Monday Ap, I i GERMANS ARE SuLL ! G. H. Arnold ACTIVE IN RUSSIA rtoPlCKHWD Quality First OfALITT has always been the blr oulslsndinr rtn- t , NOTARY PUBLIO (Special to Tha Dally Mwt) Pcbccci IHrtlv FLOUR." ihl qualltr fM If renesi us nritm m of the rolden ripe Canadian Hard Wheal from which 1 II' London. Aitril i. A new ad- of WvbraahBnn ni M m milled. ivance by tlio Germans In Hussfa fVfcron CSCturf QUALITY la the mal southi 111 all the etacilnr lab , We Sell Heal Estate. Is noted in London dispatches. which "ROVAL STANDARD" pae i our modem .ratorv , Wt write Fire and Marine This movement Is In the neigh, plant. And It IS the am dependable Ql'ALITV Out niml,tn.k i "iiinr Insurance. bourhood of Kursk, some three hundred miles south of Moscow. ROYAL STANDARD Ve have Apartments, Stores, An official Austrian statement FLOUR Houses, and Offices for denies that tho llolshcvlki forces the choice of so many diserlminaiinr Imusewive today Itent, and Want More. have recaptured Odessa, tho great "noTAL standard t milled under the novernment n. , We Deal in Mortgage Loans. Russian seaport on tho Mack sea. much superior to other Hours a u was in the pest n ,. We Sell Timber Limits. de Inte stronr. full-bodied, first in nutriment ami IhhIv t We do Conveyancing. GERMAN LONG-RANGE ROYAL STANDARD RYE FLOUn, !' OUNS AGAIN SHELLING Foil tho housowifo who withes to practice si ill i'"Mtr THE CITY OF DUNKIRK servallon In her bread making the addition r con. H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. Uoyal Standard Hye Flour" will produce a (l,,IlKlltfllly" ! ''Ml. of I raris, March 30 Reports reached wholesome loaf and correspondingly reduce tin-other Ulh ..,1,1 Paris today to the effect that Flour used. of the channel port of Dunkirk, Ask for "Royal Standard" today. which has been bombarded Intermittently News" "The Daily by tho Germans with Leek fee la "Circle V long range guns, has been tinder en ry Sack. CLASSIFIED ADS. ilre again for several days. Bhowing at the Westholme tonight The number of victim is placed WANTED. as high as tewnty, and the material MARY PICKFORD IN damage is said to have ben THE ROLE OF REBECCA WAITED to buy from owner, Iwo (l severe. Local News Notes OF 8UNNYBROOK FARM or more- loll in Section aeeen. Nusl A HOT BATH THE be cheip for cash. Apply Box 110. Dally News omre. Boys' Halbrigan underwear C5c The Westholme Theatre is certain a garmen'. Wallace's. 75 Ail Fools' Day. to be crowded this evening, MINUTE YOU WANT IT PARTY with Salmon Stinlnr outm wants when Mary I'ickford appears play, to bear rrom party with licence In rood White shoes and -AVal- You are a.-. The Daily News delivered by pumps u8.,med lo location. Apply Box Ht, Dally New tug In Hebecca of H tinny brook 1 .airier, 50 cents per month. lace's. tf felting cold wa'.rr tn. offlce. tf Farm. The story itself would be i r- 3 i i itanlly. Tbi a A tha sai because it is condition, 40-10 Mr. W J. of Charlotte n great attraction WASTED. Boal in food Smith, Queen israetion of gnt,( Cock-a-doodle duml feet; fallible for halibut ntblnr. -Apply Islands Is in town. one of those ones which once iff H Water In the Box Daily ews Offlce. My dame has lost her gum. . . read, sticks In the memory like sam .i WANTED Younr ladle wublnr to Uke My Master's gone to get her some. The Adair Chapter, I.O.DJJ. Uncle jfToms Cabin, or tho Wide, abundance,how rpgar it-: 1 a three year course In nurtinr.. .Write She'll be all right when he has dance is on Easier Monday. Wide World, and other household bfore.much his b. u o4 Lady Superintendent Prince Rupert come with Wriglcy'sl tales. I Mary. . 1'lckford. however, General Hospital, for application formj American Lady Corsets all lends an added attraction because MOT WATCn I K UCIC and further Information. 10 T- styles 1 1.75 to $5, Wallace' of her own distinctive personality. FOR SALE (75) 'I consider 'Hebecca of Sunny-brook Harry Haason Farm' sreat because it lint Wni. . Bi t IOn SALE riano Player and fine (election Knights of Pythias will hold a an undying record of the rirj! this of Music. bone Red t67. l you c v Social Dance on April 8. Invlta- unmterful ulnrv. I hav cnioved FOUND lions only. laP2!rvcry minute of this production, PHONE Z9 P.O. BOX3J5 Department of the .Naval Service. ,t T I 'because I run around in short jjjjj jjTi iiji.jjjjjjjjjjjj'j..iijj'fjrffifi, FOUND on the Wharf, pair Ejrerlasses, Violin Lessons win. iiaia-- ,, ... ... inn l iA .I UtrD&VV, UHU Ukk ...I' Finder may recelre them from rrelrbt Terms moderate. Phone ' TENDERS FOR SCHOONER gno. nKviiv. nnnUil......... . In... ti" lift t)lH Arent, O.T.P. for coat of this adtt Green 107. I-Q " J ..v "NADEN" ' .star hefsclf.- "I have seen houses roUND. Pair Ererlasses. Owner may TENDERS addressed to the tinders!aned. ,when I was a litllo girl. Just like bare I hem at Dally .New Office for cost .New Shipment curtain goods- FRED STORK'S HARDWARE of this advertisement. 71 and marked mi the envelope "Tender for h home of the aunl. , vU , Schooner 'NadenV will be received up to scrims nets, laces, cretonnes. lne p,clufe Ks,ung coPrPt, FOR RENT and Includlnr the Twentieth Day of April. AC., N allace s. 7 ,( keep ou( ,le dust rl ISIS, for Schooner .laden," as the (land FOrt CANNERYMEN FOR REJIT. Four acre ranch at Remo. at .New Westminster. B.C That holiday fee ling was quite and'everything scrupulously elenn Wa have added to our stock of valves and pipa a i rk Dimensions and tonnare aa follow: wanUl, lo ;an(1 , have n,way, po B.C. About two acre In (mail fruit; line of (lubber Helling at right prices. rt. toth. apperent oday. while the i weather remainder under cultlraUon. For particular, :nroun1 nnd mu lh,nps up. nn,f Lenrtn SO 0 is FOR FISHERMEN quite in keeping with Laster apply to P. O'Brien. Atnebury ,, , did ,n nebecca'-not be- Breadth to I A complete stock of the best goods that Station. O.T.P.. B.C tf milMnery money i fcuj f Depth S cause it was In the slory. hut slm- trolling Spring Ilrass, 8llver and Ilr Orott tonnare tOO.fS 1 Ml Overhauling boats and gas en- ',rSeca!6 r Tf Retlster tonnare FOR THE WATERFRONT V.I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY come when I get Tender mutt be acrompanved ,by a gines has been the favorite e. ; 20 Metropolitan Bid., Vancouver. The celebrated Maple Leaf Palnln and Yarnlthrs ven for the times I had In wit". ertlfied cheque for 10 per cent of tender ...n.iinnnv.Pih..M... price, which will be returned to untuc w.. "v v vuu aiuuud my feet on the door mat and be paint "FLOllLAZK" A complete line of Ship Day Phone. Seymour 4441. tne txial owners, getting ready i HUM Phone, Fairmont SOU, '-esstiil tenderer. careful not to leave finger marks FOR,EVERYONE for trial Succesiful tenderer will be required to trips. complete payment befor taklnr delivery on the chairs." A fine stock of Hardware, flurney's Oi' -d tn Had Offlea, 312 rllbbwt-ttone Biff. of schooner. Messrs. Silversides llros. are Wa Sell Nothing But The Beat. Victoria, B. C-, Phone S412. 50 Ladies' Hhoea 5 values The Department doe not bind Itself to Pairs having an addition constructed on accept the birbest or any tender. for $3.90 Wallace's. tf O. J. DESBARATS. lo their business premises, which Deputy Minuter or the .Naval Service. will enable them to undertake FRED STORK'S HARDWARE hens. I'nathorlied publication of this adver .Phon carriage painting. 157 FOR YOUR NEW SUITS tisement will not Ce paid for. apll t7. Bee JOB. P. FILION The Trio was in this morning CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT with 4,000 lbs. halibut; Tide 1.000 ! Steve King FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR lbs; the price realised being lit-, Advertise In The Dailv Newi DECORATIONS Notice I hereby riven that a Court of and 16c. The Post also brought! Prompt Cleaning A Pressing RevUlon for the purpose of revltlnr and Phone Green 418. correctlnr the Assessment Roll or the City in some 800 lbs. of spring salmon, The Paper that get Quick Result! of Prince Rupert, will be held In the Coun which fetched 17 He. Acorn Co. Sign cil Chamber, City Hall. City of Prince Friday the teth day of April. Rupert, on The death has occurred of Mrs. A.EC ill. commenclnr at 10.10 o'clock FOR SIQNS a.m. J.H.McOill. mother of MrsJ.ltos. All complaints or objections to said 701 Fifth Avenue. The funeral Assessment Roll must be made in writing, arrangements are in the charge of j and delivered to the Assessor at least ten This is the II. C. Undertakers. I ( 10) day before the date of the first sltUnr E. H. SHOCKLEY Keep of the said court, lis the 16th day of I National April. A.D. It it. L. A Serbian has been apprehend (Succeor to J. L. Illckey). Dated at Prlnea Rupert, B.C. this tlih ed by the Police and will be formally Service CONTRACTOR A BUILDER day of March A.D. tttl. arraigned at the Police Court FRED PETERS, .. Sats.Apl.tO. City Clerk. tomorrow morning on a charge of Store and Office Fixtures, theft, in the Hoyal Hotel. A brooch Chickens Sash, Door, and Mouldings, S KEEN A LAND "DISTRICT DISTRICT OF composed of two half sovereigns Oak and Hardwoods of all QUEEN CHARLOTTE. was missing. Tho holiday excitement kinds. TAKE NOTICE that !, E. II. Simpson, or also brought two drunks. They Prince Rupert, B.C., mariner. Intends to apply We Specialize In Hardwood for permission to purchase the follow-ln Mr. Jimmie Marker, who ha-been The cost of meat is the heavy Boat Rib. Sash, described lands. In charge of the wirelr will help item Doors, eto. Commenclnr at a post planted at northeast in the food bill. corner of the Loorfeltow Mineral station at Ikeda, in leaving nov Plata and Shwt Glass and Claim, W. P. Northeast corner No. 1010; fi r Alert Hay station. Mr. llarket Glazing. chains;thence west thence to east chains;tS chains;thence thence north south to is well known in lrinr llnnort' Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you Corner Frasep and 6th 8ts. to chains more or lest alonr snore lin.lan(J ,natle "any friends here at. take the place of meat. former years- Mrs. Marker ha- to point of commencement containtnr 40 acres, more or less. gone lo victoria to visit for a few PHONE GREEN 26S DATED 17th Januarr. ISIS. months. The food that goes to the garbage How to go P. O. BOX 158 E. II. SI Mr so. By Ctiit. I, Benson. A sent. pall from the average table will provide about it The train from the Kant yhicl was due last evening has been one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to BUY f klck.l.far hmm kstrfclet m huf a t-U stalled at Kwinltsa by another 10 hens. BM utlBrial SrwJw. slide. Its arrival has been ex. hea latt4.4 pMkUffcM chkk. t4 tke ik',k peeled hourly nil day, but tht? Poultry will thrive where tm4 mmU mM la mUk vegetables KMi4 4rr. I! St Fishermen Notice! soonest ft is now expected is between will not 4.f. alterurlaS wtch fltf'4 grow. The 5 mid 6 o'clock- Today' outlay Is small. hUk ld. m saiwli XT train left on time, ait it' was ex. A few minutes a day Is all the time a U1 haagrj Ml ms rSvWk cUa.a aaikl RsaMaikM. The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at Pscofi is peeled Hint the lino would be required, ciAunoM. cikki sat; .cleared its nrriva'l tt f4 Mailt at Ul 4t kw.aU, up ipon now in operation and will operate all the year round. The Ibaa If sprtal. Kwinltsa. For tho next month or company will buy all marketable flsh and will also buy Dog so. slides caused by (he thaw up A small flock In your back yard will rttt If you or chlckti cn, ttart If srrsn lih Fish at fifteen dollars per Ion (equivalent to about Ave cts. river may be looked for. go far to keep you supplied with eggs, at one with the locsl poultry per flsh). Halt will be provided free and all supplies can broilers and roasters. faJI.saocUtlou lor pullttt In tbt be purchased at the Company's store at reasonable prices. TROUBLE BREAKS OUT Special facilities are provided for gas boats and Usher-ten IN QUEBEC CITY W 11 bringing their gas boats will be allowed 125 for ex. r rvrue for Poultry Bulletins to Ouebec. March 30. The Iroops senses of trip to Pacofi. The plant Is located In the heart here wero called out tonight, after of the fishing grounds and dog fish can be caught In great Ihe French-Canadian anlLcon-scrlpliontsts INFORMATION BUREAU numbers all the year round. Come te Pacofi if you wish to had wrecked two WaftK S BsssssssKfI YA salt money every day fishing. newspaper olllces, and set fire to THE DOMINION (lie Auditorium theatre . Order Restored. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, International Chemical Co., Ltd. Ouebec, March 31 Queber city is unlet today. Tho troops are OTTAWA Paoofl, Queen Cha lotts Islands. patrolling the streets. The mayor II0N0UKAI1U MARTIN BURRILL, Is Investigating certain grave eeeweM charges against the ipillre.