pi The Daily News VOL. I 81 I'fllNCE ItUPEHT, B.C., MONDAY. APMI, 8, 1018, PRICE FIVE CENIp ALLIES ARE EETWEEI ABEHS AND THE HUM GERMANS FAIL TO FIND A WEAK SPOT IN ENTENTE BARRIER ST1LLATTACKING GERMANS FAIL TO ACHIEVE POLISH REGIMENTS RUSSIA TO RESIST THE HON. T. D. PATTULLO TELLS INTERNED FOR TREASON JAPAN IN SIBERIA MUCH MATERIAL PROGRESS 4 VICTORIA OF RUPERT'S DRYDOCK rltl to Tlw Dtlly Hewi) (Special la Tb VUlf .fwf London, April 8, The leaven Moscow, April 8, The Council UL THE THRUSTS OF THE ENEMY DO NOT BREAK THE ALLIED of unrest which has been working of National Commissaries nasi neference has already been misunderstood. Yet it seems to LINE AND HIS ATTACKS CONTINUE TO BE REPULSED i throughout the ranks of the Po-jlisb issued a statement that Japan has matje Jn these column to the In- me that the people of this prov-starled WITH GREAT LOSSES .AMIENS IS STILL troops, both in the German action against the Soviet iereat Premier dliver Is display- ince should be alive to the aitua-llepublic. PROTECTED Ff.OM THE HUNS and Austro-Hungarian armies has All Siberian Councils 'ng. in connection with the ship-tlon so that they may govern been causing- considerable trouble or the Soldiers and Workmen's building Industry in British Co-'themselves accordingly. British tor ii i Tt Daily .itw to the German military authorities. Delegates have been ordered to umbia. He is naturally not alone!columbia has done noble service London April 8 -The last ORDER IN COUNCIL FOR THE All Polish soldiers suspect. resist any armed invasion of In his labors on behalf of the in man-power in this war and of the great battle along SUPPRESSION OF IDLENESS ed have now been Interned in ilussia, whether uy Japan or any Province-, his cabinet Is behind will continue to do so," proceeded pk..... c hieh the Hermans 1 Hungary, as far away from the other nation. him to a man, and in view of the Mr. Pattullo. "The last figure I briii on Thursday last has died Ottawa, April 8, An order-in- lighting front as possible, their: Hon. T. D. Pallullo's more intimate saw showed that British Columbia do n. It lasted less (tun threw council to suppress Idleness has legions having been arrested bjr BATTLEFIELD FILLED association with the caDa- has relatively done better than 7 j j. fighting has re- ,M"?n wpieu uy ie government, me ieuionic auinormes, necause BY ODOR OF DEATH umeB cf Prince Rupert to handle any other portion of the Domin ...a f .nin nior nr ! It provide that every male per- of the "wholesale treason in the' craft of goodly proportions the ion- Every loyal British Columbian ueMtd engagements, in WHICH "u" "' uc i .- u i 1 1 ut j ....... "Minister oi iauu uas givcu ci- thrills with pride at our urfecch ai d the British allies m useful occupation, with the' A turbulent people at all times. Post's correspondent in France 1 prea8lon 0f nig vjew to a record of service to the Empire. .!,-" held their own. (exception of persons under Ifl the harsh treatment which has draws a gruesome picture of ,entative of the Victoria Times- But does our duty end there T i nrmi Flahllno. years ui ago iiiu uicr vv, or irc nki vui vu imuou won.vi.v.v. w..-. (e agrees uuue naiuraur av tuc Have we no duty to take stock of inrp rm. .... ... . ..... . ..l.ii 1 il. ll ...ill. -I.l Il, II,- .mmtnril.l. la full i ....... ..... .. .I.1...1IJI i holds in store for tv. Hi ,! sh on Kiimlar ensSKed pujsicaiiy uiuiv, or a aiuuent or.uoiuhiioh, hu mo rnui; mm aii ...c - outset mat ine siiipuuiiuiug iu what the future .... . .....n .in mnmvA Viola- which the Polish soldiers have of bodies and that the air is .luatrr is of the greatest imoorU us!" wth and remitted successfully 'n of the provisions renders been dealt with has caused con- horrible with the odor of death," lnce lo jjriti8h Columbia, and B. C.'s Big Burden. pctslt, ,..., , . ,. , . i... t.l. r,m n, n .. - UVIU cannot he naed. w. ..An. Is It right," he went "that wlCTtl OC .nap Counter attacks, nauimy w a yvuaiij uuv run-u.iun iiv ..if... .....v --- uuiuiuk auuuiu uc icu uuuuuc on, n ...j. olT .ruilery ng one hundred dollars, or in ue- lime, ine military auinormes id ruiucu mgw , iUIiub..c wnCn can te uQne to piace me while contributing relatively if ' , . t fault lo Imorifonment with hard have found that the troops from as billets, because tney are industry a0Cm a permanent and more largely in man-power than ..t lm lo.i.l l sAn n U ft flMwmnn Tllri ft. r . I. a. -.A Ikta of the Domin or noi eiceeaing six monias. any other portion iiwsthed in the neighborhood of '.. .... . - ... . a l: it.-.' 1 ,the only tning to do with mem is are piles oi oooies biouk um especially merely spasmodic ion, that the enormous business Butquoy of the nermans WAR MAY CONTINUE !bave them Interned where they roads and between them, Thelaclivjly Continuous work and incident to the war should rela Tbs sticn;i..n forUe present is mainly at the' FOR MANY YEARS can do no further propaganda enemy has only recently found 'construction should be the defl- tively go much more largely to battle work. time to bury any of his dead. nle alm 0f an actlon taken in the other provinces of the Do- the f zone,1 csd loer .Montreal. April fl. The war. The failure of Germany to Der-' The spectacle of the battle-'.- matter, he says. minion than to British Columbia tkka they are apparently at-1 may continue another five years,'mt the autonomy of Poland since field carpeted with the bodies of i Labor Ooes to Industry. t" Mr. Pattullo calls atten xp;.zg l colarge for the pur-tm In tven ten years, unless the fler- U was first promised by the Kai- their comrades has affected fresh J jr pattullo considers that In tion to the facts insofar as they cf elbow gc ung room mini are thoroughly beaten, so r u not lielDine matter with troops who In this way discovered .nnnectinn with the Prince Ru- apply to population depletion in k:.hi btsdle their vast masses J Prof. Stephen I. Leacock of Mc- the civil population. ,! their surprise that the British pert drydock a duty devolves upon British Columbia in contrast to troops, Gill University told a gathering are not too weak to light. Prison- lue DeODie of Southern British other sections of the Dominion. British FranL GERMANY'S OFFENSIVE ers ay that the British endurance Columbia to lend a hand to the He points to the fact that the . BRINQ8 LITTLE 8UCCESS and skill in fighting are delaying northern port in seeing that the population of this province is WIY I ivir, I 1,1.1 IIPriltBIl B L dress on 'Economic Aspect of the progress of the German army, ddoc there Is given every op-London, proportionately more decimated . .... ..... .... th War. Prof. Iacock lament April & Today more "Among the feats of this Brit- portunity and encouragement to than any other province in Can araysts epuisea, anu mat inr ed that waste it manifest every than a fortnight after the opeu-Jsh endurance may De mentioned 01.rate. "The argument that has ada, while at the same time Brit-tab SiTu.V mm b 7n Z d of use- lDK 0f the great German Bnsif lh4lo a- detachment, wnicn ..- &TK9y used." aayaJIr. pat Columbia does less business .. le enterprises are going on, and after a lull of several days In marched eighteen hours, lougiu tuj0 ..j8 lntt 8Carcity of labor resultant from the war than any uiry formerly occupleu. instead of the whole Domlniou heavy flgbting, the enemy has throughout one night and Hair or operation In the northern other province. In addition to French Front, i7; v-.i r nvnn organlied for the sole opened a renewed offensive and, the next day, repelled three at- port impracticable. This is not that be emphasizes the fact that lSltlh bulne" of 1nning " "P-eled. hi. thrust . to!"11 ? reason; it is merely an excuse. by reason of British Columbia's aeain inward Amiens. In an at- village anu aug if ther i inr loirfo in this ariru. large proportionate enlistment INCREASED ACREAGE tempt to divide the British and, ment, the large plant at Ocean and her extremely favorable climatic French armies and thus reach weddimu ieuu raj8 woujd never have been conditions she will be called . . . the sea. - " " started because there was no upon to contribute to a greater l","h,l au lh. 1 m ana n aa I 1 1 I No news of the latest thrust is At ten o ciock on caiuraay gfcjjed labor there. When an In- proportion towards the rehabili ai, a .. . ... ruru vajajet eXcept the brief reports morning there was a gathering or justry js started the labor must tation of the brave boys who come iour o M. jn tfae offlcia, communications, the friends of Mr. Virginio ceryl g0 to iu in moment oruers are back from the front. au laii avaaaa v it PBiprn ai ll lllt.a-n. a.vr wviiia The fact that the attacks were and Miss Carloine Bergnacb in continu0us there need be no Im Even Distribution Wanted. "iijy prrpared posiuons ana uiih the respective departments ... . . ,,,, .ikh- ri...r.h hr ih . ........ , . . m iKisilicns are beinK held f arrien tiira on instructional ' .. . '.. . . . l r. t . n.. : . . . ... . .... All that we do, we do with a . - M t i LI an I aIUU II1UIVUVV9 ! imu v v a w v f r - OsVIAICU lAUUt mil wv v a v generous neart, conunueu toe work UP uc uuucrw.ru uune h.i hi. hie mmM in nnai- eeremnnv Of marr aire. Alter We n R-n.n Fallow. "but does not a duty devolve Mr. Black that Minister, current year. says which attended by was tion. ceremony, The .Minister of Lands declares KUILDINQ FOR SALE of Ontario It Is upon us to see that our In the province All the German attacks today the immediate relatives of the tnat prince Rupert has been brothers do not less than we? expected the increase of acreage were repulsed, except at two bride and groom as well as by a battjing in a lone fight for busl- need whit to relax T,f4... ... .-..H.i i i.i ...hi -..... -1. i nnn nnn in We do not one " are l H ucu uriurv ill iii-itw av.v-i .,,,,.. namely on the Somme. large number or rrienas, a recep- ne8S from its inception, and yet but owe a 7 lor the purchase of buildings Quebec 800,000 acres, anu in me . ,. ,nnn runMl n ,lt.,e linn una neld ln the home Of Mr. , ...ii. .1 ,ll Bnneara to him our own efforts, we to it Lot SI Block 17. Section 1, Maritime Provinces 400,000 acres. and Ninth Street, , duty to our province to see .nil ,h. ..ir-ciion M8i a. Daminato on hAA - d-iermined effort ! A, NcHham. Heceiver. the Mr. Black will visit Itegina. Ed- that we do not fall behind in the west of Hamel, and in the angle where the wedding breakfast was lo lt 4jown, the town has economic race. If we emerge ts'.Z L imbee Hnmnnnv. Innnlnn and Victoria. of the Avre and Luce, where he served. made steady oroirress- He be from this war relatively weaker Further particulars nt Bank of neneirnied slichlly Into the : The festivities in connection ,.v.a inni .here Is not the shall weal. ivmre llupert. a30 FISH ARRIVALS French front. Considering the with the event were kept up until jjjghtest doubt in the world that than have our to sister tribute provinces where we we ; The Arctic was In yesterday weather and conditions Innwn to late in the evening. The newly toritinue to piake steady pay footing. should be an equal 'r New halibut; Viking, upon Vvc ..icun Coil and with 25.000 lbs. the territory evacuated married coupse win resiue on viu of Its wealth or m .. a ..... . - ..a . a ar rv.y . t 1- l. obtain in DroKros because There is great safety in economic " fc"mr i 'i dimerslona. o.uou; volunteer. la.ooo. ueii .... . h Urrigh, the new German Street natural "Whatever resources. ws 110. ffnn- v.nn.hM 1 0 000: Norma. ' . . .. .. ...i independence and while we are " ' VZ 7 effort nas come earner man uaui helps one portion of British Co ready to pledge the last man and it,. . .777777777 fl'000; Vlk,tur' fl,000: M.llJnl. ' been expected, but on thU occa-!MANY RUSSIANS lumbia' declared Mr. Pattullo the last dollar." said Mr. Pattullo , 3.; J; n. 1000: oluntwr. the British public will walch I LEAVING EUROPf with emphasis, "helps the rest of in conclusion, we nevertheless 1.000: VaI. 3.000, and Soya 1.000 ,. ,, ,,. ennrt-l and at this time the Province, duty to ourselves and to "0YAL FLYINQ CORPS lbs. These catches were all sold . V. Con- owe a ,K. tM. n,i London, April 8, The Rupert has a mag- when Prince our children to see to it that the yesterday when the price reallied make filiate of the United States here for cfTort lhe 0ermans can now ,flcent drydock ready oper- returns from this terrible con Lieuir-.anl Shaw of Van- was between 15 and I&H cents. .nVhinir like ihe. now it hn been deluded for the past few .,, mr- thintiv populated " distributed flict evenly is now m the city Today the Mayllower is In with and we(KUl oI u,e previous onset, "day by applications from Rus- ctlM' of the south should lend a are eruiting for lhe ,loyal 3.000 lbs. and another vessel with .. . ,.v. ... mnl . ,rr.fiillv hv alan residents in Great Britain . v.n nnrthem nart. nuitu ww ...v. - - w ' , Mtti.u v mv.. ---- - iun io. Wellington Coal r- mrp, All young 1500 lbs. the allied armies. ror passports to ine unneu oiaies. orthern British Columbia," De Ladysmith ? hetween the ages of recounts, "has contributed mll- duces your fuel bill and gives "H nd :5, and in ex-pnonal RETAIL CLERKS lions of dollars annually in a satisfaction. Prions 15. .P. R. rase. 30 years. Meelimr tonlaht at 8 o'clock TROOPS ARE STILL business way to the cities of Coal Co. GERMAN "' ' desirous of Join. sharp In the Sons of Canada southern British Columbia and ? lhl Popular branch of rooms at the rear of the Union J has been a very considerable factor are asked to Bank. l. POURING INTO FINLAND In their prosperity. With a s " on Lieutenant Shaw at very real threat of business going MEET YOUR FRIENDS Ha J nT" ""I1"1 "Olel. a i TO INVITATION HOLDERS I across the border now is ine time at the " be m the city until The Knights of Pythias' Dance i ...i..- wii h The Germau icebreaker, they were unable to for the extension of the helping PRINCE RUPERT POOL 'anesdty for tonight will be hold In the pi. """ ' "b , cJ ,nlo J0ln the other units of the Ileet hand." Lacking that reclproca ROOM AND "i. Andrew's Hall Instead of U'e allirouKh tl? Hula Kronstadt. As It has already feeling between the northern and 41 CIGAR STORE Cnstle Hall I, a, previously -"v"" formal ,wn reported that the crews of southern sections of the province uounced. !"M t,a.u ....tined the these vessels have been with- the Minister is apprehensive lest Under New Managemsnt. ..'.; :, Zv,nmeni ex- drawn, whether there is sulllcient the people of the north may even- ft WESTHOLMg The fire department had cs,(1,,a,A 'rn,Slnrby authority left to accom- tually look to the east with the ft ft ft late on Saturday afternoon irom.ceptlon to t , lh(,'vu,n their destruction is not business hitherto done In the ONlQHT ONLY the home of Mrs. P. 1. Palmer of many of the y,,0"ara;iteeJknown. Wh. Fourth Avenue. Andy He pbuni.UwsULllov nVui- nusiian fleet I The German forces are main. Ths Economlo Situation, JU-'AN Prt Artcirt ar-.. was at the wheel on his old Job(lng the safely p Un'-ln,ng themselves In Western' "I wonder If the people of ELTINQE for the first time since ins re-,! ' i Finland, and so far have made no British Columbia generally reauie turn from overseas, and me nre arrivals of warships. advance easterly along the north just what Is happening to this nin. mail record lime in i runner filled wllh aiila of the Bulf It is considered province In nn economic way," Wn." nUsome gowns rAfttilniT than MeAnA of the out- convoying transports "".,,,.,, ,hal they have some other objeo asks the Minister of Lands, "inis FOR QUALITY in a woman. .'!-. h.,1 hrnln mil Oil, troop are reP"eu (llnptj live than the mere advance upon'u not an easy subject to discuss.' KIIVICK and SATISFACTION Fri"LWAR it,. ,rtf nn.t tinir away from i and Kfve rears r war Petrograd. and It I is possible that he agrees, "because, with tho A.1D A No QAXCTTE chimney. or siove. .. . pipe. U Vorllle,1Thva froien In they may attack the neutralily of publlo mind supersensitive and s IX DAV WKKK FOR IIMLP. Ad. In Prices- thought that n defect in the wlr- 'fJjjJ,, Jor lack of an Iho Scandinavian peninsula. superheated one Is very apt to ba w inr must nave cau