T AT THE WESTHOLME ! Romance, mystery and thrills Local News Notes Milled lo Ensure the are the three chief characteristics MB IiwL , of the giral Metro production billed for the Westholme Theatre Ha been Canada's favarlte yaaat far ar a Mr. N. SeMnmanu is back in yumuyi this evening. "An Enemy to Society" quartar ef a cenlvr. Draad baked with Royal I town again. ossioLejor your Bakkg is a story of how a modern Yaaat will keep frath and mailt longer than that Itobjn Hood, who sought to right mad with any tthar, that a full week' aupplf Mr. II. L. Morris, of Juneau, ar the wrongs of the poor by robbing eait eatlly be rride at one baking:, and the laat rived in town yesterday from the Royal Standard leaf will be )uat a gd a the firat. I south', the rich, found his regeneration, MAOC IN CANADA his fortune and his real identity through love of a woman, The E.WG1LLETT COMPANY LIMITED J Wallpapers, all grades; tOc and Flour unwnrds. Sllverstde Hros, Sec celebrated English actor llamil BYAL WTSTNij-eo TORONTO. ONT. NONthijU, ond gtreel. tf ton flcvelle together with the ex qulsitely dainty Lois Meredith A first nnd foremost reason for the envini.i, The Princess Sophia II expecl- "llOVAf. STANUA1II) Fl.OUIf -'"ii that form a stellcr combination of the LOHENGRIN has leken , NORTHERN B. O- MEMBERS l.l in about 2:30 a in. tomorrow fn.lt.- let ll.rll Urn ,.lll - . first magnitude. And together iiiiay srt inni itn iiutiri si niie iuiiiimi TELL OF SESSION'S """ 'Miiiwiy r IHii' t v they make this play one of the All lovers of good music will WORK Ln her way down from Alaskan make it a belter flour If that be possible 'uis i' ' things to be remembered. Then ponls. way ran floui: hope to maintain tU ' """ spend a very pleasant evening on Continued From Pago One. e reput (,,, f ""i, "-'"!- there is another chapter of Iiillie May 8th, when the Wednesday alillty. and retain the esteem of It cusi.tn,, , . Mr. II. II. Hansard, of Wlnin- Burke In "Gloria's Romance.' Musio Club wilt entertain their Mllled in a spirit that conforms to the of the session, he gave numerous tll(1,.. O. T. solicitor for the P., ar This is an attraction in Itself. "The Romance peg. Klnndanl" is In itself a notable 1 guests by putting on sidelights as to the manner In rived in ihe oily yesterday and is conservation ,., , which will be greatly appreciated of the Swan Knight," from which the ministers and members stopping in town for a few superior protein contents ami flavor will -,,,v , n,'". !t' even by those who have missed llichard Wagner's beautiful masterpiece had worked when in Victoria, and days. over addition of 25 per cent, of the preceding chapters. Lohengrin- This opera the many changes which had oc s will be handled along the Royal Standard Rye Flour same curred within the short space of There Is appreciably less snow The Y. M- C. A. gives the boys lines ns was Peer flynt, given at the front 60,000 cups of hot time, since the government took on the mountains litis morning at every baklnn and yield the patriotic h.,,1.. ,f, ,, , . about The concert a year ago. ofllce. He referred to the tea and coffee daily free; which fittingly after the warm rain sinee yes Ilghtful rji-ssulte Yqu will find oar hitli.;n..ie hm mi.'i will be given in the Presbyterian m great loss which the province terday. The rain was welcomed, a splendid substitute Hour wluee sMMitton month. t.. n.. i:,-n4 costs 10,000 a Church hall, and it will be well to ,mr sustained in the death of Mr too, by the gardeners. will be appreciated by every trwtnber f th.- i, ,,,..1, ,t hear In mind that the seating ca Ilrewter. and expressed his ab THK IIYK. T pacity and tickets will be limited solute confidence In the present This tnorntng between ten and to 150. Tickets 50o each be Both These SUrllng Flours at All Grocers. may Premier, the Hon. John Oliver. G. H. Arnold eleven, the last of the stalled obtained frjom any member of the "The Government," he said, "is trains arrived in town. Tliery Club, or from Orme's Drug Store. alive. Even Mr. Hawthornthwaite several who 'Us okeet suketitt IKst are tttHaM le, yee I were passengers, NOTARY PUBLIC Proceeds for patriotic purposes. llll." IhH kf the Canae'a ree SH, admits that it is a radical govern have made a long trip- This train ment, and is ahead of him in many carried quite n large quantity of The Y. M- C. A. have over 100 things he would be in favor of eastern mail. We Sell rteal Estate. pianos in England and France; himself. As an instance of the ? Wc write Fire and Marine 300 gramophones, and 27 moving dispatch of business, he mention Advertise 4 In the Dally News. Insurance. picture machines to entertain the ed that on Tuesday last week, the We have Apartments, Stores, boys. Land Settlement Hill was passed. FRED STORK'S Houses, and Offices for and yesterday, Wednesday, one of HARDWARE Rent, and Want More. Certificate of Improvements the members of the board passed Phoe. 157 .Pfeeoe We Deal in Mortgage Loans. through Prince llupert on his FOR CANNERYMEN We Sell Timber Limits. way to lay out the first settlement JOS. F. FILIOM We have added lo our st ck of vaUe ami p,t . . r.,,,,,,, NOTICE ordered in the province. Mr. Man- line of Hubber Ileltuift at right in. . We do Conveyancing. LOUSE" Mineral CHI am, annate In toe son also mentioned many of the FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Portland Canal Minlor Division of Caitiar FOR FISHERMEN financial and other Mitrftl "Where located: On 'American difficulties, DECORATIONS A rompMe slmk of the best ro- .u that nw.i.. , , tU) -Ui creek, about I inllei from lit mouth. wise, which the government had H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. IralllnR Hprin? Ilrass. hilvfr and Hm.,,,. TAKE .tOTICE that I. Robert Stewart, to contend with, and told of some Free Miner CertUeate No. SJ0"C", In-i of the economies which had been Acorn Sign Co. FOR THE WATERFRONT nd, Uty. dayi Imn the date hereof, 10 The celebrated Maple Leaf I'alnts and Varnish. . ut u effected. The P. G- K. was also apply to the Mininr Recorder-for a Cer i.ilcale of Improvement, for the purpose di.tcussed. Mr. Manson did not FOR SIGNS paint "FUJOI-AZE"- A complete line of i-t!,i . n ,.ii,rj. of GbtainJnr a Crown Grant of lb above like the P- G. E. a bit. and con FOR EVERYONE claim. sidered that It would prove to be A One slock of Hardware. (Inrney's xf. ,i (..w. And further take notice that action, on "Ik Daily News" der section IS must be commenced before an unprofitable acquisition by the We Sell Nothing But The DeeL lie Issue of torn Certificate of Improve government, lie did not think CLASSIFIED ADS. menu.Dated this ilth day of March, till. that we bad made sufficient pro press yet to operate and construct QUEENS HOTEL FRED STORK'S HARi .ARE government railroads. Nearly one M1.1ERAL ACT. million dollars was required right -FlItST CLASS ItOOMS--Hot s ee e WANTED. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. now annually to pay the interest and f old Water charges on this road, and what BO M J Week. e NlfM. pee Subscribe for The WASTED AT O.ICE I News Meaaenrtr. per Daily NOTICE the total cost would be beforp It month, apply O. T. P Teleftiph omc. Stark Fraction Mineral Claim, situate In was nnisheu no one could say. TEAMSTER WASTED Apply ItfUC Cart-lie the Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Casslar Dls The road had been built back- Ltd. It trtcL Where located: Seven miles from Goose Bay. on lb northwest branch of forrnwsl. Instead f starting to Falls Creek. connect the Peace river line with WANTED. TO RENT rive or Sli Roomed furnished bouse. P. O. Box .It?. If TAKE NOTICE that I. Wm. T. krr1n. the G. T. P, it was run through F.M.L No. 917 J C. aeUnr a far Georre Rudre. F. M. U No. SI 19.arenl and Vm. a barren stretch to connect with t The food crisis is grave and urgent beyond the WANTED Woman Cook. Apply Matron of R. Lord. r. M. L. Ne. Ilfll C. and far Vancouver 'for political pur Prince Rupert General Hospital. tf myself, intend, sixty days from the dale poses. possibility of exaggeration." ly.'r Robert Bvrden hereof, to apply lo the Mininr Recorder The press criticism of the gov WAX TED Smart Boy wanted for offlce for a Certifleat of improvements, for the and store. Apply Akerbura--Thomson A purpose of obtalninr a Crown Grant of the ernment Mr. Maitfton thought was Company. tf above claim. And further take notice that unfaii; in many instances. "You action, under section SI, must he commenced don't want to believe all you read Help To Feed FOR SALE before the Issuance of such Certiorate of Improvements. in the press of this province." The Dated this 10th day of April A. D. lilt. importance of'the development of FOR SALE Urhly acres of rarmlnr land, Uli hinterland Mr. Mansorr tin oa Graham Island. A small river runs throurn the property, jrartly wooded PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS phasized and upon this he placed Yourself In Spruce. On rovernment road and TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. the success of Prince llupert. within two mile or Massetl Inlet. South ilegarding the legislation for hair or Lot m. Sale ten dollars price take .tOTICE that we. The Aeroplane the returned soldiers. Mr Mansoti per acre. For further particulars apply at TTewi Offlce, Box lit. lit r,.,M, u. ri ua, Btrong lor vocational irain- permlssson to lease Ihe rollowlnr described ,"& " a desiro OI lne Are you only a " destroyer of rations " GAS BOAT FOR 8 ALE 4 1 b) 10. II h. p. lands. returned soldiers to enter the heavy duty enalne. Must be sold this when be food week. Box lit Dally .News Offlce. 101 cotumencinv at a post planted at the!Civil Service." continued Mr. you might a producer? T,t!T:,J?.4,:iManon. "My advice to the sol- FOR In BALE Block rour-itMxaed i. Section I.bouse Enquire and lot Mary 10 north s chains, thence west so 'dearee idier Is to shun the Civil Service. Every pound of food that can bo grown in Canada and m . Price. Ketchikan. Alaska. tf south to the approach to the oovernment as it is very badly underpaid, woarr. rori uements. tneoca sootDeny w ch Is to lha (Microti it of Mil I available for export, will be desperately needed by thce who FOR SALE Weanllnr pin from pedltreed alonr said approach to the northwest cor- Btrksblr boar and trade tows, ready ner of Ut 1. said block 41, thence east- ..d ....lh evern,n'nlV , DeslOes are bearing the brunt of the fighting and the suffering. for delivery about the 1st May. 7 to I erly alonr the waterfront of lots I. t. . I WlilCIl 11 IS a groove WHICH aoes weeks old. Price 110.00 each F.O.B. s. . 7, and s. said block 41 to point not in most cases fit the man The amount of food produced this year will be absolute!)' Tslkwa, B.C. Order early and ret first or commencement, and eontalnlnr seven Wllh lne ouidoor tastes which cice Prudbomme A Fisher. P.O. box srj uuc-iwu i cm uiorv or less. ...... t u II: , limited by the extent to which people in cities and towns tl. Tetkwa. B. C. tf AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO.. LTD. " euiuicr- uuic ot. become food there is labor s. T. Uwis. president iquirea. ne vocational training producers no other reserve. April tud, 111. in i.ciiooln woul.l be the heat anln. I Ition, as by this means the men Harry Hanson's skEEnA LA.tD district district or iwould be iltted best to take their WHERE DO YOU BELONG? PATENTED ;,ja. pace. , thft con,munUy an Fast Heating Prince tale Rupoit.Korirr B.C.,h.,mariner.t r ,.Intends, to an-junfalr criticism Co-operation Was instead the on of On the Farm? In the War Garden? ply for permission to purchase the follow- tlilff egsentlal. Hot Water Coil tot described Und. Tli ini-liiitr tlinn ln.H with Thousands of men are urgently By growing vegetable in b me ai posi punica si norm. i, .jnt i 4i. vu...."i'" .. needed on forms in this province to gardens or on vorar t lots, pu '. -luii east corner of the LonrfeUow Mineral; . Claim, W. P. Northeast corner No. 0l0jl''em. make possible increased production helping to feed themselves, ctv n Costs and itO.OO ruaranteed all connected for on tp complete inence west 10 chains; tnenee Dorlh to of food. Those who could go and town people can leave the f-rnx'f Order will be received at year.this chains; thene east 10 chains thence south The Y.M.CA- distributes aiming yet bold back, should not force t free to grow more food for to chain more or les alonr (bore line price ud t May IB After that the lhe soldiers overseas month unless lo point of cunmencement. eontalnlnr 40 every that, production is greatly AH that is produced in this tnt WtlCI price WILL of OO material,UP. At ask the pre,your acres, more or les. 150.000 magaxinesfree. Spends increased, hundreds of thousands of gain and a net addition to the n-u DATED I7lh January, 1911. 15,1.00 a month on concerts to people will die of plumber for a price to max an starvation. food supply. E. If. SIMPSO.f, keep the boys cheerful. ordinary Coll, connect II up and By Chat. i. Benton. AtenL tutrante II for one year, and see-then yourself.compare price and Jut)re for War Oarden service Is not sufficient for the man whose rightful place b on tli" firm. As all heretofore etlstlnc arree-tuenls E. H. SHOCKLEY But the War Oarden does offer an opportunity for tens of thousands of peop!" wis between the other plumbers dmimitinrM nhllon ihrm In remain In !.- 1n. .mall narf STEEN & LONGWILL snd revoke myself hav expired, I hereby tSuccessor to $. L. Hlckey). producers. Interest the boya and girls In the War Oarden, for they any permits to aaywii to help to food. make and Install same, exeepilDs;-- CONTRACTOR A BUILDER grow ITIIN A LONOWILL SANITARY AND HEATING If there is a garden or vacant lot movement in your community associate you-it. Sarins my absence Will posltlvsly ENGINEERS If the rtecute Infrintements. Storo and Ofllce Fixtures, Wm" Oarden campaign. Bash, Door, and Mouldings, HARRY HANSON Agents for Oak and Hardwoods of all Write to your Provincial Department of Agricultura THK BUM PLUMBKN McCLARY FURNACES kinds. for additional information. We Spoclallxe In Hard, PLUMBINO wood Boat Ribs, Sash, CANADA FOOD BOARD and Door, U. SHEET METAL WORKS FOR YOUR NEW SUITS Plate and Sheet Qltu and Bee Phoue 5, 834 Second Avenue, Olaxlng. Night phones 570 Steve King Corner Frasor and 6th Sis. and ltlue 270 Ctielimao Prompt Cleaning A Prtitlng The right work, at the right PHONE QUEEN 2C9 (I co-oprratlon with th Provindal Drp-ftmenti ef At,l''ujTUTf Phone Green 418. time, and at the right price.