TUT DAILY NEWS SAYS GERMANS ARE 0IE BINS QUILTY OF SACHILEQE um Waahlnirton. May 2. CatfUnal McrcIrr, tho Archblahop of Ma. EXHAUSTION Ilnca, Ilelglum, lias aUwJ in it.. Vast Issues Deoend clergy ami adherenU of hla di. Cfflie n stirring circular latter of ProJ Ueeleia Ualfl proteat against tlie forcible ulTreetaMniij i Tiur aelx-uro He TrW ' "Ul ' by the fWmiui aulborlli Upon the Welfare oi O&ir WW Klum.Catbollc The Church Cardinal's property in Ifitpr UeU I Boys copies of which the Ilelglan Lpga- uon receive.! loday. Is In part as i TK to picture yourself in the muddy cold follows : after exciting days and long "Tho painful tidings, annuunc. nights of mortal danger and Intense ncr od suim-oniclally on February strain. Rushing"whiz-bangs" F fell 8, yous and scream, or in occupying powsr, have mg 'coal jjoxes" arc no respecters of persons. been conllriiied. The law and edicts dated bulletin February of You arc hit I But despite shock and pain 2l requires an Inventory of the you still can face the long weary trudge back bells and organs of our rhun-li. to dressing station. Weary, overwrought and I li for mod by eiperlenee, we need depressed you arc prey to wild imaginings of not delude ourselves; the inventory that other coming ordeal with the surgeon. of today is the signal for the Ihere are other "walking wounded," too! MR. JA3, S, OELGATT. requisition of tomorrow. ou must wait, wait, wait. And then - r r ji ;.. r Plains, Mn. Bovereln irraici Pontiff, our protests anneal or to the the Up comes a cheery Y.M.C.A. man, the ever U u rear WlOi 1 w"1 Airvout Chancellor of the Empire, appear present big brother to U14 soldier, -with word.-of frcJreli. In iU ril nn ; was tnus to nave been in vain. . manly encouragement. Close beside the -.Jilt from 170 pounds "In the execution of this duty dressing station the good, generous folks at oi our pastoral office, we protest, home have enabled him to set tip a canteen. flock n had no hop f dear brethren, against the He hands Injury you biscuits, and chocolate or coffee. i j uui.l it rim J inJiHtd church which the forcible seizure of "In thousands, of cases," writes an officer, properly will the cause to ( liberty of our Holy Mother Church it was that first hot cup of coffee that diagged t jio ; i-'dJ Almost at onrfl ; "We add Ibat the removal o the man back to life and sanity!" it Tu. Ci "X tbi fruit meJieJna the bells, without the eon sent o The tremendous helpfulness of the Y.M.C.A f 'Ui, I was back to my n i .i' ! uf hr-allli. the religious authorities, and de- as an aid to the "morale," or fighting spirit, i;i fhd such food lieaJlh for spll their protests, will be of the soldiers is everywhere praised. No tvtsf rjart ss I have eajoy el the sacrilege wonder the Germans make every effort to l jtti.1 total F y We-Urn are la netcr tle bouse".without will tea,be a the profanation;seiiure of whosoever our bells smash the Y.M.C.A. huts oit of existence. Cheer Up, and Thank God for the Y.M.C.A.! J AS. 8. DHLOATV. assists In It will lend the band to a sacrilege-" KV i K-1 6 for ? .',trial siie 2. ItaQ i! " or -nt postpaid on WINNIPEG. JITNEYS Brief Survey of f.f of co by Frult-a-Uvea ;.Tttaa. ARE ABOLISHED Red Triangle Fund Y.M.C.A." Service to Soldiers Winnipeg. May 2-The Win. $2,250,C0Rlay 9 LAND REGISTRY ACT 7, 8, nlpeg strret railway apparently St um It and III.) has settled its differences with Canada WJA' Appeal Branches in 20 Forestry Camps and other cities for returned ' . ... ... the of I 111.! city Winnipeg and also The Y.M.C.A. is everywhere. You first established laat yemr. soldiers and enlisted men. tui X Uul application tea tta with the employees. An agree tan npw inu v . utri. w rrwct ment was arrived at and passed met the helpful manly Y.M.C.A. worker in lewi I as owaer la ft under four by the city council on Monday camp, then on train and tat, at camp in Y.M.C.A. service extends from tu hit tw4 fr-ja tlx Collector of Uit Or at Mare Ropert. beertnr date U evening. The jitneys will be England and in France, close to the firing line. Vancouver to the firing line and M or af Soveaiber, HIT, aad om Tu abolished. Often he risks his life to reach you in the Y.M.C.A. tben back to patients in hospitals under fire in nightly itk Iw4 dated 114 oar of September III, a AIA AMD SINGULAR Ual CrUla trenches. He has won the warmest praise many places. "until men are discharged. per tnci f land aad premise I iitaiu. Salvation Army. from military authorities, statesmen the iti ad test la um aty of Pfiaee Ra Public meetings, Tuesdays, King! Y.M.C.A. Secretaries accom- E , 200,000 letters a day written in n it.- tart: -larly too a aad da Thursdays and Saturdays at 9 p. sen aad Bfieea lit). n. uiJar at J :W p. ui. I lave you a precious boy at the front? You Y.M.C.A. bui'dirrr. pany troop train. f bars nt lot and twelve Lots tbirty-tbrto(fi. Block cannot be "over there" to guide him away Troops furnished with athletic Between 480 and SCO millions of a su it. ' r tin Block srir-one The Y.M.O-V. provides ta-nts and from fierce temptations of camp and city. letters aad cards written and a a. n Secua Eirbt (I). Map ttt. but where the boys at the front You cannot comfort him in his hour equipment (helps taexsle of tra rry. red 14 ruolril Um cUUa of supreme troops). posted in Y.M.CA. tents, huts (H fvbaief Wllblw It Kit! tmn ih. may rest, talk, bold concerts and of trial. Your parcels to him are necessarily and dugouts sioce war began. a af tat service of tble aoUce (wbKa sing aongs and be at borne away few. But the Y.M.C.A., thank God, is "over Esttrtainmenta, Bible classes, mi at ileeied by publico uoa la Um from home. there," going where the Splendid service to boys in ifm usuy ewe. ana four ai you cannot go doing sfafvsongs, good night services UM M M called ta aecuoa II of Um COAL NOTICES very tilings you long to do doing it for you and personal iatervievs con Canadian Camp hospitals. Regular ari-JTr ier vita aataadmaau. aad a aistai titract tarrrroai: tkCLIA LAilD DISTRICT DltTIUCT Of and for him. ducted by YJII.CA. workers. sing-songs ahtfinspirational a avhait af a cantl or carUBcau Ql'WI CUiRtOTTX ISLA.1D9 Will you help? This vast organization of addresses with distributions ' a anitaa Us awd txfofi um rru Y.M.CA. Red Triangle Clubs of magazines, frait, chocolates, needs least helpfulness at S2.250.000 from a u ia: of Um twraoa aoUUad TASK A0TICS Oat I. Joapk Saitoa, or at tj ui a!a. an ptraooa ao aaraad frtaca Rapart. B. C. Proptor, lataod Canada for 191S. For your boy's sake be in Toronto, St. John, Montreal gum. Looks and smokes. k aad Umaa cUualnt to ajftjr lor a lit sua io proaprct for coal GENEROUS! ! " ile? Uwta. aai an r-rtaa aad patrotroia ovtr Um roUoatat dascrUwd aaf atj iMilaibt land br Ulaa laodi oo Um Waal Coatt or Horby litaad. 'I -?nWd iMlnmMt aad aU i utiuurortBr at a poal planted aboat or aula soeuwaiitrtr from a poal kiratad National Council, Young Me2iBs Christian Association Tare i t tiua I Dot itutaro oa um abwro of a aoaU Bar opaalas out aw Ot Dntiakau of UU Act, ban tw or caaoo raai twlotaa Mombr aad CbaaU Directors for Western Canada Itlaada. about I aulaa nonberty aJooc Um Campaign - j cam m or ia rttpaci oi Maraaby lalaod llda oT Caaoa faaa rrom "4 M add tar Uira. aad Um RU-" Bark rotal) Ibraca aooU IS cbataat tbtoee British Columbia t J. S. Riakii, 607 Board of Trade Bid".,Vancouver Saskatchewan: T. D. Patted, Y.M.CA., Retina Kt rriir ui Um paraoa raUUad a- cut ss cbaiaai Uwaro nor lb ss c&aioij Alberta t Jokn Hanaa, City Hill, Calgary Manitoba: J. H. Crocker, HOG McArtLar B!df., Winnipeg aaia ii tiMr or tba laad . UMora oail IS tbaiai to Um poiat of au fa so VHtkttl irpluaua bat Da JOSErit SEXTO.t. AppUeaaL i vmtflrau or inwi nhu tui. Locafd Sotrmbar lib. HIT. aaact amiuootd Uada, la Um aaaaa I fjnk w II... SkECIA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of v' 'ar.i;tt oa toTaiUrauat Um QVUUt UIARXOTTK IILASDS ! Ml ;: ;. ua lrlor ta Um I lilt dr FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. BA .K OF Um data oa blrh Um TAKE .OTICS Uut t. Jaoxa P. Raid. Of TO ars v li id far auMiu t.i..k rnoca HuparU B. C rroapacior. totrad ta CIRCUIT NO. 1. British North America -r1 b .mini PpJ Tor a Hcaaca to protpact for coal Bae 11 -lib SL aad trd Ave. . Tki l!i 1 11. W. aod petroleuia oarr Um folio Id i Daacrlbed Bai IS Stb SL aad trd Ave. 7 TAtE JIOTICI that at tba Itateineai to tba Dominion Govern-nient laodi oo Um Weal Coatl of Moresby Islaad. Bat 1A lib SL and Srd Ave. Uauueartoc at a pual plaalad about S ot Baa ts JaortMi or lit, tod and (Coo denied) Jilt Jaauiry, oc arpliraUoa and lama a aula aouUwailerU' rrom a post located Ird Atea. Hit. or tadr,4.iaia Tiua to Um aald or until Bj opeaiat ooi LIABILITIES TO THE PUBUO on tba (bore a Bee IS III ATI, betweea Stb aod ul rrB W. Hart oalasa Nona la ClrcaUUon ..t l.Jlt.MO or Caaoa Pata twlaeeo Mortb aod CbaaU lib Sis. (Knot Hotel). d aroma ic tba prnr pro- Ulaada. abuut I uulea ourlbcrlr atoar Um Bat 17 lit ta. and Tib Sl 'Central Deposits lt.Tlt.ltt 2,L,,!14,",, rw tUim- " Morsbr IsUod aide of Caooe rasa frua near!). Due to oiber Banks .. llt.TH kJr or to prttrai vrb oro- Buck Polnti tbtaca aoaib SS cbatai. lb era Bill! Taxable tAcrepl- T'n"Ja my prt. ail SO cbalas: Uteaca oorlb 10 cbalai) CIRCUIT no. t. ancea by London office) tnw- J - iwniiry unci, rnoca tbtaca rati 10 cbaiaa to Um polal of cota-nuoceiueBt. 1,311,111 I. li ,IU ' rruruaiT, 1st Z2 jrd Ave and Srd SL (Posl Acceptancea under Letter! Hit. omca). of Credit aa per 14 n r mai-.uod. JAMCS T. HUD, .ppllcant. Sot SS Srd Ave. aat Vf Bride SL centra) l.ltl.lOi laoi.i Located Xoaember Stb. HIT. Bai X4 1st Aa. and McBHda SL Krrtitrar or Tltlaa. W Bei SB tad Ave. and tad SL Princa Rupert, B. C. SK. OA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of IH.IOl.tJt Si tod Ave. and 0i SI ASSETS. r " -ou "lock .tt-t CHARLOTTE WUSOJ i Wt i .anil. r... . Im 17 a. T. P. Cisb to hand and In BanMIS.t ll.ttl Jjt aad IT.' Depualt wltb Oovarn- i ii. iu : . v IP K .tOTtCE tbat I, Cbarlea C. Burraaa. CIRCUIT no. a Will " ment oja Wote Or-eulaUoa qjj&& lH,uJ,r. ,0r 00 1 1th dT or I inca Rupert. R. C Bitter, Intend u IIIIl V. atr.uh Baa SI tlb Ave. aod rulloa SC ttl.ttt rt appO lor a Uceaaa to proipect tor coal aod wash lL Bi H Bordeu aod Taylor Sis. Deposit la Central Oold Jporjecuy . mac uui over Um rotlowias described petn Bn M 7 lb Ave. aod rulloo SL Iteierva t.OTO.000 laoda Um Wll Coait ot Moresbjr Islaad. oo aod Oueaua Ave, Bai JO lb Ato, Government. Municipal Cociioieuctni at a aost planted about of Bai ST lib Ave. and Dotra Tlaca aod other Securltlea it.tst,tio rulla aoutbeaiterljr rrom a poit locaiao Soi S lib Ave", and Thompson SL Call and Snort Loaai . . T.ltl.KT It's no uncommon thing for the saleslady to Seeds! Seeds! or oa Uooe Um ibors Tata or betweea a small Moresby Biy opeNBf aod C&aiU oai Current Loans and Discounts mention LUX to help her make a sale. So wide cincviT NO. 4. ind other Alee Istaadi, about S milei aortberty iMor Um U SS.4IO.t40 spread is the reputation of these dainty, little satiny Moresby lilaod llda ot Caaoa rasa rrom Bai 41 lib Ave. and Emmeraoo LtablllUee of Customer! soap wafers that almost every Canadian woman, V."' bincllr Buck I'olnli tbeoca n.nb so cbalai) Utenca Br i I'lara.42 lib Are. aud Mt'Uridr SL under Letter! or knows about LUX. If you don't just iet a pack F"'. and Stoat. east SO cbalas; tbeoca aouth SO ot ebalnit Bai 4S lib Av. aikl Oreeo SL Credit aa per contra) t.lM.tOt age to-day. It shows the modern way to perfectly itH-iiro eil SO cbaiaa to polot com- 8il5," nd FU'1 loeuceuiruL in 44 Sib Ala. and Bull St. Bank Premises t.tot.ttt wathed silks, woollens, laces, lawns, crepede Bai 48 Tib Ate. and kberia. chines, without CIIAIILE9 C. B'"0CSS. Applicant. SL ITt.lll.UI eta, rubbing. Bai 141-Tib Ave. aad Youuf Located oemler Ik HIT. SkCE.HA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT or QUI E.I CHARLOTTE I4LA.1DS SkEE.IA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT OP r!!;,Qr"n "nd Ml" F"d- Cortinoats of Improvements Ql'EE.1 CHARLOTTE. TAIE MOTIfE tbat t, Ham . Cbrtaieo- NOTICE lea, of rrlnca Rupert. 0. C prwpactor, "LOUISE" Mineral Clatiin. Uluite of Casilar la iba TAKE NOTICE tbat I. E. H. Simp ton. of MJX laiend to apply tor a llcease to proapact Portland Canal Mimas PlrliioB"a American I'riaco Rupert. B.C. mariner. Intend! to ap frampu, Aliaadad ta. for coal and petroleum over Um rollooloc District. Wbera loss lad njoutb. ply for permission to purcbaia tba follow. from lit deeerlbed landi oa tba Wail coatl or creek, iboui ai In deicribed landi. Moresby Island. Couuneoelor it Poll TAkE Ni'TKE that 1. Ilutoerl SUoarL la-bad Oaniuenclnr at a post planted at aorih- Bupert Feed Co. planted about of a mile loutbeitterly rraa Mlner-a cerliscala frn tk!a.due tlM'-C bereof, la nil corner ot Iba Loosfelkiw Mineral rrom s post loci ltd oo tba iboro ot a 'U days RaeorOer for a Car Clilm, W. P. Morlbeail corner 0. 1010) r o. B0 aa null Bsv onenlnr out of Uooa rasi IM- apil to iim Mii ihrica weit SO cbiini) tbeura north 10 hd Moresby aod CbaiU Islanda, about I linralr of lo.proveOM.tt.Orml .J .hT.vI cbalnii tbeoca eail to cbatnai throca aoulb K Won't Shrink Woollens uitlea aortberiy lions tba Moraiby Uland f uK.am.ur a oroa to cbalai mora or leu alonr iboro Una J , BtilUk JeA ty side of caaoa Pan from Buck Polnii tbeoca et."-J i.ta notice tbat icllon. un- to point of commencement, cootitnlar 40 V LBVBR BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO SUBSCUmp. aorih SO ebaiai i taeaca west SO tbsinsj commenced oMore ictts, mora or leia. ; for tbeura loulb SO cbalai) Uteoca can j.r taVia l mull Cirttacaie be 9l Improve- DATED tTlb Isnuary, till. ff ad seU hr ll fi iiiim 41 m' 1Mb u'e CUlaa to point of couuuenceuieaL of E, II. SIMPS0M, Dailv News Lacated HANS oalUr K, CIIRlSTE.lSEn,lib. HIT. applicant WD.!ed Ibll Mth d. Of Mircb, It.I. By Cbaa, J. Benson, AfenL