i!." April . . W1IL.I HIVHD I I - ' " RED CROSS NOTES. BktE!,r,A...A-"D bUTRICT MSTRICT 01 AKEEJIA LARD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or SKEENA LARD DISTRICT -MlTRICT OP SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP BsniJii CHARLOTTE ISUHDS Ol lEfl CIIAHLOTTE ISLANDS QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Mr. rMlvemldei. and Mra. Jlarr TAKE NOTirr tk.i ... .......... or TAKE NOTICE that Aleisnder L. Suther-ijni. TAKi; NOTICE that Tbomaa Peterson, of TAKE NOTICE that Elisabeth Sutherland, mrcii win nave....cnarae of lh Vn Pflnra ftutrt n r t PrSaee tnipert, B. C. miner, In-i' frlitce Rupert. B. C, Bsbemati, Ihtetidt to of rrtnc Rnpert B. C. married woman, .1 - &J t pply for a hern PARALYSIS uay rnio in iiome 'iookitiir In Iifblum m t ...i ii in apply fur a license to prospect for 11'r f"T a lieense to proapau Ut ccal and intends to apply for a license to prospect uca uro liul on Third Avenue. orrr ih foitowinr daicrlbrd .! u,'i pHfateum over lira followlnt de-' petrufetiin over tbe followlnt described far coal and petroleum over tba followlnt J ne J'ort Simpson Kniitim "i coatl of Moresby li-isns. ' iw-n lirtos n tb West Coast of Moresby lands cm the Wast Coast of Moresby Island: described lands on tba West Coast o ti..ft. i . . . I mil coiraiwnttnr tt s pott planted about Island: Comroenctnt si a post planted Coriiincnrin at I post planted about too Moresby Island: Commeaclnt si a post Quickly oiuu no again aent in Iwrnty-llv enteriy ffom , i9etui m tbt about i rntie easterly from a post located yard easterly from I pott located tm the planted about too yard easterly from a pni!t-a-ils" palra of eockg, which arc acknuw point nor of iba ran side of Canoa Pan at a hi the share af the east tlda or Canoa f'ssi stem on tr easterly tide of Canoe Past, pott located on the snore on the easterly about Cbronfc Trouble (edged with thanks. nc.rt from Bork I miles northerly alont the at a point about I miles northerly slont and si a point about T miles northerly side of CatKie Pus. and st a point about 7 Rtfsfed TMs rmnii th.n. I lie shore from Bark PtAnt; thence north tkjnt the shore from Bock Point thence miles northerly slont the short from Bock The KaMern 8lar (iJcllnt Chan. ntlhij Ibenea weM 10 cnilni, thence s chains; tbenca east 10 chains i tbenca south 10 chains; tbenca west 10 chains; Point; thence north SO chains; thence east uaut 8rtt, Motrrmuu terj haa aenl a donation of f SO.on north it chainii tbenea eaal so chains to south IS chains- tbenca west SO chains to thrnre north II chains; thenc east II S0 chain, thence south 10 chains; thence T.m ep man, no other medicine Mr. O. II. Arnold ha alio aeni a point of eommBeeiniit. pu4M of ex-auneneetnent. chain to point of commencemenL wt 0 -hslns to point of fommenccnic&t DAXIEL L. tCTHERLANO, THOMAS ELIZABETH cheque for 16, being Be rti..u. a . ALEXANDER L. SUTHERLAND, PETERSON, SUTHERLAND, cormiiUiion - By lltns E. Cbrlstenten, stent By Charles E. Bu.'test, stent on Mciory Ilonds, holh of which Located "ovember lltb HIT. Lortted By Charles E. Borress, stent. Located November 10th. HIT. Located November Htb. HIT. Nsrember these com- tlth If 17. ij tfiif-roffrom are acknowledged with thank. The I'EEHA URD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP f iccurtion,Mule,broofht memberi of the Ited Crona OtTEfl CHARLOTTE ISLANDS g KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP OLE EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Oi r.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ,-, Ilxecutive are asked to remember OLEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS JhUUhuH Tartlytii i ,f , .,! , ''.! thud ktt. brlehlnf ri the monthly buslnen meeting m TAKE NOTlCt thai nrrtu1 rii .i TAKE NOTICE that Peter Jensen, of TAKE NOTICE that Allle E. Burtess, of Wjv tne trourt Houfe on Saturday af rrtnc Rupert B. C clerk, lnietuli tit an. TAKE NOTICE that Betty Knott, of Prince Prince Rupert B. C, Bsbermao, Intends to Prince Rapert B. C, married woman. Intend ternoon at 3 o clock ply for a Ueenaa to prospect for coal and Rupert. B. c, nurse, intends to apply for sppty for a Ucenw to prospect for coal and to apply for a license to prospect for petroleum over Um rotlowlnr described a license to prospect for coal and petroleum petroleum over tba followlnt described noel and petroleum over the followlnt described 'oced to trr Trult-a-uW Jlra. McMordie'a clans. Klnir landi on the Wit rna.i- v.r mv.vw uM.i. imww.t.i... vrr the faftowlnt described lands on tbe land on Um West Coast of Moresby It-land lands on tbe West Coast of Moresby ( Wl ux montbi I hate been Kdward School are thanked for Commenclnr at a post planted about I Wt Cuast of Moresby Island: Ccmmene-int : ConinxDcltif at a post planted about Island Commeuelnt st a post planted a A KOSKXllUIta. their monthly contribution .r uiw raaieny rrom a post located on the at a poat planted about I mile easterly to yards easterly from a post located on about too yard easterly from a post w.r bor af UM eat! aid nf raima fa at from a pest located em tbe shore of Um tbe shore on the easterly tide of Canoe locate on the shore on the easterly side of V trial l25e. 1.89 fur March. Also Mlsa Itoth ,ww 6foi $2 50, point about I miles northerly alont the east atde of Canoe pas at a point about rtss, and at a point about 7 miles northerly Canoe past, and at a point about 7 miles , a., i-ri or sent potpld by well a class Div. 3, for 12.98 for -"r i rem doci roinii tbenca south so mile northerly alant the shore from Buck ahtnt the snore from Back Point; thence northerly alont tbe shore from Buck , I n!td, otim, the Prisoner of War fund. chains: fbene east ss rhama- ttuM PotM; thence north 10 chain thence west south SO eliaini; thence east SO chains: Point thence north to chains; thence wist The glrla of the Vimr Hlda-e IS chains; tberKe west II chain to point is chains; tbrnec south II chains; thence tiMMe north St chains; tbru. west to castas; tlx nee south as chains; thence MINERAL ACT o commencement. east SS chains to point of commencement. chains to point f commencement east SO chains to point of commencement Knitting club, in charge of Miss GERTRUDE E.HOTT. BETTY ICWJTT. PETER JENSEN, AUJE E. BL'ROESS, Tallander and Miss Tintrley, made Br liana t ChrtitMun . By Hans k. Cbrlstensea, atent By Htnt K. Chrtitenten. arenL By rhsrtes r. Rrtr, ssrnt. eUTiriCATt Or IMPROVE-EKTa a great success of the sale last Located Hovember 1IU( HIT. Located Naennber I Oth HIT. I Located November 10th HIT. Located November Htb. HI7. DtlM Friday In spile of the wet weather . . ..i,-.. 4 !!!T MlBrl IC3.60 being the amount realised. OT :3i. a um Portland Canal M tutor Mr. Johnson of Vancouver who f Wr Plaint. gave a demonstration of cooking firt torllA) O UM MM IJ !MO , II "es from the Wad also added to the interest of the afternoon VZ. r) v thai I J. Pred Rllchle The winners and the givers of rtiflrtM 5a I4TI-C) set w ltWfi the article raffled were as follows: tircl er RefUMio mw, rrw at M mmu .la IIIT-C Intend. Mr. Bulger gave a cup and ... te tlx daw hereof, to trull saucer won by Sheriff Shirley: .. ,. Br rrwr tor s wnimiw si . Fulton Market (Mr. Thomas flh MmM or Miuimm Introducing . T Uf .IKTT rum sack flour, won by Miss Iloching; renter uii notice that action, no- Mr. Allen .box candy, won by Mr. . . Joe Hutchinson; Mr. J. Lindsay, . mrnnrmlm M Infmn. a, fruit cake, won by George Hill; t&t Wt Utk 04 7 of December, A. D. Dorothy Nunan, kid gloves, won by V. H. Cornish; Margaret Lindsay. MINERAL ACT worked handkerchief, won by The Famous "Staff" Family Miriam Lando; Lorna Tile, cream (prrcm o uraovMiRTi and sugar set, won by Mrs. C J. Graham; Mrs- S. D. Macdonald, ftTICf sugar, won by Agnes Grant: Mr. MrisVaaiV tad Soe"' M Inert! G. Arnott, lace collar, won by Mr. of Good Drinks to the . aw hi Oh Sterns Ml slur Dtrl. M. Carroll; Annie Killen and Lila nr. tortus At . I BUMS Westerly Carroll, box candy, won by J. II. Pillsbury; Frit Rebuilt, tobacco. afc (na the Seeca, won by A. J. Lancaster; Munro till kpriCE that Lewis W. PsUaore. Ilron honey and lea. won by J. S. People of Prince Rupert. ,m eertiatst Ma. tttlt-C, a Carmichael: II- D. Rochester, box ster Jmlied, Woo Personal cigiarette. won by W. II. Tobey; Lut lei Floss, box candy, wnn by A. di smi Kiir curs iraa ib oil L. Tlnjrley; Margaret Ilowness, plant, won by Llta Carroll. Anonymous Is thanked for a donation of 15 to the sale last Friday. (9 r i-iu -me HOTICt UMI trUaa ' fca I ' ksI t rtxnmrnrvd be at latet "J ie-k Caruarml of lis COAL NOTICES ktCIA LAD WSTWCT MSTIUCT Of SPAMhUG Ot'lX.1 CHAItLUTTK ISLA.1DS Seeds! Seeds! Tit nortcx ai u iuH r. f rna Hajwru B. C, tnictaf, Uia4 to Ifty for a iieter 14 prot for cob! NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of ad prtnttum vr Um loUovlar actcrUwS nr', Ftrry't and Steele Unit om Um Wnl Com! ef MorMbt ItUad. rare delietot-sneas and flavor; clear as crystal, Hg8i Cardan and Field Cuaunnatrlnr at a post p:KMl abovl Ik ef sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full a satw MMtUwaiirrtf frua a paat kctd ssi Um star of a somU Sir openina oal bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected fmillitft and Wo(m Da- i4 Caau I'u UImi Morwr aad CtU ItUada, atwut i aalles aorUwrt stoat Um " ripe fruit. Try a glass of Applestau todays order Mortby UUad slat of Canua Tsm tram T eseawsssasf laBBBBBBBBB aaaaaaaw KI, Crtln and Mill Fd. kuck runt; I bract soath t ctMlns) Uwsc oo a case for the home. Ntt' I rbsinsi Ibroc north cbaiai' Poultry Ragulator. APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Ibftarw al S cteioa M Um polat sf coa-umK'rwnl Clefc a ipoclaltr. JAMES r. ROD. AppUcaaL wacated Ttorttulxr tlh. 1SII Prince C Rupert Feed Co. lkCCA Qt'ttn UAXD CBARLOTTK DISTRICT I ALAS DISTRICT OS OF Itictiest brew- of good cbeer and health; essence P. O. MS of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage TAKE W0T1C UMt t. Joarpt aIloa, or man Rutrt. B. C rrMprctor, latcnd for yeurig and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating la ai-ply far a Uocbm M proapeel lor coal 1 44 pnroWum r Um roUowtnr dcrUM4 1 la bedy and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, uudt va Um Wrtl Coaal at Mtnrtj lUa. creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come l!lL LONG WILL OMmurBtUit at a p"l laalw abovl of n.U aatiUMAiUrty ff wcaM againl" In papular priced bottles. oa Um alwra at a maU BJ opcotnt o UITiHY AND HEATING of Caoaa rata UItB Morarbr and Cbaati LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. UUndt, about I nuies "orttMrty aloat Um EhaiNEERS XuTMliir lkUn4 af Gauuv lat troa Burk raialj Umdc aosUi II caaiai) Umm AganU for rati IS cbaiafi Umbcs aorta IS tMtoi; tbracr writ IS caatiks to Um point of sen-ataciat. URY FURNAOC8 Good old fashioned Bock brew, more tasty and jUlU N BtXTO.n, ApsBcaoL PLUMBING LuctUU Aotmtxr lib, lilt. ereawy than ever; rleh and dark of color, foaming nd with tpirit and life, llockstaff is the "Hit of the SktE.HA LAKD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of yCttB CHARLOTTE UUNDS Tewn" wherever it has been introduced. It is tbe M Second Avemi pleasing, snappy drink you have beea waiting for, TAkt KOTICK ttMt t Cfctrin C. Curt, ul f nara Huixrt. B. C aaiiMr, Inuud to with an after taste that makes you smack your lips "1 mac 270 apply fur a ltrDM la propt for coal sad i (wtrvMUni otr Um foUowtnt daacrUwd with joy. land oa lb Wttl Coait of uontot uuio. BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE pott planud about V of " a t a) MauMwCior s a aiiw outttraiarl7 froat a pott loeaird oo Ua tttorv' of a amaU Bay otMOla out HMinillMt'. aba Of Canoa I'ati Ulweea aiorttby aad Cbaatt UUuda, aboat I ibIms norUMrly a Wot um We are pleased to announce that we have just been named distributers of "Staff" Beverages for Prince - lva b r . Moresby Ulaad M Of Cabo rau rnun Buck rotoli Uwocs aorta SI cbaini) Ibenca Itupert and vicinity, for the Hemrich'e Staff Products Company, of Seattle, We ure, supplying Cafes, refreshment tat is cbamii tbcoca souUt IS ebaint) Uwdc rl cbain to point of ous plaees, hotel, restaurant, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned if aMnraoMnl. CHAItLEt C Bl'ROESS, AppUcaaV you can't get Appleslaff. Lifestaff or llockstaff; we will see that your order is promptly filled. Uxtud Koembr ith, tttf. t2K.,7trUoG,cUM IktENA LA.10 DISTRICT DISTRICT Of yiikkN CHARLOTTE I8LANUI .SSV2bUath, TAKE NOTICE taat lt Hani li Cbrl'aa- ruu nt I'rlnra Buiicrt. B. C DrOttWClOT, Inuod to apply for s ticaota to propat F. G. DA WON, Limited far coal and ptrolrum otr tba fultelai drscrtbfd laada oa in Waal Com! of Mar.h iiUiui rnmmanelna at S BOSt pitstml About of s nil aoulbruiorly Distributers rrurn a putt located oa um tour Prince Hupert. IUL fuaaii a uaiiiM mi t J Canoa Paat ba Ph6ne7 and 75 two Nomby aad Cbkiit Ulanda. aboat I ' 1 "I tullfi uorUMrly aloot tno uonnj " aiih ir t.n, mm Buck PolBti Umdo tn.. north 10 cUtnai Uwooa ttt IS cbalai( .... ... ... ,1 uwftr south IS CBAIM) tncnrv nai cbaina to point of toainMOcenMal. t,c UA LY Nrmro HAMS K. CHRISTENSEN, APpUtaftt - IT hi Uetu4 nm'T fX HIT-