Local News Notes G H. Arnold NOTARY PUBLIC l'aullrj netting at Oallandi. fWttrtmral J tbt Strtl Strviec. Mr. ico. M. llelrnes of HateU r ton. lias arrived In the cltjr. CANADrV We Sell neat Estate. TENDERS FOR SCHOONER 4A W writ Fire and Marine "NADER" Provincial Engineer Carrutneri ' Service Military Act Insurance. went out on the train this morn TEMPERS tond to tbe aytersirftvd, Ing. We have Apartments, Stores, and marard Ml IV aekfw "Tftvtff fof Houses, and Offices for tttxmnet JaAm'." U1 fee Trttit4 J U Wallpapers, all grades; 10c and Rent, and Want More. 4 lln4U.t tlx TwtfiUtta DAT f If. HIS, fr Jkbeeoer "Madn." as b Ud upward. Silversldes Uros, Second Important Announcement to All We Deal in Mortgage Loans. tl Sew Wetmlalr. B.C. Street. tf We Sell Timber Limits. Dinwtrttoos and toaiurv rattawai n. isth. h'anle of New llaiei. Mr C. II. We do Conveyancing. EXEMPTED Ltnrtn . . s MEH 0ra4m tt l ton, arrived in tbe city on a visit Otptk last evening. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Crass teart IM.tt and to tlte Public Generally Brt"f teonai' . tf. Knights of Pythias will bold a TttnW moil be aenraBVJ by Social Dance on April 8. Invitations rerttlXd chma fr IS pr ttnt at UiW turn. bt will lit itlirnrt I untat- only. tapS mtral lender!". IN dealinc: with the very lartrp Saeretsftil umVrtr will be rraMr4 to Mr O. Hanson went out on this "The Daily News" j ntnpkte paymeal befare taklar JelefS morning's train for bis tie camp number of claims for exemption uf stboottrr. at Sheraton. Tbc Inarti-ol ttoe oo Mad IWoM f CLASSIFIED ADS. icccyt tfcs feft1st BT brought forward for consideration of Port O. J. DEI BARATS. Mr. Eugene Tremblar, Deputy Minister af the Maal Sertlee. George, arrived in the clly by last in connection with Class 1 under tkuUMTlted paM" of t a4rer-tlsrtneet night's train. WANTED. pit IT. vHI Ml be ti tor. the Military Service Act, it has occurred, Major Angus Stewart has re BOY- WASTED APPLY SAVoT HUTEL cmr or p-rinck rupert turned to Prince Rupert, after a as wa"s inevitable, that as a result of false C1RL or (lumber WA.1TS worm.GENERAL Fbooe Rt IIOtSEWORk tit. visit up river.... 1, statements and difficulties put in the way of investigation, Sotlea U bertby tlrea that a Court ef WASTED to bJ hum omoer. l (f; Ret l tien far U purpotc of rtTlaiar and Mr- Win. McNalr of Pacofl. Is some individuals have secured exemption M- 0MT 11 Hi SeCtMM StB. Xl eorrecuar in AtaeaaaMBl Roll of In at) paying a visit to Prince Itupert: whose place is in the Army. rr cash. Apply Bt It. Daitf Coun proper I thrtp af Prtne Rprt. will b bkl la ID for a day or two. .x once. cil csambrr. City Han. City f Pria ... It is the intention of the Government Rupert, oa rrUlay lac Ilia day of Aprtt, ! not to allow PARTT IIB ttlntm 5telnr eUII aaw Mr. X. Scheinmann was among i aear rrn pny wim UeetKe la iwd A.D. ins, coaunenetas al ISJS a'dock the passengers on this morning' 1 these men to evade permanently their obligation to office.lotallua. Apply Bl lit. Daily lSws U AH eotnptaiaM or objection to said train for up river. bear their part in the military defence :f the Country Ron be aiadc la wrtunr. ... i Ajtewnent must leat lea and of the ideals for which we arc fighting. To WASTED. Boat la root eoodilkm. - and tfetitered to tbc Aaacaaor at Your piano tuned right. Uarrr ttri; amiable rr bamit Omr.fuamr. An of IIS)ibe tfaya aald before court,tbc rlt dato or Ibt la Brat tb day alttlot of Evans does it. Leave orders with do so would defeat the purpose of the Act, and But Ml. Daily Stt April. A.D. ISIS. Mr. Teetzel, Second...Avenue. cause grave injustice to men in the second class B.C talk tltk WASTED Ycionr ladie wlsWnr to take Dated at Prince. Rupert, a three year course la norsinc. .Wrtte day of Marts A.D. ISIS. The O P. ft. "Princess Sophia" necessarily called out to fill their places. Lad; SuperiBletvleat Prince ftopert FRED PETERS. .. is expected to arrive in from the Central Hospital, lor appUcaUtm lotto, SatMpLIS. City Clerk. south sometime this afternoon. and farther Information, IS ... Exemption Granted on False Grounds Certificate of Improvements The train from the east was FOR SALE ate in arriving last night, and It is, therefore, proposed to scrutinize carefully all n)R SALE Piano Player and fin selects) NOTICE did not arrive until nearly nine) exemptions granted to date in order to separate of Maslc Phone Rrd 7. Tt o'clock. "U)ll Mineral Oalaan. (ItoaU In tbc ... those which have been granted on false or insufficient FOR RENT Portland Canal Mini a DtrKkm of CataUr Diatrtet. Wbere laeated: On AmeetcaB Mr. G. A. Mc.Mchol and Mr. Mc- grounds from those that are well founded. FOR REMT- Four acre ranch at nemo, Creek, about I mite froca IU asoath. Cail, stipt. of tbe O. T. P- here. B.C A boa I two acre In atnall trait; TAkE SOTICE thai I, Rbert SlewaM. returned to tho city last evening With this object in view the various Registrars under remalader under caltlriuoo. Tor parti-tulara, Free Miner Cert 111 rale So. SSirC. In after a visit to Winnipeg. the Military Service Act have been instructed apply to P. O'Brtta, Ametbary lend. Mity day rrcin the date bereef, to ... suiloo. O.T.P, B.C .. tf apply to the Mlnlna Reeerder for a Cer issue series of uncato of improvement, for the purpoae Tbe billiard tournament of the to a questionnaires to exempted men. LOST ef bbtalalnr a Crown Grant f tne above St. Andrew's Society Is rapidly These questionnaires must be filled up correctly LOST Hundred-dollar Victory Bond, rind-r claim.And further lake aoUc thai aclioo, un nearing its conclusion, and will and returned promptly under penalty of forfeiture be over in about ten days. plrat rtnrn to Dally Sa nmrc der ctkM St mull be conmeneed before ... of exemption for failure to do the latae af aorb Certlllcale of Improve so. MISCELLANEOUS menta. Mr. Horace Du Vernet, who bas Dated IU tltb day f Maren. ISIS. been spending the last few days WILL THE PARTY WHO TOOK HAT Initialled Men Who Have Address in tbe city, left again this morn Exempted! Changed 9.S. by mistake from the Si. SEEESA LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Andrew Hall al IOJJ.F. dance Monday, ing for his home at Kitwangar. pleaae phone Hed t IS l QL'EES CHARLOTTE. . It is therefore important in thei own interest that THE TILLICUM. Jo Mel'bie TAKE SOTICE thai I. E. H. Simpson, of proprietor; for Candies, Xut, all exempted men who have changed their address Prince Rupert, B.C. mariner. Intend to ap BANK OF ply fur permission to porcnas tbe roHow-tng Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobarc since their exemption was granted and who have desenbrd land. Hooks bought sold and exchange.. not already notified the Registrar of such change British Norlii America Commendnr at poll planted al north ... east corner of lb Loorfeliov Mineral Harry Hanson, the bum plumb. should notify him at once. Under the Regulations W. P. Sortheast corner So. 1010: Claim, Statement to the Dominion Govern-meni I be nee wet I 10 chain; tbe nee north SS er, left on Monday for Port Simp it is the duty of exempted men to 1 cep the Registrar (Coodenacd) Slit January, rbaln; tbene east 79 chains; tbroc tooth son and will be gone for a month. advised of change of address, and failure llll. ts chains more or lest alone shore line During his absence Messrs. Steen any LIABILITIES TO THE PUSUO to point of fxanjaeneeinenl, rocuinlnr it & Longwill will look after his to receive the questionnaire by reason of neglect of Soles DepotlU la arrnUUoo ..! u.m.m SJIS.SIO acre,DATED more 17th or January,les. ISIS. work here. 6 this duty must be treated as equivalent to failure to Due to otber Bank .. 1 4.71 1 E. H. 6IMPSOS. the after BUI Payable (Acceptance By Cba. J. Benson. AfrnL Mr. and Mrs. K, C. Keith, of return questionnaire receipt. by Laidoo office) Terrace, accompanied by Miss i.m.tu e Kerr, who have been visiting Citizens Urged to Assist Acceptance! under Letter Prince Itupert for the past few-weeks, of Credit (a per DETECTIVE AOENCV PRIVATE V.I. contra) 1,111.494 20 Metropolitan BISt Vaneouvae. returned to Terrace by this In many instances information has been furnished iei.40t.tn Day Phone, Seymour 44t. morning's train.... by members of the public which has led to the cancellation ASSETS. SlrM rnooe, Fairmont St IS. Miss I.inland and Miss Chi of exemptions obtained by false or misleading Caih la band and la Banklll.tlMO Depoall wltb Oortrn-nient Has Offlca, 312 MlbkfiaUaa Bl chester, together with Mr. M. statements. Further co-operation of this character ; Sou Clr- - Victoria. B. O. Phee S4I2. Syrotuck, who have all been calaUoo 141.111 spending the Easter vacation up is invited. The Government regard it as the Depoall ReMrre In Central Oold 1,070.000 C j river, returned to the city last Duty of all loyal citizens, not only to the Country, GoTenunent, Municipal .evening and will resume their but to the men at the front, to assist in this way and otber Se curl tic I tt.Stl.110 'studies at the high school. ,' Call and-1 bo rt Loan .. 7,111,447 ... in securing reinforcements on a just and legal Current count Loan and otber and Dlt-A- Pheae. ,157 .Phee Intimation is made in the Vani basis. Correspondence of this character will be t,4IM4t corner newspaper of the dcatlf treated as strictly confidential and will receive the LlablUtle or Caatocn-arl JOS. F. FIUON of Captain Clark, one of the real ander Letter of old timers of Prince Itupert. fullest investigation. Credit (k per contra) 1.111,401 FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Bank Prcmltc t,40Mf Captain Clark was father-in-law CHARLES J. DOHERTY, DECORATIONS jof Mr. Stanley Spain, who was for Minister of Juih f S7S.4lS.4tS I so long in the Itegittry Offlce here I in the old days. Acorn Sign Co. Correspondence should be directed to Robt. S. Lennic, K.C., Registrar ADVERTISE IN 'JULIAN ELTINQE AT under the Military Service Act, Vancouver, D.C. FOR 3IQN3 The Daily News WESTHOLME THEATRE ! II Tonight, when you see "Countess Charming" at the Westholino Theatre, as you very likely wjll, you will no doubt be as much LONQ RANOE GUN Fishermen Notice! confuted as anyone else to (ell REPORTED BURST when the countess is the countess A HOT BATH THE and when she is not. This lT re- Paris, April 0. One of the WANT imarkable change from a male to flertnnn MINUTE YOU The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at Paeon Is Irtnir Bw,,n t-nrirru.M.irtv nun.mtn. .vita a female role, and back again is hnr.lina. iri. I.,,-. . ..vuitomM now in operation and will operate all the year round. The v.iii are Z S imT1., C X Plure.l on the French company will buy all marketable flsh and will also buy Dog v versatile ronl( flyn of Ul b , 1 Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent to about five cts. : ,ilnr!Virll,!' of ,laK. killed. This announcement was per flsh). Halt will be provided free and all suppllescan iuiiiu. im nun u imiiuiuiiirr aru. i i m-i.u.. ...,........n .i. tl- "',;, robe of women's .l..r in f gowns limn be at reasonable Th olfrMh Inno .nn- I purchased the Company' store at prices. ijnost screen or stage stars and bardmenl of Pari. b.ir. i in-m Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen lie snows them oil to great ad-'viru.v ihu ,nni V.l bringing their gas boats will be allowed 125 for ex. senses of trip to Pacofl. 'the plant is located in tho heart -- . I,.--."."iivuiHB m..iv.ciHii vuumcaa, h C"'rllw The bombardment re of the fishing ground and dog flsh can be caught In great suited In the wounding of two Hanson pins and wallets Into her fair Hrry numbers all the year round. Come to I'acofl If you wish to ringed hands for no lets a purpose women, It was announced tonight. make money every day fishing. than the Hed Cross Fund. The whole picture abounds with humor of the best FOR YOUR NEW SUITS PHONE 481 P- 3. "v- - sort, and it is ma International Chemical Co., Ltd. a kind that will be long remembered Bee for its unexpected situations Steve King Pacofl, Queen Cha lotto Islands. and screamingly funny plot. Prompt Cltanlnn A Pressing Advertise In the Daily New. Phone Qreen 418, Advertise In The Daily New