HI ' STIRRING DRAMA AT MMMMMjajajpMaBMa WESTHOLME THEATRE) r I L'lk a .. G.H.Arnold I made in I A tale of the West, of the ban-dn ROYAL STANDARD HOUR CANADA f the wide open spaces, who NOTARY PUBLIC JW,jg obs with Impunity whom ho will, STILL THE FLOUR OX LUXE and at the same time, a story of ABLE, FULL-BODIED, FIRST IN NUTmir JLALT AND BODV.BIIII niNn -..-.. 'tr,i and forever ,hf now silent gone -n LnUT We Sell Real Estate. Ilarbary Coast" of Pan Fran- "ROYAL STANDARD" .. the eho,er , ,,, , V write Fire and Marine sco, true lo detail; a story of housewives today for the reason that ibrr. Insurance. i ve. of cross purposes, of a beau- lowering of lis euperb quality as milled uu.) , We have Apartments. Stores. ful wild pony; of a fight which food regulations. Houses, and Offices for f .r sheer speelaeular features has The marked pre-emlnenee of "ROTAL kti AKt, Rent, and Want More. o parallel In screen battles, are a Haling Flour Is not a mailer of smtw chan. . M . these not all to l seen on the ft fti Alls I til tl I I lis VA Brt m - - , . . We Deal In Mortgage Loans. V. MM ma.. nrreen at the Westholme Theatre pendable flour It Is today, are the remit ,,f .. , We Sell Timber Limits. this evening t This play has been study- ' " We do Conveyancing. Local News Notes asked for by many who have WHAT IS TRUE of "Royal SUndar.l H Jr t, either seen "The Narrow Trail true as to "Royal Standard Rye Flour, tu uie V or heard of it- And Wm. 8. Hart women nowadays as a substitute Flostr in e,ny ' H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. Hoy bloomer pants. Extra makes a fine bandit. He literally "Royal Standard Wheat Flour wmm aot only t quality Wallace's. VI storms his way into the appreciation for the home, but a patriotic saving of wh.-,,' Department or tbe JUTtf Sen Ice. of bis audience, lie will not large In practical results. Congratulations are coming to be denied. He fills the bill. Both Flours at All Leading Grocers. SCHOONER FOR TENDERS the weather clerk- This drama is a large one, depleting VANCOUVER MILLINQ AND GRAIN "NADEN" CO LTD "The Daily News" big chances and broad VASCOl'VER. VICTORIA. SEW WESTMINSTER, M,',', Opening of the white canvas spaces and is one whieh will grip MISSIOS. B. C I TENDERS addresied to tlx nndertiined. CLASSIFIED ADS. and marked on to envelop "Tender Tor shoe season. Family Shoe Store. tbe attention from the very first I ienoooer 'Xaden'." wW be rerrited op U scene- There will be a fine comedy jnd lactadisr to Twentieth Day of Aprs. Wednesday! Remnant Day and well. ISIS, for Scboooer ".laden." ai fb aland tlxtra Specials Wallace's. Bt as i at Sew VVeaunlnster. B.C. mm. LOST Dlmenalent and lonnare a fellow : Wallpapers, all grades; 10c and One, two It's good to chew. FRED STORK'S TL tsa. Three, four they all want more. HARDWARE i nT n t. f YuMonr ticket ind re Lentta st upwards. Silversides Bros, Sec. eeipl book, Finder return to tb aiy Breadtb tt t ond Street. tf Five, six it comes in sticks. Police Suiloo. St DepUt t Seven, eight the flavor's greal. FOR CANNERYMEN WANTED. Oroaa tennar ISS.tS Mr. T. II. Penn, and Mr. E. W. Nine, ten come again We have added to our stock of valves and pip. Rerlater tonnar - - SS.lt Hawkins, of Surf Inlet, have arrived with Wrlgley sf line of Rubber Helling at right pur. , be Tenders mil aceisraclrd by a WA3TED Smart BoJ wanted for efflce cerUSed rbeqve for tt per cent T Under in Prince Rupert on a visit.1 FOR FISHERMEN taU itore. Apply Akerbarr-Tboasoa a Advertise in the Daily News. price. which win b retarned to unisc-oeaifal tf A complete stock of the best goods that sson-y Company, tenderer. Tbe death occurred at the trolling Spring Ilrass, and I 8tMMfl tenderer wlH be required t Stive,, PABTT vita Salmon Selalns- euUlt iiaU Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital "ttnptete before taktnr deary Harry Hanson's FOR THE U bear from party nltb Iitx In rood payment last evening of Kly Enicb, a Serbian, WATERFRONT location. Apply Box III. Daily tcwi r febooner. The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnish : The Department doe nnl bind lUelf U who came down from An)ox PATENTED race. U accept lb hlrnett of any tender. a week ago- He was suffering paint "FLOULAZE" A complete line of Sb,p WASTED Boat in food condition. It-SS O. I. DESB.UUTS. from bronchial pneumonia. He Fast Heating FOR EVERYONE tttti aiuble Tor balttxit fUnlnr. Applj Depty MMltler of lb Saral Scrrtre was 46 years of age. His brother, A fine stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oif, r.i tbu ader- I'nataortied pubJJotlon f Box US. Dally Sews ODce. HJemenl wtll not b paid for. Mike Knich. is in town. Tbc Hot Water Coil We Sell Nothing But The Ct, FOR SALE apll-IX. funeral arrangements are in the Cmr OP PRINCE RUPERT bands of llaynor Dros. Coat ItS.SS an eoemected up cue-pleie fOR SALE Weanllnr plr from pedirrted FRED STORK'S HARD WARE and ruaranteed for one year Strtihlre boar and trad torn, ready 5vtic U bereby re tbat a Court of New white shoes and pumps. Order win be received at tbi tor oellTfry about ibe tit May. 7 to S meek old. Price t It-OS tack TJOM. Rcruion tor tb prpo of rtrlilar and Wallace's. 91 price up to Star IB After that Ike eorreetlnf tb AJieumenl Ron of tb Oty PRICE WILL OO US'. Al tb pre Tea. B.C. Order early and rt Bnt ctoire rrudbotnine t Ftiber, P.O. box vt Prince Rupert, will be beld In tb Cocn-di A gruesome And has been est price of maieruL ak your Chamber, Qty Ban, City of PHae plumber far I prte la mat an . Te&mt. B. C tt smother reported to tbe provincial Don't Rupert, on rrlday tb tttb day of ApiHJ ordinary Cofl. renaeei tl up and merely your couijli FOR RENT AJ. ISIS, commendnr at It.JI o'clock poliee offiee here from Terrace. ruarenteo It for on year, and see In an old shack seme two miles ine compare price and jedr for Matblew' Serup U Tar and Cod Ler OH m m- TOR BEST Ten-roomed lodflnt bonae. AH complaints or objections to said east of Terrace, which would be rounelf. CURE IT prvospUy rri ewocluBf bet (been Si V w AMestment Ron tout be mad In wrtuar. A all bt re to fore etliunr arree-mest belpe '- tetkiovi' tresftbenief pwyrtW Trw Tartly pamlined and with all modern on tbe other aide of the Little eonvenlenres. Real cbeep. Apply frine and deBrcred to tb Ataeaaor at least ten bc.weea tb elbrr plumber flu ooi4 and taua effect n permanent rurm. It U tfcU q!:tj Wk UmIi Rupert reed Col. Corner Tntrd Avenue IS) days before tb date of tb Brtt alttlnr Canyon, a human akeleton was and myelf bat eiplred. I bereby R ah lerg t eaia of nny eoettw and raid remedy ta Uua. and Eiratk Street. SI i-t tbe said co an. Ttx tb tlta day of found yesterday. No details have revftke any permit to anyone l AT Wrfn. imtymtm. make and malail etccpuar jU. ttae, April. A.D. Itlt. yet been received, and tbe matter FAR MtT. four acre raneb at Rexno, Dated at Prtne Rupert, B.C tbls ilia BTEEN a LONawlLL jl t. atATVon cm. r e. moitmi, a .C Abost two acres ta assail fruit; day of March AJ. tats. . will be investigated further. drtsr my abeetje will pmuvely remainder under cultlrittan. Por parti-ea-'ara. FRED PETERS. .. proeecut Inrrtnrementa. apply to P O'Brien. Ameibiry SattJipLtS. Qty Oert. New delivery of boys' wash Station. aT.P, B.C U suits. Wallace's- 91 HARRY HANSON Certificate of Improvements THE BUM PLUMBER Subscribe for The Daily News On account of slides, which are NOTICE to be expected at this time of the PhM. 157 year, tbe railroad track has be. "toilSE- Mmeral Oalam, Utnai In tbe come blocked somewhere around Portland Canal Minis r DlTlalon f Catilar JOS. F. riUON Kitwangar, and DliUlet Wbere located: On American possibly at other FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR creek, about i mile from Hi moutb. places. Tbe train due last even, TAKE SUTICE tbal I, Robert Slevtrt ing is stalled, and also the one Pre Mmer Certtflcau So. tiia-C" in DECORATIONS which left on Saturday. It is lend, Mxly days trvta tb dat bereof. to apply l the Xlnlnr Recorder for a Or hoped to get them free this even, Grow Your Acorn Co. naeate of ImproTrmenu, for tbe pnrpote in. The officials of the O. T. P. Sign Claim.ur obtaininr a Cronn Grant of tb aboT are making every effort to have And frihr tak notice tbal action, an- the line cleared as soon aa pos FOR SIQNS der fectton St muit bo commenced before itive- tb uiue of incb CertiBcate of Impro- menu. IJoys' and girls outing, run Own Dated tbi IU day of Mtrcn. ISIS. ning shoes. Wallace's. 91 Vegetables E. E SHOCKLEY MHER.IL ACT. Paying a visit to one of the (S accessor to J. L. uickey). CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. bars tbe other day, where be had not been since prohibition came people this year must help to grow their own food CONTRACTOR A BUILDER SOTICE CITY into effect, one of our local citizens 8Urk Fraction Mineral Claim, aituat In idly glanced over the gaily pound of vegetables that con be produced in hot e tbe Skeena Mlnlnr DItUIoo of Caialar Dis lots will be addition Store and Office Fixtures, trict VTbere located: SeTen mile from colored liquids on tap. "Gimme gardens or vacant a positive to t c Bash, Door, and Mouldings, Cooa Ray. on tbc nortbwett brancb of a glass of that stuff." be said. supply of food. Moreover the cultivation of land in city, V .vn Oak and Hardwoods of all Fall Creek. pointinic to one glass jar. Tbe and village will leave market gardeners and farmers free to gryw TAKE SOTICE tbat T. kinds. I. Wm. Kerrw. color had evidently taken his wheat and other for supplies F M L So. Slit C, acting a aient for export. We Specialize In Hardwood Ceorre Rodre. F. M. L. So. SI IS. and Wn. fancy. The bartender did so, and ft Lord. F M. L. So. isttl C. and far bim what he asked. gave Thq Boat RJbe, 8ash, myself. Intend, suty days from tb dale It may be that the only contribution which you can make towards relirvr j next time this Doors, ate. hereof, to apply to tb Mlnlnr Recorder citizen will enquire the dire food needs of our Allies will be a vegetable garden. If 200,000 farm.-.ft for a Certificate of Improvement!, for tbe the names of things, for what be In Canada would cultivate a garden of this kind it would mean a very important Plate and Sheet Qlass and parpoM of obtalninr s Crown Grant of tbe got was liquid soap, and it bad ggregate addition to our food supply. Glazlns. aboT claim. And further take nolle tbal no kick. action, under lection St, nut be commenced - Corner Frasar and 6th Sta. berore tb tiiuanc of aucb Cer-UOcate Splendid selection High Grade In Montreal vegetables to the value of $100,000 were grown on vacant lots of ImproTemenu. last year. Calgary had over 1,100 lota under cultivation, covering an area PHONE OREEN 2 Dated tbi 10 in day of April, A. D. Itlt Shoes. Wallace's. 91 of 200 acres. Splendid resulta were achieved in other cities. P. O. BOX 158 I'BJSCE RUPERT LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT A subscriber, who evidently OF Ot'EES CHARLOTTE ISLASDS considers that he has a stake in There is even greater necessity for war gardens this year. Tremendous interest TAKE SOTIiE tbat we. Tb Aeroplane the drydock plant, sends in the in the movement is reported from ail parts of the Dominion. Are you Spruce Lumber Co.. Ltd., of Port Clement, following ad: For Sale Magnifi a member of a vacant lot organization ? If none exists in your community occupation lumbermen. Intend to apply for cent drydock, with all necessary help to organize one. CIRCUIT NO. 1. pennUMf! to leaae Ibe foUowtnr dcacnbrd plant and staff for the handling Sm 12-U St and Srd Arc Undi.Cetmnenclnr at a pot planted at tbe of ships up to 20.000 tons. Ab Home garden and vacant lot cultivation is really needed and may truly be ai IS-SlA 8L and Srd Are. nortlvait corner of Lot S. Block It. pan solutely unused except for exhibition considered a patriotic service. ai 14 ttb bl and srd at. r ubdlTUion of Dtitiict lot Tit. tnrnc Will purposes. be sold as Bi IS Junction of til. Sod and north S cnalna. Ibrnco well 19 degrees Ird Art. a going concern, or by the ton- Mulb to tbe spproaeb to tb Outrumal Bo is tit A.. Ulweea tut and W'tart. f'ttrt Clement, tbenc soulberry Worth 13.000.000 to anyone who Organized Efforts Will lb St. (Knox Hotel). , ikmr aald approacb to tbe nortbnetl corner knows how it works, but will ac Bi IT tit .. and 7 in St (Cn trU Hotel). of Lot I. said block It. tbenc easterly cept 50 in full settlement, $35 atonr Ibe waterrroot of lot I. f, t. Bring Best Results cash and 01 month- If paid ISf ME per said I. S. s, 7. and S. block It to point CIRCUIT NO. Z. of commencement and eontalninr teTtn cash down, will throw In framed Be i za Srd Ar and Srd SL (post nd one-faalf acre more or let. photos of Sir Robert Dorden and Decide here and now to have a war By growing your own vcgetaW' omc). I HOP LAS E SritLCE Ll'MBER CO.. LTD. Sir Geo. K. Foster, both of whom (a za-3rd Ae. an-1 McBrtd tt 8. T. Lewi. Preildent garden. Persuade your neighbours you can not only perform a patrn"? Ma 24-1 it A. and McBrld tt April tod. ltd JIS have shown great interest in dock, to do the same. All the tools necessary duty, you can also help to control Boa zs tnd Ave. and tad 8t situate "under a curse," but the are a spade, rake and hoe. The the high cost of living. Bo 24 tod Art. and U at dock is probably all right. Bo 27 a. t. r. Hurry, cost of seeds is a trifle. Grow only Write to your Provincial Department for we need the and money, any standard vegetables such as potatoes, of Agriculture for paoPhlf, CIRCUIT NO. a. QUEENS HOTEL way the government may sudden beans, peas, beets, carrots, and additional par. on gardening any bi at -sin a. and Fulton Bt ly decide to operate it. Apply snips, onions and lettuce. information. Bi S2 -Borden and Taylor SU. -FIRST CLASS ROOMS Daily New Office. Mark envelope Ma S4-71B Are. and Fulton St Hot and Cold Water. drydock, Mi asBin A. and Comot At, mi areata CANADA FOOD BOARD at, and Dodt rue SO Nlht, IB SB pr Wk. Mi as em at, and Tbompion St 'Invlctus shoes for men and women. Wallace a. oi CIRCUIT NO. 4. a i 4i- 4iii at, ind Eoumrioo fUc. FOR YOUR NEW SUITS THE CRADLE Bei 42-am at, and McBrld at See Bi 4 -a lb Att. titd Oreen tt Chairman Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Rlahard Boa 44-etii At, and Bull It Steve Mi 4 Ttto At, and EUrU. King Johnson, of 140 Ninth Avenue, CANADA Bai 141 lib At, and Youor tt Prompt Cleaning A Preaalng i:al. at the Prince Rupert den. Phone Oreen 418. . eral Hospital on April 22nd. a daughter.