FIQHTINQ IN THE m m w far Himalayas London, AnrU Tli rr . uio ruiuao, mum, ar aurcrie. ii HE ADACHtd fully cnrryJnK punitive operations against Ihe Marrl ini,,filri ut.n have been driven Lack inU the miiiMtTtf'Wi'f" hills, and now are carrying out oniy raiuing exn n la. .. From Fruit Juices communication issued hv dm muia unico. The commnnioaiw... ioiiows: I'urmive ooerntlnna .in.i .aV. .. 'Fruit atW. me karris continue satisfactorily thh mo ouvance or our troops in the Marrl country. lUi Mr. i. have retired further into the hills. IftieB i lvu, ! ml to lake 'Fruit- They are offering no organized resistance, but are confinm tlM, , wlam entirely free themselves to their trailiiinnof tactics of sendliiK out 1iiI.iIp.i raiding parties to harry defence, 'S jjj".'' V XA.VDKK BHAW. lets villages, loot bunnin iliimln jOe i i t V M,trial slie . merchant shops and lift camels A til dc- ,r 00 "'P and cattle. . P. ,.1, by Fruits-tltn "The most serious of their raids was an attack on a good MINERAL ACT train near Ilabar Kach. in ulnrli one European and ix Indians enmris cr wpnovuctKTB were killed and thrr Indians wounded, under the gradual pres nonci sure of our troops, however, tho. kimml Lit a. a rraci:..a and "Pitf" iriues nave uegun lo sliow din-t!r.ct n.m tan rorii ClZi MiMHl siffs: of nntemplatiriir sur k :f :ai f Dlttrlct Vr oa the Mil side of render. Practically all sections ruriJt .'rc?k, '.I miki from Um bred of of the Khotran tribe already havo tendered their unconditional sub ttu 5 " I ihl i rrtd RUrhit mission through their chief.' itM iwn :afie no. utic.) set Northern Home u m iri ' ' Prtioaid Kmc 5uv" rr law if-" tltT-C lottod. 130,000,000 WORTH OF $irj tan f'a iba date tvi-tor, M applj LIQUOR Iff ONTARIO a Dm iiaiaf f. or for a Certificate or MTCTtarau. ' tba purpote tt obutnlnt i n Crust ' lb abote claim. Toronto, April 8. There is of the Famous ud renter uic nouc umi ecuoa, on considerable agitation ovr the irf I" r-rcti m tiaiMotrd befort situation In which distillers and atkmta f :. ft Ctrtllcstt of Imprott-mi export warehousemen find them M Ull IIU dtf Of Dtcembrr A. D, selves as a result of the 'bone IHT dry" law. The statement has "Staff" MINERAL ACT been made that there Is about Family 130,000,000 worth of liquor in amricATi or iiraomirri Ontario, 5000,000 of which la held by the warehouses and the mci balance by the dlslilteries. ' ' irMfa tod -oWl Mineral As there Is no outlet for these The 'Staff Family have now heen introduced Jam sKaatt Is Ibu SlwtM Mlalnc Din-en of Ctuur BUtrfc goods now In warehouse, except tt loft led aim . I miitt w'tittrty that of returning them to the arm tw Wtd r AUt, Arm, end aboet distilleries where they could b into Northern B.C. and are good drinks, and are fit from Utt Btafti, converted into alcohol for muni. rot till iNtm S0T1CI rrrjBrtu thai Ltolt so. W.titiiC lions purposes, the proposal 14 here to It will to better stay. get acquaint-o w MUjboVeum Mlaior tad K that the government take over pay the supply. UkC rr Mtarf OrtiBraU Jlo. It was stated today by the On ed with them tario license board that the new iff i; ik'; m um Miotnr lucordr regulation covering native wines would prohibit advertising in the newspapers and solicitation by i r jtiiia take notice ttttt tui travellers. O of iatk Orulrtu of lav COAL, ft OTIC 8 I1EE.1A LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of QVtCI CHARLOTTE ISL.UDS Seeds! Seeds! tSPAJSAlJJW TAKS .tOTtCC Uttt L JADBf P. R!4, Of rnece Rupert, a. C, rrwpocior. Uuo4 fc twur for a lica? U propct for coal and pttrokua etrr um follow tor ottenbtt VnnU'i, Terry's and StMla taadt oa Um WXI Coatl of Morraby lUaiKL NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of Briggt Qardon and FUld CMUatwIti al a poal plants abool of tooda. a a&ilo Kwlbrtiurlr froa a poat lofau4 oa a rare deiiciousness and flavor; clear as crystal. o Um abort of a small Say ocwaier out ftniihtrt and Worm Doo-lror, of CatMo rata twiB Moraby ao4 CbaaU sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full blaoda. aboot S miM frorUxrty aloof um Mil, Moraty laUod a!4 of Caaoo Pua frws bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected Grain and Mill Fad. Sock I'oUil Uworo aooUi SO cbaUi UMore 1 ripe fruit. Try a glass of ApplestafT today: order Prili'i Poultry Regulator. rtl SS cbalaat Uxors oof Lb SI cbaiMl Ibrer tad IS tbaloa 10 Um lelal of coa Chlckan Food a specialty. . DMtKfTMDL oa acase for the home. " rrU AUmv44 to. JAMKS I. hUD, AppUCAOL APPLESTAFF CVCRYWHERC Ucat4 fioitmbtr tlb. HIT. Pfiiice'fiuperl Feed Co. IkCCMA QCCE.1 LAID CHARLOTTK DISTRICT ISLANDS DISTRICT OP, M. p. o. i ssa Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence TAkB .10TICE tut U tottph Stiloo, o rnoct Ruwrt. S. C rroptiof. iawo4 of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage lo apply for a Uctoao lo proaprcl for coal dtacrlbtd for young and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating io4 lroltum or lb followiac STEEN & UtMta oa lb Wrtt Cvatl of Moratby lalaad to body and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, LONG WILL t:usiRMlnt al a poal planud about or a hum auuitxaturljr fruw a poat tcratod creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come oo Um abort of a small Bay optoinr owl TARy AND HEATINO or Canuo rau txlvora MorMby a ad CbaaU againl" In popular priced bottles. Ulandt, about I snilca Kontxrly aloof um LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Morttby llao4 tide of Caaoo rata rroa Bock polnti tbenco aoulb IS cbalDJ Uwnct Agonta for can tt rbaioa- Uwoc oorut SS ctaim; Ibtnto til S cbaica to Um point or ea Wccla?y FurrriACfs mrncrintnt. iOStril SEXTO. AppllcaaL Good old fashioned Bock brew, more tasty and Loratril ovtmir IIU, HIT. PLUfUBINQ creamy than ever; rich and dark of color, foaming and IkEE.IA LA.ID DISTRICT DISTRICT OP with spirit and life. Dockstaff is the "Hit of the HT ETAL WORKS QUE E.I CHARLOTTK ISLAMDS Town" wherever it has been introduced. It is the Jkwa 5. 831 Second Avenue, TAkE nOTICK that I. Cbarlta K. Surttaa. pleasing, drink have been waiting for, phonra 578 of rrloce Ruprrt. a. C mtotr, lottoa w snappy you and Illue 270 apply for a IIccdm to proaprcl ror coal aod with an after taste that makes you smack your lips dtTUd pttrolruin otr tb folio lot Jh right work, at the riuht laoda oa tbt Wilt Coatl or Morttoy iiianu. with Joy. Ad at the right price. CoruawDClDf at a poal pUnwd about of BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE a mllo aouUttatttrly from a poat kxal4 on tb abort of a small Bay opraiat out of Canoe rata bttveta Mortaby and CbaaU liltDdt. about I miltt Dortbtrly aides w We are pleased to announce that we have been named distributors of "stafT" leverages for Northern Mortaby Itland aide or Canoe rata iron, i-iAty KFJ INtMLNT m tail Buck si roleti cUlnat Uttore Uwnce norib aouin so cbaiaaj so coauu-weort HritTs1i 'cfiium'biaj'for the Hemrich's Staff Products Company, of Seattle. We ore supplying Cafes, refreshment Ux-nre trt SO cbaina to point of 00m places, hotels, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned if mcncmoL . 1 Cll MILES E. BL'ROESS. AppDcaat. 'youcanTgel Appiestaff, Lifestaff or Dockstaff; we will see that your order (s promptly filled. Localtd novrmbcr Us HIT. I. , 1 1., i,. " rf, ttLE.IA LA.-ID DISTRICT DISTRICT OP 0LEE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS i tike NOTirc tbai t. Haaa K. Chrtiun- e, , r Kriiu. auiuri. B. C rroaMCtor, p. Inlrnd lo apply for a Uctwe to proapect . . . I ' - k IaIIakIh. F. G Limited ror coai ana ptirowum or w--. DAWSON, .i..ih.J liiuii m tho Wtll Cot 1 1 Of Ppl to Mortaby Itland. Comratntlns si s poa pianitd about , or a bum tw""" License No, 3-310 Distributers from a poal localld oa tb abore of a WILLISCROFT ....lit nnanll' AUt Of CaOOO Patl bt h a. Prince Itupert, B.C. Phone 77 and 72 lttn Morfiby and CbaaU lilanda. about I "upert, B. 0, mllti rwrtbtrly aionr tbe Mortaby lalaad .r r.rwi rmm Buck Point 1 tbtnee north II cnalnii ibeaee wtal II cbalnti , "JBSCRIBE FOR Uwnct aoulb 10 cbaina " cbaina to point of eonuDtnctmtnL IHE DAIL y News HANS E. CIIWITENSES, Applicant UcatMt Not&btr ". IIV