THT DAILY NFWS F e The Daily News WAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPArCR IN NORTttr.RS RHITISH COLUMBIA Published D.lly end Weekly .For the EasL Momi, Wednesdays andtfat-u Guaranteed Chcutatton Largest lays at 9:30 a. m. HEAD OFFICE: From the EasL Daily News Bjildin?. Third Avenue. Prlne Huperi. n.C Tel. D8 uiula)s, Tuesdays and Thursdays TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cau per trwh at 5.30 pji.BBVaVMeaB Contract Rates on application. For Vancouver: T days a DAILY nDITIO.V. Fiky. April 56, 1918 ttidays 7 ajn ihursdays 10 p.m. THC UNIVERSE AT STAKE all the virtues, in fact, From Vancouver Close contact with the Kai which Germany has dowein 10 udays p.m. i It's ser has unexpected effects. The the world, and winch canned fc v. .j,ifdays 10.30 a.m. the great war- 3 of absorbed by the world ex-.p All Highest is never weary fjlurdays pan. informing his hungry subjects through her alone." ume sweetmeat, and his tattered legions that The subject of these modes For Anyoxt a he is the most pacific and the claims might feel slight!? s uidas 10 p.m. least acquisitive of monarch, nervous at the prospect bef.-r. Wednesdays 10 p.m. -the Nnefit. the atid that it was merely a happy him. His vinjtues are so ver pleatwc. th unmilitary naming greed an-., economy acciSent that when the Entente From Anyoit made their treacherous assault Envious Hardness are stiff pro Tuesdays ajn. of a 5c vacr.afe of on his dominions the Father. positions to meet with Earnest Thursdays WRIG LEV'S land found itself able to em ness and Profundity. It would pjn. ploy about twice a many men seem only too probable that preme moral force, the enem For Port Simpson and Naaa Rlvsr and three times as much mu the figure would become only will tW, as did Adam and Eve points: -has made it the fs nitfons as its assailants- more translucent, even evanescent befoty the flaming sword of the Sundays 10 p.rn vorlte "sweet ration" and that his Hut we have Dr. Julius Yogel, evaporative, Lord and the world at large of the nilled conscience would temporarily arrajes. Almoner to the All Highest, will bow the head in reverence From Port Simpson and Naas different make a coward of him. and thai wh'o Rives quite a and almost in adoration." River Points: vetaion of war aims in the he would take a leaf out of send It to An ambitious curtain, but at Tuesdays ajn. your friend Lokalaniicger. Possibly Hindenburg's book and come Berlin least we can promise thaL at the front: the conclusion that the he has been too busy to read to though the world is Hot at the Queen Charlotte Islands: his master's speeches, for this cause of German idealism and moment to fulfill this is what he says: all the virtues would be better prepared For Massetl, Port Clements and It's the its it handiest, in entirety, programme -The object for which this served by a slight strategic re. Upper Island points: will certainly congratulate the longest-lasting great war is fought is not treat according to plan-Not Saturdays 8 ajrt re All Highest the fervour; if Alsace-Lorraine, nor Belgium, at all, according to the on From M asset. Port dements and frcshment he can not the style of hi nor the Freedom of the Seas, Imperial Almoner. The translucent upon prose Upper Island points: carry. riBcial. His olBee does not nor anything of the kind." one, (and one was inclined Tuesdays a. m (These are only tactical objectives; to believe this already1 sound very warlike, although the strategic objective is has provided himself with a he probably wears a uniform, For Skfdegato. Queen Charlotte 1 and he at least, of bis country very wide indeed). "What is very effective suit of armor and City and Lower Island oinU m CHEW IT AFTER has murdered men probably being fought forj is the mastery some potent weapons of destruction. nothing more sensitive than Wednesdays 6 pjn EUERV MEAL of the universe." . From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte language. The hordes of Asia, The rival combatants are "Germany is the heart of City and Lower Island points the faithless Latins, and the rapidly and roughly defined as Europe, the conscience of the aturuays p. m. follows: "The flaming greed of world. If we would guard envious mercantilists will ap. The Flavour Lasts predate this pieee of verbosity the hordes of Asia, the faith, within us that incorruptible Advert! in the Daily News. Made not merely for its essential In Canada lessness and bitter revengeful principle of lite, if we carry mm v m humor, but as affording an en LAND REGISTRY ACT ness of the Latins; the envloun out our mission and communicate lightening commentary en the tSeeileae It tad a. hardness of a mercantile rae the principle to the world, mental condition of the authors subject to King Dollar; to the if by contact with the German of the deeds which have shock Se AppUratloa .lo. Sill L tlSl-L sill L roost brutal form of Mam. genius the universe is to cure TAkC NOTtCX tbet appacaoe) ba beea ed the whole world during the monism, to the hideous beasL itself of all its evils, we must, aude to resnater rreuk W. Hart, ef rrtace the path of which is strewn even while our. sword is annihilating last four years. Repert. S. C a evt&wr la fee uder leer Tat Sale Deed froea tbe CeHecsor U with human corpses." our enemies, lead a Mark Twain, so the story goes. CMy ef rrtnee Re pert, beartar dale tae In this adjectival and unnerving life of introspection, and purging HlQ day ef Nerea&ber. It IT. aad eoe Ta was walking on Hannibal street combination, we seem ourselves of these moral Sate Deed daleeV tfad day ef September when he met a woman with her ISIS, ef ALL AD SI58ULAR UUI certata to miss any reference to the ills that still survive amongst youthful family. rereve er tract ef lead aad preawee allBate, British Empire. Japan, France, us. still further purify and ennoble "So this is the little girt, eh?" brtar aad bemr la tae Cllr t rrtace fea- Italy and the United States are our being." peel. more perUcetUrty lanmn aad e- Mark said to her as she displayed easily identified. This omission The performer of these ver Nertbed a Leu aevea (Ti sad Sfieea (it). her children. "And this sturdy Beck leelve (It.. Let twelve (lit. Block must be due to sheer inadequacy salile feats changes rather litUe urchin tot the btti beiesgs. I ISerty etett (it . aad Lt tatrty tbree of that alone rapidly, but only epithet; surjely suppose, to the eofilraiy sex." Oil abd tatfiy f er (Id. Bleek Brty-eew has prevented us from getting "Gabriel." the "Conscience of Oil. aa la Sectesj Cleat (I). Map ttl. "Yesah. the woman replied. a really stunning verbal cameo 1 the world" and "WE" could are required to eeatest tbe clam ef "Yassah, dat's a girl, too." tea percaater wtuua St dais frees the of Britain and her company of. contemplate without misgiving Christian Register. date ef the service ef Uui aeuce (wbicJi nations. j the simultaneous annihilation may be ctTected by pebUcaUoa la tbe . Opposing all this grim galaxy of foes and vices; surely in. Salvation Army. rrtace Rapert Daitr 5evei. aad year e. we And "The translucent figure trospective slaughter is a spiri. leatkei is called le secuea IS of tbe of the Archangel Michael, the tual refinement seldom at. 'Lead aestatry Act" wlta aaeadmeau. aad Public meeting. Tuesday te tbe feoewtaf etuact taerefrom. embodiment of the earnest tempted btfore. But the result, profound Thursdays and Saturdays at aad ta defaalt of s caveat er rerUficale Germanic conscience, however testing the means p 4 IU peedea betas filed before tbe refts- i. Sunday at 7:30 imbued with the fear of God of attainment, will be well p, m. irattea aa ewaer ef tbe pmoa eautled macr aecb ua sale, an pereoat e aerved and with respect for the sworn worth while. Ie Ifcaily News delivered by wiu auuee. . . aad taose clalmias faith of German idealism, of "Then before our living su- breeta cr eadcr taem. eat aH peregaa irrier 30 cents per month. leicauiv aay laereel la tbe USd by vtrtae ' any aareftrwred lastremei aad en Insomnia Cured peraoo tlatmlsf aay tatereat U. mm taae by deecest wboee UUe U aet uauterea nder tae provisloas of uus Act, aaaU be S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Without Drugs fee ever efteppea aad debarred Iruta tetuot p ay cUlm to or la rcapect 4 tbe lead so sold for taiee, aad tbe SeU sailing-Wednesday Internal Bathing Relieves trar abaU rertster tbe peraoo eautled aa-der 3.00 ajn. for Swanson Bay and the Cause sack tat sale a ewaer ef tbe lend so sold foe taiee." Vancouver. A.1D WHCatAS appuuuui aas beea ir yea de net sleep mere la always made for a Certiorate of ladefuuie Title S.S. PRINCE GEORGE csese. Deal start deataa- lla H tbe above meaueaed lead, la tbe same er rraak W Hart. tfrer. Serves can'I eenaenw lata. Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. Relieve tbe cease and s rood, sound tire? ajd wiickeas eo laveaUrtUBff tbe Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Van-couver, HI be Ute result. uue it appears Ibal prior to Um Ilia day Victoria and Seattle. Tae tjtua caceot be rtrkt If U ef October. ISIS tbe dale on wbicb tbe OOoa er terse teieatia I aot kept eleas eaid land were 6ld for evrrdse taieai "Willi Fleece xisWliile n Snow" S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. aad rree rrua all soatter. Bathe yua were tae reentered aad aiseaaed own Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. tatrraaH?ur. r. ir c yea vast irfrct aralta. era VLkTHCH a suted take below.nonet tbat st tbe vtitb voirt. sapid air, muu, may vaih your clioicost Usu-I. wrtle -rer aaw ume I eaan effect rertsirauoa to YOU several : years I suffered TRAIN SERVICE rreoa iBdireauoa, tltrveu Debiiur, la-Menata pwrsuaare of seek applicaUoa aad lastie a a fear as tu the result it u lis rscerr ateer, Weeeeesar sad trr at 1 1:is e-m. for Smitten, aed CcosupeUea. Had no appetite, rttacau of ladefeaaible Title le tbe aald Sunlight Soap. They vrLl ; lrni Prlare Ccorrc. EdmooM u4 Wlnnltf, makler Street ceoaectloaa for til and doctors dM net etpect I woold live land la tbe name of rraak W.Jtart ualeaa the tuh thr pouts tut tod SOCttt. ifcrcMirbout um wiater. Tear book later yea take aad prosecute tbe proper pre- as clean and swtHJtsaacilii. eia me. I ret a "I. B. L. Cascade" and ioruir ie eaubitaa yer claim, if aay, ilav thcr were vroven, and tkej v ' . j lo few days ebtaleed remarkable result. to tbe aald leads, or to prcvrat aecb proposed Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. I ow sleep aad enjoy my meals belter artica vm my part Milt as the fleece on Mary's er lak For Information and reservations apply to stun rer years berere. I rertrd tbe -J. S. laled at tbe Lead Retlstry OBlee. Prtar Sunlight saves all the ruk aJ v . L Cascade" as a oodaead tu toe." iHupert. B. C. uus 1Kb day ef rebruary, City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Tbe -J. B. L. Caseade U S lerfrcled u. i w i a. doesn't do the slightest injury lofisWit . r lianJ appiuace fee latenul BaUUac. lareoled by 11. r. kUCUOD. A $5,000 the ! snt guarantee proves ur (Jta. a. Tyrrell or New York, and be District Realsuar of Titles. tg tbe mease of reitortBr tboataad lo To r. W. dayaoa, Priace Rupert. B. C, adulterant or impurity. Ask for Smliut perfect bealtb It U tboen od eiplalaed seeeMd ewaer of Let 11 a&d I Block and you receive satisfaction. by CyrU H. Orrne. bruytlat. eer. Ird Ave. ti; cbartet riaatu. Edmoatoa. Alu- r. aad tb U bo W be pleeaed le tive (te red aad asaeaaed ewaer of Lot 1 1, " aa interesuar bock called -Tb wii Block 11. aad sold for late on um day CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tbe Wby. Tbe Way ef latenul Banner1 wpirauwr, ivisi v. Stranba. aav a rejuL Ask for It, Pewen it, Vaacovver. B. C aaaeaaed owner of Leu 7 aad It. Block ti. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points MINERAL ACT Sunlight via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway CERTIFICATE OS IMPROVCStllVTS STEEN St LONGWILL Meals and Berth included on Steamer NOTICE Tat r rat lion" a ad "Dally" Miaeral SANITARY AND HEATING ClaJm. alluate u tbe Portland Caul iimia. AH pnwrra ee-11 ENGINEERS uiTiaioo or tatiur duimcl autl rreciiiimniil FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Wbere located: Oo tbe east tide of Cascade Creek. It mile from tbe bead of Agents for Soap ss. sophia Mil frua mate luperi pnl tod, Itut, lira. star ird, nth. FortUad CaaaL McCLAR nth. sad Jum Ua. take none mat i, i. rred RJicate f FURNACES rre Miner Mruncau He. tITl-C) act SS. ROVAL sails from rrlaee Rupert S sju. April I ill. nth, sod III. at- aa a-rent roe -w firnn.M m.h wrvm PLUMBING Miner's Certifltau "a IllT-C, tatead. Tae abeve MUlori era subject to cloart or cancellation wltaoet seUaa, slily dayt frees Um dale bereof. to apply and lo tbe Mutiny Recorder for Certifies i of SHEET KCTAL WORKS Ituproveuecu. for tbe Durtuu &r .j...... s Cruvm Oram ef lb above claun. I'iiuus 6, 831 Second Aveuue. W. O. ORCHARD, General AgenL Aij rentier uke beilee tbat atttae, m Mviit phones 57ft der lection II. must l ii..i Ce ner Fourth Stret and Third Avenue, Frlnre Rupert. B.C. tbe bauaoee of aucto Certmetu of improve- snrj Illue 270 News Ths tight work, at the rlrjht Advertise In The Daily baud tbls litb dav of li.r,, , IHt. tlms, and at lh right prise. The Paper that gets Quick ieu'u