1 . t the Daily News ll)L IX. N- 82 PniNCK nUPKflT, B.C., Tl IS DAY, PML 9, IBM PHlfiE FIVF f;KN'l f. fiTS TEMFSl A Y BE ATTACIED MOT EXPECTED BETWEEN ARRAS AND LENS - LINE HAMPERS ENEMY MOVEMENTS LULL CONTINUES ON THE THE MAYOR'S REPORT TO HELP INCREASE "ALL IS GOING WELL," SAYS FOCH. ON HIS VISIT SOUTH IN FOOD PRODUCTION BATTLEFRONT IN FRANCE THE ALLIES MAY BE CONFIDENT At the clone of the regular The proposal which was business of the council meeting brought before the City Council GENERAL ACTION SUSPENDED AND FIQHTINQ CONTINUES IN 1 n SSh.I L fti-anlnr T V lll'l Hi .'.JV.Uavnv M CA vmnn.."Wl.I V last evening to the effect that the (gpecui io Tbe Dtiij Jwij going to try to do better, and to nl.l It.. l 1 1.- r&.nll. ,.f aKu Anrrnrrn I no mun In nnupaln the hand of the Hoehe. SPOTS ONLY ENEMY MAKES 8LIOHT PROGRESS NEAR IUIM HIC UVUIIVII I tl.V ICOUIID J MfVU " ' ' v uv.m.v London, April 9. The memor- get upper - CONCHY WOOD LARGE ATTACK EXPECTED his recent visit to Victoria. This the slump puller in the systematic able statement made by General I cannot say what will happen, BETWEEN ARRAS AND LENS ccfiiefly referred to the taxation clearing of lots, in order that the Foch, the supreme commander of but all is going, well." overdue on the property held by ground may thus be made avail, the Entente armies on the West- The getting of the upper hand p,. ji i iin Dr Ktwi Japanese forces have been landed the government in this city- .Many able for increased. production of ern front, has ffeen gladly re- of the Hoche Is apparently to be m llie a a - sow uy irie a jcovern- looasiuus wouiu I seem un II..uic iacc ceived by the British press. jithe nexl move of the allies, and Pins Kuril 9. The announce- here from the ships for the pur.i" "y . . . ... '. .. Z.. iininl l.n.l ni.l ln nodi un in nf II In he nnlv A reasonable One. "All is going well. Iookiat thrthe counter stroke which they " - - the varuince iasi or me mfui ma-.- I'V cuy. iney. . y miMsay-UV During the course of.'...continue to patrol the thorough. full, and title still neing vsieu Lnaer me preneni syoiem, a riti. small advances made by the have been preparing may be day ti -ncmy pressure con.fares. and maintain order. So the Crown, the lots could not en may borrow me Pu. er anu,,,,,,,,, to cal, lhem by lheir re;,riooked for. n. indicated in me . ii-.i. i.i...... ..... . be so d for taxes. The mayor ex. have 11 drawn onio ma 101, ana v, name, durinir the 27th. 28th. 29th words of Uenrai ocn. innaen U riUCtf i"i a UI HIV licil inci iicui uiid jcl urcii wcn iu ' . -. ... . ' " .1 - ..... '..1 n h. 1,111 nl nrman l,fn m ill nmltllr 1AKP T ttfl n ppil inr and 30th of March. It Is now burg has been unable to fuinil M" -7- f the lower Conchy wards ejecting them by the iioi. ,.""" v I.- I Ik. UnnUlnal him In lr a ilxv'a Wnrk MTilll it the of and his boast that he would be in ti-f' the advanced sec-tj shevikl authorities. IIIO ' IIUU0C VOMCtJ 1 J 1.1 linn ' v j mm " - long after first April, forei!m f ur troops resisted the Proportional Allotment Hill, Chat, owing to only the evenings being it is clearly evident that the great Paris by the first of April, al- If it passes, will relieve this.cily available tor mis mnu oi recrea- wave of the German army mougn uouDiiess ne aia nis uesv idxai: e f the enemy-British WILFUL WASTE BY i i...i.i- 1 1 1 t, ii linn liv I h a rllv phsririnir the1, i i .-i.ti in rt lhop....... Fnch on the other FronL iUUBIUCIAUIi ill fcV llHI mm inm ii. hwiii --rf c " ---- 1 1 1 u 9 UWll UTUKCII 111 0lWb, wtvauww f5- v. that something like 127,000 of actual coat to the owners of the met an obstacle. Now they are hand is not boasting of what he British In With th. Army POLICE COMMISSION taxation will be released, which lots, and the work gone about against an embankment and com- is going to do, but the i quiet con-... fnact. April 9. From eight ..i,i . o inunrHa iho iTtimnl IcaIIv. it wntiltl be eco. Lii.i. .innn. ifirtencp nf his statement is taken ..ox'i ii i night until midnight fonsluclion of roads in the city, nomlcally done, and some definite The future will show the full as being sufficient to show that tliescirr hravily the bombarded between with Cily - m.n. b..i idu iiri c-mmiulan i- -v......IThe present plank roads are In a development work done, without measure of our success. We are the situation is well in hand fii b." -; area im.i 11. and wilh this money the city being one cent the loser il Cilie a d La Bassee canal in Pour High Priced Goods U Uni sector. Down the Sewer. expended upon permanent im- Aid. Casey objected upon the DRASTIC MEASURES NOTES FROM THE provemenls, a considerable a- ground that this would be all Th. Nait Attack. mount of temporary upkeep would very well for the "leisured" THREATENED BY COUNCIL CHAMBER L nJ -v- April 9. That an atari The rabid teetotallers in the be avoided. classes, but it wouldn't do for the ARE f large dimensions is plan. eity would have seen a sight to u.tn, viofivmnni had nn hone working class, which was a THE WAR VETERANS tti for the front from Arraa The business upon the agenda have gladdened their eyes, a 'of the city gelling any waterfront sample of Alderman Casey at his of the considered last night's meeting i "!trj t Ins Is for his haL" "through the time this although he noticed best, talking which at same year, pDDtMti by the military experts sight, in the estimates To point out a leisured class in Victoria, April 6t A deputation City Council promised a short that 17.300 was g as this front maintains would have made other people for constructing some son oi rrince iiuperi as agaiusi a ui of the members of the G. W, V. A. session, but the natural loquacity me of the councillors made it otherwise. IU prcjrnt position the IS55 weep, fiffirsjsrtr w u . - waited uoon the Win the War v ' t-their full City . . ini'" 7 .r..:., First of all. there was a i.ti.l m ll.if u i vi i tin rt AlllHriliftn I&B3y. i hr f stocks of liquor connscaleu De- uiu uu " . league bshhh iw vu-"":"-iletter from Mr. K. U. shockley rSpoSi! the coming into effect of the any rights upon Cow lay either. Aid. Ibhvn . hdhlS lion in a monster delegation to bo permission to purchase or Br TPT .-The powerful present prohibition act were de- mhleh :matter W"""' ami 'lo the Parliament Dulldlng. torrow- from the city', stocks utrxin pressure along the Olse stroyed. There were four cask. jtei the government and the O. P ;. whS. lay before the government theUmr8lx planks-of 3 x t8 lumber Qg the French back at the f draught beer, which was spoil-T. P. VJh'' S S5i.7 flHPC not b a loni time grievances which existed in the in order to complete a fishing ntrol uUk.rU of Conchy Wood, ed anyway, so that didn't matter Iknt of e IBP; .JT, ime othe year U failure of the Dominion govern-'boat, other lumber on order not k i,,f I, the official report so much, but there were It was proposed ha ..eneral Headquarter, this thirty-three quart bottle, of per- lh "n'cJf 'V Vit ? so Ihilihe Eti-wn n early croS and a late in the attitude of the Provincial that this be left in the hands of r iar Uerm.n troop, adv.nc- fectly good Cascade beer. u .'government towards th returned the mayor with power to act. I e- further iiiroa th. eastern border of seven bottles of other liqueurs municipality could obtain one. city'soldier question- The chief (fore voting, Aid. Dybhavn Intl. jneby W,od. and by way of broken and their content, run P"- d, woke u lo lhe faft thal 1 spokesman of the deputation was mated that he would like to see b.j. . . l.i. i. ii. I ll.. .nmmnn mfyxT- Last i Here Was quiio a iwuis iuuin.ii " . . , . . n ahn aniil lo aamo rnlliipnt friven to SUCh sv-rmeu a ihiiw " w"""w". .V; 'm...in .pUina-out of the mayor's there is a scarciy of roodauus " : . . . V, ""r . nit (r rMiembray and auvanceu monm uie wiub ui ... .. ,h n,,., ii fit- as Vcmuel. The number miRht have been around thirty reporv. a.u. ' !"'rr.":.".. e. .h'.ii in demonstration was the failure of quest had been made of the city ep!.urcd prisoners has in dollar, or thereby, but had the ,question of taiiantter. and it the Dominion Government to en- engineer during the mayor's ab. Tne4 to over 20.000. value been thirteen hundred dol- Casey regarding Cow ere "u," Military Service Act'sence, and had been turned down, Ths UnlUd SUUi Foro. lar.. It would have been all the the principa speake s .Wer- to them to JJ hm ol;j ;rol,erIy, lhal class B men were! Then came the resignation of Unhnston. April 9. Not .ame. ma.n. M.cBAe lho"!h.l.!L 'L"J1. ..fr e being called out while there yet 'Mr. L. Porter, sanitary Inspector. &Mr jag the statement made According lo the law, the Police - Z"clTy. and "7 won- cultivation of all I avabie vacant ,, remained In the country Inren'nnil driver of the city autO tfUCk. Jay by Stephen Plchon. Commission had no.other alterna- .med Pr,nce number, of a mn. Almost A. Mr. Porter had no noiways ior feFwiiili Koreum Minister, thai IU. . disposing of this stuff. aU dered..what -t ov. lhe K'ciT? Cuncir' have' dongas important was the attitude of the Pa-t.four rs, he askedfor ' ' '& stales troop, are now though In a short periou oi lime. - nubU:, of kind have Ottawa towards the enemy alien iwo wees, wages in ,.ru, at any are afraid of the rity s nothing jne ."'J -elaM- thla city referred to the health 'hj m Picardy. nothing deft-tiU it will be irreplaceable, ne cited cases in was has been heard about where Which .how. how foolish wharf." suggested Austrians were drawing 16 mlttee. Gari Pershing', men are lo. L. can be. even with a majority i not the city they men were, A communicatlon from the uUd, r hat part they are play- of law7er. composing parliament, about, believe me. retorted Aid. a,. . Pro,-, 'XfrnVe )0l walking around looking for work, Board of Trade Comm ..toner, lai in this hftltl of tmttlf a. in.rl fniiii Hi inr inoneT value Mcllae. , ... . .'. .... . .n.i ..i.l thai Ihn men now back Mr. E. II. Mortimer, enclosing a Italian FronL ZZt of The.; bottle, could have AM. Casey moved that the city a wh .. .omw; ? -"The flghiing line had not government leaflet advocating medlc.n.lly. advan- so.icunr .ud m a "- " ' ' ' but had haying a "Rat Held day" for he London, April -LIUI. has been utiliied the food 'come back to do nothing, .;.3! ar.omtheUalian front, lageou.ly. notwlthsUnUing tnai counc.. . - - ;asYer and deserves a. well to come home prepared lo light a .extermination oi m u, pe.u Tk. . mrcntrahon of Austrian certain intemperate pwple argue ha. any right, on C .bigger battle than facing Ger-was referred to the Board of ' a that theatre 1. consider- against the use of alcohol, even to enable them lo en a ,ro'"1 be nange,f: tmans, and If something wa. not HeaUh to take whatever action 4 . a warning that major ac- when prescribed by duly qualifled against the filling up of jay. CELEBRATE THEIR done, and done quickly, "there they considered necessary. k.t may br looked for there nml cal men. V"- "" "7: i tmiiTU anniversary was going lo De trouuie. a nwuiiun i - . . . . ii..i iki. ik. ri.i hii no niiiniiriir uuuar- - roiiowea sr!n:(i ,n, saiu h. mmin aiauaBwisawH nnm Tim aasv rpi w remains uiai ihh .v. - i "If we men had nol gone to Mcllae and MrkpalricK k i... Amnnti snllv had aur jurisuiciiou uci have the censorship of mov- eonnlry: commodi y. wn.c, I Whlli that he! il. St. Andrew's rtKhl the Germans might regarding admitting . it ..I-, llilnir. anil CIUDS- " ... . n n.,,M nn nieur Inir nirtnrea. WtllCIl 11 was con- L iTaV7. 0.-eTurk,sh S, Vrine. ItuSri Ho-piUI -s not at ;.l IvinVV t . . ii i i ....... vl In the really liked little elbow room me itniguu oi i jui u cm"Vt . .v vmlP u-oallh! Continued on Page Four.l ..-.,!,,, urm,mn uiay u,c iu jiMiv..- i. iiki idea ed their ladies, ana mo - - Uucaius. .here they will take day. to come, w a, de liberate Jjr hi.ns;ell J?- IVl In the'eighth aeeur. ar. entitled to your con-' , scss n ,,r the territory which wasted, accoramg 10 iaw, :. anniversary of the society In Huerauon. merejore cu . Alderman i.asey HiitMWvi.ii...... .. .v.. ih. un.t nil the worse, own way. ere hU demon. , ' wiv "- ......i.i niann iiiAin tin. iTinpe uuiieri. tiw . - . ....... .mi h .airaiinn 10 secure iroiu iuo ROYAL FLYINO CORPS i .i l i n r w .in iipaai.i.iinna- anil im.i inprn urrn ms v ---- i . ...w - Undino .. vi.'rfi.A.iAii. have been wasted, or know the reason wn. !leSieiUllj Illuminated urvuia.ru,escutcheon of the vincial Government a land .cheme o London April 9 British and while at the ame time the gov. TITLES 'Knight, graced the walls. There this session and from the Do- Lieutenant Shaw of Vancouver. and sundry NO MORE Government the Intern- Is in the city i eminent l telllntr all '.were well over two hundred minioai now 'in nv save. save, and Invest in . . . . r..ilu Vinlt I..' n.i all menl of alien enemiea," were hi. recruiting for the Royal Consistency's a iBPrCUI W UaUlTrs...HC9i:tti Hiu i: a Iki.- np nrilfl. Flying Corps. All young Bonds. Victory Sir Iloberl ciUoyeo in j.rocu.nS. niiawa. Aoril ..i.i that the of . between "EET I " - .a l...ia na nMV i ti1 flV t.niIirUO al tOJIUt men ages YOUR FRIENDS Jewell ina u n,u . - r - - Borden announced touay ; r 17 H and 25. and In exceptional at the ARRIVALS Canada had poking cigar, on th strength cases, 30 years, PRINCE FISH RUPERT POOL rur- was we u, i ai 'government not lo grant -howeiTof good Jobs while relumed men who are desirous of joining ROOM CIQAR STORE AND The Helgoland was In this ther hereditary nues . 'of lhe ,adlc9 were working a. laborer.. "We're this popular branch of morning Vtlti 45.000 lb., halibut; country. u, the best advantage. fed up. and are going to take the service, are asked to Undsr N.w Mtnagement. Wanderer, tt.000; Pauline. 13.000;, .mTZina FOR SALE I fulfilled all the drastic action, and we want your call on Lieutenant Shaw al Nellie. C.000; Thelma, 10.000;; '..enls necessary, came on aid in handling these conscien- the Prince, rtupert Hotel, Falrbank., 5,000; Mayflower..- , . Ul before midnight, after which tlous objectors, enemy alien, and lie will be in the city until Stel 1.000; Joe Baker.1 Tender, are' That sort of people Wednesday. ?So; loyai Ul.. 3.000 Mb.. fhe early hour, of th arc going to get it in the neck price, reallied varied from 15U on Lot 84. Bloci ' u lllurninK. Th9 annlver.ary cele-.even if we have to do he.work WESTHOLME 18 cent-. There wa. atso(by A. Nham; "JVJ J Nation of the Knight, of Pythia. oureelve.." wa, hi. contribution. 1 . ?onn lb., of .Prlng salmon Westholme b dUncl u wai polnled out that every TOJIiqht ONLY which went to lhe Cold Storage, wr ft30 success and much credit devolve. rnvn.nUon wh ch he w. cent, lb. ..nnn IliA KnlBIII. IOr lllOir HIBO- llio.i. Hi Mrfuv for to Mi per ' . . ,, ' i t o ,nni nlpaiant af- tawa un to now had been noted Marguerite Clark Incr rnnts. Another large ' " upon, nHd he felt thai anything Ileauiuui lauir. "' "', , ' '.,,, and unoieum until at Go I- ....ngoleum .irastlo should be deferred and skirt, fup nils, dre.se. " .ii.. fnt ciinni hn.ij! 13.50 the Li-aitue had tried it. hand, but FOR QUALITY " bloom'., where price, are SmV-lnr;: gfe him first. 3 It.the .oldler.' delegate, retorted "Bab's t.m tons WnilaAa. F.HVICK and SATISFACTION Diary" that tired of talking Coal m- "they were AND Wellington Co.. s Lady.mlth ror New WcHlnQton andj ni,iKin...'.iuiu...v... f.ir lvln nnd wrlllnir.. . and- - lhe time bad IX RAY WKF.K FOfl HKLP. fuel Dill nu wnim in PATHE wn.if. Lumber of all oimo tf to do something real." come QAXETTE atl.f action. Phone 15. r. R. r (juaUty jn ,ftUjei, a,,pare, lit. i hone Coal Co.