TUT DAILY NEWS ... - BRITAIN WILL PURCHASE i The Daily News - ALL CANADIAN CHEESE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA: Ottawa. May 3. U Is officially j Relieve Your LiVer pubiuhfU tuilr end Weekly staled Hint Hir.Rnbert Horden and Guaranteed Largest Circulation Sir Thomas wihip, uuring mr recent visit to New York, Robert s necessary attack is often serious. Ward i if r?..S a bilbia HEAD OFFICE: succeeded in arrnnglng n wiui a ic v r Canada for tin 0j in DxIIy News Building, Third Avenue, Prlnoa IluporL. U.C Tel. rrjHlit to purehnst I.nusli governinnl TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - cent tr. w r T M the entire exportable surplus r BEECULVS PliLfl Contract Hates on replication. ff KliMrTifl Canadian :hrs production U' the present year The amount or which gently arouse a siucsiah Ihrer, bbbbbb a sm. H ram m shh the credit will bo forty million to (mod hesJth. a DAILY EDITION. Saturday, May 4. IVtB, neceasary They never ruXV.n, dollars. The arrangement will slur-effects. Their prompt use b lenefidsl to ths rrtteaS mean n certain market for Canadian The Red Triangle Campaign. about the campaign, and talked produced cheese at mirket Prevent Bilious Attack So far as Prince Rupert is of the guod woric being don prices already fixed. concerned, this has been n by Iho "Y" among the boys oi' not busy week. Culminating; as it the front- j AUSTRALIAN ZINO FOR BRITAIN does today in a house to house To mention the publicity par , OUTPUT canvas for Hie Yi.M.CA- It may of the campaign, as an observer RV HADE IN f fm 3. Melbourne. Australia. May well be called Red Triangle sees it, is .merely touching week. There is little doubt but half of it. Every organization, I lii- Unti.h government ha con- jW that the amount which has in the city is actively interested 1 1 ,WG I LLETT CO.LTD if trart-d f..r the purchase of virtually H i TORONTO,ChftADA 15 the whole product of Aus in the movement. Hardly hasi been set for Prince Rupert to aim at will be realized, and had there been such unanimity tralian zinc concentrates for the all the diuereut or peiiiod of the war and a decade Some conditions here been its they among Sidelights ought, and as most of us ex. ganitations of this city- From thereafter. peeled they would, by this time, the mayor and council down out the suggestions of the the amount set for Prince Rupert every active organization has local people, and that if there would have been very been sympathetically cnlisfW Is any credit going, it is theirs WAIL SCHEDULE on Y. MX.A. much higher. But even without The movement was flrjsl of all While the military committee the payroll from the dry-dock' endorsed by the 0. V. V. A.; lb of the Y. M- C. A. in Prince Ru For the East. . . m and shipbuilding ynrjls, three chapters of the Daugh pert have not been idle either Monday. Wednesdays and Sat m War Work .Prince Rupert can always be ters of the Empire; the Red during these last days, there Is urdays at 9:30 a. in. depended upon to do its share. Cross; the W. C. T. U.; th distinctly great credit attach The work and thought which Women's Auxiliary of the GAY ing to the manner in which the From ths East. a campaign of this nature entails, V- and the business men as rampalgn has been organized Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs is'not always appreciated well have supplied canvassers by Mr. Doulton. days at 5.30 p.m. The "Walking Wouaded"--A by the general public. In this Every church in the city ha one city of Prince nupert, behind its representative in the move Advertise in the Daily News. Tor Vancouver: Village Without a Y.M.C.A. all the activities of the ment and it is a source of Tuesdays S past week, there has been an gratification that such a cause Liereymans o I a wire r Wednesday 7 p.m.a.m Caa the Need Be Measured? organizing brain at work. On as the Red Triangle should be almost every public occasion so heartily backed by the citi Wants Women to Know Thursdays . , to pjn. for days past the Y. M. C. A tens of ouncity. Advantages of Internal From Vancouver has been mentioned. If you . Hut before all this publicity Sundays 10 pjn.l m "I think of the Y.M.C.A. emergency attended any of the churches came about, and before th Bathing Wednesdays 10 JO a.m. work when a great push is on," writes or, any of their meetings sympathy of these vari6us or Saturdays pjn. Francis B. Sayre in "HarpcrV "and throughout the weefc, some ganizations was enlisted, the ir mtwii (Mid eerfj ee Uw tboaiand ' thing was said about the Y- M. details of how the campaign of letters Dr. Tyrrell tui rerelred from For M the wounded soldiers arc streaming back mural wmbm Hi ill trM r mm orld. Anyoi: n C A. If you went to the show, was to be worked were stored tfeanaior him for ttfe wonderful loves Sundays 10 pjn.I u from the front literally by the thoujandj, you were given a pamphlet away in the brain of Mr. V lion for Internal futhinr, thejr wold tooa Wednesdays 10 maimed, and and p.m. torn bleeding. The stating what the "Y" was doing Doulton, Uie district organizer. dueard tne medtetne. bottle sod look to for the boys, and between His well built figure and genial of Uw all eaute human ox Uxir Ills tr trouble,da la ft artomuleied per test From Anyoi: numbers are so vast that the stretcher the reels, two slides at least face have become popular along ete la the Colon or Larre lateattn. Tuesdays ajn.l bearers can only aUend to the prostrate appeared on the screen calling our streets during these past Winn water, properly need with ib -J Thursdays I wounded. attention to the work of the days. Mr. Boullon has been B. L. Caatade.'. will reUert toe caaea of p.m. out trouble and perfect bealih -Jf UY" and the campaign of today- in Prince times Rupeft many renew . For Port Simpson and Naas River "All those who can manage to walk Everyone who attended previously, but this lime, he A Wlonlpef tlertriaaa wrlle: the Hon. T. D. Paltullo's meeting has shown that be is not only "Mjr wir la naturally tenilUT about points: or crawl, known as the 'walkingwounrjed,' got one of the "Y leaflets. a powerful platform speaker, ret hatlnr i ber aniHea nan tbat appear albert tn aboald pobUe print.know Sundays 10 p.m. must make their own way as best they If you attended a lodge, or a but is also a careful organizer what tbe "i. . L caaeede' baa don far I From Pert Simpson and Naas m can to the first aid stations. By r it dance somebody was reminding Those who are already ac ner. it nat rHj airen ber a new leM m you of the "Y." It mattered quainted with Mr. Boulton and or Hfe. far Jrt h bad beea doctor niver Points: of these first aid stations the Y,M C A not where you went, either his educational attainments mr wr for CMUttpattoa. whteb became Tuesdays ajn takes its place; and all the walking woudJ-cd every Tear. Slot tutor lb 'I. B. L along the business streets, the will realize that while " Ts not iscade . Bret about 4 year tr. ab baa Qusen Charlotte Islands: who come in are given hot coffee and residential sections, to Seal for; mortals to command sue am been aiek a day, and baa become, ro For Massett, Port Clements and m made Cove, or to Section Two, you cess," he, like another classical bal and atronr rla. S boo Id any person as comfortable as possible while could not escape seeing the figure, "deserves it." wltn thia letter cenflnoed. yon ar at Upper Island points: m they wait, sometimes for hours." liberty M rite my nam tn prmte.- Saturdays 8 a.m. I Red Triangle poster reminding' Although Mr Doulton has Tb "J. B. L caaead U abown and i From Masset, Port Clements and you of today's campaign. The. been the mainspring of the puined by Cyril 11. Orroe, Third Aitnn. readers of the newspapers have; Prince Rupert campaign, his rrtnee nvpert. B.C. Upper Island points: Can Need be Measured? The -1 B. L. caarade- l an ineenUon. I Tuesdays I ft Ills for five nights in succession' name has never once been perreeted by Dr. Chat. A. Tyrrell of nw looked upon a different an-j mentioned in connection with York, and baa doo mora dnrinr th can nouncement and read new facts any of the public announcements. year to rtlor healtu and leaaen For Bkldegale, Queen Charlotte Referring to the Y.M.CA. hutae regarding the work of the Y. Interrogated regarding dteae than all otber nui combined. City and Lower Island oinls writer "I have the k for bookie eipUlolnr all a boot in vveunetaays o p.m M says: seen a !s so II. C. A. There Is hardly a his organizing ability as well ternai Batuat and what It bat doo far From Skldegate, Oueen Chnrlatte crowded the occasion of ' m on somerei.gious in the city either that person young as as a public speaker, other." II I free. or old who has not during the with becoming modesty he declares City and Lower Island points talk that after the benches were all failed week conversed with someone that he is only carrying MINERAL ACT paturdays p. m and the standing room taken, soldiers ccsrririCATK o improvciiknts kept crowding in through the windows to FOR YOUR NEW SUITS sit on the floor of the platform, and NOTICK See S. S. PRINCE RUPERT 'Pat rrafUoa and DitiT mnMil others remained outside to listen to trie ruim. aitoau In lb fortland Canal Minlar Steve King Dlrtilon Jtt Caiitar Dlttrirt. -I speaker through the windows." sailing-Wednesday VVber located: On Uw eait aid of I Prompt Cleaning A Pressing caaead Creek. It mile from tbe bead of Phone Oreen 418. 9.00 a-m.for Swanson Bay and remand Canal. A Village Without 'Y.M.CA. Vancouver. TAKE NOTICE tbat I. I. Frd SKrhla free Miner's CertinraM fla. tITJ-C.t act nt ai treat for R trim Id ttnt MllL Tnml . S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Miner Certincau No. tli7-c intnj DENTISTRY Here is the -writer's picture of a silly daya from the dau hereof, to apply I Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. u in Mininr Recorder ror a Certificate of French village without a Y.M.CA.: Thursday Midnight for Swan&on Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, bTiprovementi. for the purpose of obtaiMtif OJtOMr NO BRIMS MOSS "With only evil in which to spend Victoria and Seattle. a crswn orani or lb abot rlaim. B SrKOiSlTV ways And further take nolle that aciion nn. with burning in their on. j. s. unowrt money pockets, der section St. mutt be 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. coounenced before of Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. ' tn itiuanr cf ancb Oertiflftu of Improve. CKNTIST nothing to relieve the dull monotony neoit. OtSaet Imnh BUI. Tlr AMiie idle of them to get evenings, began Dated lull Utb diy of December A. n ra tss many TRAIN SERVICE m lonely and homesick, or to drift along raaaenaer Honor. We4ee4ar end aaWrdei at 1 1:10 t.m. for Smitten. Prince Oeorrt, Edmonton and Winn)per. mrtior direct connection for til MINERAL ACT m dangerous paths. point tut sod south. m CMTiriCATE Of IMfROVtMINTS fhon. ,157 PHOA m "It was not many days before officers Agenoy AI! Ocean Steamship Lines. m ferTICK began to send hurry calls for the Y.M.C.A For Information and jos. r. nuoM m reservations apply to "Molybdcnnm" and "orr" ' uin..i For God's sake down before U come City Ticket Office, 56 Third Avenue. PHONE 200 Jaima. altutlo In tbu ittm mmn, mi. FOR INTERIOR AND EX-TERIOR m tlou of Cattlar Dlttrt.i. too late and do something for my men. VVber locatedi Atx DECORATIONS irura in nraa or Aiit. irm, and about nui rrotn in Beach. TAKE NOTICE that Lewla W pnm. Acorn Sign Co. Death of a YfM.C.A. Secretary rre koers eeriinrtu no. Iltlt-C, ai ttent oi J) Molrbdrnum Uintnr ni n.. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Juclloo Company, Llinlted, (Son feraonal FOR SIGNS "One shell, dropping not ten feet .iiuiMiy) rreo Miner's Certiflcat flo. IS1II-C tntendi tlily dtyt from tbe dat m from the dug-out, churned up the earth, Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points brreof. to iddI la tbm u m steel via Steamer to Vancouver and the for a Ceiilflrtle of IniproTementa, for th the next went crashing through the purpoae or ooiauunr a Crown Oram of M to STEEN LONGWILL sheeting. A left the battery Canadian Pacific Railway racn or in toovt claim. u m party AND It'IlTlltn TAaE NOTlrr th.i wsBSBWh i in I utmimumammm search for thcNon-Combatant (Y.M CA' Meals and Berth included on Steamer unuer section si mutt be commenced be- or toe iiiu or such Ceriinctt of Improvement. SANITARY AND HEATING EKOINEERS FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE SkEENA LAND M4TRICT DISTRICT OF I.UAST, HANOE I. Agsnla for j oy a Hundred cmseis; inc how SS. SOPHIA itilt from fr"nc hupert May trd, Utb, tlth; June 4th, llth and the broken; tne ana ttth. McCLAFiY FURNACES J destroyed; mugs TAKE NOTICE that tn Ortnd TruiiH and when they , .... . I nja SSJNIINCCSS AtlCI ftllt for Vaneourcr June ttud aad July tin. Ptrlfle Rallwi Pmuiu cocoa-urn over-turned; Manitoba, Intend to apply for pertnttilon PLUMBINO thrown the debris aside they found tne St. prinocss MAT salla for Vancouver May lib, I til), I via. and tlin; loiiuwiii oeieribed Uodt I June I nit ttU, ih, ttrd and 1Mb. Contnieurlnf t pu psatd at the mot I and I Non.Combatant (Y.M.CA. wcrelaiH n.iberly point of Lot or at or about ettrST KETAL WORKS frm n hlih-waier- mirk.. nn .-...... I with a dark red stream oozing ij, iif. ly. aeutherly and Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. h "il W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. illlut.l tla. ... ..' "'.WMterly.k nua.. . rollowie.wi a puiQi iba Uf Niftht plonet 670 ! head, still smiling, but sleeping it u - iiwmwhi an 1L41 tun I Co ner Fourth Street nnd Third Avenue, Prloc Rupert. 11.C. iK.re between Ufh wiier aad kiw tur and lllue 270 ecp. luted April 4th, till. The rlaht work, at tha einht THE IVlU 0HAND I1HV TIIU.MC t a a.PACIflC BAILVVAV a time,. .and at the right prlo. mw