,dy May f I9l " till DA1L.Y PI 11 WH DISREGARD OF LIFE 'Br GERMAN COMMAND SUFFERED London. May 1. The HeuU-r correspondent at llritish head-quartern AGONY TERRIBLE In France, srnd the following on the battle now under fnif-a-Iimn Alone Gave way:-When Nogl induced I'ort Arthur, we were told by military Him QUICK HBIiei critlca that it had been in term '' '.4 ! '. of life which no Western general -A would have dared face. The Oer-mnn high command obviously ridicules the idea; it strews the lopes of Kcmmel with German corpses as thick as Autumn leaver In Yallombroa, and points sv tires". I rhiit-a " triumphantly to Ilia comparative ,r,"t B,,e'Be n lS"4 j f handful of survivor who have U n .. To etvryone who reached the top- fcr: ',! ,'',1,h 'thConuP11 "It is a almple problem of stay and ing power. The enemy is taxing "feus ' tires", yoa the IJritish strength as heavily as ' f ' ALBtUT VAILVniU he can, but in so doing he is tax trial liee. ing his own relatively even more ,k-i c f. i 30, c. heavily. He Is fighting for posi , 0-.U tions which would give him great er advantage in the use of his XXO WiTWCT-WSTWCT Of numerical superiority. The question Ai-T tUOI . is whether if he eventually s : i mi tlx Orand Trunk gained these positions, he would ....... . Minanv nf WlnnJl! have any numerical superiority . . 1mJtm,. left. We now are fighting a war ' of exhaustion, in which the first .."l-r t i poll plntd 11 lha HmmI L-, '1 )f LOt 7 (I Of llWSt principle is to weigh a mile lost ".V then? oortbtrtr. aitr against the thousand of enemy J Var'.." . k3 wMWtjr.... a. fHowla a. - tbc.a casualties paid for it. f ti D:re nw w jw.ni w """" a.. ... a The general (Koch; is dealing a. ....a ., VM ft A with the situation with characteristic w r. it mi. energy, although as to what k. .... . .... counter moves be may contem "Staff" Quality AT H K HlBMro, IQIIflW MINERAL ACT plate there ia no knowledge." ctrmcATi o ia.Fftovcatirr NEW VEIN EXPOSED AT SILVER STANDARD nunc tSjtieKar tod -Soecoir Mlnoral INK AT HAZELTON t itswM H tbi Mores Mlnlar DM- . . a H haiti. "r.tai"Lt. A little development work on kxaifd Ata 4 mi i WMiwtj krt Hw kr4 of AHh Ann. ud abool So. 5 vein at the Silver Standard IT'S THE OF "STAFF" BEVERAGES h ma 0m BrB. laot verk exposed a ntnjow aram QUALITY ua son ci ut uu w. mudot, of excellent ore fray copper and I dt Mc!jrMrH M Inter IBd K. tine which developed Into nearly THAT RECOMMENDS IT TO PEOPLE WHO all grey copper. It ia tome of the 39 n Minrr OrtlBriM niceat ore yet found on the prop. jtj tomdi 1I117 Ar froa Um du erty. ARE APPRECIATIVE OF THE DISTINCTIVE u kv't m im MmiBf Rrcorfer Ail attention for the next few Ctrtaai of teipTOTWBfBU. rsr Um t cfeutBtat Cr Ortst of weeka will be devoted to the mill . -a .- .Wat. t. a to it running to capacity aa keep FLAVOR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF THIS mr iTBCk taii scene um ictioa the ore storage la now filled. The ktsaa It mill t cmdMBCtd to work at the mine will be auspend. il at iwm of lack OruOnu of 1BL Omineca rd until the Herald.mill calchea u POPULAR BEVERAGE DENTISTRY The YJ1.CA. orovides tenta and hula where the buys at the front eMM BHD I mar retL talk, hold concerts and b rcouirv sing songs and be at home away from home. OR. J, S. BROWN otmrr COAL NOTICES Ml 11 BtM4 TUN silts 4 lasd dutwct district or octet CHinuirrt islam Sparkling TAkE UTICX ttt L JM-P tolloa. ot frux tiwiwrt. s. c. rrMMtor, lain Seeds! Seeds! la Bpfr ror s Uccbm u prMprct for COftl tad (wtntUom ovtr U toUovtas oecrU4 NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of Uodi oa Uw West ComI ot orbj UUad, IOO a JU a U.SunKU St B pol piBBM4 BlMMt Of a rare aeuciousness ana uavor; ciear as cryaiai. Knl', rrt' owvt MMUtirtr rrtaa t pot loctiea orchards in full and 3UU sparkling like champagne, sweet aj ttm Blurt ot a Mtll Sir ofwoiBf ml H8Bt Qn)n and FUld or Cbikio riu talwota Morwbr sad C&aiU bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected od. BtMMii s au Aortbrrir aioor u ftrUIUtr and Worm Dts- MorBlr ItUod lid of Cbboo Tbib Iron ripe fruiL Try a glass of Applestaff today order Iwt fuim I. thcaea soaife cailnii it rl SS cttalai Umm aorta is CDBiaii qo a case for the home. Mi;, Grain and Mill Faad. Itenco writ chBtas u tit polat of w AFPLESTAFF EVERYWWERK. tU'a Poultry Regulator. iOSCTU SCXTOX. AWiDCBBU Cklcktn FMd a tpaclaltv. . LocltrO QnXt SUk till. PwmpVt ait44 t. tkCCtA txno DISTIUCT tMSTIUCT Of CHAKLOTTI ISLANDS giXM Richest brew of good cheer and health; easenee PflncelRuperl Feed Co. tut nimrc ibai I. iui r. luid. of of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage rnac Rsprrt. B. C rroipoctor. isuad to p. o. aaa Tpljr ror a ucrac ra prwprn inr w for young and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating to body and Llfestaff Is foamy, nerves, Uadi oa Um Vil Com! of Hornby liUatl Cumnrarur Bl a pool piBowa boo w creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come Uillm KiUlMIIrll lltkB B Mil kxBt4 BANK OF oa Uw liaun -of a small air opcmlac .put again I" In popular priced bottles, or caouo rail Mita momij uu wimu North- America KVERYWMCJUL. UUadt, alMMt 1 miMi Dorwrri7 mi 1. LIFESTAFF MorUijr liiaad sio of Caaoo raia Iron HuU fU&t. Ibcoc booU cfealoit Uxuc litait la u tKunlBloa Ootra tu SS cttBias) Ukoc aorU SS ctnias; -at HMleM4 lilt iBOUMT. Ibcoct rail cbama to Um pout ot con- tmorrmDL Good eld fashioned Bosk krew, aaora Uatf' ... iv im rviu jAMkS r. aoD. piuat. r1" JkbUUoo . MII.I4 Uctu4 Jiovcmtxr tt. HIT. creamy than ever; rich and tork of color, foaming lt.11t.lll iDur auk 14.111 tlUIA LASD WTIUCT OUTWCT Of wlth- spirit and life, Bocks taff ia the "Hit of tha r undua of. 'JUS CHARLOTTE ISUUiua .Town" wherever it has been introduced. It it tha l.lll.ltl ti ir knnrE ihi 1. ChAriti L. Barreaa. pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, of I taro Rupert. B. C miatr, luuwl 10 win bivO lor a UornM to propl for eoai aol with an after taste that makes you amaek your lipa t.UM4 tetr am ovtr Uia IoUoia( doitrtbos Uadi 00 Um W l Coail or Mortafer IiIbbA. with Joy. ii.tot.aai CumoMOCtac al a root pUntod about V el OCKSTAFF EVCRYWHCNi t nolo aouUMBiwrlr from oc11 ik. .h..r mj uuiu sir oDc&inr out of Caouo fat Ltora Koroibr so4 CbaaU milOoft" , Now Or. lilaodi. about 1 bum aorwrnj bmwi u Ws are pleased la announce that we have been nasssd distributors of "staff" Usvarages for Northern 41.11 MomUii uund alda of Csouo Tail frota '"i u Buck roiai. Uwnca ix na cbaUut Utoaca Prltrsh-Columbia, for- the llemrich's Staff Producta Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment ml It tutnti UMora wu 11.111,111 nrncriiMOL ibrtiro rl tnarni m poi places, hotels, reitaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phons the undersigned If T.III.44T CHAHLXS K. B 0ES8. AppHCBOI. jou'eso't gel Applestaff Ufeslaff or Dockstaff; we will see that your order is promptly filled. Local oember IU, HIT. lt.4lt.llt kFtMA LA.1D PI8TIUCT PWTWCT Of rui.innt 111 1NIIS ' 'if m riLr auTinc thai L IUa C Cferuiaov ..n r t'rinrm HunarL B. C PrOl IOC lOf, lotrod to apply for a Urania to proipotl F. G. DAWSON, Limited tor coal ao4 piiroiouia oir u a.tr.i.a.4 iMnAt ta Um Waal Coail or Moiriby IttautL CmiuKBClnf at a poii R r . . plBDtod about of t aula Boutbeurly Distributers Ucil4 oa Um iboro of a rum null a Bay poat opaaUir out of Cans Pais Im liccassNo. 12 Prince Rupert, B.C. rhsus 77 and 72 t IhiT!!01 M h0 BM, fc.,. lro Mortiby and CbaiU Iilaodi. about I y Ir, fr.;, lilM rtac tuilct aontwrly atone Morb' UUD'1 Nm. ,C4f ' rerk o, book tida of Canoa rail from rotatj Umoco aurth ibatiu) abaiaij o' " BROWN throe aouUi ebaioii ttaco tail tbaias to polat of tinnnwnranwaL 11 a mo v riimiTCNSLM. AppUcasL liVlLutatad Hoitmbtr ttb. tftT.