THT DAILY NEWS M 1 l The Daily News IMADE IN CANADA MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN DRITISH COLUMBIA ' For the East. WRIGll Published D.lly and Weoklr Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Guaranteed Largest Cliculatiou I at V:30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: From the East. Daily Navva BallJinff, Third Avenue, Princo Rupert, B.C. Tel. U3. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. at 5.30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. I For Vancouver: (Tuesdays 5 P.m. DAILY EDITION. JUt Tuesday, May 7. 191a. .lira 1 n m Thursdays 10 p.m. LJUtTT COMPAMT W.F. O'CONNOR'S RESIGNATION Having undertaken to revise TORONTO OKI From Vancouver the laws of nature I'arliaincm ' If a public official say, for Sundays 10 p.m . raised the at has question, example, a cost of living com. of the Used for Wednesdays 10.30 a m : least in this part country, making Snlnritnva ' missloner had done something whether it is going to see hsrd and soft soto. for to make himself obnox. the thing through by asserjting softening water, for clean For Anyoat ious to a powerful section of authority over the elements or Ing.dlslnfectlng and for over Sundays . .' 10 p.m. whether il is going to allow the 600 ether purposes. Helps the. community, and if those Wednesdays 10 pjn. weather to rob its purpose of MPVtt tUftTTTVTCS. S whom he had flagellated had success. Edmonton Bulletin, teeth. tW WtLITT fMAVT UM17IB From Anyoxt breath. announced their intention to m v. Tuesdays son. "get" him, would anybody be NEUTRALS Thursdays pun. appetite. much surprised if the afore. With Germany as a neigh. dlfiestlon. said commissioner shortly bor, the position of the small many might mean enough to For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvsr thereafter found himself ob. neutral countries of Holland cause the wan to end somewhat points: liged to resign T atid Switzerland can hardly be sooner than she might expect. Sundays 10 p.m. Sealed tletit-kept right said to have been comfortable This is exactly the The possibilities before i sequence since the beginning of the war. strong Allied force co-operat From Port Simpson and Naas of events in the case of Mr. since. Willi nearly four years ing with the Dutch armies in River Points: "Give it to me. W. F. O'Connor- But there is the terrible example of Belgium Tuesdays an invasion of German terri a decided streak of originality held before their eyes, as a re tory to the south of Holland please. Grand-daddy in the method employed to get suit of the application of Gerj- are immense, which in itself. Queen Charlotte Islands: rnan kullur, the possibility of For Massett, Port Clements and rid of him. may be sufficient to regard the The bacon barons and others the same thing happening to German threats to Holland as Upper Island points: them has made them "Why Bobby. If go very so much bluff. Saturdays 8 a an. whom he had condemned were carefully. With their respective From Mase-et, lwt Clements aad you wait a bit not so foolish as to let their armies mobilized for the Upper Island points: A Wife hands appear in the matter. last four years, for eventual! Clergyman's Tuesdays a. m for it you'll ties, this drain upon the re Wants Women to Know All that happened was that a have it to en-Joy of these small sources countries For Skldegatet Queen Charlotte stenographer: was placed in Mr. has been considerable- Advantages of Internal Gilr ana Lower Island noInU longer!" O'Connor's office whom he Soldiers in the ranks ana not Bathing Wednesdays ..: 0 pjn. could neither get along with producers, even if they be not From Skidegate. Ouern Charlotte "Poo-poo! That's nor dispense with. fighting. It women could only tea tbe t&onsanae City and Iewer Island points: no with argument Without venturing any opin The truculence of the Ger or letters Dr. Tyrrell baa received from Saturdays p. m. man tone in its communica rraleral women in aU parts of the world. WRtCLEV'S ion as to whether Mr- O'Connor thankicr nUn for bis wonderful lotro tiona to Holland'recently, de Certificate of Improvements 'cause the or the lady was in the wrong. Un for Internal Batninr. tney wold soon NOTICS flavour manding that she break her the fact remains that he is by discard the medicine boSUe and look to "LOCTSE" Mineral Oaiam. ttruatt Is the lasts, anywavr neutrality, is significant of the Um ran of taelr trouble. IS per cent no means the first man who Portland Canal Mlnfar Division of Caatier fact that Germany has still as of ail bunun 111 are due to accumulated District. Where located. On American under similar circumstances, little consideration for her waste In tbe Colon or Larre IntesUne. Creek, about 4 miles frutn Its mouth. has simply put on his hat and Between Warm water property need wits tbe "I. TAkE NOTICE that I. Robert Stewart la Canada walked out. neighbors as ever. B. L. Cascade,', win relict tbe cause of rree Miner Certiorate No. tttf-C- ra these two little Countries, they troubles and perfect beaUb will After meal The profiteers arje students jour lend, amy days fraa the dale bereef. to every have nearly a million men under follow . apply to the MiaMf Recorder for a U r of human nature. Whoever arms; fresh troops and A Winnipeg derrrman writes: UScate of ImprovemMita. for the purpoee thought of this little scheme is -MT wtft it naturally seasture about of obuinlnr Crown Grant of the abv certainly deserving of highly trained, and upon whom havinr ber nam appear la public print. rlalm. promo the lessons of warfare of the jet la aaxlous tbat others should know And further lake notice that art ma, no tion by bis employers. Sun.' last four years have not been what the -I. B. U Cascade bai done for der eruen (I mutt be ecrneaenced before thrown away. Upon either ber It bas rraHy given ber a new lease the Issue of such Certificate of unprov of life. For fear tbe bad been doctor' meata. UP TO PARLIAMENT flank of the present German lot far Constipation, wblch became Dated this tlth day r March. ISIS. Having made the clock lie to line, tber would constitute a worse every year. Sine tiilnf the 'J. B. L. its satisfaction. Parliament grave menace to the most Cascade'. Brst about 4 year aro. tbe bas SWEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of not been sick a day, and baa become re- QUEEN CHARLOTTE. might next try Us hand at thickly populated portion of bun and stronr araia Should any person legislation to regulate- the did they join in with Germany, wth Uus letter eonOnned. yoo are at TAkE NOTICE that L, E. H. BUnpaon. of thermometer and introduce the Allies. liberty to (ive my name la private.' rrlnre Rupert. B.C. manner. Intends to ap spring. Daylight saving is It is not out of the question Tbe "1 B, L. Cascade" la shown and ax pli for permission to purchase the follow good business if anything is to consider that Germany her. plained by CyrU If. Onne, Third Avenue, mr described landa. Prince Rupert B.C. Cctnmenctnr at a post planted at north accomplished by it, but the ef self bring these little may Tbe "J. B. U Cascade" la aa Invention. east corner of the Lona-feDow Mineral fort fails to effect when the countries into the conflict by perfected by Dr. Cbas. A. Tyrrell of flew claim, vr. r Northeast corner No. I Silt ( l tfl So clran weather) prevents the saved her own actions. By swift action, York, and bas done more dunnr the past tbeftce west ta chains; thenco north ts few years to restore health and lessen cbalna; thenco east t chains; thenco aoath ','lr daylight being employed in the she might hope to render disease than aU other combined. means t chains more or leaa aloer shore line garden plot- Monkeying with Holland helpless before the ask for booklet eiplainlnr all about In to point of nenmrfwwsnenl- rootetnlar 41 the mechanism of the universe Allies could render her assistance ternal Bathlnr and what 11 bas doc for acrea, snore or leva. is only aggravation and folly sufficient to keep her others." It Is free. DATED tlth January. It IS. unless it can be carried far! frontiers secure And precipitate E. II. SIMPSON MINERAL ACT By Chat. J. Beneon. AL enough to produce results. action on the part of Ger- cumricATK or improvements FOR YOUR NEW SUITS NOT1CC See "Pat rracttao" and -Dally Mineral Claim, situate In the Portland Canal Mlnlni Steve King Division of Casstar District. Where located: On the east aide of Prompt Cleaning A Pressing sailing-Wednesday Cascade Creek. It miles from the bead of rnons ureen ib. g Portland Canal 9.00 a-m.for-8wanon Bay and TaKC nOTlCT that I, J. Fred Ritchie Vancouver. Trre Miner's Certificate No. I4TI-C act nr as arent for Rertnald Etnr KeUl, Tree S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Miner's Certificate No. SltT-C, intend. DENTISTRY stity days from the date hereof, to apply Wednesday Midnight to Any ox. to the Mininr Recorder for a CerUOcate of Improvrmeuta, for the purpose of obtalnlnf oftOvvn fcO saiDeu wok Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls. Vancouver, a Crown Grant of the above claim. a srsotatTV Victoria and Ssattle. And farther take notice that action, un "Willi Fleece as-Wliile as Siiom' der acttlon SI, must be commenced before on. J. S. BROWN 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. tbe Issuance of such Certificate of Improve- 4 OCXTIST Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. dents. Oauei Oank hl, TWk avvoee may wash your clioicot 14enk' with Dated this tlth day of December. A.D. YOU TRAIN SERVICE in. PhMie M a fear as to the msult il -u u.c Sunlight They rill lioni Passenrer Stonear, WMitMif tad Setvrear at 1 1:t0 a.m. for Smltbers. Soap. wmi- nines Georre, Edmonton and vrtnoiprr. matter (Unci eonneeuons for all MINERAL ACT tlio tub as clean and svrrclsYieUitie - the Io 1st east and aoutn. day they were woven, and they will dry a ctfrriricATt or improvements P he .Phoae 157 wilt as the fiecco on Mary's lamb. Agsncy All Ocean Steamship Lines. N-mcB job. r. riuoN Sunlight saves all the ruh ami r uad For information and reservations apply to "Molybdenum" and "Success- Mineral City Ticket Office, S26 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Jalms. situate la Um Bkeena Klnln Diet. FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR doesn't do the slightest injury to fabric r hand. slon ef Casalar Dtatrk. A S3.000 guarantee jirovcfl the absence olany Where located: Abt 4 miles WhMt DECORATIONS adulterant Ask for Sunlight from the brad of A tit Inn, and about or impurity. mile rrom the Beach. and you receive satisfaction. TAKE AOT1CE that Lewis W. fsunor Acorn Sign Co. rree uars certificate No. I4flt-C areoi oi Jie Molybdenum limine and rie-auction CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Company, Limited. (Hon Personal FOR 8IONS Liability) rree Miners CertMuui Ra tOlit-C, intends alsly day from tbe date Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ocrvor, u apply to the Hiatal Recorder Sunlight for a Certificate of Imorovemrnu. for th via Steamer Vancouver and the to purpose of bb taints e a Cromn Dram nr STEEW & L0KGW1LL Canadian Pacific Railway earn oi ine aoove Claims. A.1D rtTtTHEH TAkE NOTICE that artltm Meals and Berth included on Steamer under section II mutt be cmuunuii SANITARY AND fore the Issue of socfa Certinciu or lm HEATINQ provementa. ENGINEERS All gnifrrs m- and rrrtmiiit-iiI It FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE IkCCNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of COAST. ItANOE I. Agents for SS. SOPHIA saUs from rrlnee Rupert May Ira, 14th. tith; June 4th, tlth and Ittn McCLARY FURNACES TAkE NOTICE that tbe Ofinl -Trunk SSrRiMCKSSi AUOS sella for Vaneuiter June find and July tin. faclflc Rallwar Comrnnv r uim.i... Manitoba, Intends to apply for permission PLUMSINa SS PRINCESS SUV sails for Vancouver May Ilk, 1 1 lb, 1IIU. aad tlb; and June tod. Its, I sib, slrd and Ifcn, Ctanmenclnr st a rxi f,i,ntrf .. northerly point of Lot IIT at or about SHEET METAL WORKS bit to wsier mara, thence northerly, easterly, aoulbertr and weiUirlv rui. .... Phone 6, 834 Second Avenue. W. C. ORCHARD, Osnsral Agent. alnitoaiiiva of the short line to point r h'JR-bt phones 570 Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prfnce Rupert. B.C. shure commencement,between hirb-water including and sU thai lew water fort and Ulue 270 Advertise In The Daily News vsiea ami 4th, till. The right work, at the right THE 0HAND TRUNK PAQFIC RAILWAY time, and at the right prloe. w Brant, ti. il, Hansard, aoUcllor The Paper that get Quick Re.ulU