CONSTANT Pi J MANY REFUGEES ARRIVE IN STILL PALESTINE Jcruaolcm. AdpJI 2.1 . a I....... iant deported from Central Turl AFTER EATING key to Byrla onj others who are fleeing from Turklalt 'rontlnue to nrrlvo In 1'alentine in ne Tortures of Dyspepsia great numbera to take refuge in the regions occuoled liv ih it Corrected by "Fmll-a-llres" Uh army. In the week after Hauler 6,500 refugees reached Jerusalem. N.H. gr, MAima'i, A hosftital and an (iriilinii ago have Lean opened j,y the American coram ttee for Armn 1st ' r' J Ian and Syrian Ilclief and or al ready taxed to t .n.T ituff often cme up capacity. r la A celebration such as Hi Hniv '-lori, , i ! but they did not Land lias never witnessed iir..r. ,. n oon " I stsrted was held on IlnsteR. Tlie varioua 'f ',.p..-frttil iJivtl', I ltn Christian sects gave pledg in 4r u! lb' medicine, made the Ilritlsh Governor-(tenrnl i j-L. t ,-neet, reliered me when hurjr their ancient strifes and oh filled." serve Master together at the holy fj'i MWN MAltSIIHANK. places In llethlehem and Jema jje , bei.6 ff fJ .tri' ,M lem. They met In perfect con A, ! i i r sent rWp-Jd I cord. Four thousand Jews held j... 3 , . ', 'rl, Ottawa. an open-air meeting on the Mount of Olives Friday and listened .ULM XV. nrSTRICT-DISTRICT OF addrt-sseir by representatives of the llritlih Zionist Commission .. iotkE that Um Grand Trunk . 1 'irnpeay f WtwUpef. VANCOUVER GOINQ AFTER THAT STEEL PLANT tTltti itc ' i " d'wrllx-d land!: planted tl th moat jiiBc- '31 i fx" Seattle, April 20. Vancouver, o in f " IW so"! n .... mfk. ibrtx-f northerly, eatter II. C, says The Times, is going to t if ai.J ttnierly. following to have a big steel plant, according ' M ,bor I1M tO pOMI Of to Mayor It. II. Gale, who with a attr rsa-.T- wdinf ror delegation of Vancouver business Sow,ter '" B!,tl w,"f tf: ,M Mlrl Jtpni tin. Illi. men was In Seattle this morning Ttf E.1D TB' Sit PACinC RAILWAY on their way to Ottawa. Accord otarr Quality 21'i.iT H. H. llaatard, solicitor. ing to Mayor Gale, negotiations MINERAL ACT have passed the preliminary stage. The plant is being financed cirrtfttTt or irBOwuT by Ilritish Columbia capital with government assistance. nonet 'We think there is no doubt f,i Fraction' and "Dally Mineral about the outcome of our nego f.- uiuw la lb rorlUad Caacj Miniat tiations." Mayor Gale said. "We kits: f :"ir Diitritt IT'S THE QUALITY OF "STAFF" BEVERAGES nm lorated: -Oa lb rail tkj of are on our way to Ottawa to lake Cm i, it mil from Um brd of up with the Canadian government arCtaa Caaal the matter of fixing a bounty on tut sotice urn I. i. rred riicbm production of minerals. The provincial THAT RECOMMENDS IT TO PEOPLE WHO ifm rnarfi Certitcaw .to. SITI-C) art government already has ar m i pit for Retinald Ktnr lellt. t re lfl CtrulaU Ho. tllT-C Inuod, done that, and we are going to ARE APPRECIATIVE OF THE DISTINCTIVE nxj ain from lb dale hereof, M apply ask the government at Ottawa to b at maiat Recorder for OrtiOMi f do the same to encourage the banmaMU,itvi crtnl for of Um Um purpo ttMtt ritim.f otltteuii opening of mines and the development FLAVOR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF THIS ui rsrttrr utt muc that ctioa. on of the rich natural resources r f'.a tl1 nail t nxnmocU bfort of British Columbia" at acuta at 3tb Caruncat of ltnpro- POPULAR BEVERAGE nH ttu Ilia dj of DfeemtMr A. 0. One, two If good to chew. Three, four they all want more, Five, six it comes in sticks. MINERAL ACT cven, eight the flavor" great. Nine, ten eome again CUTVICATI Of larftOVtafKTf with Wrigley s! (rrc 'IdlMraam' aad "attfaa" Miovril COAL NOTICES Ami mm la tax Skteoa Mialar Dll-m if UMitr Oittrh IklEXA LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or tvn k;i4 aim .. 4 miWa Wtrr QltVt CUARLOTTK ISLAM DS JPARKllSG ar4 f AHv Arm. aa4 atwi fnai Um Btatfe. TAKE ftOTICK l&al t. ioapo Saxloo. of UI CTlr thai W Pilawm rrtaro Rupert. B. C. rrotplor. uuM fi iiafi wiiflf.u Ulif-C. a to arplr for ttcriuo to rutpt for coal rat Mui;toBia Mlaiot an4 H utd pcUvMiim over Um rU1ar aarUMd NECTAR of Purest blended into drink of aa nrr LinUlrd. (Man rrul Uada oa Um Waal Coait of Momby Itlaad. Apples, a lQr frt Miatr'a OrUBcau Ka. cooduraoat al a pott pUaltd atiout of 0' a a a rare aeuciousness ana uavor; ciear as crystal, "UI lauada aittr oara from Um data a bum aUMaaurlr froca pot totaled o k ir r m ib Mialar Rorar m Um aaora of a amaU Bay opraiac out sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full w JfOau or ImrroTrawnu, for Um uf Caaoa rati UKKfl Montitj sad CbaaU irwt f titutalac a Croa Orant of Uiaada. about I cuilca RorUwrly aloas Um bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected tf um atsa claim. Morvaay Itlaad aid of Caaot raw from UD FT'tTBtR TAtC .HOTICC UMl atUOO Buck Point; Umoc aouUt SI caalnas Umom ripe fruit. Try a glass of AppleslafT todays order "Jf trttt II nail t romoMoroil Ix-Ot aal IS cbalaaj Utrora norUi IS caama; home. a case for the lam af (,rh c run fata of lm- ibrDra cat SB citalaa to Um point of cm-BaruttOMBt. oq APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. iOSCril SttTOX, AppUcaat. Locaiad iitttoUr sib, HIT. DENTISTRY IkCCXA LAJID DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Ql'EE.1 CliARLOTTK ISLANDS MO BJtlDM WOM Itichnst brew of good cheer and health; essence riir NnneK urn I. Jamaa P. Raid. Of SetOULTT rrlnr. HuiorL B. CL. ProatMCIor. tntnd to of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage OR. J, S. BROWN apply for a liranc to proaped for coal . . . k- tlAH.. M .Wltul for young and old snappy, invigorating, slim, DtNTIST ana irviruiu w..i iindi as ih. Wail Coaal of Morcabr Itlaad. and LifestaiT is mi siu ttaaa. Ttr ulating to body nerves, foamy, CocrjnroclBC at a pott planted about of Ma 34 a lull aouiacaawtriy rruu a poai wniru creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come oa Um abort of a amaU Bay opeoias oat f Canoo rata btrn Moraby aad CbaaU again! in popular priced bottles. mlkt nortMriy aioos um Ulanda, about S LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Moraby laland aid of Cano rata from Seeds! Seeds! Buck i'out; Ukdc aouta IS cbalai) Umoc tal II cbataat umbc aorut a coauu( tbene eaal II cbalna to Um point or com- W'a baodla J AN kS T. HUD. rpunat. Good old fashioned Dock brew, more tasty and "nnls's, Ferry's and Steele Located JIOTcmlxr lib. HIT. Br,80 creamy than ever; rich and dark of color, foaming Garden and Field ds. Ik. OA LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of with spirit and life, Bocks la fT Is the "Hit of the "'JtM CHARLOTTE ISLA.tDS ftftillisrs and Worm Des-lrsr. Town" wherever it has been introduced. It is the Morirr that I. Charlaa E. Burrati. ti itt drink have been waiting for, pteasing, snappy you of I toes B. C mlntr, iBUnd to H. Rupert. Orsln and Mill Feed. . - .. .. n . r.. ...I r.1 fnwt appv lor a iucuh tu irvy w -pcirt with an after taste that makes you smack your lips Poultry Regulator. -um otr to folio ln d,acrlbd ...... . . A - .1 K .4 Chlckn lauaa oa mm i vn with Joy. feed a specialty. . ContuMOClnr at s pot I planted about of BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE " 4f rraipll Attaodad to. a mil aouibeaiterty from a pott located iht ik iiinM or until Bar ootoioi out of Canoe rati btn Moreaby aod CbaaU Prince-RupeiT Feed Co. Ulanda,iinr.lL,about iiind I aid mil of noriDeriy Cano rat aioua from w We are pleased to announce that we have been named distributors of "stair leverages for Northern P.O.... au Buck I'olol; Umoc nortb SI cbalmi Umbc Columbia, for the Hemrlch'a Staff Products Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment tut ig cbalna) tbrnc aouin w cum.) Ilritlsh thenc ert 10 cnaioa to point oi cuu Please Phone the undersigned If UMiicmDL places, hotels, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. aiAULta oenUr E. lib.BL'ROESS,HIT. Arpuf-Located you can't get ApplestalT, Llfestaff-or KockstatT; we will see that your order is promptly filled. IkLCMA LA.D DISTRICT DISTRICT OP www.. w Ql'tt.1 CHARLOTTE UU.iuj Titr NnTirr thai I. liana K. Cbriiten- ,w 1- la. k J la, 1S.1S a.n nt frlnr. Huticrt. B. C. DrOtlMClOr, ta raaf. I..I-.V.4 (nr Ureal tO DrOtDeCI Limited F; G. DAWSON, 'Mta.S..,., , w for coal sod petroleum over Um followini Hatea deacribed landa on iaa tt C' Moreaby laland. Cunmencmi at poai M ks. s, . , ulanied about tt of s mil wutbeaturly license No 3-319 Distributers ta rawar, from pott located on Um abor of s fl-372 mull Bay opeuloi out of Cano Paaa tM t - 7-218 Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 77 and 72 rUrAr?Br.Tn,0rm' tween Moreaby and CbaaU Ulanda, about I - - utile nortberly aloof I Moreaby laland aid of Canoo Paaa rrom buce i ui - nortb II cnalnaj tnenc tl II cbalnaj E- VVILLISCROFT tnenc aoutb 10 cbalna, tnencs tail 10 cbalna to point of corumencentent "upsrt, B. 0. HAMS K, CIIRISTESSEJI, AppilCSOL " taa Ucald Aombr Hn. HIT.