TUT DAILY NBWS ' BOLO PASHA MAKES , iffF WAX. "Sfl REVELATIONS OF ) THE UAIL NEWi HIQH IMPORTANCE THE tXADING NEWSPAPER IN NO .TllZnt BRITISH COIU"iff 'A IMMUHeJ PHy Wklf Pans. April 12 Itevelalions of Guaranteed Largoit CijCt-lallru the highest Importance nre said by LeMatln to have been mntle by HEAD OFFICE: llolo I'asha. under sentence of death for treason, to whom n re-pneve BJlldins. Thirtl Arenac, Prince Rj.w.t. U.i' Tc. Daily N3 VJ was granted yesterday. TIIANSISNT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - J) v.u w The newspaper assorts llolo has made only a beginning of what Iip joniraci nates on tipyuiawn. f has to say and that another Important DAILY EDITION. JUiu. gAlunJay, April 13, 1918. case In connection with the German propaganda In France i is about to develop. THE QREAT LACK sede that tf a prodci i Hence they escape the stagna Advertise in the Dally News. To appreciate I he other Hon to which ou.r own schoiai and to of view, man's point ship has at times been lutui' IAINS NO At MAIL SCHEDULE tion understand in accordance his course therewith,of ac With us, orthodoxy pays hist A Way to Soften the Hard which with them, heterodoxy. For the EasL . . is an accomplishment Water of the Bath ever? individual, like nations The deftct of uermau ch i .CANADA I Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday i not endowed with. Major- urtup anU therefor of Uci -man at 0.30 a.m. Sir Frederick Kcnyon education; is, to put .GILLETT Cet out the LUX package pour in 3 or 4 Ur.1e Uein-ral K. C. the director and prin- broadly, its want of humaut. TORONTO,CAMAI From ths EasL spoonfuls into the wstrr and stir a little ft ciual librarian of the Drilish 11 is a delect of imagination, ti Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, water immediately becomes creamy ,tt. most which refreshing and very beneficial to the skin. the historical sense, at 5.30 I ry in a recent article. p.m. it Museum, You'll be means a'deflciency to-night. pleased, well pled. "We ultimately ooints out how this deficiency where the is is at the root of most of the ill the sense of how human beings people would think of such For Vancouver: i water uautually hard juit revel in doing' of the Hun which have act and think, the pain aeU. Their diplomacy was Tucsdajs & p.m. caused the wnoie wonu io Be of German theology, of Uer-inau stupid, their violations of In Thursdays 10 p.m. come aghast. He blames this history, of German literary ternational law and of common Saturdays 7 ajn.i LUX lack upon the education which scholarship, is strewn with humanity were outrageous, be Germany has had in the past. the wrecks of theories which cause they could not under From Vancouver He says: collapsed through their inherent stand. Sundays 10 p.m. One of the most interesting incompatibility with the Wednesdays 10.30 a.m.1 for the bath. Elspextally where babies are eon- problems which awaits the future facts of human nature. These Cock-a-doodle duml cerned. historian is the psychology theories were often bold and My dame has lost her gum, I These little silkytmooth flakes of the of the German from 1870 to stimulating. They did service My Master's gone to get her some. For Anvoi: purrtt of essence exercise soothing and 1914, and its results as shown to their subject by challenging She'll be all right when he hits Sundays 10 pjn. cleansing effect soap on the skin a that is in the present war. And not iuquiry; but, time after lime, rom with Wrigley's! Wednesdays 10 p.m. stimulating after a trying day. very the least interesting chapter of when the inquiry had subsided, this history will be that which the traditional view reappear Nothing Like Inter, al From Anyox: LUX- ! trtm. tritUk mJt deals with German education. ed, corrected, it may be, and Tuesdays a.m. German education has beei improved as the result of the Bathing for Constipation Thursdays pun. Lever lirothcrs Limited held up (principally by them research; but substantially selves, but also by countless vindicating its truth over the For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvsr Toronto aj t admirers In England and America) improbabilities of its upstart points: "K as a model to the world rival. If peeple oolj knew vaat internal Sundays 10 p.m. and we ask now with amazement In this defect on the human Batatas u drtot tor um4iku of otbert there would t fr Nils tad Laiamet how such supposed excellence side we And the answer to our tHu4 aad Trj math lett inffuini From Port Simpson and Naas is compatible with th question. German education is ma CoosuptUea tnd toe aecompaajtat River Points: results seen during the past a fine machine, hut its reUs Kianurn tod Serreue trmiblei mailt i Tuesdays a jn. three years. are mechanical. The great mistakes, from If Ua. Cart. Stl EBerr sc. Victoria. B Germin education, for tho.' the great crimes which C, WHIS: Queen Charlotte Islands: who wish to learn, has certain Germany has made in the present "Befer attar Uw B. I. CaKlle J For Massett, Port Clements and ft RIU&L 4 Si great merits. It is very thorough. war, may be traced to this tatrrrrd eeouniljr from CoosttpaUcev, Upper Island points: r It expects the student root- Defore the outbreak of had frequent billon attacks tad tics February 2?lh 2 p.m. headu-t. Sine bettaaiat Twr intern to make himself fully acquainted war they entirely miscalculated or laicnui Bitatar ita u "J. b. t, March I3lh and 27th ..... .2 pjn. For Your Soldier! with the particular depart-uient the human forces opposed to Caaeato" roar moaloa a to, I aaf not bad From Masset, Port Clements and of knowledge which he them. They made to England, me attack aad feel t roarer tsd bcitc la Upper Island points: takes for his own. He must as they subsequently made to not erery rtt a y.Caacade Mr onl aoener."rrtl la that I did March tit, f 5th and 29th (hour spare no trouble to find out all America, proposals which were B) th proper tppUeaiieo of aators't uncertain) that has been written about it, at once insulting and unallur-ing, rur. arm vaur. ty ntrana of Um "J. B. For SklJcgate. Queen Charlotte and to give full references for without for a moment realizing t Cawadar th lar taleaUaca arc krpl City and Lower Island points: rir rratn aa potaeoout wail. Drvti statement that he makes, how they would he regarded every rrc Maiare. Utrrsal Bataiar u btr March 4th and 18th 2 p.m. hence, as books of reference. in these -countries. Dr. Chu. A. TjmU of Xw Tark. From Skidegate, (Jueen Charlotte German works of learning are When war broke out they embarked HxvuHti o InUrtul Batata-, lafatad an Cily and Lower Island points: incomparable. The spade-work on a deliberate policy of trrtd Um "J B. 1- Catradc." vaicb March 6th and 20th ba doa pjn. "Bless the ir!! She nor durtar tlw paal t run of the subject is done with the terrorism, because tbey did not ta mtartaf otalla aod lfaina dlataM same z! and ihcrssghsvaa as understand that terrorism in than an aUr meaoa canotord. A Cjrll For Stewart, I'orl Simpson, Maple never forgets to keep the literal spade.work of their tensities hostility instead of U. omc, dratdat. eor. Srd Arc. aad tlk Bay anil Swamp point: entrenchments-German crushing It: They have committed SL. for Booklet, "War Mia or Today I me well stocked with OaJr SO rrr OoL EfflMcaL" He wUI ala February 28lh 10 pan. intellectual work is crimes which are blunders tic pktwd to abow tad ciplala tba i. B. March Itth and 31st ....10 pjii. also enterprising. Students are the mention of Belgium, U cascade to yon. WRIGLEY5 taught not to accept current of the Lusitania, of Miss Cavell. From Stewart, I'orl Simpson, m thnri; feat to propound new of Rubieben, of hospital ships LAKD(Scctlooa P.EQISTRY It aad 114.1 ACT t Maple Hay and Swamp point: ones. Every scholar aims at sunk under a lying excuse. is he AipUcatia .not. SUM, Sll.. illl l March tth and 18th p.m. making a definite contribution a sufficient indication of what TAKE NOTICE i bat appUcaUoit baa bcii to knowledge, at setting up a is meant because they could made to rtinur rraok W. Hart, or rrtocs Alaska and Yukon Territory: Rupert. B. C. at omoer la fre aoder four which will not understand what other new theory super From March 2nd ajn. Tax Sale Deeds from the Collector of tbc city or maca Rupert, beano dato tte tltb day of Kavtiaber, HIT, aad ooa Tii mm iaa dau4 3!s4 f'T or September DENTISTRY ltl. or ALL A.10 SINGULAR tbat rtla S. S. PRINCE' RUPERT parcel or tract of Iaa4 aad premiaea attoal. Ijlnr and belnr la tbc Otr or Prtaca M-pert, OKOWN AMD IMDM W0S mora particularly known and da A STEOULTT sailing acrtbed aa Lou aeren 7 tad fifteen (IB). Block twelve (It). Lot tIa lt). Block OR. J. S. BROWN Wednesday 9.00 sum. for Swanson Bay and forty elibi is. aad Lou tblrty-tbrec oumrr Vancouver. (Hi tud tblrty-rour til). Block fifty one OSIaei Sealtb VMt, TWIrC (ID. all la Section Eifbt (t. Map til. Vwu are required to coaled tbc cUtm of Pe a4 S.S. PRINCE GEORGE lie Ui porcbaaer wltbia at days frun tbc dau or tbc aervkc of tbla notice twbib Teeth, breath, zvpc Wednesday Midnight to Any ox. nay be effected by pubUcattoa la tbe ttte and digestion all Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Prince Rupert Daily Xtmt). and your t Victoria and Seattle. leauoa la called to aecuon IS of tbc STEEN & LONGWILL benefit from It. Thirst 'Laad Retiatry Act" wltb ameodntenu, aral 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. to tbc roUowlBf ei tract tberefrom: and fatigue fade "and la default of t caveat or cerUOcaM SANITAHY AND HEATINQ Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. away. Pluck returns of lia pcodeaa belnt Bled before tba retli- TRAIN SERVICE trauon aa owner or tbc person entitled ENQINEERS by Its made aid. inder tuck Ut aalc, aU peraona ao aerred ruitotfr Stealer, tVedaeeSa u4 SeturSer it lt:SS a,m ror SmlUwrt. wltb notice. ... and tboac cUtmiat Prise Oeorre, Edmonton tod Wtnnlptf. tnaklat direct cooaectlooe for all Ibrouib or under Utem, aiM all peraona Agent for The Flavor polo la tut aod aouta. -li!c'i s-y tefwit la tba Una by rtrlua McCLARY FUnNACES MADE IN of any uarettrWred Initrumet aud til After every peraona dalmlai any .latcrctt U. CANADA 77 um tano s- - Agency All Ocaan SUamshlp Lines. by deacest wboac UUc la not ifutcrea PLUMBING meal For information and reservations apply to under tbc protUlona ot tbla Act, tal! be and ror eer eatopped tod debarred iruu City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 aettlnr up any claim to or ta reaped of SHEET METAL WORKS the land ao aold for Uiea. and tbc ReU Phone 6, 831 Second Avenue. trar aball reaiater tbc pertoa entitled under tucb us talc ta owner or tbc land Night phones 570 to told for Uiea." and Hlue 270 AJID WHEREAS tpplicatM. bu been Tho right work, at th right ruadc for t Ccrtiflcau or laderi uible Title CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to the above-mentioned landa. In ibe name time, and at the right prloe. or frank V. Hart. AXD WHEREAS on loveetittttnr tbc "''"'""""l title II tbal '' I rfffffirfffniftimri I r r r r r 1 1 rrrrf r tppetrt prior to tba Ittb day Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points of October, tola (tbc dau on vblcb tbc via Steamer to Vancouver and the aid landt were aold for overdue utta). E. H. SHOCKLEY FRED STORK'S HARDWARE you were Ibe rertiured and uaeaaed own-era Canadian Pacific Railway aa ttated below. fSuceeaaor to , L. Hlckay). rL'HTlUn TAKE NOTICE tbat tl tbc Meals and Berth included on Steamer aauie urn I (ball effect realtuailon In CONTRACTOR A BUILDER FOR CANNERYMCN a ,. I'lfi puriuaoce of tucb application and latuc t We have added lo our stock of valves and i i - Leruacale ot ludcfeatlbU Title ta tbc tald riloro and Onice Vittures, line of Hulher lldting at right i land! In tbc name of Prank W. Hart unleae FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE you UKc and proeecuie tbc proper pro- bash, Door, and Mouldings, FOR FISHERMEN cecoinia to eaiaLiun your claim, if any, Oak and Hardwoods of all A tomplete stock of the test goods that SB. SOPHIA aatla from Prtaca Hupart April tod, llta. tlrd. May Srd, I lib. to lb aald landa, or to prevent aucb proposed kind. trollliiKeprliiB Hrass. Silver ant " action on ray part I llh, tod J una alb. Dated tt the Land he all try Office,prince We Speclallis In Hard, FOR THE WATERFHONT -rial l'1' SS. ROYAL illa from frinco Rupert aan. April lib. llta, aad fttb. A.Ruprt,D. lilt.B. C. tbla I lib day of February. wood Boat Rlba, Sash, The crlebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnish'- 1 -v"i.Ui- Tba bQ atUtDia arc ubjtt to elan or cancellation wiibovi ncUca, II. f. MACLEOD, Doors, etc. paint "VLQOliK'AK" A complete line oi Dlnrlct Retiitrtr of Tltlet. Plats and Sheet Glass and FOR EVERYONE To P. W Clayton. Prince hupert, B. C A nne stock of Hardware. Ourney s "f 1 1 ataeaaad owner of Lou and II stuck Glaslng. W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent. lit Cbarlea and planlti, Edmonton, .lii., ret-Mured Corner Frassr and 8th Su. We Sell Nothing But Ths DssL ttaeaaed owner of Lot It Co ner Fourth Slraat ard Third Avonuo, Prlnco Kupcrt, B.C. Block II, tnd told for Utea on um day r September, Itlli V. StrauU. f PHONE GREEN 269 FRED STORK'S rowell IL, Vancouver, B. a, tiaetaed P. O. BOX 188 owner of Lota 7 tnd II, Block 11.