TilT DAILY NEWS rrra ae r u The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE TIIE LTADINC NEWSrAPifl 1.4 N. IT'!2 tUfTTtStl CO t I81A Wnj mm For th East. PuL!Uhi Daily nJ Weekly M ntlay. WediiMda) alio Sat. Guaranteed Lare. Ci cu'd: n urtlay at 9 mo a.m. HEAD OFFICE: From the EasL Daily News Building, Third Avnu3. lVince n.;;c. t. D ' 8undas. Tuesdays and Thursdays TRANSIENr DISPLAY ADVERTISING - ) ee.it inch at &.30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. I I For Vancouver: Tuesdays ft Pn. y&Ir DAILY EDITION. W9j5ttv Monday. April 8. 1918. Thursdays 16 p.m. 7 boar PnlLc vino Saturdays 7 1Mb. ZiM at Home: LEGAL METHODS lrewly held and i( my From Vancouver Greece may be a backward that the British forces which Sundays 10 pjn- ttHinlry in some respeets. but have been advanelng raiuvii? wF your Wednesdays 10 a.m. so i-r its Judicial methods would daring the last few day a seem worthy of consideration only strong patrols ind wilt Saturdays ....p.m. or Mil' r hn.) - with a view to imitation. not go that far. Hut it v Tbrre I" of course nolhlnf not Be nersary far the Bui For Anjrox: Sundas ....10 extraordinary in the fact thai ish to capture Aleppo l i.s p.m. locate the of the Turks Wednesdays 10 p.m. two officer who were pul plans ahore from a German subma A few miles beyond the poin rine were captured and con reached by them two days ag LW.GILUTT COMPANY LIMITED From Anyox: will them to the ancient tC0ITO, CWt, . . .. . Tuesdays . ...a.ni demned to death. This is in bring Itself merefy one of the rdl caravan route which links (Thursdays pjn. fir-jteKV t It's ati ouft'--v. nary incidents of war. Palestine with the Euphrates What Is notable i the remark, passing through historic Tad it is doubtful if many of these For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvar thrown in casually and mor in the Syrian desert. areas will be profitable to log points: apparently as a matter of little British cavalry, operating from over again, for the sake of Sundays 10 pan consequence, that "their lawyer the Euphrates westward, could what is left of the presently Vrpj) if AWedArr: -rrc also received the death sen strike the Uedja railroad any merrbantable timber, and at From Port Simpson and Naas tence." where between Aleppo and Da the rate at which the present River Points: IJOmJ chiving it." This Is a modern adaptation inascus the Turks in Palestine operations are being- conducted Tuesdays '. ...a.m of the mediaeval custom by would be cut off from their a year and a half will see nil I which the seconds In a duel main source of supply, while if tbe sprsee gone, and these Queen Charlotte Islands: f I Relieves were also expected to cross Marshall's forces were strong areas left, useless. For Massed, Port Clements and thirst rapiers, and to tSVe the same enough to capture and hold By being logged clean, th Upper Island points: chances as their principals. Aleppo before the Turks could added cost would be negligible February 27lh 2 pan. The degenerate codes of nations withdraw from Palestine into and a value of something like March 13th and 27 Ih 2 pan. rV Refreshes further west do not ex Asia Minor, Allenby's foe would ?3,80O,J)OO in timber would)In trom M asset. Port Cleurenls and pose lawyers to any worse risks be securely bottled up, for only reiaineu.s"ai in tnese a . areas aitsne- Upier Island points: 1 a"d 5US a,IiS than an occasional inability to through Aleppo, the neek This seems loo large a sum to March 1st. 15th and 20th (hour collect their fees from impecunious the bottle, could tbe Moslem lose, while at the same time, uncertain; clients. troops in Palestine effect their saving it would hardly delay For Kkldegate. Queen Charlotte KEI The Greece has the correct no-lion. escape. The Turks opposing the production of spruce. City and Lower Island points: If the jury's verdict were Allenby in any ease are likely The conservation of Canada's Mareh 4th and 18th 2 pan. understood to Include also the to beat a precipitate retreat forests is already exercising From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte lawyer, the number of guilty shortly, in which event we soon tbe minds of the government City and Lower Island points: men who escape might be materially should hear of extensive ad and it would seem as if it wet Mareh 6th and 20lh nan. reduced- The average vances by the British in Pales only right and proper that this Jury would figure trrat a ver line. important matter be taken up For Stewart, Port Simpson Maple diet which banged both lawyer k and dealt with efficiently. The Hay and Hwamp point: and client, must be at least LOGGING AND LOGGING war is not over yet, and Canada February 28th. 10 pan 1 half right. Sun. A matter of considerable cannot afford to waste her lum March I ith and 31st 10 pan. ber resources, nor any other, brought at importance was up notwithstanding however From Stewart. Port SlmDson.1 GETTING THEM GOINQ the meeting of the Board of bountifully British Columbia Maple Hay and The announcement that the Trade at their last gathering Swamp point: be Mareh Ith and 18th British Euphrates array, after It is important, not only to may supplied. nan.: its brilliant success at Hit, has this part of the province, but reached a point over 150 miles to the Dominion as a whole Salvation Army. Alaska and Yukon Territory: up the river is of intense in And that was the manner in From March 2nd a.m. terest and suggests sensational which the togging operations Public meetings, Tuesdays. LAND REGISTRY ACT military possibilities. These on the Queen Charlotte Islands Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. (Sections IS and Itl.t troops thus are within 200 are at present being carried on c. bundays at 7:30 d. m. miles of Aleppo, the northern On account of the great de R Application No. Silt I. sstt-t, mi I There wise Ppee TAkC NOTICJC tbat attUcaUoa hat was a r-woman been to Syria, and the for for gateway aeroplane manj spruce lived in shoe mad to r ruler rrank W. Hart, of rrtneo junction point of the Iledjaz construction, and the extreme a ftaperl. B. C. aa owner la re aader for railroad supplying the Turkish fineness o f the Munitions For her many children she knot Tt Sal Deed frotn lb OU lector of tb what to do: Otr of rrtnc Rupert, beanar date tb forces confronting Allenby's Board grade, at present only he made them mwl happy wil tlta day of navember. HIT, tnd on Tt troops in Palestine with the spruce logs are being taken Sale tftd tM ttad day of Sepletaber Iiagdad. railway route. Aleppo out. In order to gel at them, Wrigley's for all SIS. of ALL A.1D l.tOVLAR tbat ceruin is the bate of Turkish operations many other trees have to be removed, It kept them in trim at a eosl vtry perrel or tract of land And premiat tltutte, in Palestine and also the smalir Ijlnf and Uinr la lb Oty of rrtnc Ra Armenia, to get logs pert, mor particularly known and o and Mesopotamia, and its cap-lure out. Other standing trees are tcrtbed a Lou aeten (7) sad artren (III. Let "Smiliglit55 by the British would seriously ofttimes barked, and when the Advertise in tbe Daljy News. Bwck twelv (II), Lot Iweie (II). Block affect the enemy in light gets in, through the thinning forty eilht il). and Lou thirty-tare those areas. For that reason, of Ihe trees, these will die Appendicitis Opera II)Hi.tod sU ta thirty Stloa rour tirbt(II), Block, Man Sfly-on Stt. Dispel the however. It is likely to be Between one thing and another Vou are required to cooteai tb claim of tions Not Always Ut ptirtbaaer within I days from th dat of th sente of UU no lira twblct) Gloom IK Necessary may b effected by publication la Um Prior Ruperl Dally 5ewt, and your at teoUoa la called to section IS of Um S. S. PRINCE1 RUPERT Internal Bathing fttllti th Ca Ls4 Rcslttry AcC with smendmente. sod Toor pojttcun will lU you that to th followlnf eitract Uterefrom: shadow- of a Mue Appendicitis u an Inarmed condition of snd in default of a careal or certificate THE sailing tit llllli lark railed ttM Appendl it th of II pendens belnr Bled before th reels n day tlocs not Wednesday 9.ob a.m. for Swanson Bay and fewer runt-band comer of lh Colon or trauoa a owner of Um person entitled fall across the jutli larr late Mm. By cleansint this Colon tinder such Ut sale, all persona so served Vancouver. wits purteetf warn water hi tbe -j. . with no tire. ... and those cltimlst of those hIio use Sunlight : trade" thtt sack I cleansed and the throush or under them, am sU persona S.S. PRINCE GEORGE taBaiweMlH.il luUJdes. Hundred of 'Jattsinr sny Inierett In Um land by virtn Soap. For this soap ruts jpersuoas bars Lccn arolded by using sny unrtr'.f V.red Intlruutri o4 all 'm lahor in Itnlf. Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. the warn water tare ror Appendicitis. persona claiminf any Inurcti U. mm moo Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Van-couver, Mr. Jss McLaarsHn, 91 Evanston street, by descent whose till it not luiutm And tlio of Victoria and 8eattle. Wrantper, writ : under th pro It ion of this Act sbaU be nightiuaro "I bad spent over nftjr dollars with for ever eatopped and debarred irvui clothes being nihl)cl to doctors irj'ni to ir Appendicitis, fin-eBy settins up any claim to or In respect of 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. tt doctor said I muil so to Um th land so sold for Ute. and Um RetU shreds" t1iupMars vlicu Altsrnatlng Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. hospital at ones rr an operation. Tour trar aball re tl iter the person enutled un adrerttsemenl iBterested um. bourn! tier such Ui sal aa owner of lb land you learn tho gentle Sunlight TRAIN SERVICE -J. B. L. Cascade,- wblcb relieved ma at sold ror Utea." rassenrer StoMay, Way tod SalnrOf tl 11:10 t. to. tot gmlthcrt, one, and am now completely cored.1 AID WIIEHCAS appllcauva has been way. Prior Oeorre. Edmonton sod Wlnnlprf, matins direct ecpnectlone for til mr rH better in my lira; all pain and mad for s Ceruflctle or Indefi uihl TIU points east and south. orraeaa sane, and I eat and aleep 111 a to in above mentioned Unds, In Um nam Sunlight Soap is as pure boy. I am rrstefnl to Dr. Tyrrell for rrank w. Hart. as sunlight itsalf. A tbl wonderful beallb tirlnf Inrenlion." A.tO WlienEAS on lavesllcatlna- the Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. St per ceo I. of all human ill are ranted till it appears that prior to tb nth d $5,000 guarantee say yu by accumulated watte In tbe Colon. of October. I0l (Um oat on which th For information and reservations apply to Internal Batblns with tb B. t. C-eade" said iande wer sold for ortrdu utcs cannot find a single adulterant City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 keepa Uila larr Intetlln at frr you wer lb reiittered and assessed own in this from all watt and aa clesa at natur d-niandl ers as stated below. or impurity It ibould lx fr vrrttet heiiih Tl RTIIER TAkE NOTICE that at Ih caka of concentrated Atk i:ym tL Orme. brusrtit corner trd same um I aball effect rrrlstrslloa In Are. and 6tb at., for booklet called "Wby pursuanr of such application snd lime a cleanliness. Man of Today la Only 10 rer Cent. tot. Certificate or Indefeasibl Till to th said clenL" II I free. II will alio b pleated land In tb urn of rrsnk W. Hart unleaa to thow and iplin lb "l, B. I. Cairada' you ut and pro cut ib proper pro. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to you. eerdintt to establish your claim. If any, to Um aaid lands, or to pretest such proposed action on my part. Sunlight Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Dsted si th Land liesistry Ofllce, Prlnc via Steamer to Vancouver and the E. H. SHOCKLEY a" u,,'i9iit' d4' Ttbntr Canadian Pacific Railway Suector to I. L. Illckay). II. r. MACLEOD, District rtfflilrar of Titles, Meals and Berth included on Steamer CONTRACTOR A BUILDER T'. f. W. Claysoo. prior flurwri n r. stte.trd owner of Lou tl snd II Block i; uiarie rianlls. 1 Edmonton, Alti. Store and Ofllce Fljtures, ItUred sod assessed owner or Lot rer II FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND 8EATTLE Sash, Door, and Mouldings, Stock 41. and sold ror ities on lllh day Oak and Hardwoods of all or September, lilt; v. Straub. 417 Sold Iiy all gn)rrrs. SS. SOPHIA aili from Prior Rupert April tod (fin, tird. Mir lid, Win, kinds. Powell 8L, Vaneooer, B. C ......d ii tltb, tnd June tin. owner or Lou 7 and II, Block II, We Specialize In Hard, SS..ROYAL nil from prints Rupert t i.m. April Ith. tllb, tnd tttb. wood Boat Rlbe, Sash, i The abo itllioft r sibjrct to emn or cancellation without nolle, Doora, eto. DENTISTRY Plate and Sheet Glass and CftOWN ano arnoas MOM Olaxlna a W. O. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent. Corner Fraser and srsoiALTv 6th Sts. DR. J. 8. BROWN Co ner Fourth Stroat and Third Avenu, PiJoc Rupert. IJ.C. PHONE GREEN 269 OINTIST JI Smith Bleat, rules Sitau P. O. BOX 158 Pa 4 New Subscribe for The Daily