, The Daily News u ix N0 l01. prCB nUPEflT, B.C., SATUMMY. MAY 4, 1018. IIP OP IIG CANNONADE AT LYS LOCAL FIGHTING REPORTED-NO BIG ACTIONS-GERMANS WON'T CAPTURE YPRES MR. SECRETARY REDFIELD AND GREAT WAR VETERANS ASK HUNS ATTEMPT Ihunskeepup HON. CHIEF JUSTICE HAZEN FOR COMPULSORY RATIONING! BIG CANNONADE ADDRESS BOARD OF TRADE New Westminster, May 4. The' A second reanltitinn akfil Hint AT ZEEBRUGGE IN FLANDERS Ureal War Veterans , Association all nfflrpra nnrl nrmnmmlifini! ' at yeaterday morning's session of OF INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES .officers and men, who enlisted COMMISSION (EMBERS ENTER their conference passed several Channel to Canal Remains Blocked Strong Bombardment near Mer- TAINED LAST tVEBIBU Id HOTEL PfllNCE RUPERT during the early days of the war, resolutions of importance, one of by Ships Sunk In Raid-Admit vllle West of Armentleres OY CITY'S BUSINESS MEN SPLENDID which called upon the government and who had not yet been over, U-boat Campaign Local Fighting at the SPEECHES DELIVERED to introduce and enforce a com. fceas, be supplanted by soldiers of Satisfactory. Somme Front. """ 'pulsory rationing measure, simi- the corresponding rank who have Th ec .'jfd of the Hoard of tlicre was no real excuse for en. lar to that obtaining In Great seen service at the front, and London, May 4-The latest re London, May . Dispatches jnit ara indcDled to iir- J. it. tering the controversy. They Britain, and to A the prices of who are now no longer physically ports brought in by the Iiritish from Drilisb Headquarters tell of KkAl r f the O. T. P. The were not attacked in any sense all necessities. fit for field service. airmen are to the effect that the tremendous cannonade in the Oermans are displaying great activity Lys region, which be taken ktu been s particularly alnce for some considerable time- The may '".Sf"!!!! in endeavoring to repair the to mean that part of the battlefield Uilcn.,-:g When the Fisheries problem was moral one. The MESSAGE FROM THE SEA ov,uvv,vvu uuu muro was BUM damage caused at Zeebrugge, the near Merville, where the Cobbjhi left this city for lonurc Ul oennany io available- "When President Wil. FOUND AT SHAWATLANS German submarine base on the Germans made their greatest ef Krttaiiaa a Wednesday after-ic-a keep her pledged word became o'0n said that Germany had a p. i Belgian coast by the recent lirit fort afterj the evacuation of Ar Vi Ma Atilay accompanied true CaUSUS belli. 1 Denied In fnre ami .! unuld uti lish naval mid. Although the mentleres. Ira Kha Amikan port. To en. Mr. Iledflcld gave a picture of fni. 'without stint or limit.' vnu A bottle containing the follow, channel leading to the Zeebrugge Can't Take Ypres. lit V M Vulay to get back to the moral convistions of the may be entirely comfortable be- ing message was handed Into the,canal, whereby Germany has an London, May t. Articles are I nilrd lnla neonle. TIkv um ...... .... - -nr... ... .:. rvniro m- i..r. ia.t .v.nintf i. 'other outlet to the sea, is still appearing in the German newspapers tact R ? rt the United Stales ,,,gnIy individualistic. They be- ciu,ion that the German ideal and which would seem to indi Mfcr tedar wnn me members lleved that the less government the American ideal ennnol eel ' erations have been attempted to cate that efforts are being made tft l emission on board, tho better. Government assist- alone together, in this world side been louna at tnawatlans last open lhe way through. This will to prepare the German people for loociedinto the wharf last even-'ance or control they did not like- by side. Sunday by Mr. H. S. Parker. The Drove to be a dlfflculfmatter. and the announcement that there will H t!eea nine and ten o'clock. To take a people of that training! la mi 1 1 A Ai nivarilA I h A I If message reads: may take the enemy engineers be no immediate attempt to take im yesterday afternoon, upon and qf these political convictions 'a lhe cau, for wnjch olher na i The Aleutian Islands, October many months of hard work to re Ypres. What may be considered uv3t tn. was to happen, the and to get them to do the very . .. ( tth, 1916- move the concrete laden hulls of as inspired views are expressed uc f the Hoard of Trade thing they had been taught all . ninid. m he. cranted Ship Ivanhoe wrecked near the sunken vessels without dam on the situation and the statement ,ikUr arranged for the enter- their lives not to do look some ,h.m v, ,h m,rnn.. tnr hirh Atka. All going down. We hope aging the banks of the canal it is repeatedly made that f the which this message in bottle If found self. nothing would be the distinguished time On an issue Involves ,n,.rw.i ,h MnM ... . gained by notify my wife, Mrs. Sam Thurs Extensive have been of r-jf j - ur vAiiimiiaaiuu uy mural., nc saiu. which mine mu,h La louai.ed. I want to operations capture the ruined city. r.;?f n the Hotel I'rlnce roottjf convictions, you can weld mak. ,hnl .i,,. u u ha,lB. w- ton, 888 Van Ness Avenue, San observed taking place at the More Responsibility-' rt lfTiedly aa the func a free people together. In the .n.i .. , --.i- breach which was effected in the London. May K. The authority ljj arranged, the large t end, the people of Iirilain went CAPTAIN THURSTON- mole, and in order to keep the of General Foch has been extend . serviceable the German ed so as to include the forces of ui sun uulci m mm i iuiii mr wai mmw s.ii ni uiruM r a i a. ...in a ik.i i - " i m -- -. - - mi ii i& u mi Htfn luul in si .11.. "ti. v. s are very busy doing the Italian front under his com 1- " . . . . sm ut.vsvvftw tisuMutniaiut. hwiivi, i4 ww .!rnA f1 llinl IIIrrlllin Urn ra a i uuaa;a a a tat v i n a v w " aa rniiai n rfc i'a ifiAiiAJi r i f ii n a s sn sawi iiiaini nv tbe supreme law many their best to have the great hole mand. The whole western front "In the United Stat! ih. .m hbUiUlcd and compensated, al.9 .onrJn? these-Jast eighteen'flit-j thu.:' keeping the sand fiTEurope, from the North Sea'to (lit had to be taught lh0Ugh We ,haU ,M lhal done months, if it were thrown in the Irt fifing uS the harbor. the Adriatic is thus under one . . .. . i .( . ib"l!!llu,! 0r "l Serbia o a chance tea al lhu outermo9l of ihe AIeu. : Meantime, durinsr the oast central command. 7 time: T to flght.1. The Socialist bad to:Z"n'live ner own 1 "Ja -,hat wiih Wlll jiwrt be Vc-wn ""V .A"e.,Tu7" along .r,wee the ahtl-U-boat campaign On ths Somme. to be made to see that the brutal -"";.. . 7" .- coasi ucrc M lr'"':, .Has produced satisfactory re- London, May 4 In local fight er. nf fierman,.. wa. Ih. -nil. ... ll. " .V mul naVe COme 0Uln al Suits, although the weather has ing last night to the south of ww v - ininr naaaantfsr i nun nil iriss iiiiiilth. a a a a seaecv i with the city. Mayor thesis of all bis ideals. The con- IS. I m Himr .k- """" been such as to be very unfavor- Villers Brettoneaux, says Field eCr a d that this waa only jteit was for something which ap- i,ru.-ian miuu .fslem. and' able for such operations- Marshal Haig's statement, our What' troops co-operated with the together, and it is !the United States had done was LOCAL COMMITTEE OF French and secured a few prison auj IlltUVUIIUIIIIt IIIUUI I SS V ,ri1MP. I .beyond all praise, and she willj Y. M. C. A. WORKED WELL ers. t the Commission Regarding what the United Mr. Chief Justice Haien- 'still send as many million men as, What Berlin Says. The Hon. Mr. liazen was next are necessary to bring the war to' "I want to come back to Prince Berlin, May 4 Partial attacks " - iiicuiiuiiiiiii VI ivii I..V" : called upon, and he gave a de. an end. ;Rupert." said Mr. W. Boulton, the by the enemy followed strong U lit. . ..1 I I . .k ll. ordinary width stretching acrps. ""' 5 i Mr- A. M. Manson. M.P.P, also organizing secretary of the Y.M- preparations of artillery fire to v v u.iiuii t tll tuuiu - . . a, a il I II a,ll u uaiiuuiyii liiif wa - and British Co- C. A. Red Triangle Campaign the south of Villers Bretloneux a 1 1 a ii r i m n n(i nn f aniniari - sooke for the city 4 aa si a,s' va wa a avwwava ... . . . . . . .a a a Mmii luai iiiu uv tuuuouiiu a a r ll I a a. a iikii tiiait l tm f n rr n a- aa-vi awri si ri L-nn i n and on both banks of the Avre. w caned UDon tne lion. sir. marciuiig. iiiat was mo raic ai , , . , tuuiuia. oam " - ..- -- i sr -clary of Commerce which the American troops were " ""u "diV r foeV 'l,h mbl and Prince Rupert this morning as to tne progress oi We took some prisoners in counter 'tn. rdgt.iMgovernmenLVrrivlng in France. When h In lh had done their goodly share in the the work Notmths Unding the attacks. In the Ukraina, our Ths Hon. Mr- Redn.ld. ws declared all their factories "hl fo.r hun'a,n.11gre,9 flght for freedom, they wanted to weather, "I consider that success troops marched from Ekaterino- w, . . . ii I..-I. .1,. wmwoiue... IUSMIUUUU9.. . ... . .mi n.nr. irin. flnnept ahould crown the efforts DelnK slav.KharkoY line into the Donetx -' d said he wnmii wrro riii.uk.t-u 1 11 .uuuaviv iui -- - r i 1...11..1.. fulfilled be- of lue wont wnion nao uecn ao- i.-i r,lrihr nnd nil ahn nut forth bv the local committee, region. We occupied Tagenrpg i kly upon matters 'Allies which .v. r ' - . . i;t! 'rn. He gave many fore supplies for their own troops complished at the outbreak of could. Prince Rupert wanted to in this campaign, iney nave oeen at the head of the Sea of Azov. r i d reasons of what .could be produced. They had to war for which Canada, like the build ships that are so badly need- working steadily, and so well that In southwestern Finland, we have long hesitation and'gCt the men. and they did so upon United States, was quite unprepared, ed at the present moment. We this campaign has been a distinct overwhelmed and defeated the yet within seven weeks and will pleasure-" during a Ave days battle iart of the United 'the assumption that eveiyone have the appliances, pro- enemy .. . ana to se from that time, seventy large Tide the men when the word came, "The assistance which I have near Lahkti, capturing some ng the war, and ht vin wining, proceeueu IkiMaL uiu oi-at wait a is. going on in, lect them. Ten million men reg snips, me mignueat unuua tQ fo aheaa Mr. Manson hoped got from your mayor and the twenty thousand prisoners. '-i. . istered on one day- Their rjile ever crosseu, me aeas, w that out of the visit of the Com- ladies' societies, has been invalu- Bolsheviks Come Back-Zurich, 1 J nun. lie cj.iiaiii ...... shores. of Canada to. take their mission to H. C. would come a able, and I can perceive little May 4. The Bolshevik! rn in irxnlr nr l.nn wt cnangeu o me i.ee mnVil tha i t gned, to which Oreat while -a a t -Sill UIULU II 1)V w closer relation, than yet existing, which would afford me greater troops in the Crimea, equipped world safe for democracy. Since be than to back to armored trains snd heavy lilt f, mtaftaw MM. IL. f Tl..l a-AvaL(rt r PAnfpftflt filT n'r, and that the two nations would pleasure come with r. ilXr;' . lhal time, over lW-00rJZ comrades forever In everything Prince Rupert and to be assoclat. artillery desperately attacked the lata. llrnail "r.l. a. ...... .linn i Ih.ir. lld OitM-e, WB tllO ada's sons nave ciysseu, anu lucr ... o-fa-i-.ST V to lhe nroifress of od with the same people once German forces on the railway be. valrh la..- .-- .. kk icvi iqiivii ': . v ..v.i. . .. ..n i n... Vu, deeds have been a matter ol pride Uje woru again. Ana I nope. 10, 100, some tween Theodosia and Drankoi. It -- u,,i Known. lamous rrri.cn hhij-.v. TaU ttnr... generally i i..rn.d .tut for to every cinnadian heart Judge Young and Mr. Hanson. of these days coining." is reported by the Frankfurter M-V" YJll.Tra rJ: The matter of financing. was the United States consul here.! Zeitung that the Bolsheviki are - ' t iiiR ijiiiii1!! PiniPA inpiiiHfiirB iii taint -. "THE CRIMSON DOVE" 41 ' ' - the tinned Rial. ',! blocks of thousands at a time, also touched upon iy .Mr. iiawii. move,, and seconded a vote ofj between the massacring the German colonists. The difference :..,-. w - " 1 . . . tr.. nn ihia limn, unnnaa was i..ntr. to tho speakers. Their ap- Peace Offensive. London, May 4 It is the personal " . v . a I. 1.. KaiiiI fllilA I la rURlT 111 An.l hrtnrvw aa 4 rt It n if IVAMI V IIU V IS-f VMIB "M w" -f - opinion of Lord Robert Cecil Ml?1 tta a. ...' i a. . II a tin.I. Cn.n' .a I 1 1 a 1 1 UBS 1rtU W t V " Ol ' ' IIIII11 ill! IB I 111 Ilallflll 1 III. UIIU W a V " Kuaranior oi ine Koing to can yuur vm-. - " " .i..l.tNnv Atr.1lflA.l in tTiA nnn. .w "a" M.n ltiromt.nu from nnVit..i 9tl BV!lia,J KAVU1MIIIU aav BJaaw that the failure of Germany's 7-fruoenrrr of IUIltIiiiii na II clllnir ready. When we sing, . " "; ,...i'" -v.. . .. v ,ia -v-nlnir - ---ni w - iiaa ii pa i a u ibi a a a. v iimiiii i iii iin bli aruuiu auiia v v ii aa n knockout offensive on the western j7 u"m' lnl matters of con-, ,Ni'e Tr'lerwe'meane Urg TuZs subrib- 'po " T.t to Vh. AlllS'al the We.tho.me Theatre. Some front will result in a big peace it a eUy ii a was outside of offensive which will be directed Province, and this definite ex- against Great Britain. mainly CU0H ai rrrnirnl..l Kw "ll STlL SU' it t that the play 0-i..v. U J V I V J ,hT"enCrM.orn.f 1. El acc'SisheTmuch. aan e" ,f-? may lowers signing the In rrance . h mnra anj is ith evening will have some edu- THE CRADLE slightly effect That the King- We.,.n0ton Coal re- 'fflphaiii was laid upon the when he told of some of tho din.- going w uo .---, Jack.,,.Ladysmlth vnUr fuel hill and ?tona. lthln you, and Born to Mr and Mrs, John Vi tUngto what George cultles to bo overcome ana tne ltr,.vn,., and had Ji. Phnn. is. p. n cannot b'attalned by regular at Clark, McBrlde Street, at the Gen. a. a a a.. .1 .la.iw Q Called "enlnntrllnLT feats nccomplisnea in so ums " " to tell of him; tendance at church, nor by the cral Hospital May tth, a son. .. . .. tale, Coal I- h ,1. for some Rood 5' . giving the-, . " " P'rmeaied tne Tht-r? were no suitable ports of much alms 1. a fact the people of the the dl.embarcatlon of the Ameri- how h bulUa ra llway whlch tut toQ often o4l ighl For New Wellington Coal and t fuadl:":. antl "ail I become i a cnu troops ..I wi.en uey Il.n nVKP Willi tllO KnttlnMr WlliaUIUll mcer II" therj Z of. In this play tonight, there i. Ir Lumber of all dimensions, , 7 , uoctrlne. Tho Mon first. These Iiaa tone ma i,..- - ,s wwkB. The WESTHOLME that to be seen which will make hone 118. arrled the oi wnartc, - -..,, think, and think deeply on 0 fnMI.. principal bors dredged, miles lvftlving to TONIGHT ONLY people nat it meant to i ..in, ana a uouoic tr ----- . i a.. ...! nil nf haUi- their own conduct. Wealthy ihtq (n, of lh9 United States hundred miles long right acrois " ;ep . a CARLYLE BLACKWELL people, broad minded and narrow lh tlma 'i.'" aro, w thatiFrnnce was con.t.jicted to law , inndian. The - AMD-JUNE minded, sons and their foolish, k cum w,,e, that the American troops and suppi "."r,,1Mn " 7ion w,lch etiste.1 ELVEDQE uess, actresses, ministers, love V' X K,l'nerat''" had up to the firing line. This rail- u nlrto had n affairs and so forth, get some, ' of 700 between lh tw THE CRIMSON DOVE" and to the outcome, had to be laid rod'. equipment consisted dowI any what tangled see --Maita to Inter- locomotive, ami 10.000 cars. In- .largely l',;0 .P lhratiil lit.pari Nriil) Trilura. you will havo to see ths FOR QUALITY , '' of the Unit- " OFFICIAL OA2ETTE It is a good one. The play -,!in Public life, clilentally. the people CaTt 5i In tht early day. plag-. and SATISFACTION ' thomh? I T "Pl'eaval ed State, had to be trained to be- I ija.1 st .. a wa 'I IIM stnlM is a good one, and the actors are SF.rtVICK AND a P ' i j .f .. ,1Q 10 chonge the come Inveitor. The war hau io oi "-,. Miry COMEDY stars- Tlier is alsq a gazette and WF.KK FOR HELP, pI took nil..V.' t,f Peo. be financed, and lon made to wouia mad-n. a P"- v . ,Uaok a fine comedy. Alio for long tha allle.. These loan, so far.being