, f ,,,,,,,,f, l.oial News Notes i If you waii! health QUALi . x ! you can have It, by heeding Nature's laws. Keep the I'hiIU m-UlRg at Oalland-. stomach strong, the liver zutivc, tlis LlocJ and pure, ! That is the the bowels regular, and you will dd n be ill Take Wallace's fer boots awl goal zealously so- t-i , good care of these organs, and at the first sign of for everyone. the production of anything wrong promptly take Bcecham's Pills. Wallpaper, all grades; Wc and Sihersldes Hrts. See t ROYAL STANDARD need unmard. .&ail HOUR you certainly nml Street. tf pjimp t m. .vim me iiutrriunciii rrKMjailOHS Jut efi the help and relief of this world-famed remedy, to ' Mrs. or Miss your new sprins superior milling factlltleainimsilrM an.i keep the body in health. They quickly establish normal alt tmw ready for you at Wallace's. t 'HOYAL BTANDAHD" undrrjrwi IM omP , , , conditions, the perform their functions Showing at the Westholme tonight so organs sis in our spotless, perfeetlyequtpp Tune. as Nature intended. No ether remedy will so surely WESTHOLME today as In the past. strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate Mr Mark lligbett as anwHH AT THE That very analysis means for the i..n, the bowels end quickly improve the general health as the arrivals in town today by the Two of the great favorites on II. C. Hour of Ihe highest type. f Hum , I'rinre Ilupert. MAKING VALUB. a a the ern are billed to appear at K.i sl.ts of Pythias will hold a the Wei'bclme Theatre this w IF you arn not a user of ItOYAI, KrrAfiHh 1 1 Tlobert War-nock ItOYAL STA.NDAltD HYH FLnUIt, try Uieir .11, BeeuamsPills - Ikapce on April 8. lnvila- evening. They are i. mi- o:tly. Up2 and Gail Kane, ami in the m someness Jn next loaves yuur aest bakniv photoplay. "False Friends," they elf his admixture of three parts to one v.,, , Mrs. W. M. Stark and son of appear al their best. This is a seerrt of ideal Dread the secret of true w:( Worth a Guinea a Box Su-ann Hay. are In the eity to great play, and has many tenr AT ALL GROCERS fr.mm.i Ta Baata.- U.H.I .ImkmUt.tWJ. mrntr W a spend a few days. moments. There will also be a fine comedy, as well as an official Mr. N. Schefnman arrived baek ti war gatette, showing some of the i in the city today from Vancouver latest pictures taken of the allied on a business visit- troops. G. H. Arnold Motbers: Your boya can be Mr. Horace Du Vernet of Oil- FRED ST0RK'S HARDWARE completely clothed, reasonably wangar. is paying a visit to the Wallace's. and well at NOTARY PUBLIC city for a few days. FOR CANNEHYMEN ... I Drparttnrat of the Karal ferrlce. Mr. W. P. Lynch was among We have added to our stock of valves and p i- a the arrivals back in town this The Venus is in port with D.000 line of Itubber Helling at right .n . We Sell Real Estate. TENDERS FOR SCHOONER morning from Vancouver. lbs- halibut; II. and 11, 7,000 lbs.; FOn FISHERMEN W, write Fire and Marine Lillian M, 2.000; D-veen. el.OoO; "NADEN" A reinpU-le slKik of the best gixnls thai m..n. y .-at : .Insurance. Your piano tuned right. Uarry and Cellerbead, 3,000 lbs. .... trolling Spring lira. Siher anl H:.,le Evans does It. Leave orders with We have Apartments, Stores. TENDERS a4dr4 to th lukiersir!. Three malls arrived in town FOft THE WATERFRONT Houses, and Offices for and nurtrd oo the eoreVn -Trader tor Mr. Teetxel, Second...Avenue. i jhis morning from Vateouver by The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varniibes sp. , Rent, and Want More. Srkaaoer ." win be reerlrrd ap to - and tnetadinc the Twrnlletk Day of AprH. Alderman It. J. D. Smith re. (hre different steamers. The paint "FLOGLAZE"- A complete line of si,,p i n, We Deal in Mortgage Loans. 11. tt Sdwooer -Saden." at be (lands turned to the city this morning Venture, th.C. P. it. and O. T. P. FOR EVSRYONE We. Sell Timber Limits. al Sew Weaunlnalcr. B.C. after a business trip to the south. tteanter eaeh brought some. A fine stock of Hardware. Gumey's xf v tHmewitona and leanate a faUow: . . We do Conveyancing. Ft. ISUa. We Sell Nothing But The Bstt. Keep April 33 for the concert to LrertB IttE.IA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Drradth ? t be, given by Hill CO Chapter I.O. QUEE.1 CHARLOTTE. H. O. HELGERSON, LTD. iMptb ..... S I). E. A great treat is promised. FRED STORK'S HAK:;vP Or toxnav Itt.tt ... TAkE .10TICZ thai I."t H. suspaoa. of twtialer teonatw .. .. . Mr. C. E. Garret, of the Imperial Prince Rupert. B.C, surtner. Intend to ap-ply for penaiaatoa to purthato the follow. ,,,,iwwwwww,w,w,,, ritt ,J Tendert nail b aeniopanird .t7 Munition JJoard, returned eertuied fleq far I per rent ef Irnder Inr described land. price, which 1U. b returned to u oi sere to town last evening from up Oonisrencicf tt s pott planted al north. sifal tenderers. river. eaal corner of tbe Lonfrenow Mineral "Ik Daily News" larrefirul tenderer H1 be repaired to ... Claim. YV. P. Kortbeail corner ."la. Itttl exrcplele parmml be fore uklnc deHtery Mr. W. Goldbloom arrived ii. tbrnrt wet ts tba I at j tbrneo north tl A HOT BATH THE chain; tbenro rail tt chaiaa; throe south of fcbtwoer. the city this morning from th tt chain bout or lett aknr aboro line CLASSIFIED ADS. Th Department does Dot bind llaeir to MINUTE YOU WANT IT south, and left immediately for to polo! of cotnmeneement, eon taints a It aeeepr I be hlrneal ot any tender. up river. , arrest mors er let. G. J. DESBARATS. ... DATED Hth January, lilt. Stm are a ,4 u Deputy Minuter of I be Jltal Serrlre. WANTED. THE TILLICUM, Joe McPhie, It SIMPSO.1, getting e ! l j. liulhoiiird publication or thi adrer-tlaemeot By Cha. i. Benaon, Aienl. r 'Pn-- slantly. the sL proprietor: for Candies. Nut will not be paid for. rORTEH WUItll. Saror HoUL apll-IT. Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobaec isfaetion of ge' g lj( C1BL WA3TS GENERAL HOUSEWORK Hooks bought sold and exchanret Water in to. tamt ; is or chamber- work. Ibooe Red sis. CITY or PRINCE RUPERT www alsanslanee . ri.- ru .. Pftooe. 157 raM I I I I I r- vjicii .iurriry rciuriiru to w tnurb hs ter M WAITED to buy from cTMr, two (I) nolle la hereby siren that Court of the city this morning after spend lMfre. or more lets In Section arvra. Mutt jos. p. riuosj RevUton for tbe purpoae of reTUinc sod h cheap for eaak. Avplj Box t. batty ing 9U1IIO UtllC 111 laiavui er. HOT VATER LIKE K1C1C correcttnr Um Aeumenl Roll of tbe. City Sew (Jfflrt. II ef rrtaee Rupert. wlU b held ta the Ccca where he took an examination in FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR til dumber, aty Hall, City of Prince law. DECORATIONS Harry Hanson to bear from party with llrrore in cvod Rupert, on Friday Um SUA day of April. location. Apply Box lit, Dally Jlew AD. lilt, comiDenelnr at 1 0.1 o'clock Mr. and Mrs- L. W. Patmore H4 Water 8tv: bnifi offlce. it ajn. left this morning for 1'rlnee this c x.r you All complain u or objection to a Id Acorn Sign Co. WAITED. Boat In rood condition, 40-10 Ajeiment Roll mail be mad In wrltlnr. George and do not expect to be PHONE 4J F. 0, 10 X Hi reel; aul table tor halibut nahlnr. Apply and dtlirered to tbe Aeor at leul ten back again till about the end of boi us. Daily Xewt Offlra. (If) day before tbe date of Uw Oral alltlnr next week. FOR SIGNS of i1m Mid court, vtt Um ttUt day of WA.N'TED Vounr ladle wUniny to take April, A.D. It If. . a tbree year course In nurifnr.. .Write Dated at r-rtaco Rupert, B.C thl llth Mr. E. E. Keith of Terrace, who Lady Superintendent ft1nr Rupert day of March A.D. Itll. has been spending the last week Advertise In The News advertise in Daily General HotpiUl. ror application ronn FRED PETERS, a. or two in the southern cities, re and furtber Inform t loo. - SatiJtpLtO. aty aerk. turned this rw r . m . to town morning on FOR SALE his way up river. 1 HE UAILY INEWS ' The Paper that BeL Quick Results Certificate of Improvomenta ... roil SALE Piano pUyer and On aelectfcw Mrs. Gibson, wife of Pie. Gib f Moaie, rhoo Red ttl. OS NOTICE son, who arrived in town by the FOR RENT LOUE" Mineral Claiam. altuale In the last steamer, was among the ar Portland Canal Mlninr DlrUlon or Cattlar rivals in town by the Prince llu rOR BE.1T. Four acre ranch al Remo, muntt. Where located: On American pert this morning. This is i.C About two acre In imall fruit; :rrek. about 4 mile from lit mouth. ... remainder tinder caltlTatlon. For ptrU-culan, TAKE NOTICE that I. Robert Stewart. Keep National apply to P. O'Brien. Ambury Free Miner Certificate .to. tUO"C. la- The old Majestic Theatre pool Station. O.TJ, B.C. If anas, attiy day from tbe date ttrer, to room i now under new manage Service apply to the Mlninr Recorder for a Cer merit. Mr. Chas. Emblelon and LOST ufleat .r ImttroveioenU. for tba DurtxM Mr. G. It. Cox have taken over the of abialnlns a Cra D Grant of tbe above LOST- Hundred-dollar Victory Bond. Flnd-etz -lalov ownership of this social centre. pleat return to Dally Sew omce. And fartber Uka notice that action, un ... Chickens MISCELLANEOUS der aeetlon St niul be CMumenced before Miss I'.loise Wally. formerly of lb laaue of tuh Certiorate of Imprvre- Prince Iluocrt. who left here a meat. They WILL THE PARTT WHO TOOK HAT Initialled Dated tbit ttib day of Mareh. Itll. year aVo. is on her way to spend .8. by tnlitakt from jb SL the summer with her sister at The cost of meat is the heavy Andrew Hall at I.O.D.E. dance Muodar. . pleat pnone Red (It. II Ketchikan, and Is slopping off in item in will help the a town to renew old acquaintances. food bill. V,I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AaENQT . . FOR YOUR NEW SUIT3 tf to Metropolitan BH., Vaacouiae. Mr. Iluckley, "who is interested Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you See Day rhone. Seymour iitt. in the new sawmills at Skeena Steve King irbl rbone, Falrmool 101. City and on Masset Inlet, arrived take the place of meat. in the city this morning from Ma4 Office, 312 Hlbbao-Baa BUt- Prompt Cleaning A Fretting Victoria, B. c, pnaii 3412. Vancouver, and left on this The food that goes to the garbage How to go Phone Green 41S. morning's train for up river in about it pall from the average table will provide company with Mr. W. F. Iloyer. ... one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to BUT ckkk.i lit tt barrcw baicklaS Ihij a MWj't-M Major J. S. Scott, of the Hoyal 10 hens. kM w aa atllSrtol wtwo-i Flying Corps, arrived in the city alall4 hw mi frMaJaf ckicka. W4 wia lk" chkM this morning in company with WmJ rraaiba Ma4 la mttk aa4 Fishermen Notice! Lieut Shaw, II. F. C who Is re Poultry will thrive where vegetables 4.f,Htw allaraallaS rj. T4 ttk prS'ttm- a cruiting here. Major Scott left will not grow. The outlay Is small. caUk 14. aalr a mark X for Winnipeg by this morning's A few minutes a day Is all the time m wtll kaaaf aaf vp cktok claaa.U a hltt a.owaikf t kka. ' train, and is one of the Flying CAUTION: Cklca aiaM J The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Mint ut l'acofl is Corps adepts. He was flying in required. fl aatll at tt kw now in operation and will operate all the year round. The France before the outbreak of the Ikaa aalf aaarlaStr company will buy all marketable flh and will also buy Dog war. ... A small flock In your back yard will rfti If you or chic csn,k slsrl If not,oowlh,srrni Fish al fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about Ave ets. go far to keep you supplied with eggs, at once wllb the local pouUtr Primarily a comedy, but containing aaodstlon for pull't In t per flah . Halt will be provided free and all supplies can number broilers and roasters. fall. a of thrills, "The be purchased at the Company's storo at reasonable prices. Counless Charming," Julian El-tinge's Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fisher first Paramount picture, Mien bringing their gas boats will be allowed $25 for ex. will be shown at the Westholme Write for Poultry Bulletins to Theatro on Monday. This Is the penses of trip to Pacofl. Tim plant is located in the. heart first appearance of the distinguished BUREAU of tho fishing grounds and dog fish can be caught In great feminine impersonator INFORMATION numbers all the year round. Come to I'acoll If you wish to on the screen and It Is promised DOMINION THE make money every day fishing. will bid fair to excel! anything he has yet attempted. It AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF International Chemical Co., Ltd. Coek-a.doodle dunil My dame lias lost her gum, OTTAWA Pacofl, Queen Cha lotto Islands. My Master's gone to get her some 1IONOIKAIII.K MARTIN IIURREUU Ubdilf She'll be all right when he lias! coine with Wrigley'nl i