1 v M m4rW'' Local News Notes 5 1 Thcr'e Supreme Baking Satisfaction I J Milled Into Every Sack HMt' . "ValhAlla's" Sbelul with Dance,! ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR Mny U. Invitations only- Hay.Mrs.is A.visjting Mcintosh,Prince of llupert.Swanson Per Package of 10 . 15c . Per Package of 10 Iro to lit standard at rrla- AtWAYS run true to rorm. It's alwajs Mi K l.(llntrma nliirnii (n tliy BETTfc.il ri-uun. THE drrn1atle rfiaractrr- -thfitrriin quality of this flour lu brn the city tlifsvhiornfrig aftcr.'aHrj 7rar:.pr mUllnr uptrlrttrf. and lim ar-pllra-tlnn developed inrourh many to the south. imnniiiitmmt, of the mol approrrd method tin lo tl rt or flour matin. TM-nE hit never been the tlrntt-lrt-lown" r Marke-ninn In ur f-fort fe lo maintain this qualitr this tlearlf definable characteristic that Tjierr were no cases l the roff to mate "noyal Standard" BETTER FLOl'R, police court this morning. Prince f on those who are desirous or usini-a hih-rrade "substitute" floor, wd llupert behaves Itself. x there are mny nowadays, the employment of PLAYERS ROYAL STANDARD RYE FLOUR Mr. L. 0. Skinner, of Copper who in town yesterday. City, was By eomblninr Judicious win be found to meet every etactlnr requirement. quantity of the rye with the wheat your loave will contain the went out on today's train- moot pleaslnir element of tttiolesomeneM and nutrition. THY THE BYE. (BOTH FLOURS AT YOUR QROCCR'S) Mrs. S. J. Winsby was among tho arrivals back in town this Food censarvatlen effera to avtry man, woman and child chanct to morning from Vancouver. randte patrlatlc ttMlee. Canada Food Beard. Navy Cut Mr- J. K. Gordon, o( Terrace, who has been visiting in the city OOOOOORO for the past few days, left again for, up river today. i LOHENGRIN Mr. W. Goldbloom was "Xtle lucky Under;of several rain soaked Cigarettes G. H. Arnold Alt lovers of good music will bank notes today, which he had spend a very pleasant evening on pleasure in restoring to the for. NOTARY PUBLIO May 8th, when the Wednesday tunale owner Music Club will entertain their guests by putting on "The II o- Mr. Iiuckley, whose company Is mance of the Swan Knight," from building the uew sawmill near I We Set! Real Estate. Itlchard Wagner's beautiful mas. Port Clements on the Queen Char W. write Fire and Marine lerpiece Lohengrin- This opera Jolle Islands, arrived in town to Insurance. will be handled along the same day from Vancouver. BEAUTIFULLY COOL & SWEET SMOKING We have Apartments, Stores, lines as was Peer Gynt, given Houses, and Offlces for about a year. ago. The concert It is understood that the liquor Rent, and Want More. will be given in the Presbyterian case against-Myrtle Woods, which 3 We Deal in Mortgage Loans. Church hall, and it will be well lo was dismissed the other day by We Sell Timber Limits. bear in mind that the seating ca Magistrate Carss in the police We do pacity and tickets will be limited court, will be appealed- Conveyancing. to 150. Tickets 50o each may be obtained frpm any member of the The Director was In yesterday IN mitted to become the organiilng Mild men keep w H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Club, or from Orme's Drug Store with 2,500 lbs- halibut; Fisher, MANY PRISONERS and ilirycling force behind the ct-lletil physical ur.J Proceeds for patriotic purposes 15,000; Fearless. 12,000; Alto. ..SIBERIA OPERATE lloUheviki- that they beli.-v- , 4,000; Alice D, 7.000; Tatouche, In Lsagus With Bolshsvlkl. wh itistr r : The Prince llupert arrived this 14.000. and Doreen. 10,000. There WITH BOLSHEVIKI It is known that In Irkutsk and In .the Far Kat. a morning on time, and had quite were no sales yesterday. western Siberia the Germans, especially man force will . . "The Daily News" a number of passengers for the Queen Charlotte Island. Harbin, Mamhuna. May 2. the officers are working distance over th i The monthly meeting of the German and Austrian war prison, with the Ilolshevikl. Some released way. CLASSIFIED ADS. In the absence of the Rev- Dr, Women's Liberal Association will ers in Siberia are estimated to prisoners also are with the To NsLlralli Danger, Grant, the services at the Presby be held on Monday, May 6, in the number more than 100.000, and In Ilolshevikl forces now fighting Allied sympat initial CrtXy WANTED. terian Church tomorrow will be Sons of Canada rooms- Mr. F. II official cincles here 11 is held they 'sgalnst General Seinenoff. the the only way taken by Mr. H. II. Phillips. Mobley, M.P.P, and Mr. A. M constitute a grave menace to the janii-Uolshevik leader in eastern Auslrp-Germat) t 3 r-a WAITED Woman Cook. Apply Matron of Manson, M. P. P-, will address the allied position in the Far East Siberia. He Is holding an Important doing any furlh Prtnee Rupert General HoipluL tf meeting. A corilial invitation is of the Siberian Hallway MINERAL ACT. While the number of released part support any n eras ME.1 WASTED EVERYWHERE to snow extended to everyone interested prisoners bearing arms under the between Vladivostok and enable the AD . A. tamplea for Large Oroeery Corporation. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. to be present. Bolshevik Hag la not great, even Irkutsk. 'I r..1 nf th- pr Irt. All rood told at factory price. Bet a small number might prove a Those who have visited the ler still, to havi Oranulated 4.10 cwt Comfort, aurar KOTICE Gus Foelltner and Mark Wicks If they camps that the officers j ! in a .i Surprise. Sunllthl or Oold Soap T for Surk Fraction Mineral Claim, situate la potent danger were per prison say t Stmts, pure lard l-pdund pall for the Skeena Mlninr Division of Casslar DIs- appeared before Judge Young 1.00, etc. Arenta' proCt It.SO on trtcL Where located: Seven mile from yesterday charged with an in every It.Oo ale Sample, ease free. Ooose Bay, on the northwest branch of fraction of the shipping laws The Consumer Association. Windsor. Falls Creek. They were each fined 9150 with Ontario. TAKE NOTICE that I. Wo. T. Kerrtn, the alternaitve of-six months in F.M.L. o. 47 C acUnr a a rent for FOR SALE Georre Rudre, r. H. U yo. tut, and Wm. Okalla Pijson Farm. The fines R. Lord, F. M. L. o. lit 31 C and lor were paid. In other times than "The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility TOR SALE Elrbty acres of farming- land. myself, intend, suty day from the date these his honor intimated that he n Orahara Island. A small rlrer runs bereor. to apply to the Mlninr Recorder of Sir Robert Borden throurh the property. Partly wooded for a Certiorate of Improvements, for the might have imposed n more se exaggeration." In Spruce. On rovernrarnl road and purpose of obtalnlnr a Crown Grant of the vere penalty. .within two mile or Masselt Inlet. South above claim. And further take notice that Half or Lot 7lt. Sale price ten dollar acuta, under section St, must be com-tuenred per acre. Tor runner particular apply before the Issuance of such Certificate Word has been received in town at yews omce. Box Hi. Ml or Improvement. from Mr. C- A. G- Armstrong, bo City and Towni Labor lot Hated this IQSi day or April, A. D. 1 1 IS. for several years past bad been and 10 i on s ale rour-roomed house in Block 41, Section t. Enquire Mary TOMCE RUPERT LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT engaged as engineer at the dry B. price. Ketchikan. Alaska. If OF OL'IE CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. dock here. He Is now resident en gineer in charge of construction Must Save rR SALE Weanllac pir from peditreed Berkshire boar and trade sow, ready TAKE NOTICE that we. The Aeroplane of drydocks being built at Mobile, for delivery about the 1st May. T to S Spruce Lumber Co Ltd., of Port Clements, Alabama, and at Galveston, Texas week old. Price It 0.00 each F.O.B. occupation lumbermen, intend to apply lor while third new drydock is a Ttlkwa.heice Prudhomme B.C. Order at early Fisher;and P.O.rtl flrst box permission lands. to leae the folio win r described fihorlly to begin construction at The Food Situation . Ttlkwa. B. C. If Commenelnr at a post planted at the Vew Orieans. Mr. and Mrs. Ann. northeast corner or va a, niocc . pan- u.lh hnr-k lron& oiien iiiey were r ...txti.iiittn r.r nt.irtrt it nt. ihr.r. north S chains, thence' west 10 degrees again in Prince llupert. If just tn HPHE heart of the food production problem is labor, and the SHOCKLEY (titb to the approach to the Oovenunent get from the nnakes and E. H. away A heart of the labor is the dweller. te Wbarr. Port Clement, thence outbrly antg( wnJcn are qua. n pt ,own problem city City pec (Successor to J. L. Hlckey). mum miu siu Ls imbiu mj iuo uui iui;ii ivi- tier or Lot I. said block ii, thence easterly there. must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support CONTRACTOR A BUILDER akmr the waterrront or lots t, f, 1, of our soldiers and Allies. I, i. 7. and S, said block to point TENDERS WANTED Store and Office Fixtures, or and eommencemenu one-half acres mure and or eontalolnr less. seven Men who are needed on farms must come from the cities and Sash, Door, and Mouldings, AEnOPLA.HK SPRUCE LUMBER CO.. LTD. Tenders are solicited Imme towns there is no other source. The Provincial Departments Oak and Hardwoods of all 8. T. Lewi. President. diately for the purchase of the of Agriculture with tho Canada Food Board, can kinds. April tnd. ISII. JIS McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd co-operating office building. place thousands of men on ood farms in this Province, W Specialize) In Hardwood Tenders are also invited for; the They are needed at Boat Rib. Sash, HOTEL once. QUEENS removal of the Prince llupert Doors, sto. liazaar building from its present Those who remain home Grow Food also at must Plats and Sheet Glass and -FIRST CLASS nOOMS location to Lot 20, Mock 31, Sec Glazing. Hot and Cold Water. lum 1. A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will Corner Frassr and Gth SU. SOe per Night, and $3 pee Week. McCaffery.Ileal Estate Gibbons and A Insurance.Doyle, Ltd, man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to grow PliONE GREEN 269 is on a form. But War Garden more food for, export. service is needed from those who i P. O. BOX 1B8 The vegetable garden offers an can do no more. opportunity for service to men Harry Hanson's Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make it im PATENTED produced on city land by possible for them to work on a dty labor,will be a positivcaddition farm, to women, to boys and guiJ-' Fast Heating to the food supply. Home Garden to city people generally. Hot Water Coil "Tea'ssn-a Mr" l''Tga"""""",""""BBA3""""" Be a Food Producer This Year A If there Is moveirrnt in your lot Cost IfO.pO all connected up complete a garden or vacant and ruaraoteed for one year. community, associate yourself with it. Ifnoc it, Orders will be received at this price up lo May 1S After thai the Mm ration exists, do what you can to interest your PRICK WILL AO UP. At lb pr- WJr Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbi -'!bbbbbbbbbbbbbCVb!bMi Jk7BBsW.lBlu'BnTan neighbours in the War Garden campaign. rut price of material, ask your plumber fur a price to make an Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture ordinary Coll, connect 11 up and for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. ruaraniee II fur one year, su4 se then yourself.compare prices and Judge for CANADA FOOD BOARD As all heretofore eilsUnr sir-meats between the other plumber end niyaeir have eiplred. I hereby revoke any permits la anyone lo elUMC ELf D3tt R suak and Install aiu( etceptinr- ITIIN A LONOWILL svirecioroi fx uirecior oi chairmfl fur tor my absence AVIU poltisly Production Agricultural Labor eresecute lafrlnrementi, Tn rn a--ai i.i .i , . . - Agriculture. HARRY HANSON yM ww-urvi anon wiin me I'rovinciai ueparimcn TM PLUMBCR Showing at the Weitholme tonight