The daily News rnLlXNO7- prince RUPERT, n.c, Friday, APRIL 26, 191 8. PH1CB FIVF. GFJO TERRIFIC FIGHTING ON lESTERl OTTO KEMMEL HILL REPORTED CAPTURED - BRITISH MAKE GAINS EAST OF AMIENS BATTLES ARE AGAIN RAGING ST.ANDREW'S SOCIETY ENGINEER M'INTYRE GERMAN PRISONERS IN SIBERIA ! IS ADDRESSED BY INJURED WHEN HIS IN FLANDERS AND PICARDY ! MR. FRED STORK LOCO. HITS MUDSLIDE CONSTITUTE GRAVE MENACE HIAVY 0 CRM AN ATTACKS LAUNCHED AGAINST MOUNT KEM-BEL J Last evening in the Si. Andrew's A journey of one hundred and Harbin, Manchuria, April 26 Ho!ihevikl and the Germans, but AND EAST OF AMIENS VIGOROUS BRITISH COUNTER club rooms, Mr. Fri Stork foiy-six miles was performed The German and Austrian prison, lenough is known to make their ATTACK REGAINS VILLERS-BRETTONEAUX delivered the closing address of during the night by a locomotive et of war now at large in Siberia operation in warfare a matter TEN MILES FROM AMIENS ,the season, in the series which with a caboose attached, in record estimated to number more of extreme difficulty for the allies-German than one hundred thousand, and officers are known to have the Society had arranged. Look, lime, to bring Engineer Mclntyre Wiih the Hritisli Annies In being mado by the Germans the onTcia, erc,M hefe u ,9 heW penetrated thrpughoul Russian Ai.''2" -Strong German (Frenchmen were once more eom-tiUckt ing hack over the syllabus, the Sfi in to the hospital here, ine in i that they constitute a grave men- and Chinese Turkestan far to the France I Andrew's Soelety ean point to one Jured man was engineer of the ace to the allied positions in the south of Siberia in an endeavor lhe Franco.liriU pelted to give it up. artsl front' of the best, most interesting and train which left here last Satur-rar East. With the German or. to stir up the tribes in these regions . ilia nnrthrrn I-nmWi. Anril "26. Yiltira -. educative series of addresses yet day for the east. It was fin t held ganiiaion controlling the Dolshe- to make trouble on the Indian .m 'iaj:ng. The chief point Ilrellonneux has been recaptured . . . S viki, it would be possible for a border, and in a few instances, Op by slides at Kitwangar, and f Lci m the line from the i'X Australian anu rmgusn iroops. - - ' huge army of Russians, stiffened Itolsheviki and German n, .,.m,tr to Kemmel........""m wiwi. some six nunurcu 1 '"" Jl'- eventually made Its way Into) w lby these German forces, to be soldiers are already known to have f a'l SBMWM.4 1.-W ILl. prisoners, according to the state, ular; both among the members of Haiellon. Deing unable to get 'raided In Siberia. It is held her?? combined in some of the military lit c:cmys " U1" ment of Field Marshal llaig. th. .i-i. n-i n..i, mi. n.i any further on its way east, the ,that such a force would be in a actions recently. Should this cUr bave been renewed with i,,Ued by the War Office here. A these uy.monlhly. meetings ',,., tiAin was being brought back tojpo'n lo -do Incalculable dam-Prince course of action become general h.s objective evidently Jconslderable of the territory the gwir-e par (Mked forward lo during lhe Hupert last evening, when:8" throughout Siberia, military kusfdic natural position lost to the Germans yesterday has . ,x monlnii It is not known exactly Just how machine of Germany might cause ... around Woodcock, the locomotive ,he between the much trouble. reIaUon8 are very hill Is This ,a Meant Kemmel. Mr gtork look as hs ,ubJecl Is stilt in progress and has reach- .... ran into another gumbo slide. On the . . evening Thirty Years ob-...i (km hng feature on ii I , B. P h intensity. snaUon ln tne Canadian veil," feeling the footplate beginning to:c f. sTvifinif rinDAniT THE Y. M. C- A. CAMPAIGN Httcr ,f Me.slnes lldge. gome nve tanks were employed i rise beneath bis feet, showing 0.0. AUiTIltlAL rAKlUtuUl IS ENDORSED BY THE and h, ad(Jre wag n a ery &? bens no higher point fur- each side in the Vlllers-Hrelton happy vein throughout- Possibly that the heavy locomotive was going COLLIDES IN ALASKA GREAT WAR VETERANS . llritish fighting, as supports for to turn over with the impact ih r rth. The are .neaux. . in tin Asmnlrv in ihm wnrlil hai Hp. I rv.l to icHt tbc;r ground with great,"V. . 7' velopment proceeded at such a F-aglneer Mclntyre prepared An address was delivered to the ril h jump to save himself, with the re- Seattle. April 26. The Pacific yaat and are eiactlng a great "kA "jT'i rate a. in Western Canada during broken looal branch of the Great War suit that his right leg got ' ' lUf iiaiiuilUK ui turir maifrn, uiiu g pa81,enger sleamen Ad-in i.j a s-alties for every attack wnen two of llie nnuh Unks got the great past changes thirty have years,taken and many place two places. Less than a year Farra(rul was in a collision Vi-terans Association on Wednes- it rtcry makes. Ttie German among the enemy troops, they that The ago, Engineer Mclntyrp spent ... lay night by Mr- William Boulton, during period. pictures near Petersburg, ' tift nhcse continued attacks crusneo ineir way lorwaru.m a imwi--i a three months in the hospital here Hy military secretary of the Y. M.C. features of the earlier days . . que while route to Anchor-This j a a i ii. r -.a -it s. of his left leg. Alaska, en In l" " with a fracture A. for northern British Columbia. cj ::..a. y great with those of u.n have now given plae The large Uie right which according to a wireless mes. time it is one age. nre uus. sou u..n tr.k rapia ut ek, rane,M ,he eiuberant cowboy. The War Veterans endorsed the has sustained a compound frac- received here- The :eiecutlon- message In Plcardy. the Ited Itiver carts with their ga(fe miawlon of Mr. lloulton by the 1 locomotive Is ..... ..... ...... In Flanders. Uure. The now,,,. th. o 3 Hrilish counter at- steers and attendant Indian each. ah viciniiy oi mcr. London, April S. The German whleh used to line the sftrHs of landing at mn angle. Sf-! the accident. Company offllals following resolution: against me "men anu aegrees to ine irack. nut. m "The Great War Veterans Association If ir-.x which ts only ome,1""" wBnipg have all gonCf and no wnt n ... . . cast of Amiens. re-l,,r,t,h 1 nM ,on ,h n'11'" ung do the Indians hold their .HIT gumbo slide. asservea iej of Prince Rupert hearti Mrs- Norrie Lowenthall, w ho nit an ice Durg. I Ivuv v. ., two weeks races in Calgary as they - ly endorse the effort of the Mili continuing The Teu. happened to be on the train, be- i -a- ,her with consider- lor are were wont. A definite chapter in tary !epartment of the Y. M. C A-in ... inn ..nil tir intended to ing a doctor's daughter and hav- SHIPPING. SECURED ry in the vicinity. - " "". the opening history of Western immediately its attempt to raise the 92,000 . i .icrmans succeeded in Pv U,8)r fo.r lh eap,,U ?f Canada feems to have just recent- Ing medical twining, FOR UNITED STATES took charge of the injured man. required from this city for work u t icmpcrarily yesterday. T1' flr.:,'J! !, r close.1. It is practica the , !(.... A-.,t allll In rrn. first chapter, for in this country Another engine anu Uuu Tok April 26Xegotiations among the troops overseas, and procured and the patient and his Ptii. a:.a ths German high com- ,'""r"u """" are no '""tnes of Unditlon uphich have been In progress for pledges its co-operation through- h Oermans. The hreneh wer, came to town, picking tuda I wing his troops forj. hofe hi9lorjr lend, into the the some time between Roland S. the campaign. of Terrace, on 8b,e to maintain themselves, w hi e Dr. Cairns, iri , ; a total disregard for djm (th,s of pagt Mnluries. The immediately to the J the American ambassador !uslng large losses to the at- way- Taken Morris, uws T mendous execution ,mmeJ(ate pagl as far back AT THE WESTHOLME lackers, hatrly Ihit morning, af- -goes. hospital here. Engineer Mclntyre lo japar,t ami the Japanese gov-is Imc: itl led by the llrltlsh wtcrn cnadi.n history be: . . well as can as UUa4 Maxim guns with which an in s . """'" Mr. Stork gave many little progressing hi builders, have The star actress in the photo- ittr arc well armed- Heavy renewed their a laek. in '-W sketches of some of the outstanding expected this morning. MneUu.i SiTlv.ii steam- pUy at the Weslholme Theatre ,r-s a ux,ng place over the Ur and again at the llrltlsh pom-. figures of that immediate past aggregating 511.000 tons tli id evening is Valeska Suratt. Die A sector, and both.""" furlh"e"lUo in this western country, who have Duncan, and John Dr- Robertson.Houston, of deadweight, will be turned over one of the great favorites. The their mark in the remembrance missionary. "The Soul of Hroad- HBrUih and French lines have; Tt.Vi left photoplay, , ih-Us in in . . . . ndon Apr! 2 6-All en- fame right here lo the United Slates for; uso a l newspaper stand strong pressure j of theti: follows. He told way, is one in wnicn most peopic . e iny onslaughts hitherto hae of Donald Smith, who arrived in prince Rupert, and the Rev. Dr. the war. will take a great interest, and Hia f oting In the Daauenne MM to a U" hel ' JJ on Canada a poor Scots lad of sixteen Grant, as the prototype of Ralph Deliveries of the ships will be-Gonnor's Willi the stellar role in the capable of ' novel, 'The Syk Pilot,""gin In April of this year and will V:: and were later counter-8ount J f,..0' years, and who died, full of years. hands of Miss Suratt, the best who had until June, 1919. the men continue - J y he llrltlsh who drove '1" "V"": as Lord Stralhcona, and possibly were also among which ' the opportunities afford Ik.m K. I . f II,. ICO. All me Cliemj .iionr- one of the richest and most pow made their mat in this country,! may be looked for- U is one of 1 ;j v t 'hrasl v: .tiv .i 1 b:: :r widen the salient to permit of this "nrh.r.Hl. Ula-ind whose names would always, FIGHTING IN ARMENIA thoie plays which stimulates the helng done, have ended In failure. bo reordet in the history of the uci af It.ol una niMlle ,h llulion B imagination and which helps to According to a Ileuter dispatch, in this Canadian West. London. April 25. Reuter's v 1. i n,i ih Company and the C. P. It. werolPionecr make people see things as they a tin II iuie give result U that the eneniy have circum The attraction which this country Moscow correspondent says the r b f ps were tl to .tb. . Id. T h . trally are. quite apart from.what l.nlf in.n ui M such Service, informa novelists as "Armenian ago of Ilargard. Th, one inmiuii ui -.. tancM leading up to the reunu linn for ,llolsheviki's ihey would want them to be. Then London' K'lling and others bureau has received a wireless inir if lhe Royal rth VestHaok tion there is as well one of Uie two-reel IT-'V SrSuef rlUana' ou7k. TmTen. and Noyo. Mounted Police were most inter-etingl consisted largely in Its virile despatch through Tabrii saying Fox comedies. This, is an . r h,;rLavUnuh flulThese troop, were originally sup- bi;ught to the attention manhood. that the Armenians have re- otar of the series which have " " wv ..ii...! .uii i-ahnnt.. fnp line wees. Mr. Stork's address was well captuijd the town of Van, in HIICA " - There were tales week for some KxifHion, and there were of the listeners been running every uo,. ..i,i.,Biitf -lirvimr in received and it was with a certain Turkish Armenia, after heavy take on the French .u Vv " V" ' . "7. it of John lllack. of Fort MacLeod. time past, and which many of the " - . i llie- ilevastateu .regions. wm.o Uriah Nelson of the Cariboo. measutj? of regret that It was fighting. The despatch says also patrons of the Weslholme would - is masters oi u bkuhi. .....i rx, a,a however, to a Ire- vety 0,1 . AT Siiy Smith of Skagwt,)- who was realised that, with his speech, the that Musselman attacks on Daku not miss for anything- These two-reel no roads 1 I with series of addresses was closed for have been repulsed by the Armenians be- tierman bombardment. !8 ,e.,lV nna. t!'1 ' boss" there until his due comedies have certainly the season. As usual, me een and the populace of the Kr, her stronir attacks u nA?"B,r. . l.".,rr Frank Reade. Coming nearer. .nlUiin.,1 willi mualA Anil come popular anu ins Mvrrt " wr mm mm m w mii i i;bs i untu. " town. home, there were stories oi Mir.up- tonight, fully Justilles Vancomer. April 20. Flash, of the audience Esslngton. and Port Mmpson. the appreciation . ...i.t.i. i n mit.iI lining in make rt. COURT p.m.i I ne iiermau .i- .. Ik... una tlin llllIMtriani WHICH 't - AT THE POLICE I WANTED lured Kemmcl Hill In Flanders. ,.,. rii.-m nart: Andrew's open nights the best 11Y :.T7T7rr, :ol Archdeacon Collison. Father entertainments possibl Itefore Magistrate Carss this J. R- M0RQAN, LTD. morning In the police court. Oscar. NOTICE I Strom, a naturalized Hrilish subject, l Four Rigging, men. Tenders are solicited immediately OF HOLLAND was charged with failing to Oddfellows Anniversary l Four Fallsra. for the purchase of the HUN INVASION register under the provisions of Service will be held on t four Buckers. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd , the Military Service Act. The accused Sunday evening, April ?, Two Boom-men. office building. IS FEARED BY THE DUTCH had been apprehended while at 7:30 o'clock at the t and Filer. Tenders are also Invited forjthe living out In the bush, and located Church of England. All Apply removal of the Prince Rupert some way up the inlet. He had a Oddfellows in the city are l W. E, WILLIAMS Itninar building from its present Germany's ss dispatch this morning, and plentiful supply of provisions requested to meet at the location lo Lot 20. Hlock 31. Sec London, April 20 ,,,.. considerable apprehension exists with him. enough to last for sev K P. Hall at 0:30. tion t. .... mailed Hal tnreaienn u uimv in Dutch diplomatic circles. eral months. On being asked by H. WALKER. N. O. McCaffery. Gibbons & iwyie. land into the maelstrom of war. Yesterday, the Hetvol announced the magistrate If he we no willing W. 1LMIRIE. Secretary. ' Real Estato and Insurance Strong forces of German cavalry that the German minister to Join up, the accused auswered WESTHOLMF appeared along the West- to the Nelherlantte had departed "no" ) BUILDING FOR SALE have Holland, for Derlin, ad that the ""ha Iphallan. . boilers.. . of.ii.;. uortinn of IHitch ministerial Berln is on his THE CRADLE House T.,..r. are invited before 1st IhOUgll Wine way to The Haw. TONiGHT ONLY May for the purchase, ol: buUdln..Iboruer oAl. From this stae of affairs. It Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Albert . . .., i-r tiu nn l. " w ""I . . l.nma tins been considered that diplo-inatle oinon, of Eburne. L- C., at the lot z, mock 1'art FOX Feature. on by A. Newham. Receiver, the by German Lanusturm or negotiations are In danger Prince Rupert General Hospital, VALESKA 8URRATT Weslholme Lumber i.oinpuujr. defence forces. da- of breaking, which may bo. the on April 25th, a son. 80UL Further particulars al nana oi A . in.nDiv i.t.woruou...niu in Him Teu- prelude to warlike actions. The FOR QUALITY OF BROADWAY' Montreal. Prince Rupert. . a30,ma,H nur y- -XorlMm Dutch army has been moblllied LjMlyemlth Wellington Coal re- KRVICK a4 SATISFACTION TV t since the flrst montha of the war. rfMssa your fuel bill and glv s km a rod Fox Comedy ai.i tvaiiinoton Coal and,of materials and . the pnlke border is well aaWifaatlan. Phone 18. ,P, It. IX PAY WtiNK FOR HttLF, "HCRRY MIX-UP" Ir Lumber of all dimension. guarded. l 6o. hone 118. trout - II