1018. F .lis "WE'RE NOT DONE YET" SAID SPfEIJUSI IS THE NAVY MOTTO MUST OPERATE II M. 8. Mary Hone left a Nor HE weplan xrl in charge .f a et. bound convoy if tnerelianl thlp in the afternoon of October lath .TA TE r At dawn on the 17th flanhea of punnre were aiRhled atern. Th- captain of the Mary lloae. Lieut . Commander Gharlen Fox, who wa on the bridge at the time, remarked that he iuprM it wax a ub-! marine shelling- the eonwy, ami promptly turned hi bif to J ventlgate. all hands were rallmlj to action utatfoiM. The Mary! Itose had lncred to fan -cu ' and in a short time three tirh t j cruinera were Kiehtd commx to wards them at high apeed out of i the morning mll; ti Mary Roa-! . t. tayt promptly eliallenged. and, rereiv. MUX f GARCAU lng no reply, opened fire with I Montreal. every gun that would lear at aj 1 a Are., range of about four mile. Thej I . a:.i;rei in. I Clerman light eruisera appeared 3 s f ptrt of my bod, 13 to have beei i.aUng. I u a itonplus9d by this, full exaca,a4 determined elngle - banded onslaught, .0 serend Ionian to a they did not return' 1 ..'' it Leln me. Then the Ore until the range had eied i undergo aa jer to three mile. Then they opnd . I rUused to prosit, fire, and the Mary It one held gal- i a. oat Frit-tiis' and lenlly on through a barrage of -Lilts It was giving bursting sheila until only a mile K, iu is m&JtrvM separated .he- from the enemy. : .rc. Jed to try It. Up to this mhI the Oerman A- r i nvr rrrat relief:and marksmanship was poor, but as I r j... treatment, taking the Ilritisli destroyer turned l j. aae t : ow, m neaiui u bring her torpede tubes to bear "Staff" Quality t: ...-i i sjbi free, of pain and a salvo struck her, bursting in - J I fie 'Fruit-a-Urea the engine-room, and leaving her Mtiraeat that- disabled, a log on the water. All 11-a. F. OAREATJ. guns, with the exception of the' ibot, 6 for t? SO, trial aUe Sue. Be after one, were out of action and , il u dealers or est by Fruit-tire their erewa killed or wounded; UwleJ,Ottawa. but the after gun continued inaction under the direction of Bub-1 - nu.T ll.OE district. or Lieutenant Marsh. It. N. V. It., as! IT'S THE QUALITY OF "STAFF" BEVERAGES king as the gun would bear The 'ui Mpeajr IIm of Grand Winnipeg,Trtmk captain wrecked cime bridge down and passed from aft,the i j THAT RECOMMENDS IT TO PEOPLE WHO app' far jrmlt4o encouraging and cheering his 1 a nt deaerllied Undl: deafened men. lie slopped be- j . ARE APPRECIATIVE OF THE DISTINCTIVE : .1 planted MT al al Of lb abwul BBOel side the wrecked remains of the a ik Mnberljr, fertf midship gun, and shouted to the trlr. fonowln; the survivors of its erew "flod bless FLAVOR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF THIS bora bo la point of my heart, lads, gel her going dint an thai for : aer and Ww-ur. again; we're not done yet!" - till The enemy were bow- pouring a POPULAR BEVERAGE m fAinnc rulwat eenreotrated fife iiiio the motion II Huwartf Mtnator. I less vessel. One of tbe boilers.! MINERAL ACT struck by a shell, exploded, and! through the inferno of escaping smoke, and the f amncATt or iaeovtauirrs steam, vapour bursting shell came that familiar. , MfTKC cheery voices " e re not d- I - - a4 "Sncceaf Mineral yet." ja tat Siren Mlalov DM- As the flermsn light cruisers tVfi . a-.:; Ab 4 mile Wrlleftr sped past, two able seamen, who BsaBF m m -a-rrasr " alone survived among the tor tSPARhllSG am aeaca, pedo lubes crew-, on their own it'IIUI Lewi W. raloaora 1 1 Initiative laid and fired the re m : rfi no. lltlf'C a Mriu main and Ra-JUH maining torpedo- Noth men were (Koa rtraoaal killed immediately after, and as NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of i' knarf Of uo rata ,1a. of the German cruisers closed one " "" ' n n r -Ci. i f sallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM ti.--; t sty r from the dau rare deliciousnes and flavor; clear as crystal, In to administer the coup-de-grace, a 7 M?r J BBBBBBatm K Um Miata Recorder nytv i i aw a w the Mary Hose aank with sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full ' ' SB VdTVWBj WIM 1M colors (lying. The captain, first 1 r--t a t. lost btoom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected - lieutenant, and gunner were is E.- j T&u kotick that aruoa with the ship, while a handful of ripe fruiL Try a glass of ApplestafX today; order ecuj lm- survivors were picked up lat'r. ,er certiorate of 3oo a case for the home. It may be recalled that on October 17 a convoy In the North APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Sea waa attacked by German DENTISTRY raiders. Two Ilrilish destroyers. the Mary Itose and the Strong-bow, AO B sunk, as also were five BNIOM WOM were a Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence irtotavnr Norwegian, one Danish, and three OR. J S. BROWN Swedish vessels.) of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage cuTirr for yeung and old snappy, invigorating, slim, Sank two it'a good to thew. rktra aeoe One. ulating to body and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, taaa A4 Three, four they all want toor. Five, six it comes tn sticks. creamy, golden yellow-, with a taste that says "Come Hcvcn, eight the flavor's great. again I In popular priced bottles. Nine, ten come again Seeds! Seeds! with Wrigley ! LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Advertise in the Dally News. knnls's, Ferry'a and Steal COAL NOTICES Good old fashioned Bock brew, more tasty and r'8 Gardsn and Field DISTRICT Or creamy than ever; rich and dark of color, foaming sds. k.OA LA5D DISTRICT rnilliert ;E.1 CHARLOTTE ULWM with spirit and life, Bockstaff is the "lilt of tbe and Worm Dea-Wjee. Charles E. Surr. Town1 wherever it has been introduced. It is tbe Tl 'X ROTICK inal i. H, of inn Kunrrl B. C BllMr iBUOd U Oraln and Mill Fead, eoal amt pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, appl. for s Iiccdm la pruaprel for JWs Poultry Regulator. prut .tua etrr um fouovina orwuwv with an after Jtasto that makes you smack your lips cktn UimU uo Um Weil Coat I of Mortabr lalai4. Fwd a specialty. . of with Cuoauauciaf SI S pul plaoted atwul Joy. rratl Allan la. s mlta auultxa-if rljr rroa a pun BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE no Um sburs of small Br optBinr out Prince of Canu rail Uteea Mrbr sn4 CbaaU Rupert Feed Co. laiaoda, about I mUti aortiierly alone Um Moraaby Ulaa4 side of Canoa rata irom We are pleased to announce that we have been named distributors of "staff Beverages for Northern r. o. Bo( Murk rninii Uwura north SS chalnst theoea aaal S cUlnaj thenea south SS chain; British Columbia, far tbe llemrich's Staff Producta Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment Ibrure arl SO chain to powi 01 ran- utenMttirut places betels, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned If cniiiLCS r BL'ROISS. Arpiicsat- lTttEKrr.rT.j:l Located Rovetnber Ith, It IT. you can't get Applestaff, Lifestaff. or Bockstaff; we will see that your order i promptly filled. K I'liriUUl aCENA LA.VD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of TAKE ROTlfE that t, Han I. Chrltun- tn. of I'rluce Ruirl, R. c, prvpactor. e.ar. intend lu apply for s ucua m v fur cual and Mlralrtua 0er UM foilowlnt F. G. DAWSON, Limited Haft. ,. deacribed land on lha Wel Col sf Moraahr llnL Cuminencinf ai a rtar. planted aboul i Of S Bum ottlUlwrljr License No 3319 Distributers from s pol locttad oa Um shore of s 6 372 aiuau Bar oprninf out 01 vauu r h h 7-2 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 77 and 72 fm.mm U.Nihl knd ClUU llUOJt. SbOUl I - - uutoa northorlr aloof Um Moreiby UUnd ltd of cano ran rrotn Buca t-wmt aorta It ctolni) ihenc well M tbu1 ttwuc souU IS cbatnti tbrnc sut II -7"psri, Chains to point of conunencenienL a. C, HM X. CIIRUTKMIEK, AppUcant Located Rovamhar Ha. tltT.