I "nAB'8 DIARY" AT THE WCSTMOLMT THEATRE Local News Notes G. H. Arnold Tonight u I the Woslholme room NOTARY PUBLIC .Theatre, Marguerito Clark, one Poultry netting at (Inllands, the daintiest of motion picture artistes, is the star In "Dab's Largo assortment of raincoats Diary," the first of several of the at Goldbtoom's- tf CANADA We Sell Ilcnl Estate. famous "Sub-Deb" stories by V write Fire and Marine Mary lloberts Itlnchort which ap Dress your boy from head to Service Insurance. peared in the Saturday Kvening toe. at Wallace's. It Military Act We have Apartments, Stores, Post, This is a comedy-drama of Mr. II. A. Higclow, of Smllhers Houses, and Ofllces for the typo best suited to this dainty has been paying visit to I'rinco a Hent, and Want More, actress. Already a great favorite We Deal in Mortgage Loans. the play this evening will, if any Rupert. Important Announcement to All We Sell Timber Limits. thing, enhance her already great Ladies' Patent Huttou cloth.top reputation. There Is something shoes. Wednesday special, $3.90 We do Conveyancing. 'delightfully lifelike and true in Wallaces. 1 La La !these stories, and to see them on sV H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. itho screen goes one better than Hcautiful new lino of ladies and to the Public reading cold print. The play is waists. Special prices, at Gold Generally .well constructed, and there is not bloom's. If, a dull moment from the first t t00O000000000000001k .scene, when Dab starts out on N dealinc: with the verv lart?R Till: TILLlCUM. Joe McPhie her hoydenish career. Those who "The Daily News" j have read the stories will like to proprietor; for Candies, Mut number of claims for exemption 'see the pictures, and those who Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobacco i CLASSIFIED ADS. I have not, if there bo any, will Hooks bought sold and exchange brought forward for consideration I have something well worth see Ing. There will also bo n flrst- spending Mrs. A. McMastcr,the Easter who vacation has been i in connection with Class 1 under WANTED. class Pathe flazetle showing some Vancouver, returned to the city the Military Service Act, it has of the latest military and war occurred, yesterday by the Princess Sophia APPLY SAVOY HOTEL. BOY WANTED views. as vas inevitable, that as a result of false OIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSEWOMi On account of the Interruption or chamber work. Phone Red I to. Hoys' 4 school shoes, water in the telegraph service, there i statements and difficulties put in the way of investigation, WANTED to bur ttom owner, two (j proof, for 2 95 Wallace's. It no word of the train due thi some individuals have secured exemption or more lot In Section seven. Muit afternoon, to the time of going up be cheap for casb. Apply Box I to, Dally Separate Section for fitting to whose proper place is in the Army. Jiews OOlce. II men's and boys' shoes Wal press. lace's. It It is not the intention of the Government to allow TARTY with Stlmon Selnlnr.outfit wants Lieutenant Shaw, of the Itoyal to near from party with llMfn'jrflwl Flying Corps, visited the 'High these men to evade permanently their obligation to location, Vox 4 Ncwa Wallpapers, all grades; 10c and Apply J 9, Dally urn re. tr upwards. Silversides Uros, Sec School yesterday, where hegav bear their part in the military defence f the Country tf n Interesting account oJ th and of the ideals for which WANTED. Boat In rood condition, 40-10 ond street. work of the Corps. we are fighting. To Box rrti:Mr,futtable Daily for Newa halibut'omce.flttitni-. Apply . do so would defeat the purpose of the Act, and See our windows for Wednes cause grave injustice to men in the second class WANTED You tia; ladle wKhinr to lake day's specials Wallace's- I a three year course in.nursing.. .Write necessarily called out to Mil their places. Lady Superintendent Prince Rupert Harry Hanson, the bum plumb Oenerat HospUal, for application form er, left on Monday for Port Simp and further Information. SO Exemptions Granted False Grounds son and will be gone for a month on Department of the Naval Service. FOR SALE. During his absence Messrs. Sleen TENDERS FOR SCHOONER & Longwill will look after hi It is, therefore, proposed to scrutinize carefully all TOR of SALE Music. Piano Phone Player Red I7.and fine selection: "NADEN" work here. 80 exemptions granted to date m order to separate TENDERS addressed to the underlined Our new Spring military coat those which have been granted on false or insufficient FOR RENT and marked on the envelope "Tender for choline r 'Naden'." will be rerelved up to are here Wallaces. I grounds from those that are well founded. F6R RENT. Four acre ranch at nemo, and iDdudfnr the Twentieth Day of April, B.C. About two acres In small fruit; 191 f. far Schooner "Naden," as she stands Queen Mary Chapter I. (). D. K, With this object in view the various Registrars under remainder under cultivation. For particulars, it New Westminster. B.C. will hold a bridge drive In the K the Service Military Act have been apply to P. O'Brien, Amesbury Dimensions and lonnare as fellows: instructed Station. O.T.P, B.C. tf Ft. 10 tli. i nan on Wednesday evening, to issue a series of questionnaires to exempted Lenrth 10 0 April 10, commencing at 8:30 I men. LOST Breadth to I M. Dancing after supper. Tables These questionnaires must be filled up correctly LOST Hundred-dollar Victory Bond. Finder (irons Depth tonnare I 100.11 for cards may be secured that and returned promptly under penalty of forfeiture please return to Daily New Office. lie r later tonnare .. .. I I.J I evening. i Tenders nxit be arcompaatra by of exemption for failure to do so. MISCELLANEOUS certified cheqve for 10 per cent of tender See our new under muslin' and price, which will be returned to unsuc silk lingerie Wallace's. I WILL THE PARTY WHO TOOK HAT Initialled rssful tenderers. Exempted Men Who Have Address S.S. by mistake from the St. Successful tenderer will be required to Changed Andrews Hall at I.O.p.E. dance Monday The snowfall which whitened rorrplete payment before taklnr delivery pi phone. Red 411. II or schonner. the aUreeta here last night before It is thereforo important in thei own interest that The Department does not bind Itself to midnight was heavier up fiver KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DI3TRICT OF aerept the hlrhest of any tender. and as a result the telegraph all exempted men who have changed their address QUEEN CHARLOTTE. Deputy Minister O. I. DEBARATS.of the Naval Service. wires have been down all morn since their exemption was granted and who have TAKE NOTICE that I. E. H. Simpson, of I'nalbciixed publication of this adver ing. Repairs, however, have been not already notified the Registrar of such change Prince Rupert, B.C., mariner. Intends to apply tisement will not be paid for. fleeted- should notify him at Under the for permission to purchase the follower apt 117. once. Regulations described land. CITY OF PRINCK RUPERT For smart one-piece dresses it is the duty of exempted men to l eep the Registrar Commenclnr at post planted at northeast corner or the Lonrfellow Mineral and two-piece suits Wallace's advised of any change of address, and failure Notice Is hereby riven that Court of Claim. W. P. Northeast corner No. 1050; thence west SO chains; thence north to Revision for the purpose of rtvisinr nd Mr. It. M. Hums of Telkwa, ac to receive the questionnaire by reason of neglect of chains; thence east f 0 chains; thence south correeUnr the Assessment Roll of the City companied by Mrs. Hums, was in this duty must be treated equivalent failure as to to 0 chain more or less aloor shore line Prince Rupert, will be held to the Coun-Chamber, the city yesterday. Mr. Hums Is to point jof commencement," contalnlnr 40 City Hall, City of Prince return the questionnaire after receipt. of the proprietor Hudson's Hay acres, more or less. Rupert, on Friday the tlh day of April. DATED tTth January, I til. D. till, commenclnr it 10.10 o'clock ranch near the Hudson' Hay E. H. SIMPSON, s.m. mountain outside of Telkwa, and Citizens Urged to Assist By Cba. J. Benson. A tent All complaints or objection to said it is "some ranch." Assessment Roll must be made In wrtunr. and delivered to the .Assessor it least ten In many instances information has been furnhhed (10) day before the date of the Orit slttlni Muslin and silk lingerie new FOR YOUR NEW SUITS by members of the public which has led the of the said court, vli., the tlln day of goods Wallace's. 1 to cancellation See April, A.D. 1911. of exemptionsobtained by false or misleading Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. this II lb Mrs. C D. Neroutsos, of Victoria, Steve King day of March A.D. till.FRED PETERS. .. has been In the city for the statements. Further co-operation of this character Prompt Cleaning & Pressing Sats.ApLtO. City Clerk. last day or two, having come is invited. The Government regard it as the Phone Green 41S. Certificate of Improvements here in the interests of the .Navy Duty of all loyal citizens, not only to the Country, League of Canada. The NOTICE extended by Prince Ilupert hospitality to the but to the men at the front, to assist in this way ..I n., t II.. ..ill. ....I .. in securing reinforcements LOUISE" Mln.nl CIsl.m. must In ihe ! vi mo visum cruisers in on a just and legal Phone. 157 .Phone Portland canal Mininr Division or catsiar past months may have to beemw basis. Correspondence of this character will be OKtrlcL Where located: On American !tinued Permanently as thii. nnrt JOS. F. FILION rrrm. auout t iuiie inwu mourn. in importance, nnu treated as strictly confidential and will receive the take notice that i, Robert Stewart. !Jncreo8es fullest FOR INTERIOR AND EX-TERIOR Free Miner's Orlineita Nil 01!"(" In. ! Willi Wie View OI HBVinK investigation. tend, suty days from the date hereof, to branch of the avy League or- DECORATIONS sppiy to the Mininr Recorder for Cer- ganlzed. . . here to be responsible for CHARLES J. DOHERTY, tltlmMtm as? ImnswisaimMila Psx s t atai enna m ! ,.r ..buininr . cmn or.ni r th. .i..ll"ig lat Mrs. Neroutsos is here Minister of Justice Acorn Co. claim. at this time. Sign And further lake noUce that action, un Correspondence should be directed to Rob t. S. Lennie, K.C., Rccutrar der section SI must be commenced before Wednesday morning niouse under the Military Service D.C. FOR SIGNS lie Issue of such Certiorate of Improve Specials Wallace's. It Act, Vancouver, menu. 411 Dated this tltb day of March, toil. NOTES FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBER Continued From Page One.' finally reconsidered, and tlm Fishermen Notice! tlcular to prevent the demorali question of meter rents and light sation of the young- Ills worship and power rates bylaw was discussed A HOT BATH THE Intimated that objection on this in committee. Aid. Casey's The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at Pacofl Is lcore was general, and would curiosity got the better of him MINUTE YOU WANT IT probably bo brought to the notice again, and he had to ask now in operation and will operate all the year round. The of the provincial government. the Yoti are a. ru'' "ied ' mayor for his report on lifs visit company will buy all marketable fish and will also buy Dog I In the interest of increased south, which his womliln wm getting cold Fish at fifteen dollurs per ton (equivalent to about five cts. food production, and as the city going to do anyway. That led to stonily. TU-.k '""ftUt:1 per fish). Halt will be provided free and all supplies can jwas the owner of a stump puller. the discussion of many thlnira Ufaction -r w it was proposed that this the am W be purchased at the Company's store at reasonable prices. weanon such as the taxation of govern, Walrr m be utilized syiileiiiatically In pulling ment property. Cow Hay. clubs abundant' r'.i Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen all the citizens' stumps on and waterfont for the city, which 31 how mu. li ha fen u.m bringing their gas boats will be allowed $25 for ex. their lots, on application being being one of Aid. Mcltae's pet pensea of trip to Pacofl. The plant is located In the heart made, so that the ground thus projects, enabled him to gel In a HOTWATER LIKE MC of theMishing grounds and dog fish can be caught in great cleared may bo planted; the ac. poke at the Minister of Land. 1 tuat cost to bo charged to the Hanson Aid. '.aey had Jab. numbers all the a too. at ii.a Harry year round. Come to Pacofl if you wish to applicant. Aid. Cueey the was oily solicitor, whom he culled the make money every day fishing. chief objector to this, as the "technical legal head" of the Hv CD pSM Hut Water Kiivir. leisured classes, whoever they you W,H.--v"n..-nj' and It's the way such things urn J might be, might be benefitted aid that counts- So after th PHONE 489 P. 0, 0X International Chemical Co., Ltd. somewhat as against the worklmr little pleasantries, the meeting class. It was a nueer objection. adjourned. Pacofl, Queen Cha lotto Islands. but anyway the proposal was left over for o week. Hmart ouo.plecH drees and After the telephone bylaw was new suits Wallace's. i avertise In lhe uauy w