which March 13th and 27th 2 pjn. From Masset, I'urt Clements and Lasts at the same price as they are these old world frills being have developed across the sold for in the United State, it tacked onto their citizens?" the oceans, and in many instancesj Upper Island points: March 1st, l&tli and 2th (hour would not matter much what correspondent asks. rightly so. too. duty the Government imposed, This matter has been already The spirit of the age is uncertain; but the trouble is that the Canadian voiced in the provincial parliament, against the perpetration of sueh For Skidegate, Queen Charlotte manufacturer charges and in the House of Commons indivious distinctions, and the City and Lower Island points: nearly as much as the United at Ottawa. The practice sooner the powers that be recognise March 4th and 18th 2 pan States goods cost with the duty of bestowing knighthoods to this, the less ridicule From Skidegate, Uueen Charlotte added. This duty on implements Nminent citizens is not objected they will have to put up with. City and Lower Island points: is frankly a protective to so much. It is when a Vk. H. X. March Cth and 20th pun. duty, designed so that the Canadian knight becomes a baronet, and AMID ANCIENT SCENES. manufacturer may be enabled his title becomes perpetual until The progress of the Dritih For Stewart, I'ort Simpson, Maple to soak the Canadian consumer the family dies out, that is arms continues 1 o maintain Hay and Swamp point: by just the amount of objected to. This particular writ tain its rale in the middle Iiasl, February 28th. 10 pjn. this duty. er is curious why "earldoms, the eradle of our civilization, March 14th and 31st 10 pjn. The removal of the duty from marquisates, and dukedoms' (last of the Jordan, and West not only farming implements, should not also be created for of the Euphrates the contest From Stewart, I'ort Simpson, but on many other things, deserving citizens overseas between1 the descentents of Maple Day and Swamp point: which are so necessary for the from the court of St. James, Jacob and Esau still goes on. March 4th and 18th pjn. development of a new country and wonders whether in the and the Edo mites are getting like Canada, is one of the things year 2,000 there will not be a the worst of iL From the first Alaska and Yukon Territory: which will have to be faced, and Lumberman called the Duke of lime in history, the "land promised From March 2nd ajn. faced bravely in the immediate British Columbia, or some big to Abraham and our forefathers" LAND REGISTRY ACT future, no matter which or farmer on the prairie dubbed as chanted in our I (Section IS and lll. ' what government might be in the Marquis of Saskatchewan. -churches so often, seems about power. The continued welfare It is a pretty speculation, be to eime under the dominion to Application no, lil t, Mll-t, lll-L of the Dominion demands quite cause if the thing is started at f one race. F r o rii mad TAKE lo ROTICE rrtMr Fran tbat application W Hart, of baa Prise fera a lot of changes in the effete all. the overseas dominions of the river of Ilgypt unto the Rupert. B. C a owner la fee amder roar tariff system which is at present the empire have as much right great river Euphrates, the Tax Sal lMda from Um Colb-ctor of Um in vogue between this to boast of marquises, earls and promised land was to extend, City of Prince Imparl, beennt data Um country and the United States. dukes as they have to the humbler but never even,in the time of Sal ttta Deed day of dated.Hot ember.ffnd day HIT.of and September on Taa The same argument applies I baronets. the glory of Solomon, when ancient 111, of ALL AMD IIXOULAR tbal certain to the coast, which is so much It will not do. however, in this Israel attained to the pare: or tract of land and prenuaee tltueu, interested in the fishing indust- j twentieth century A. D. The height of her power, dkl her Urlnr and teas, m um air of Prtnco Ma ry. Take for Instance, the world has been pestered with -borders extend so far. It svm pari,aertbed mora aa Lou particular!;aavtn T) and known Oftraa and ll.de Let "Sunliglie' duty imposed upon gasoline dukes since the early chapters as if in these latter days, tin-ancient Block iwalT (ID. Lot lwl (If). Block engines, with which nearly of Genesis how many people prophecy is eotiiln? to rvrty-alfbt MS, and Lota tnuiy lnr every fishing boat is, and has know of the first duke? and in its fulfilment. (Hi and UUrtz-four lf. Block nitr-oo Dispel the ill), all la Sacuoa ElxHt l. til Map to be fitted. Marine gasoline this year of enlightenmenL From the time of Seinirainis, Von are required lo coatee! Um claim of F 7 that vague shadowy figure. the tai parcltaaer wttnln II daj from Um dimly outlied at the dawn or data of Um Mrlce of lal notice wnlcli Gloom may m effected by pusUcatioa la Um history until the blighting, tti-fluence frinc Hupert ttaUy Newt), and your at S. S. PRINCE RUPERT of the Turk fell upon lentlua la called lo section ! or Um this land, this was one of the 'Land HrtUtry Act" wlta ajnendnMou, and choicest and richest lands la tna following tract Uwrtrrun THE shadow of a Mue sailing-Wednesday "and In default of s cateal or cerUScau docs known. It was capable of. and not of lie pendena belnr Sled be rare to retU 9.00 ajn.for Swanson Bay and did support millions of inhabitants I ration a owner or Um peraua wuued fall across the uth Vancouver. in former ages, and its tinder tucb tax sal, all peraone o erd of those vho Sunlirbt wealth was famous over the with no lire. ... and lno claimmt use S.S. PRINCE GEORGE then known world. tnroutn or under uwm, anr all peraoot Soap. For this soap cuts rJauainf any larel In Um land by virtu With the removal of the corrupting of any unrcruwred Uuirumet and all labor In half. Wednesday Midnight to Any ox. influences of the Turk. peraou cUiminf any Inured It. M una Thursday Midnight for 8wanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, ih administrators, and by t't by deeccal wno Utl U not i.utera And the nightmare of Victoria and Seattle. under tn prorUkn or tola Act, iu te application of modern methods for r topped and debarred trow clothes licing ruhlcd to 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. or irrigation and fanning, ellinr up any claim lo or In rpeci ol Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. there is no doubt that the waste in land o sold for taiea, and Um heiU shreds disapjicars vhen places will again blossom, and trar anal! rriir Um penon tnuilad under you learn the gentle Sunlight ucb tax mm a owner or in land TRAIN SERVICE the rough places be made plain ao sold for uxea," FMiencer Btoadar, aVadaeedar and Saturday si 1 1 JO a.m. for Smltnen, Although there is little In fur AND WIICRCAS appUcaMs baa been way. Print Oeonr. Edmonton and Wtnnipcs, mattnt direct connection for all matiun coming through a to madoffor a Ceruacate of Indefi ulLle TIU Sunlight is Soap as point tul aad (otitn. pure to Um abova-nMnUoned the progress of the vast Irri land, In Um naiu of rrank W. Ilarl. as sunlight itself. A gation scheme under the sup AND WIIEIltAS on Inteauiaunr Aponoy All Ocean Steamship Lines. ervislon of 8ir John Willock, Utl It tna $5,000 appears tnal prior to tna I tin day guarantee ay you For iuformation and reservations apply to suiiioiem is Known or tue results of October, 101 (Um data on whlca Um cannot find a tingle adulterant aid lande wtr aold for overdu City Ticket Office, KM Third Avenue. PHONE 260 of what has already been you wre Um retiiMred and aiteeaed uie owner in tin or impurity dune to Justify the belief that a atatad Ulow. the work will be pushed for rUHTIIEH TAKE NOTICE tbal St UM cake of concentrated waru wiiu an speed, and ex am tuna 1 (ball affect recuiraiion In cleanliness. tended as far as possible. ruiwiKf oi aucn application and lnu s Cruflcu of ladefeaaUiM Till lo Um said With the total destruction Und In lb nam of rrank W Ilarl unlet of the Turkish forces in the Hit yui take and proaecuw tna proper pro-ceedinr PACIFIC RAILWAY nreas of Mesopotamia, 'lie wcy lo labliib your culm. If any, will bo lo Um aaid Und. or to prtnt uca pro-poaed opened for a further advance acuon Sunlidhf on my part. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points northwards, and before Dated ai tue Land Itetuiry Office, prlnc long It may be that Me snot nupen. o. u, uu istta day of February via Steamer to Vancouver and the 4. D. forces will be enabled to Joiu Canadian Pacific Railway Hands with the Palestine forces ". P. MACLEOD, DUtrlet Itecitlrar or Tin.. Meals and Berth included on Steamer of (lenerul Allenby for the ad To r. W. CUyaon, i-rine Huperl, af c, vance upon Aleppo- .-...u owner or uou II and II Block i uianc I'uniii, Edmonton, Alia.. rr Tom, Tom, the Spearman's lird and aad owner of Lot it FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND 8EATTLE son. Block 11, and sold for uie on 1 1 lb day Htoie a wrlgley box and away he of September, till; v gir.ub. ... Sold Iy all proorr. SS. Sophia Mil from Prince Rupert April Snd, 1 1 in, llrd. May Ird. 14th. rum Powll SL, Vancouver, B. C atu.i.rf Each stick he owner of Lou T and II, Block It, tltb. and Jum lib. chewed his health bb v--MMAMaiflBdkansaSK 1 renewed Hfiiii inu itiiu SS. roval Mil from Print Rupert a.m. April Ita. 1 1 in, and Itn. And helped his uppetlte for foodl DENTISTRY W7! mm The above lalllnr are lubjtcl to clans or ctoetlUtloa without noil, Hut his rather said "The boy is i wise, I let him do it to advertise! CROWS) AND BNI woaia W. C. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent. Hlnce I quit my piping and bought a SriOIALTV this store OR. J. 8. BROWN Co Fourth Street and Third Aeenua, Prfnc Rupert. ner B.C. I'm selling Wrigloy s gum galore!' DMTirr Oauai BIU) Sltoak, TMrd atenae Advertise in the Daily News. Subscribe for The Daily News