April 10. 1918. GERMAN CHANCELLOR Dollar In Time, SPEAKS OF THE QRriT MISERY STILL TO COME Saves I i Amalerdam. Anril ft.- hr n.,., i Ikwik ol - ' - n i VISIT to The Mlciiaeia, runner Irnrnri.! i..n British North America cellor, on leaving to aiaume hli A for the P"-P0, poal of president of Pomeranla, mads an address at llerlln. iu ',pSl become. . Plctt said: 'If I were ever reannnaihu again for the government I wmilil )0ah.veKqu.rcdit. decline to ask a war indemnity. to open iiainer man sen our nmn n..w you use r T v i'M W" He dollar fn the Savings itaelf Into the abyii of material. ism, which would be the case If In turn i.vei ncp,rtment our war einend lure wer ii. the h.bit ol Mv frayed by " our enemies, we must teach our Deonla In hornm. OF pimple, sober and economical. BANK THE "Our time of trial will nnt nH North America with the termination of the war British Our misery will continue- We mutt hear it without murmuring. wrfftA.w ". "-"M. Poverty will be our ennk. V PRIXCE RUPERT BRANCI mutt admit we, loo, are guilty for thla war. not In a nnllllral n J.S M m 1 1"n SMannflfcr for the emperor tried to maintain noaee in lh laal mlmit Iml fir MINERAL ACT cumstancea have brought us trials jdTificm or ipoHiwrr hlch threaten to make mnnev the matter of tbe day. We must UOTtCf aave the country from a aurren .i a ad Piilr" bnaartl der to materialism." odL tuu la lit rortlaad Canal bJlalat TUft k4 -On U Mil IW THE MIGHTIEST EFFORT jjaj, Cmt It Um ft4 OF THE WHOLE WAR .wit rant ui t, I. rrd ww soTiiat Waahlngton, April 8- Renewal Northern TT. . for R. ttBlld KUt 5UL fra of ttia German asaaultt agalnil Home the llrltleh and French linen In n avi twa U data brreof, u applj IMcardr today Indicated to mili c3for for Certiecata of a a warn of ofcuiatnt tary obaervera bera Ibal tba Oer- nnarttt. tcr tba mrpoM I o anal of U abort rlatm. mani, navlnr falnered alranglh of the Famous ikl nnkrr Uit bouc Uai tcUoo. durinr the lull of tbe last few r Mk II' assil ba eunmaftcad bafara daya, might now Le ready to af Ccrtlflcata or Improra-aaa, aikntM aunch tbelr grtaleal effort. AM Ula ear of Dacambaf, A. D. Home officer think the allied i commander realixe that only the "Staff" MINERAL ACT flrat phase of the gigantic balUe Family haa patted and that thla probably enmem or lamovunn accounta for tbe fact that no ex. tenthe counter movement haa rrtc been undertaken at yet. It la ijMraaV u-3 "lacffir" Ml pointed out that the previoua rec The "Staff" Family have now been introduced Um. mw la U I leant Mtaiar Dirt-M ord of the German high command a! Cmu DUlrt. tot brlr4 AIM I atltat Wrtlartf arguet against any pottibilily la a I'ti of ilk Xrm. 14 iteal that it would be content with the into Northern B.C. and are good drinks, and are AIM IK atb, minor atralegic advantage already hi tui ona cattlSrala tut uu!a. w.I4III-C.rttuor, gained by Ibeir costly en- here to It will to better stay. get acquainted w M Naljbdrasai tttatar aad Ba. terpriie, or with the abandonment pay KM Oaspuj Lballad. (.loa rtraoeaJ of ita plana without further at takMj: fr Mtaan OrtlflraU Ha. tempt to force apart the French with them Itm bmadt Miljr dri from iba dale and Drlllth armiea. The battle bmf, M apply la Iba Mlala KwcxJf i I Cnvtttlt af Iajprortau. far tba of Verdun continued for month rrai at aaiaiaat Crooa Ortat f before tbe German admitted that M at o asm rlaiau. their object ti unattainable. oi mm ttii notice ikai hu Jk Iwm man ba tecBaMra4 ba. a. In baaa at nca Orllflrata or ta- Advertise in the Daily New. GOAL ptOTteES aWU LOB D1ITWC7 DUTBJCT OF Seeds! Seeds! QL'IXM CMAJiLOTTB IIULflDt Sparkling Tits .10T1CK utai L. iaax r. . af w Uadia rrtara Rapart. a. C, r-raapaOor, tow4 M apply rar a Hcaa ta ajroapMl rr caal AiMlt'a, rtrrj't and ital a4 twirolaoai vttr la faltowtat OaacrUia Hjji Cardan and FUtd Uada oa Uw Wad Coaal of Maear Itlaad. NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of taada. Cacunaacta l a poal ptaou4 aaot of a rare aeuciousness ana navor: clear as crystal. uia aoaUwuiertr rroa a poal locaiH rtnlllan and Worm Da-Wjtr. oa iba abar ar a aiaan Bar apaoia aal sparkling like champagne, aweel as orchards in full t Caaoa rati btlM Montr aa4 Cbaall Uanli. abol t atUaa anrtkarly ataaf bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected r. Grain and Mill F4. Mortby Itlaa4 UOt at Caaoa rM rroa U'i foullry Ragulator. Siki ratal; IWoca mU ckalaa) lbat ripe fruit. Try a glass of Applestaff today: order al t chataat Utraco aorta t caaiatj Oltkin Faad a . at ioq a case for the home. tpaclalty. ibrora rati tt cbaiaa to iba polai ta- ' "vaiaaUf AllaMad ta. APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. nukt r. 1UO, ApolicaaU torl4 noaambar tlb. Ittt. NBypert Feed C. IttLIt LA.1D DIITWCT OltTSJCT OF r a . ass Ql'tUI CHAKLOTTK ISLARDI Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence T4(l MJTIC tbal L Jaatpb aailoa, of of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage rrtac Maparl. S. C rroapactor. laiaaa to apelj for a UeraM ta praapfct for coal for young and old snappy, Invigorating, stim. and pairvtauat r Iba rallewtat 4aartba4 jltEH & L0NGW1LL Ua4 oa tba Writ Coatt of Mamby Itlaad. ulating to body and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, CMnwaactv at a poal piaata4 aboai af creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come mlla aovibtattarly frvca a poal located UITRY AND HCATINQ oa iba abora af a amaU Bay oaalay aal againl" In popular priced bottles. of Caaoa Pat balvaa Maraaby aa4 CbaaU CNQiriEcns ItltDdt. about a ml In .loribtrty alanr iba LIFE8TAFF EVERYWHERE. Morrabf tiUa lda of Caaoa ra maa Buck rotati Ibaaca MxiU It cbalaj liaoca AganU for taal It cbalaat tbaaco aoru II cbaiaa; tkcunr runnActt Ibaaca wait II cbalM V tba polat ar taa- mrorrQBL Good old fashioned Bock brew, more tatty and JOSIPH SIXT0.1. Appncaal. PLUMBINQ LoratrO .laatmbar lib. HIT. creamy than ever; rich and dark of color, foaming and tbtX.1 LA.1D DISTBJCT WSTBJCT Or with spirit and life. Bockstaff ia the "Hit of the T METAL WORKS Qt'KI.1 CMAP.LOTTK IILA5DI "-"J, Town" wherever it has been introduced. It is the 834 8ond Avenu.. Phonn TAKK ilOTICB Ibal L Cbartat E. Bart. pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, 578 of rrioca imparl, a. C, nuaar, laua4 M nd IUu 170 appiy far Itcaoaa to prsapacl for caal aa4 with an after taste that make you smack your lipa Slt ork, lt u,. palrvWuro oar tba foUoUf daacrtba with Joy. HtM lands oa tba Wail Coaal at Maraaby laUad. CL11 lh "ght prloav. CocDinaacUi II t poal ptaalad abaal at OCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE a ntlla aoutbcaaurly trua a poal tocatad on Iba abora of a amaO Bay apaaia aal of Caaoa I'M balwaaa Moraaby tad CbaaU Hlaada, about ultel Borlbarl alM U W are pleased to announce that we have been named distributors of "staff" Beverages for Northern Moraiby Itlaad aida or Caaoa rau rrom Buck Pololi ibaaca aortk It cbalaai tbaac British Columbia, for the Ilemrioh'a Staff Products Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment aait II cbalaai Ibaaca aoatb It cbalaai thfora wan I cbaiaa la polal of aa places, hotels, restaurants, grooers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Pboue the undersigned if tDcnrrroeol. ctuioxs b. Buaaus, appucaaa. you can't get Applestaff, Lifestaff or Bockstaff; we will see that your order Is promptly filled. Lor i 14 Naaaatbar ttb, HIT. lltK.IA LAD OWTWCT DISTIUCT Of Qt'II-1 CHABXOTTI 1ILABDS TAKt NOTtri Ibal I. Nana K. CbribM aan, at rtlnca Bupart. C, praapacior, lairad to apply for a Bctaa bt praapacl F. G. DAWSON, Limited for coal aad palrolttua atar ta i" Hon drairtfcad Uadi oa iba Waal Goal I at Moraibr UUad. Camaaaaia tl a paai niuud about tl I mlla aoatbaaitarty lUcastNa 3-318 Distributers r-. . . km um abora af a 9 vv. WILUSCROFT mn rnt af Caaoa rata oa Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 77 and 72 i.... u.,k, rf rkuil Ulaaaa. about 7"uprt, b. tnllct aortnarty a loaf Iba lioraabj UUad alda of Caaoa ra rroaa am rwmi in... Hnrlh aa rk.lnn Ihtut Ittt I It Cbl Ibaaca toulb it biati Ibaaca tail It lHE chain lo palal af letsiaancanaat. Daily News lUfta K. CHMBTMMX, AppBcut, Uctiad Moftmbar ttb, HIT.