-wi .jaw- Daily News .. pjilnck nut'EiiT. o.c, RArthDAY, apiiil i3. isms. Piunis FivH rj IE TO TA TT3 ii fnl rLANU CONCENTRATED ATTACKS FAIL TO BREAK THE BRITISH LINE-SEVERE FIGHTING gRMAN ADVANCE IS SLOWED FOCH'SCHIEF AIMISTO CANADIAN CAVALRY SWEPT . UP BY BRITISH TENACITY SMASH UP ENEMY ARIES THROUGH GERMAN DEFENCES UNABLE TO BREAK THROUGH Paris, April 12. Pari, it now mre than our covering troops, Ottawa, April 11. - Premier action commenced at ten o'clock. learning to neglect in the ofllcial nd ' it o time for bragging Uorden issued another story deal- our batteries firing from uncou-1 commutations smaller details. 'nd "ver-confldence, neither in it iog wilu lbe work of lLe Canadian cealed positions, and the German mllinr DEFENCS HI U"'"'- os.uini.inu iu (tub l"n nene" over ,ill,e balloon, soon spotted our flashes. ithe cavalry in the recent heavy flgbt- lor irnnnni imA nriDrRirn v rn significance of which appears " . niilntnai in ah. half lfrnnl , , Th r trim wirfl not Iimir in re - w ivttr in f panna ii l a. irnm iris ntn -- c INCREASE THEIR GAINS, BUT UNABLE only to those having the whole , Ail those in touch with the of i,0,anil 11.11 antl aa foiiow.: Plring, although they put none of TO CAPTURE HEIGHTS situation before them. fleneral 8taff share the confidence, v a r CorresDondenl'a Head. :our un out..of action. The Cana- "People should not allow them of this ofUclal quarters. France In brilliant' j,an"s oaVc"J up a mild slope. neighborhood of -ervllle and elves to be hypnotized by the Will Not Be Drawn. ! .n .n.i.in. ik. IHome could be seen to fall and loft . ii. The report Neuf-Hcrguin, In bolb of which official bulletins, said a high of Paris. April 12. Oeneral Foch. Cavalry swept through the heavy!lnen ,lmP back lo lhe trenche. - H'rnted yesler localities tho enemy is eontlnu-jfieial. whose advice seems to have It is now generally understood, constructed German defences and Two German machine guns were IT.JD ':-)., orneral llalg ing his pressure and has made been accepted. "In a battle like will not be drawn by the Germans. onlo lne(r objecUv astride the Ioln up the attack on the left 0 M ' : g memy pressure progress. Merville was captured this," he added, "bulletins show. but will hold his reserves for the Amiens-Loys highway Sir Doug- bul uddenly above the line of the ) the souin anujuy me enemy curing me nigni. ing more or less important advance moment ehosen by him. ,,a, Haig., coinmUniqu'e says: in ?ht came a ot "re- Iu h. uil. TheHrit-j "Attacks made by the enemy and retreats are simply Wait a bit only wait a bit," Uie cour-e of ,ome very hol aU U was the arrival of the Canadian puttied baek to yesterday in the region of Ploeg-s geographical summaries which Thus the Entente supreme com- tack, whicn cre made ,n lue re..armored cars, whose guns swept ;n the vicinity of street succeeded, after heavy have a catling only for those mander replies with a character- ion 80Uln of lhe Lucef lne Cana-jthe Hun'a outposts and finally a.iay The enemy fighting, in pressing our troops who are dliecting the operations. iHC weep 01 nis arm wnen ass. dian cavalry brigade has particu- "ue""u V. V ligj. and suffer- back to the neighborhood of "People ask if the Iloches will ed about the future. Gen. Foch's , , distinguished itself, both(Canadians rallied and dashed into sf. too eottly for i.Neuve I'glise to new positions. get Amiens. My reply is that per calm deliberation is compared ,lini.j nnA rti.mni.nud. the Huns. The cars proceeded 3 i-rriiory iney(nn me irom neiween i.ys ana inejnaps they win u uenerai rocn with the bearing of Marshal Joffre suited Action DlsmounUd. along the road and kept back the Kigb' progress was Lawe fllver and to the north hos- can smash more divisions by before and during the name l( Tnj commenced as a dis- German reinforcements that attempted I!, ermansbe-'tile attacks have been repulsed letting them in than by keeping the Marne. and this contributes mounle1 action with the horses lo come out of the wood ' ii' and the Law Fighting is continuing on the them out. Unbeaten armies are not a little to general confidence and re9erve squadrons silently south of Demuin. oiainder of the whole front north of Labatse more important than are towns, in his battle plans. waiting behind cover, hoping that By half past four all objectives positions re-Canal as far as Hollebeke. "On and what has happened in this Premier Clemenceau, returning lhe cavalry might be used. The had been taken and the line joined the remainder of the northern ,battle does not show on the map. from his almost daily visits to the up with the British on the left fushsd Back. ibattlefront the situation Is sub- "Germany's gains look like 1. field of operations, unfailingly ST. ANDREW'S HAVE Wounded are Exchanged. Ik 4 , -'"J i-ark the British stantially unchanged. A part 'of fat, juicy pear to the newspaper.brings back a note of confidence,. INTERESTING LECTURE That night the Canadians came woods. Not all of 11 .' nt of 2i miles our positions Into which the en- readers, but the Kaiser knows and he has earned a new title, 1 back into the t . ti ..f Armentieres, my forced his way, north of Fes- .how hollow it is at the core. jthat of "Confidence Barometer." Last evening took place the them, for some had been left be-hind no a d.pih of a little lubert, was regained by a rou liter! -General Ludendorff is being For many days that barometer regular monthly business meet- in that valley where Canada had bitten into a large chunk of '.. s , a ilia iirtnkm iinf r...-i artit, anH huiiii nnt nv hm brfn niM at u r. ana now intr nt iiim St. Andrew 1 Bocieiy. t , 1 i.speralely to in- AtUmpt on Messlnsa- our matn for, but by little it Is rising. 'and after the business was trans,,Htadenhurg's offensive. Some of k-i The biilllanl London. Anril 13. German - - acted, the meeting was open to our wounaea, wao nau auvaiic-u Am a g However, is be- troops made a determine! attack j ifiTjlJ nil I AW CCADC DnCCFlTJ El DCT ii.- f-unH nf th members. This too larana were eapiurea. were and the enemy along the Mcsslnes llldge and'JUllil UlLLUH rCilftJ is the ..econd last of the series of brought in by Hun stretcher bear- - u ed up greatly, succeeded In gaming some ground TROUBLE IN IRELAND FSCAPLS GERMANS wnlcn nad beea "nsed T11 lo or medical atten- p ,B- (uan attacks have but the British once again drove gu Andrews Society, and treated gdod "We Saxons admire brave Uon. 1 1 '. 1 nlen illy. es. tbem out by a counter attack, -n,i in nn iffwrUI la TIm (Miiy Optrtti la TIm Dilr .lewi) i h.,.. Th. hich Canadian fighters," was the men- and Germans developing ill n'.rtii the The are luMidon. April 13. -John Dillon, Pelrograd, April 13 The Hus atUined "ee that came with them Xot to St- ixjgr and Wyts- great artillery activity in the standard of excellence by Cor- in the House of Commons yester- sian fleet at Helsingfors, aggre- wide outdone the Canadian doctor a ui cinls on the southern area. The Bray Ue diCrerenl 8peakers on i,j .h.ii.'.l.v .m.t he understood thai ino- Baling iwo nunarea vessels. p variety of subjects has been the oaueu up a ur miw ... tanks parentlr has escaped from tne "nt them back for value received. li 1. j t ui i i- i..n.i e.it. if nri maphinp suns and chief feature of this series, which (Us. tlr infnntry attacks, Jul ready had been shipped and menace of. capture by. the Ger 1...iiaa K uttu n v f .ti.tinellv Interest-' . neir enjoyjiicuv,, . """"B fe. . Vrmmliefe the Plcardy Quiet. .were filing away from the battle mans, me nrsi squaaron. com-., . -,,,-... n9ilir ,wnen me uanaaian man reacneu a 1 aightened out o iK..Pri tmiiUflolil lhire front toward Ireland. Mr. Dillon losed of battleships and cruisers, . evening nr j g Steen them, the first since their ad-bas slroagly against what he arrived safely at Kronstadt, "chemistry ventures In this greatest of bat- has been no change in the silua- pleaded read Upon the TWOcltl Announcement. tlon. The British front is quiet termed the Government's "0011-n.l the naval base of Pelrograd. . vi.JL hirh .liithtfullv ties. k. An.: 1 . Attacks res th French have rrDuUcd two lotlne methods." The promise of interesting. Mr. Steen showed' chiuu-hniwi jf r:.nn attrk in the reeicn of a Home Rule Bill by the Govorn- ANOTHER Bid GUN how chemical changes andre-action AT THE WESTHOLME 1 h e Germans Noyon. "ent has not had the slightest was going on at all times, 5pcul ! 1b Dtll; The Velvet Paw is the title of Ilnti.h the " effect In easing me way 10 con .....I In 1 1.n .nnmv nf Tl II 1 1 1 m aauu a auv .v...vm.j w. -- - - Kgllse. Ust CLOCKS TO BE PUT cription in Ireland, says special London. April 13. It was an h ihm . .aie. lhe play to be screened nt the the House of Com ". VX--.I,1. Tl,..i Ihiai -von. Inc. TONIGHT Dublin. nounced in ..v rmans captured FORWARD despatches from While matter m Kht change its mons here yesterday that steps 8oUd d the names of the stars. House r..4 ' lighting Is con-1 UquU Qr gas- SKI .. Ii. ighborhool of Ottawa, April 13. The Day RUSSIA MUST PAY L "" eoursUtcietltwas Indestruct- fers and Gail lne are sufll I 1 Irquln. The Light Saving Bill, which was put OEP."AW SUBJECTS "rs'.ssa un vupauio ui wi"ie gteen gave many illus- cicin m iuciiwrn bu-.-..., ! il-s: through the committee stage ami . a sneu tor a distance of over Nature's chemical ac the excellence of the production. given U third reading In the nj .pril ttf. lleuter'a eighty miles. rttu"r;r.:.;.:' :.::; r; This i. a taie of pontics ac kin) "lainuoos flglit-is-i uon wh cu - Senate yesterday, will come Into quotes the "r"VV;."': the line, in WashlnKton. D. C the '4 correspondent ; IK- In the jjMCoW -""J. night effect at two o'clock on Sunday edlt0r 0f tj,0 German newspaper SELL OUT HOLDINGS pan;; capital city of the great republic. I a . . OF ALVENSLEBEM he great affairs of I - A Mm 9 morning, April 1. Yolkerfutde, published in Pelro- Verye grad by the Soviet, as declaring Garde was .Uq present, and added, ?" MOW TO PEHUXC of Vancouver, April 12. The hold therein by a woman. The whole HsVE YOU $1,100 t a I)ef Ung of rCpresenUUves a few words Vipon the same bud- , 1 I ria r s s w t maxiinalislM and commercial and ings in this province of .vivo von . . g at some furthei play is a-marvellous picture, and anl to In- industrial interests in Alvensleben and....his German. r ."V" , ,u. .., mr .IIou9e....Peters and Gail Kane.de. '-i.i I ,t n iriMut 11111m I2.-Chalrinan iiiiiaa ill Luawn uu a.aia iitavivi v - h. New York. April cioea ' the or uigni clients are gradually being monstrate jpower f'.r the the Society In a more that v,,,,rmlf of the Federal Food Board John Ail. for beginning to V Wfr out.eThe sale through the courts f,u land Love. There Is also a fine plaslerftL tni-i..ii -.i for the lo.se to the Bed Cliff Company of im- "".?" " . 'comedy, and a war gaictte, each Half a mile mlnlstralor Arthur William, has man aubjee t. In- w mense timber limit, on Vanrouver lfc1lItL J?fif n?.m of which are well worth seeing. "H i . , curred by them t uoui usll and United State, ' V telegram to oov;7ec: .ccordmce with the Brest- Island lately held by one of his Z 'Z anj.ana comDining 10 mane me pru- in Food nuiiiinisi"vi-Z, - companies was recently compleU - '" gramme for this evening one of, l;H, MORTIMER, . . r .-.a t iirkvk neAce treaty. made thai ihI, and today arnveu me new. o. the best yet. s- 1 1 I... wholesale nack- The government me - """'n va' a" too qulckir. venue. ..r 1 1. in roiaii execution of some the sale under nondent adds, estimated the sum 4 ,h- A nnx f ranllinir I Anil in Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re-duces leliuntry.Ve prohibited from buy- .l,,,, ClnreriUrchATvensleben PRICE OF MJU W.LI. your fuel bill and gives ... ..IKmf At?? frnlll 111 CW 4 iw u'iirt'vim. ... " . . . ...a . .. i- a '(-l. V.. BE INCREASED satisfaction. Phone 15. ,P. R. i.t.-itt HBO SOIl IU v.uuiik i iwiui iv... j 1 The lands in question, it is Ccal Co. consisted almost entirely; ""- sUted, "ttT YOUR FRIENDS rmiirtd. through contribution ferencc,....as saying the government f ranch land, situated In the ere... In he prle.. o coal to 1.1 19 inpunni sis liiu av n( iti. to the lied Cross, to pay a total was .......of " , ;o;(ierinan Kimberley district, up the (ld- r'Vi"" " k'n J "'"CE RUPERT POOL of lfl.000 obtalncl in excess opening , , water IUver. The ti e uui neia " - WANTED ROOM AMD Icliarge's on eight carload, of eggs front Ur and t he j oMlu..ljn Kan loop- by the Sheriff of probably go Into effect on April By J. R. Morgan a CIQR ..-.,.--. w m i. 17. fol owing announcement to STORE ial Zlnn lAimpany. t-- ",",1.1 dree a v ... ... . 111m shortly k.i AnrAA u h UVi will ha mnilA a 'en. wl ho acted for Svttfl A Co. In that urimiiiett. barrister, or Merrm. '- " .r"'" Rigging men, "wMananam.nl. lti... oartleular transaction, be slate mouopo., .. - who It is understood made the from the office of the 1-uel Con. Boom men, '.Uo suspended from doing any guard iiu.jir- purchase for an English client. troller at Ottawa-Win, Falters and a Cook. a ' 1 ' ' York for C. Weeks, civil engineer.: On that date provincial repre. Apply a . r. ,?9" R. r. vr.. II. M. Hums, 01 r Vancouver, was the judgment """ ' '. u' C?"!r0 " W- E. Williams. a' ,ncrioti 01 iiurir uajm- . . ulm have been spending ,""I,MJ.J.. " . Telkwa, .will gather at the Federal Capital a- Food r i e m-1 1- r at.. i.Ajiarai IJIIICIBIB OI v..v.... lull lor cre4mor to discuss the fuel situation in THOLME uiendattons Boanl declared th lied II.. .no.l Lome by ILL j Inj J ,,u rain.lei and Mr. Among the arrivals by the general, and more particularly m Hums owns the un application from the operators T0KiOHT this morning was ONLY dra.iir stem that have tnus iar ....-i. which l Prince llupert : : I" nrollleer- the nuun : 1L1.,i Private M. Inoue. who has gone for permission to bring the stated ,oeen luni'ii iu -ui',-- a ! ii.. haa.t In ins nuii"j 'Increase Into effect. to visit friends. Private river ui Sirs lug m fooil supplies. Inoue is a Japanese and looked n The raise In the price of coa "THE VELVET PAW" BUILDING) FOR SALE htf igU sturdy lighter In his uniform. He will be authorlied by the ruel Mr. J. lleaman. Controller, it is staled, following 1 Ultila PMMwa. Tenders are invited bsfora 1st i.. vho arrneu has been overseas, where he lost "I Vi Ifttt May for tho purchase or uuiiaing 'aVI LtflUnj ...v,---- - part of his hand- t additional cost to the opera.the FOR QUALITY j-- - tors occasioned by granting on Lot 2. niocK 11. "'," .,., left again mis 11 FHVlCi: and SATISFACTION -- ' ... For New Wellington Coal andtemands of men in the mines for Newham. Ilecslvor, me ir... nrrived from s AND A KOMEDY by Waslholme A. I.umb.r tk)mpany. !'VW""'.V Mrs.today,lleaman and ra lr Lumber ef all dimensions.'an Increase of SO cents a day In IX DAY Wl'.KK FOH HF.LP. hone 116. wages. TTe -- -WW aSOHh wr. J Montreal, Prince llunert.