saturday, July 2, 1982 | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Sy. Andrews Cathedral Sunday-, The cheapest fuel in town, big, school picnic will be Leld Monday 'oad slab wood $3.25. Albert & at 1,30 p,m. 183 McCaffery Lid, Phones 6 and 1117, tY ~ Loca! school teachers sailing last/ nicht on the Princess Adelaide for vancouver included Miss May Har- Miss Marjorie Shiel, Miss E. P Crassie and Miss H. O. Wright. Mr. and Mfrs. Olof Hanson and n and daughter left on today's ‘rain for Lake Kathlyn where they vill take up residence for the next P. E. Peterson arrived in the city on this afternoon's train from Fid- dler Creek, where he is contemplat- jing the development of a gold pro- perty, and will sail this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Plommer sail- wo months in their summer home. laide for Vancouver where they on will spend the summer vacation Miss Mary Basthope of Booth'Mr. Plommer is a member of the Memorial School ‘teaching staff’ teaching staff of King Edward led last night on the Princess High School. \celaide for Alert Bay where she vill spend part of the summer va-| W. E Asson of , Booth Memorial School, ed last night on the Princess Ade- | Vancouver has Miss Bessie Haan, who has been | attending school in the city, nee) returned to her home at Queen) Charlit City | : Miss Dimock, local teacher, left! on this afternoon’s train via Jas- per Park for her home in Vernon | Where she wil! ‘spend the summer vacatior . —_ --—_ ; Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Sailed on the Princess Adelaide last night for Victoria where ske will spend ,the summer vacation ' sla Col J. Carleton Brown, Pacific} Coast manager of Canadian Na-| tional Steamships, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yester- day morning from Vancouver for a brief visit here on official business. | |He will return south this evening. | Miss Jessie Rothwell of the! : | ; ; ; ; FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six imsertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25e a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. WANTED PAPERIANGING sale. Phone Green 556. 156} ; | SPECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower | prices than any mail house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone 52. FOR “SALE pair of shafting hangers. Also galvan-| order | } adjustable} | ized iron tank. Apply Daily News.| | FOR SALE, reasonable and mattress, boy’s tricycle, Wil- ton rug, radio, battery and speak- er, double hot jardinier Apply 5 Besner plate Apts ion, proceeding later to Vancou- arrived in the city from the south | teaching staff of Booth Memorial to relieve for the next two menths/| School sailed last night on the Genendiew on the staff of the Government! Princess Adelaide for Vancouve: E. Walker arrived in the city Telegraphs here while D: @. Sehu-} Whence she will proceed to Regina the Prince Pupert yesterday bert gor n a holiday trip to the| Where she will spend the summer rning from New Westminster Okanagan Valley Mr: Schubert. | Vacation { proceeded to North Island. who will crive th, le , be ; ; . i 4s ith, left for H: ae : Game Warden Ed. Martin sailed ere his company is buying zelton yesterday. Mrs. Schubert; Miss Patricia Gwyer of King Ed-| og fternoor he P ¢ ’ Pz, ‘ esterday aitermoon o the , ring salmon and family went out this after-|Ward High School teaching staff}: os Oe eee : . Sree ; Rupert for a trip to Anyox on of- upaaivg noon jleft on this afternoon's train for ficial dut , ' ; ficial duties CO. N. R, steamer Prince Robert a |Edmonton whence she will proceed ot. H. B. Neaden, carrying a y rth « -siged list | Pouce Coupe in the Peace River a } Me Bringing north a good-sized 1i eee, ae p ” | Moose Picnic tomorrow; Digby Is- diy number of passengers in- of passengers including the British | Block where she will spend the}, . 5 leave C Bay 9--1 anda oats eav ow ay v-- ding many round trip tourist, Columbia House party from Eng- |*¥™mer vacation with her parents 2 ° B “ see r * , . Spor prizes and in atte ance sengers for Alaska, arrived ‘n'land, CPR. steamer Prince Rupert,|M". and Mrs. W. K Gwyer, who)” “ ho ci as ; ems . ° : ee , Aduts 3 Children free rt at 10 o’¢lock this morning Capt. D. Donald, arrived in port at j'™merly resided in this city , ; m Vancouver and Ocean Falls 10 o’cloc sterday — ae n é 10 o'clock yesterday morning from OR in Mrs. F. A. Feero and three daugh- i sailed at 3 o'clock this after- Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean| Miss M. Delaney, who has been ters are sailing this afternoon on for Skagway and other Alas- Falls and sailed at 3 pm. for An-|% member of the teaching staff of} — oe ae , . F . . = 5 — aot, : : . the -Prince Robert for Skagway yolnts whence she will return yox and Stewart whence she will|*®¢ High Sehool commercial de- wi r j ut : : a : where they wil) spend a vacz ere southbound next Wednesday returr here this evening south. | partment here for the past few . ” P 7 —- neg bound ears, sailed last night on the cs ‘a Princess Adelaide for her home in; ™*S. D. B. Murphy. who has been se |Vancouver, Miss Delaney’s position | U2@erseimg treatme: at Roches- an : Vil Ane} po On) ‘ : ter Minnesota, returned to the city “ ” , s Pe ‘ olishe by ret 5 - ” Insist on “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE”—The Original | "5 been abolished by retench-| ) Robert this morning For Sale at Vendors or direct from “Mail Order ment measures of the school board.|;.° |. . Dept.”’ Liquor Control Board, Victoria, B.C. i }from Vancouver { Rev. W. McKim, Anglican Church ser a 7 : jrector at Terrace, who has been on C. T. Hearn, superintendenr of} ithe Ysbealee ok } : ry. is pav- two-weeks’ trip to Vancouver af- |“ “4* s inks hatchery, & ~~ iver having attended recent sessions |‘@™8 4 946% V? a: ee: Oe OE S--. finial bon . oats cad . e-thesened of Galedania Gloeese 1 business, having arrived on | here arrived in the city from th last night’s train from tite aiiermor south on the Prince Rupert yester- F 3 day morning and proceeded la Misses Maud and Margaret Ma- e day by train to the interior; 8" ° Booth Memorial School n “ay , wail ; sa MiveiiOl. ras ee teaching staff saile night on Mrs. B. Walker of Booth Memor-| Princess Adelaide for Vancou- ¥ ial School teaching staff sailed last! ’© ‘ 5 a ee a x Sei mon Arm where they w spend “BEST PROCURABLE’ night on the Princess Adelaide for; ~” — = il spend e Tit 6 -4ned “de *y |) the summ tio Victoria Wierd ‘Stte will spend the PURE ummer, vacation. Her daughter ~ rs. Samu Massey returned to Miss Muriel Walker. sailed yester- Rs pte < or > “ . . , Ere tl ty om the rinc tebert this SCOTCH WHISKY [day afternoon on the Prince Ru-|‘2¢ city on the Prin ver wh Pew pert to visit for two weeks at An morning rom V ncouver where j : si went HX aiteng tne 4 1u2 RICHEST IN FINEST |yox before proceeding to Victoria i. ” , , ’ me annus : ot g »f ‘ vincia] HIGHLAND MALT ape aS. Aree Chapter of the Order ci the “Bast. Grocery Stock and ae mL ee Bottled and guaranteed by William Fi and Mrs. G. A. Woodland Grant & Sons Limited Glenfiddich and ! t ane” ies i Clon: -ientinite Balvenie-Glenlivet_ Djstilleries, Dut ixtures ror e who have been on wo-weeks town & Glasgow, Seotiand his advertisement is not published Control Board or the Government « Oe THETA ees eee ey THE LAST DAY OF ‘Demers Sale } $10.95 $6.95 $3.50 at HALF PRICE 75¢€ LADIES’ DRESSES $19.50 Now Regular $12.50 t LADIES’ DRESSES Now Regular $9.50 LADIES’ WASH DRESSES—Regular $4.95 Now LADIES’ KNITTED SUITS WELDREST HOSIERY Last chance at Regular up to $25.00 Third Avenue ne Prince Rupert, B.C. ®) By Tender Tenders will be jundersigned up t ay, July 6th, for received by thi ll a.m. Wednes the purchase of ILEM GROCERY (CO. LTD., Prince | Rupert, B.C Stock consists of miscellaneous I ines of groceries, produce, etc / Fixtures consist of show cases 40 ash registers, frigidaire. | All tenders to read at a rate on ithe dollar, as per inventory This business at the present time being operated by us and can be a going concern. It is of business and y for someone purchased as joing a fair volume his is an opportunit purchase a going concern at a reasonable price. Terms will be granted to responsible parties | Store time during business hours, ventory can be our any time upon application seen at office Highest or any tender not neces- | sarily accepted THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN’S TRUST ASSOCIATION LTD Trustee {222 Pacific Building, Mane Ele | Vancouver, BC. EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER H. S. OLSEN Five years’ apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA Prices Reasonable, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver V8.8, CATALA EVERY TUBSDAY, 1:30 PM, Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday L.S.8, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx a.m Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Naas River points, Sunday, 8 p.m Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at i YRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second A venue, Phone 568, Estabilshed 1849 LAMB’S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS “Lamb’s Fine Old Navy” OVERPROOF Old and Good! Ask the British Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct. from Government Li- quor Contrel Mail Order De- partment, Vicvoria, B.C. PROOF | This advertisement is aot pub- | lished or displayea by the | Liquor Control Buard or by the Government of British _ British Columbia the stock and fixtures of MUSSAL-| is open for inspection any} 1 or in-| Island, July 17. and Seattle, re- the city om the Prince i trip to Vancouver turned to Robert this ning. While in the! south they a ied the recent Ro- t International convention in|} | >t a Miss Mary Sargent arrived in the city on the Prince Robert tois mor p x Vancouver, wher she has been attending school, and will proceed ea ym today’s train to spend the ner holidays with her parents, Mr. @nd Mrs. R. 8 sargent, in Hazelton SN. Boyk for the! ountant Canadian Nat ral Telegraprs| here, will sail Tuesday after- noon of next w for his home in New Westminster where he will spend a vacat Eddie Smith is | relieving at the telegraph office ' during ibse nce nis Rev. Evan Baker, who arrived in ithe city earlier in the week from | Stewart where he has been sta- itioned for the past few years as United Church patsor, sailed yes- terday afternoon on the Prince Ru- pert for Anyox to whicl he has been transferred point CONFERENCE OF LABOR UNIONS OF PRINCE | UNEMPLOYED | } RUPERT arial | A call for delegates of al) Labor Unions*for the city regardless of ‘affiliations for a conference on |Tuesday, July 5 at 7.30 p.m. at the |{Longshoremen’ ‘through the | thern Ba Cc. oe Ss Hall is hereby sent initiative of the Nor- Fishermen's Associa an a) -_— Ww LAAN : AVA EMO, meee | 154 | Announcements | Eagies* Picnic, 10. Grassy Bay, July Canadian Legion Picnic, Digby } : | 5-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts FOR RENT FOR RENT. 260 9th Ave. East. 264 FOR RENT— Modern flat, Rand tf! child’s crib | Six-roomed House—| Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. tf} MODERN HOUSE for rent $25 a month, 442 Fourth Ave. East Phone Red 720 tf FOR RENT—Five-room furnished house. Harbor view. Fourth Av- enue East. T. McClymont. FOR RENT “lean well furnished modern 2-room suite Apartments. Phone Red 444 tf “GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT” Notice of Application for Consent to Transfer of Beer Licence Notice hereby giver n that, on the hitn day of Hy next he undersigned intends to apply te the iuguer Con transfer of Beer 2063 and issued im re- being part of a build- Hotel, situute Ree ard for consent to Licence Number spect of premises ing known as the Royal at 701 Third Avenue West, pert, B.C upon the lands described as e Nos 11 und 12. Block Map No. 923, Prince Rupert means tration District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Diaanamtre Zar- ii Northern Hotel Company Limited f Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the DATED a f June Prince Rupert, this 7th day AD. 1982 NORTHERS HOTEL LIMITED & Pultor COMPANY Per: Patmare Solicitors The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. PaWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List vour goods v ‘th us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta : Phone 234 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total canscity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding |NEW Vindex Sewing Machine for|OFFICE gir! LOT “FIFTH AVENUE 1 near Tatlow | sini, “ comsortabie home. Reply Box 142 Daily News Paperhanging, Kalsomining Office, 153 = — —_ and Painting EXCHAN GE At prices that will suit you Phone Red 918 ©. Rouse Small home. Part cash. Phone Green 505. tf ee HELP WANTED ____ DAITRIES ——— LOOK AHEAD—-Get into the civa|For FRESH LOCAL MILK PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad- Service as Postman, Clerk, Cus- | Phone Red 608 or 953 toms Examiner, immig. Inspec- | DOMINION DAIRY Full details free from the | BLL. Winniges. 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PERSON AL ’ PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK tor, etc vice given free by the Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN- | Palmer ; Prince Ru-| 32, Section | Land | Thirty PAINTERS \Fresh from Bulkley Valley , —- Farms ipa | VALENTIN DAIRY Phone Red 802 (evenings) to } | Phone 657 J. P. MOLLER . . CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 |Open Evenings 6 Excnange Bik. | ‘TRANSFERS — for — | Kalsomining, Painting pone & Paperhanging : By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES WATCHMAKERS Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND $24 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. = | CAMERON'S Transfer ” ‘Phome 17 | for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack : Pine. tf | SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for sale at reasonable prices. Phone een 609 or Blue 903. Years Practical Experience; GF Assures Absolute Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 2, at 7:30 p.m. AT THE AUCTION ROOMS FEDERAL BLOCK When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US Toe Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake Willis Piano in Mahogs”,; Elee- tric Washing Machine; Moffat Electric Range; Victor Orthopho- nic and Records; MeClary Garry Range; 3 Heaters; Bookcase; 2 We Can Take You Occasional Ohairs; Wardrobe; Anywhere at Any Time D.R. Suite; Chesterfield Table; At Moderate Rates Couch; Dishes; Pots, Pans; Kit- chen Chairs, and usual miscel- lancous articles. LIST YOUR GOODS FOR THIS SALE (. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Phone Black 120—Red 633, SWAIN’S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C. Wood Coal FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore lose to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply — V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. Prices Reduced at — “THE DUNES” Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands In keeping with the spirit of the times, boarders at “The Dunes,” Tlell. have been reduced to $1.50 a day. The idea} summer resort. A home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. Miles of sandy beach, huge sand dunes. all the pleasures of the farm with fresh milk and plenty of taick cream. Fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon Tlell River. THE NEW SPECIAL RATES make it possible for anyone to pay a visit. Here is cost per person: the rates for summer Board and room for 10 days $15 Return steamship fare a a ; 18 Care hire to and from boat ..................... ea 2 Total for 12 days $35 Children, half price. ‘No extras Prince John leaves Prince Rupert July 8, 22, Aug. 5, 19. Write or Telegraph Madame KRajaut