The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE tiTe leading newspaper in NCimtsnx British Columbia , For th East. Lii rubll.liad Dally and Weekly , j Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday 3 ' Guaranteed Largest Cl.culatfon J at tUO a.m. HEAD OFFICE: From lha East. Dally News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D C TVI. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - o3 cents pc; inch. Contract Rates on application. For Vancouver: Tuesdays 5 P.m. Dear DAILY EDITION, -s?ii& Thursday, April 1818. 'Thursday I0p.m. Folks Saturdays " am i3f atRome: i DEMOCRACY vocates never disclose just From Vancouver There are many words now what they mean by democracy Sundays 10 p.nn Keep adays, which are used loosely. Democracy, many pe.plf Wednesdays 10 JO a.m. sfcoursoicr have pointed out, means Usi Saturdays Pm. and in cases without many fercnt things to different pe-pie. very definite meaning. One of Some us the term sum For Anyox: j vY7t supplied mu J these words is "democracy.' as meaning one man or Sundays 10 pun.' The war is at present being man one vole, and a -vote t Wednesdays 10 PJn. fought between democracy and every body. Others Judge dem ocraey by results. And of these From Anyox: autocracy. The light is for the one section will say that an Tuesdays ..ajn. survival of the one of two other finds the real test in th. Thursdaya pun. aSJX fs an tMitr:-c. 3I forms of government. Every degree of correspondence between . one can understand that, so the government and the For Port Simpson and aaas Rlvsr C"T f&J2Ss m fcatute o. 'I "general will" of the community, racy there is not. and never far. Again, writers on indus points: lias been, such a thing oli-Rarehy regarding that as the "di as ETW mr.-filitu unani 10 trial reconstruction are Sundays p.m. something in the world." Which vine average" or mous in advocating a system makes one wunder. under which workpeople will else. From Port Simpson and Naas have greater and more imme Similarly with "equality," GERMANY CALLS UP River Points: llrjt J cbewlng it." diate and direct interest in which is so often accepted as Tuesdays a.m. YOUTHS OF SEVENTEEN their work, but they part com an ideal to be aimed at. Equality uany when they attempt to de of opportunity implies the Queen Charlotte Islands: if I ! Paris, April 3 The German Relieves thirst fine the term interest." Some "right to rise," which itself consul-general at Zurich has in For Massett, Port Clements and who take a rather mechanical assumes final inequality. And Upper Island points: serted advertisements in the view of industrial society think equality of opportunity is also February S?th Y...2 p.m. of "interest" as stimulus to contrary to the ideal of indus newspapers,W inviting all "German Afarch 13th and 71th . .i. . .2 p.m. 1 S Refreshes j work, and look to a system of trial democracy, as exemplified '. J"'8 From Massel, Port Clements and to communicate with the con. payment by results to produce in the craft unions, which owe. -.i at a l ..I . f Upper Island points: the desired effect, or to some their success largely to their u lo he ter-W M,wrill",t March fit, 15th and 29lb (hour more ambitious scheme, wherein, policy of restricting numbers. fa afTd,,tV uncertain) for example, in the interests and placing obstacles in the,1 .2utrlch correspondent For Skidegate. Queen Charlotte of national efficiency, labor and way of those who wish to enter I furnal; the class of 1021 City and Lower Island points: 1 If6 I capital should be guaranteed by some other gale than that March 4th and 18th 2 pjn. "values," the surplus values of of approved apprenticeship.!ban '"ev?ra.1 Parl ,of"ef-Thus. From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte each industry being placed in before proper Judgment jn,any " lhf lo information from City and Lower Island points: the hands of a national co-or. be given on the merits loifcoo""0 March 8th and 20lh trustworthy and large pjn. MMirees. a dinaling body for distribution the claim to -democratic con-1 is such a way as will benefit trol of industry" much more nuR,l?r J' nave bn enl For Stewart, Port Simpson, Maple directly into the war zone in the nation as a whole. A considerable Information is required on it Hay and Swamp civilian clothes without having point: step in this direction philosophic basis. received preliminary February 28th 10 pan. has already been taken during A recent writer, who is regarded training. military March ltth and 31st ....10 pjn. the course of the war. as an authority in his To very many people, workmen own particular sphere, aims a! From StewarL Port Simmon. J he News delivered Daily by the thesis that seem to require a wider establishing interest than that secured by "pure democracy is the natural airier. 3Q cents per month. March th and iBth ...pan a financial stimulus to work. system of government for small National councils and workshop communities, but that its possibility Salvation Army. Alaska and Yukon Territory: committees hare been vanishes as slate increase From March 2nd ajn. suggested, and in Great Britain, in size, and industry becomes Public meetings, TtHiay in some industries, already complicated. Then it Thursdays aad 3lurtays at p LAND REQISTRY ACT established, for the purpose must connect itself with oligarchy, v.. Stusdaya at 7:M p. m. (Sectteaf asd 111.) of enabling the employees and complete its activity RajkppacaOea .lo. Sill L Stll-L SII4-L to voice their other needs, and in direct communion with Insomnia Cured JAkE 50T1CX tbal appttcatloa baa bara . to play a greater part in de that form of irovernmenl " In mita ta ruir rraak W. Hart, af rrtaca . termining the objective cendi- industry, as elsewhere, genius Without Drugs ftaprrt, B. c, a owner ta fe aader foer Ti Sal Oeatfs fraa tba CaBecur ef tb allowed if i dions of work- must be to govern CI 17 af rnaeo Rapert. bcartar data tb I Bat even this fails to satisfy progress is to be made. "If a Internal ttut day f .lreanbtr. HIT aad oea Tu those extremists who aim at thousand men of average vision Bathing Relieves Sal Deed dated Stad day of Srpujbbtr, 1 complete "democratic control are U derive any benefit whatever the Cause ta, ar alx aib u.-iiuh taai ccrtaia of industry." What exactly industrial from the presence amongst parcel or tract of laad tad preauae aitaaM, ltac aad briar at tba atr af rrtaca Ra Bolsbevixism aims at them of one man of exceptional If pan da not lee tbcra la always pen. awra parucaUrly kaaaa aad d Smilirlir if, beyond a vague idea of vision, one man must issue can. Dat itan dor wltfe tcribrd aa Lou aevea (!) aad arte ill JUCt drat. 3ere ran'I centuma Own. revolt against authority orders to a thousand, and the Bfcxllaelr (II). Lot (weir (It). Block any j Reft tba casta and a rood, aoand Wr rrtr tbl , aad Leu tblrty tbrr other lb an its own. it has any thousand must obey one man; !SB) ta Uh matt. ill) aad tbirtr-foar ill). Block arty-ao tlie constructive aim it is by no and if this is not oligarchy as Tbe ayatrsa caaaot be rirM If U (SI), all ta Secuoa Urn l il. Map SJI. Dispel means easy to say. for its ad definitely distinct from democ- T?? "Jf1 Ta. ara rrqatred to caiel tba claiat af tbe Ul parcbaaer wtuua It day froaa tb lateratBy If yaw want perfect braltn, data af tb amic af tbta aour tabtcb Gloom Mr r. C Vatrt. Rapid Mask air. aaay b Sected by pebUcatto la tb write . -Tmr scleral years I oSrd rrtaca ttapert Dally Sewi). aad jvmr t- from Inairriuco, Kerroas Debility, la-aeanau teatiua U caUrd ta secuoa SS of tb S. S. PRINCE RUPERT aad Centttpattoa, Bad so appetite, Laad Reiutry Act" with aateadmest. aad and doctor did not etprct I would bra shadnw of a Mue ta Um raOoatar Html tberefrooi; tbraarlwai tba Tear back TITE wtater. Inter- aod la default of a catrai or rente cam , f does not sailing af U peadea betaf Bled befor tb reel' ay .m a Urn dart UiUlued remartafela mall. trayiea a awaer af tb peraoa rautled fall tlie ncroM path Wednesday 9.00 sum.for Swanson Bay and l ww Wp asd ranr r ttwal latter ' sadrr atb tax mW. an peraoaa ao servad titaa tar yrara UTarc. I rrrtrd tba B. Vancouver. ' i. lib anUrc, ... aad tboa claualar of Uiose vho use Sunlight L. Catrade" a a Oodarad W km." Ibroacb ar aader Ibna. aai all peraoa Ta -J B. L. CaKada" U a trfMted Soap. For this cuts S.S. PRINCE GEORGE 'laiOUif aay tn'retl-la tba laad by rtrta soap iWM" (r laurnu Kuua, mrraird by orany arrrifVrd tauwtuaet aad an labor in lnlf. vr. caai. k. Tjrrcfl or !tw Tark. tad bat Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. peraoaa claiaaiar aay laterttl k. taaa , bra U Btraa at rritortat' tbosiaad to Thursday Mldnloht for Swan son Bay, Ocsan Falls, Van-couver, l-rrttn brail It U tbewa tad (inUlaed under by'deacent wbuaa tltla ta aol tmcr And the nightmare of tba protuioat of tali Act. Hatt b Victoria and Seattle. t cjrB R Otom. ttrnrrut. ear. trd At, r4 etr eupped aad debarred irwa clotlics "ruhbctl to aad tta SL. wba wta b ptard to fir lxritig aeiuac claha to la p aay or reapect of S. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. fa aa tatrrrdler book calltd "Tb Wbal tbe land aa sold for Utea. aad tba R(i I shreds' tlisapjtrars when Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. Tba War. Tbe Way of Internal Stuuar lrr abaU reaitur tba peraoa rauiled a ' a reaeL Ak for IL learn the Sun gentle drr acb Ut aal a oaaer af tba laad I you TRAIN SERVICE ao aotd for tat. tuut ULXD DISTRICT DISTRICT or AXD light vaj. rataearer ?. wmimmi sad snara at 1 1 ror Sautters, 0CEE3 CHJiaLOTTC. WHEREAS arpllraia baa baea friar Oeorre, Fdmonloa sod Winner, Buklnf direct connection far Ul oiad far a Ccruarate of ladertuibl TlU Sunlight Soap is as la tb abovt-ntrauooed pure poinu rait and aoatk. TAIC nOTiCC Uut UH. SUnpaon. of laad, to tba tuo rrtac Raprt. B.C. martaer. bttead to a- of rraak W. Uaii. as sunlight itsolf. A tJ far pmntMtea ta parrbsta tb fanaw- A5D whereas oa teTMurtuar lb AD Lines. una it appear tbal pnr to tb It $5,000 Agency Ocean SUamshlp 't nrxrara una. la day guarantee say you For luformation and reservations apply to I,catl CBaracias rararr of at tba a pott LoatfeUaw piaatad at MioenJ bona "tHt?r.UJ bad wer lets cM tbe far Sw eTtrda ea wticls ute tu cannot find a single adulterant City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 iCteha. W. r. Jlortbratt career ,1a. ttS; rWero tb rerlilered aad aatetard owner 1 or impurity in this a slated below. jtbrac rl cbalai: tbrac aonb tt efcalai. tbrara rail te chalBJ: tbecea aoatb Ft'RTHER TALE NOTICE tbtt at tb cake of conccntra ted aB um I abau ;t ebalaa aor or ira akv bora tin tffrtl rerutrauo la cleanliness. , tu pout of euuBeaccBieai ecnumtat tl paraatar of sack appUrtUoa aad lata a acrra, soar or lea. Caruscata af ladefeattbla Tltla to lb said DtTlD TU Jaaaary. lilt. laad la tbe aaa of rraak. V. Htrt kbJ C. H UMTS05 yoa Ut and proaecst tb proper pro-eaediar CANADIAN PACinC RAILWAY Sj Cbaa, i stmt to eubtiu your cUim. if any, to lb aid land, or to preveel awca proposed acUoa oo Bar part Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Dated at tba Laad nerutry Offlrr. Prlnc Sunlight L H. SHOCKLEY Rapwt. B. C. tbi tut day af rrbraary. via Steamer to Vancouver and the A. D. lilt. Canadian Pacific Railway tSacnaattf ta t. LHkWj) M. r. MACLEOD. DUtrtct netKlrar of Title. CONTRACTOR BUILDER To r. W. Oayaoa. rrtara RuoerL B r Meals and Berth included on Steamer aeed owtter of Lot II and II BkKk Soap st; cntrie ruaitt. Edmoetoa. Alii. r, i Store and Office Fixtures, uterrd aad aeaed awnrr of Lai It Saih. iXoor. and Mouldings. Btork l. aad aotd for Utrs oa I tm day FOR VANOOUVEJt, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE af September, ... w till; V. Im.k. Oak and Hardwoods of all Sold hy all proerr. raaetl SL, Vsaeeavtr, B. c. auetatd SS- SOema aaa maa rnm Smpert April tad, ItUw Sirs. May Ira. f tla. kinds. vmmrr at un i aaa it, Block II, It IK aad lea lib. We Soaclallxs In Hard, SS. NO TAX. aatis rnaa rrtaw Rupert s is. April sta. II lb. aad tsib. wood Boat RJb, Sash, Ta aba: aaUiar ar aabjrct to da&ta r caaotZUtVai altbaet aatlee. Door, ate. DENTISTRY Plata and Shatt Olass and CftOWSJ AMD SNIPdl MORd Glaxlns. a aetotALTT W. C. ORCHArH), General AoanL Ccmer Fraser and fin SU. DR. J. 8. BROWN C nrr Faurth Straat ard Third Avatiua. Prnc Ruprt. B.C. PHONE QREEN 269 DCJtrtsT sna bima. raid . P. O. BOX 1S3 Subscribe for The Daily