The Daily News 5 -rot IX PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1018! PRICE FIVE CENT KIT EST HUN FAILURE S ICE THE MARNE TREMENDOUS GERMAN LOSSES CALL A HALT-TURKS RETREAT IN MESOPOTAMIA HINDENBURG COMPELLED TO NORTHERN B.C. MEMBERS TELL POPE BENEDICT A NEW PEACE HAS OFFER TURKISH ARMY CEASE ATTACKING THROUGH OF THE LAST SESSION'S WORK The(Special Hague,to May TtM 2.Dsily Pope.lewi)Benedict PURSUED IN intends to issue a new peace offer on May 19. This document HIS TREMENDOUS LOSSES MESOPOTAMIA There wai an enthusiastic me city gels me Desi or tne par- u 8aid to be of a more pressing i gathering of citizens last evening gain. mature man rormeny, anu win. in the Empress Theatre The Drydock. contain a concrete offer of niedia- lo hear: CCKMANS HAVE MOT TAKEN SINGLE VITAL POSITION AFTER nnPiit,,tion by the Pope, with the possible Enemy Forces are In Full Retreat vt,, the Hon. T. D. l'attullo, minister .n pAVInu TtHHiBut rniutnLHKwsL ur mttknipt Many Guns and Prisoners TO BREAK THROUGH EXPECTED U. 8-ARTILLERY of lands, give an account of the of consulting with the mayor and i -'"' uCuw. are Captured British ACTIVE aldermen, Mr. Pattullo reserved at Tauk River accomplishments of the govern-inent PRESIDENT CLEMENCEAU the matter of power fof the city, durinsr the tension Inst RETURNS FROM FRONT S( M t VM Dally Jltw shelled There is nothing worthy and proceeded to speak on the (Spcrtri to Tbe Dallr news.) cosed Mr L w L sdon May . Hindenburg is of iiirntion on the remainder of subject of the Idle drydock, whica (Special Ut TIM Dll 5ws London, May 2. The Dritish ",,lcd and wUh Mr evoked loud cheers. He knew of ' l'attullo were troops In Mesopotamia are ad m(f f .,! re Ihe most ser-bui the front beyond the usual ar- Paris, May 2. Premier Cle- Mr. Frnnk Mobley, member for no thing wnicn wouia so mucn vancing steadily in the direction Mcrr.a; failure since the tlllery activity and local encoun menceau has returned from the in i ' 'h-: Marne. The slaugh. tern on belli sides. The Drilish Atlin, and Mr. A- M Manson, for help Prjnce Ilupert as the getting ijfcont, and has declared that he of Mosul, with the disorganized Kf t Ibe ucrman man-power by forces have gathered in 0,341 Omineca. . of the drydock plant into opera. " ,BUC" Turkish army in full flight before lion, and told of the action he had,"" lit ugh Command has Herman prisoners in France. of events. He said that the steps them. The British forces are In us a Mr. Mobley the was nipt speak got on the matter by tne govern- ... . . . pursuit of the retreating enemy ' to abrupt end, but a re-ysi French Front. obi and told of the er close co-opera ment. Ottawa, however, had... . . ,. .... ,. and have now reached the banks effort to break Paris, May 2, Violent artillery u Iifl ,,, .... irnv(n-ia nnA n proved unresponsive, and the nnlnla nolnal tt'hitafi .iv of tbe Tauk river, according to it .j,1) AuiPd Ilnea seems lo aetlono in the Vlllers lirettoneaut n.riimni. n..rinD- th- Ansmw Tne fllke Geo- sector and on both banks of the ,at at the forces there working against the C d reeled his attacks are now an official announcement made by MM0D victoria, gov-lasbeen proposition were very strong. One ;bf llln- the War Office. The total number damped, Avre reported. Beyond river are ermnent had hundred om Q' immeuimw a..Ber. paed one steel firm had offered to build ten of capturjed already no longer progress mis, tne line is qu ei in uor- prisoners V I and fourlten bU,,. Tne changIng ships here, but bad been tunned additional twelve reaches 1,800, and ghastly cost than ralne. French patrols have cap. e: a re, much nw.-it.tpd new a in- Uxlng down. The Dritish government government quarter have also been taken guns has previously paid- German prisoners. turyd many legislation, which was always will not do business In Canada!teresl, ibis would in an prpoa-unless from the enemy. let til BIS tremendous eoncen-' carried out with the very best ad-vice with the consent of the bility cease, which the people The resistance to the British '.It J rlillery and his split AMONG IRISH obtainable. Dominion government, and the there would not like. "We have advance made by the Turkish zutrf stuck pouring one after 1 OVER CONSCRIPTION The matter of gun licencea was Dominion government had not not arrived at a conclusion as to army has been very ineffective. agajJtst the Allied. lines,a ( brought lo Mr. Mobley's attention given their consent to this pro- the best methods by which the and it is hardly expected that they j .cn one single vital Dublin, May 2. Owing to the and be explained the reason for posal. The fact of one of II- M. -question can be solved," declared will be enabled to rally their re is up against .Hnn Feiners" demand for more the recent order, whereby no or- ships going lo Seattle was also Mr. Patlullo. "The Question is treating and mlxed-up forces be c necannoi pierce.;rRtlca, acllon lo be ulen in op dinar? gun licences were being touched upon, and the reason'still open, and I now question very fore reaching the walls of Mosul. Msjuoa nepsaveo. t i it inn lii th inlruduelion of ...... i ....mi u. it tm. given by Sir Robert Borden. Mr. 'considerably whether a quarter Strong enemy reinforcements are i ijuarterain France. ,ronterpl0U nlo rHand n epUl i(mpy Jn o;der bfjng lhe Pattullo believed that Sir Robert interest will solve Uie prooiem. known to be on the way eastward a uviiy on ine wesi- alJ i(J u imminent between ncence dales in alignment. Min- believed what he said when he It will not, at some towns, ai-gave from Aleppo, which niay stiffen ' i T ine pasi twenty lh v Hjnn -tinr and lhe Irish iiin in. m.n,i ss v vimvi ih., iivsvv fcf.tnirl n as the reason the prohibitive though the attitude of the gov- the ranks of the Turks, although as been confined,to,!Iat-I MiBttinMWf-lartiAn(arlAn. A IIlfLinkr ww of Ma; vit 1 1 stuvicav'sjuu rr.,n Hrm s-- v a at opst of the Victoria labor?, as he eminent has not alterea ai an. it is not expected that they will k parallons. n 8 Ibe Irish pary was hastily sum- ptrfHi on March 31. No open ear would doubtless be advised to Returned Soldiers. be abl) to make any adequate defence X H batteries ntVS ,.,. I..I nlnkl i! ,x. ..I.I.J .1.... rtnr-effeeH-"Udildlnir un infant "With Irgard lo the returned ... ... .iwvuni ion ricfi'i ivr wan caiihtu uu- -of the city of Mosul. ;- ilea Aiouni nemmei . . ' n industries in Canada had built up soldiers," said Mr- Pattullo, "in- li.w .i!.h!M BELGIANS COMPELLED TO hardship would ensue- The pros- many infant millionaires in Can- stead of getting together' and try- MAKE ARRANGEMENTS iczi this ? WORK BEHIND THE LINES peclor, or the farmer who re- Ada, but when it came to paying mg to help out the situation, the FOR REGISTRATION "IS .! :,un o. mjus.. ..... qurrd a gun ,afeguard life the working men a few extra dol- Opposition has always resorted to would b e protected. Licences lars, that was a different slory. 'the personal aspect, and has ap-t Winnipeg, April 30. Four su . .. . .. .ki t 1.. hi ijinunn. air i inniu.ini - k. ui.j cvV...y ' . . -.M ha l....l In pn. . ihni Ihoro n-ii no labor nealed to DreJudice. instead of perintendents, 56 registrars, 60,-000 M-ruins !i.iliousana I n ueigian rnmnlled men to mu work uoj on titled to carry a gun, for this here was nonsence. went on Mr. reason. It makes a difficult prob- deputy registrar? and thou U S.'American'Artillery. construction operations specjnc purpose, on application Patlullo. How could Granby or lem, and we have been accused oi sands of members of recognized With 'mllitary Ocean Falls have started, or Van- not appointing returned soldiers to tabulate roMowlnlTpoS behind the German line, in the being made. A. a revenue pro-f organizations will help Valenciennes and Mau- ducer the game.had ole pro- rouver or; Victoria either If that to office as often as we might." the man and woman power of the lhe United Htate. rrgion of argument held. He blamed the This fallacy was exploded by Mr. Dominion, from Manitoba west to i '- here, the Germans luge aione, unaer me . ...ugiuer' 7, ".7;...u .u people in the south for being Pattullo when he staled that as the Pacific Coast. Te date of ir jgiit up tra artillery, armed German sentries- selfish. They had taken millions far back as last July there were registration, probably a Saturday Tha Hon. T. D. Pttullo. fc g n duels are In pr,,. ! called the Hon. of dollars out of this north coun- 'only eight returned soldiers In H. in June, will be announced shortly. On being upon fs-ard ne village has been'WEDDING IN THE try In business, and now they a out of employment- it is ao- -tly ped out. During the MPTI3T CHURCH r. rauuuo saiu u.v ..o weuld like to take the drydock solulely useless to appoini a re-loo. The following have ,been- ap 'rt fcrty gbt hours, the guns I dulf ,M accoun,1 ,of ,h'8 They want one there them- turned soldier who Is not fitted pointed superintendents for the u .-. itates batteries have ' Last event m il. Ilanlll' k.n.llA.r.siewarusuip.u-ilK ..o u hloh lh irnvem....v selves. The position of Prince for public service. Most or tne provinces: Manitoba, J. F Choate. d and villages in church, the ceremony of marriage ment had lo contend since taking Ilupert with regard to southern government positions are clerical, Arden, Man.; Saskatchewan, w . Herman lines ami wa, performed by the Hcv. . vv . office and the necessity for in-creased H. C. is similar to D C with and at the same time most of the G. Gates, Moose Jaw; Alberta, t is; r aged the German vright between .Miss Doris Mason taxation. Even yet, the Kiim Canada, went on Mr. 'applications coming in are not W. Smith .Medicine Hat; Brjlish and Mr Dave Iloss. Only the immediate financial position had not im iiaitniin in war otilsrs. for suitable for this class of work. Columbia, C. E. Mahon, Vancou Positions Improved. relatives of the bride and which the people of D. C. will have All the same, between the 1st and . , . sufllc'.ently to enable any ver. txi Ma 2. -tf lunned by he groom were nreseni auu ."i of pwved Ihe tmes imposed to be removed. to pay their share, hundreds or 5th or May, out or zo positions Each superintendent will appoint -vere punishment weddmg was a quiet one. Sup-1i millions of dollars were going to in the forestry branch, 21 are go-Kastern registrars, one for each unhand French Miss Win- and the West to returned men. "It is all orlinir tne i,rtde wa9 l toMnlt rrrwoH hrifflv to Canada,... a jng a m . .11 .1.1. In federal constituency, and the r.maus in Flanders nl) UoM Vhile the groomsman whch had was not getting its aue snare, very wen ior me uwier .uj registrars in turn will appoint P for the ;; ' Mr. Victor Menxles t..- by lhe govern-gain The result would be that in the try to make out that we are not deputy registrars, either .male or to -wiv marr ed couple left last bo(.n-acwmpluhed,1 in . r.i. thev would have all the loyal " went on Mr. Patlullo. is female, in sue numbers as lie I o the west of - nl'ng for Vancouver in the---- 1 V'Inrqu sUon 'in mnnev. while at the same time, there any man In Canada who Is finds necessary. Superintendents T Jrnnrh roop. have brldcgrooin.B launc, or ich a definite policy had been n. C. already having been recruit- not loyal," he asked, "and yet will be salaried, and use will be ir. rnT"t. " 'irihonirmoon. They expect to make absfnce ed to a greater proportion in man they arouse enmities against my-nnuor. made as far as possible of voluntary, f I ., would be doubly weakened. 'self- Take the Duggan instance work. V ip in aLwui u,-. f heretofore existing; unpaid li I) troops rushed the If u want to set anyining we I appointed nun to omce, anu i us in Meteren eec- TENDERS nr....ri WANTED community settlement;draining the and Water dyk- hiv in ncht for? it" and Mr. Pat- was a good fellow for so doing. QUEBEC GOES DRY a: j me prisoners. Acl; ,rrgaHon. tullo was of the "opinion that but I was not a good renow wnen lUllan Front T . . Inir: labor regulation act; aero- toincr riaht nfior the drvdock I dismissed him. He knew the 2. Yesterday solicileu imme- Montreal. May Tenders are and the Townsite V . i. Increased ac .u.iiiv fur Hia nurcnase oi uie -nPUCe... . .iin.,..rii -i ui business would finally result In 'conditions under which he was mornlnff the province of Quebec 'rlit'.TaMMS'S Mc0tffer,r- lbb0n IM,e Ud' wniV"' '8 ,aUer,, of vhlCh ,he its operation. engaged, and after being warned went dry, and there will be very dismissed. he h . ofllce building. Closed Towns. 'several times, was few spots left wet since the application minister snoke. b.A. r, n frnt has again Tenders are also invited rorj me Cow Bay. In the matter of closed towns. ror absolutely deWneT the audio of this law. appreciably. On the removal of the Prince nuperi local questions. minister said that this was thority of the minister of the De-onc TuUC,ing up0n have tried to i al enemy thrusts Ilaiaor building from its present 8ad that whether we of very many difficulties, partment. They All returned soldiery and mem s Of. Mf pallu0 out of that and to ...!1 .t.iiIimI. i location to Lot 20. Plock 34, Sec- k'd u Qf nQt lhe 0 Tt p. had which may not. . be evident,-.i to make capital nnh n nn n nn. If .VOU Will bers of the Ladies Auxiliary or Uerman Prisoners. everyone- r nis is aggravHie-u uj - - the Great War Veterans Ass'ocia. Cow nay. .... ... lion I. ...... the rlKht of way across i .tint n nsrtnnnl Gibbons & Doyle, i.iu. into con-Ilcal the fact that the conditions oD. puit.uu 'D - i tlon are invited to a social even McCalTery. ak,,R everything hav . three I on vMuuin win lUtate and Insurance. arrangement giv- taining in lhe closed towns are rtfreence; y ing in the O.W.V.A. rooms on '8lderation, the all with the "-a tMunced that the : . i..a. ihm the area they wanted practically all different. Granby. brothers, and they are . Monday, May 0, at 8;30 o'clock- s y . k'oiio nmi iiriinnnm nil miiru iunn' (imtuup.. - was active against LOCAL NOTICE TO MAKi. hnr ln change for n the different fealurrs. In tnr Uie Desi i can nere, .. wounded n neighbor, presented The Y3I.C.A. helps the . ....,fi-nni wns n aood one. ine . .. .t.... .l.A..l.l h.a rt a u'han I mnv e Positions on the case of uraiioy, a lawsuit iiu.o buuuiu vw, "v in the hospitals, were also heavily might be .inpiA.i uhiflh would.have to shdulder a rifle in the probably drag its way right trenches, I will be ready to go. For New Wellington Coal and through lhe courts for years, 'With reference to the war, no Ir Lumber of all dimensions, WESTHOLME F.T.8AUNI.lU0..vge,n.,, in thl. risht up to the Privy Council. one likes to have his loyalty questioned. hone 11 . And even were lhe government We must win the war. i.. i.v- estimates nan sit tight we will win it. and It we TONiQHT ONLY The Y M.C. lupplles successful, there were many t' - at the front w'th writing paper and the nitt ' d , flnnaelal difficulties which wouldiWhy should we question one an ' ' 1 tro rlura for 300.000 letter, a day-fre. accommodation f. lhl. nisent themselves. A quarter of other's loyalty when we ar,) al iNEMY TO SOCIETY" I IB". nwav. ,liesiup... , ,,, the cost of Granby, and of the determined to do lhe right thlni "ll rnili.h ... ., r k IlinllV IllH n T 1 will e """ w imkeit of the town would be a to nnng n HAMILTON big thing. An arrangement had elusion REVELLE . .ment tnw ,ur . ..'... Mr. A, M. Manson. i.- ...i.ia.1 -r been come to at Ocean Falls per FOR QUALITY Lo' and Mr. A- M. Manson, of Omineca, MEREDITH milting free ingress egress SATISFACTION VICE and Lsdysmlth Wslllnoton Coal to lhe streets of the town- There was the last speaker of the even. SUIl AND A B,L-IE ifucsa vour fusl bill ana It ,,u- again, light and water were sup-piled Ing. In referring to the labors DAY WEEK FOR HELP. -i:iii.m BURKE satisfaction. Phone 18. .P. R.O t. poor -.iiieinenl. in this case, free at present. With the (continued on Page Four.) wiiereu. :provident. Coal Co.