TUT DAILY NEWS VCDMUMM AIDFDTi pa lbs in KHFFFRS PPAM cidcI 8 OK OF IIS ftliiHuilon, April l-j, Htarhng 0 frnm tut inaiiuifflr-ant Mat., ,n mall warehouse, foul dovo by the strong wind, a Ire rapidly Full of Deadly grew out or control until the .OU A. A Germ heart or the hul Hess ftefliftn Li boratory. the lown of Vermilion wn i.iiim destroyed. The loss In estimated nl Half a million. The slight con. inifl- INTOXICATION (ingratloti which orlsinaiiv i.rr.k. out was considered 0 cif (in trn EFF-POISONING portance, but the flames spread IK wiui bucii rapidity, fanned by tin. breeie. that In a very short ai.an. of lime, twenty-five of the ,ut. nets mocks were demolished, and - fxtr h fat Ik U nothing left but a hean of nm.mi- derlng ruins. The post offlre and , . , ' ; iwioff fron the the branch of the floyal Hank are itljr everyday, among the buildings delr..d. - '.lir-rajfeneraUDg B . a.aorttt by the ROMANOFF FAMILY WORK UNDER GUARDS , ,J X4 l U I, Ii iolonlcp Moscow, April II. Members of the former Husstan imperial fam ily living in the Crimea have been rtifntiblt tor ;,) greatly restricted in their movements. : 4 i.lerTraublpi; They are not permitted . ufc, wimi lo visit one another. All of them, -. ..r Apfcllte and rUroaic Jlheum. even former princesses, are now S. 3- : in the working gardens under ' . . i u Tb Back, are tz armed guards. )(. bo eis become j All the members of the Roman. r.. - 1 ' i i'mples,ib Afftctlont Raabra, off family residing in the 1'etro. Northern Home I ru.t-A-tifM" are grad district have been ordered - - " ' nOpation. exiled to I'crm and Vologda, in ai hi u til frrrti you the Ural mountain region. Ac draUoa because cording to the Iteanneye Outro, ii'.at XMrMtiu acts the Council of Soldiers' and work. of the Famous iinlBaUag'organs, mens delegates of Vologda has f 00,trUl alio r. refused to admit them to the city. it a. not on receipt of rLimitel,OtUwa, GERMAN PRISONERS MOBILIZE IN SIBERIA "Staff" Family S T -district or 1VIE I. lAindpn, April 9. While the nuiaian IloUhevlkl authorities u Ik Orarxl trunk deny it, ay a dltpatch from itnt of WlMiffJtff, Harbin by way of Tokio to tho The ' 'Staff" Family have now been introduced isa Dailr Mail, there are 60,000 arm. HM4 l MM Mtl ed German mobiliied i aarUwrty.kit at or alioal'-irrtr al Tomsk, Siberia,prisoners and destined into Northern B,C. and are good drinks, and are Nlbtor lb for the far east. ttm ta t twtot T ax? B i t Hf r UhI iB t-trr.IWt rr-. Salvation Army. here to stay. It will pay to get better acquainted mi t i-vinc rulwat I'ublic meetings, Tuesdays, i Hard Mrfwtior. with them Thursdays and Saturdays at H p. u. Hundays at 7:30 p. in. MINERAL ACT The Daily News delivered by trr cm or frovmsnts arrier. 60 cents per month. nonet N r -. n it DUir- Xiwnl COAL NOTICES Cia. jrtUa4 Canal Miaiot w r -a . atrtet SaLC3A ULIb DISTWCT OUTKICT Of QCIM CBARLOTtK ItLAJIOS '. i r let trem UM aa4 f TAAK JIOT1CC laat I, Joan Sailoo. or rSPARKUSG 11 r x ui L I. rrwf HXUhi max Rapan. S. C troptlar, lauoi tmtsr. ; ti , iiiki set to tVT tor a Imvom lo proaptct for coal s tz; r.raii Ktr shm. rr aa4 lnlriua otr UM raUoiac eacrttird w jru tlir-C touted. Ua4a tm Um Wmi CoaJl oT Hontbj Ulaad. CaamrclB at a fl SUsU4 about of NEOTAH of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of tzs$ t : for a Ctruattu or a aaurly troni a pott locau4 aa imrtM of ctltinlat UM tbora or a aotaU Bay orcsiac t a rarr ccnciousncss ana tiavcr; ciear as crystal. or I'att tMlvrra Mornrby aa4 CBaaU Caauo sparkling like champagne, sweet orchards in full W as i.- iu umi actioa, s lilaodJ, atKNt I miVrt KorUtrrty atoat tba Morraby Iala4 aid of Caaoo rata rrom bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected ruacaw nr impro-f Bark rotat: ttwaeo aoatb I ttutoat uwoc rati at caataai Utraco aorta It cfcauu; ripe fruit. Try a glass of ApplesUfI today: order 3 E2J Dfr. A. D t!wca at SS fb' to um point of an- awoctowal. oo a case for the home. iOSEI'H tEXTO.1. AppUcaaL MINERAL APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. ACT Loratol ovtmbrr SUt, It IT. ""rem e improvisjints Sklt.1 Uk.lD DISTWCT DISTWCT Or Qt'tL.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence l - osv w m m suar i s TAKE KOT1CE Uut L Juxxt P. RtM. Of a . - m aausssj ws rrtaro Rupart. C rroaptor, lauo4 to of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage . apply fur a Uroc to propi for coal nr- ......... ,f t and pftrelram or um rHoiDff oaacrUMd for young and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating , SUM SMWfJI UoJt on Um Wril Coatl of Mortafiy lauao. to body and nerves, LifestafT is foamy, cotuoHictos at a oat pUoi4 abowl V of Mle aotitbraittrtr from a peat located creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come le No. lltll-C, a oa Um abort or a aroall Bay opcoiac oat im UlDinc at Ra-mud, of Caaoo raaa lwtfa Moraby aad CbaaU again!" In popular priced bottles. (.ion raraonal Itlanda, about I mitea BorUMrly sioor Um iti . rvruacata N. Munby lalaod li of caouc rata rrom LIFE8TAFF EVERYWHERE. " dara fron tat datr Bark I'oiol; tbenca aoulfi 19 Cbalat; Umb( writ IS cbaiaat tbtoto ooria II cbaiiu; ' hnpforrownu. tor tba tbcnra rati IS cbaiaa lo tb polat of com. if a Crown Oraal or nwnreiBCBt. JAMAS I' RtlD. AppllcaaL, Good old fashioned Bock brew, more tasty and .." NOTICE tbat scuoa Localrd .nonilwr lib, HIT. b rommrnrad ba- creamy than ever; rich and dark of color, foaming T c : fe ruaraU or lot- SkEt-XA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of with spirit and life, BockstarT la the "Hit of the QtEE.t CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Town wherever it has been introduced. It is the TAKE OTICE tbat L Cbarlca E, Burtesa, pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, Ns! itt rnnfa huptrl. B. C utaar, Ulead to Seeds! apply for a Urttuo lo propl for coal and with an after taste that makes you smack your lips prlrukum oar Um ruiovlef dcacrtnoa lauda oa tb Waal Coail or Morcaby lalaod. with Joy. CouiaitRilnr at a pot I plaatad about or BOCK8TAFF EVERYWHERE r,rr,-.".nd Steele i tuiia aoutbeaaurly trvoi a poat locaud oo Um abora or a atnall Bay ofwalar out of Canoa Paia twlarra Uorvaby and CbaaU r litaoda, about I milca aortbrrly akin Um We are pleased to announce that we have been named distributors of "stalT" Beverages for Northern nd Momby ItUnd aid of Canoa rata truo toisr wrm M- Buck I'ulDli tlMocf aorth IS cbalmi Uieora Columbia, for the Hemrlch'a Staff Producta Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment British tail IS cbainat tbaoca aoutb SS cbalnai w ra,n ,nd Mm UMiiicrmcnl.tbcara war I SO chains lo point or oma places, hotels, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned if CtlAHLES E. BUROESS. Applicant. can't aet ApplestaiT, Llfestaff or BockstaiT; we will see that your order is promptly Oiled. Located XoffWbcr SU. HIT- you r,Pi Atttnan la. DISTRICT Or SkKENA LA.1D DISTRICT OLtE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Prinnp. Rnnonf CnnH Go. TAKE NOTICE that I. IHna K. Cbrtltao- L. O. Roi 113 intend- .lo apply: . for s Ucanaa L to. protpact In F. G. DAWSON, Limited ror coai ana pairowum o?r Coatl Of doirnhad Uiuli oa tba Wail iorttby Ulaad. Couuatnclnf at a poa n a d milt aoutbcatwrly License No 33I Distributers - a e a i - . plaatrd a"oul of a N8 from a nail tucalad on tba tnort Ol a T r' h; Utto t,urh llrt.ll Umw Munlnf nut of CaikM Tatl bt 1 .. 7-2IB Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 77 and 72 i w unu.t.. .. rh..il lilindt. about I baa uuui nortbaily tkwi Um Morcaby I land - - .i lark or bouk 11,1. nt (... rmtn Murk Polntt tbaoct norib IS cbaloti tbwt vaei IS cbaiaa i oau.l" M: BR0WN llicnra aoutb is cbalnai tornca i .r, va.u chain la pulut of cotnnMncaaicnL ' HANS K. CIIRJITENSKN, Applicant Locaud Notmlxr Sib. HIT. O O