rSaM e u rrs 1111' DAILY niiWB RAOQINQ THROUQH 1 THE SCRIPTURES INTESTINAL Wc nre wllllnK lo grant that it would be unjuil to quMtion tli PARALYSIS crlounes of Hilly' Hutiday a Intenlioni; but. bclrifr a bit old-fashioned, - JBffO we con f fa g Uial now Quickly and then he ahocka ua conaider-ably, "fniit-a-IIs" and never more than when BiedTliIs Chronic Troubto ho is telling lllble itorlM, at he doe In a volume Just Dubliahi. a omi Snrrr,th'r Momuu medicine According to tilt own theory ! 'if -r.rr. c . we need to be allocked for Hie, good of our souls . This explana- j "1,rfrom the com Hon. however, only serves to be. I iu wilder us, for we have not yrt j r.,r tve rwp uu J. J rtpaUon,Music,brought attached lo that slate of grace in i r which the language of the "bum' ' . ill seems more conductive to anirit- . .. .. .tin and rain In uallly than the simple and . rtisrsi quisile phrasing of the translation. m ' '.act d to try 'Fnilt-a-tiTPt "m. (i month I bate bees Ilflly" here re4efls. in that "''.... A ROSE.VMJHO. vernacular which hla admirers v t , x 6 r,:t f2 50,trial all 25c. eupheriiislieally term "pictures, i or sent potrld by que," the following stories from !, Ottawa. the Old Testament: Adam and Eve; Abraham and Isaac, Isaac, LAND REGISTRY ACT and Itebekah; Jacob and Hachel; Jt I. -i l 4 Joseph and l'etlphar's Wife; Barnsoa and Delilah. Itulh; David . .-.urn floe, till-L SMIt. I4 I TlU U, Pt,,eUo" 644 and Abigail; David and llatlu . wtuur rrtnt w iiin. or rnnw sheba; IUther, r" u Dr u fee under four The presentation of the story "V,, ittsjj, f U Collector or Ux " rf ensue Bopert, bearlnc date Um of our first parents begins thus: The world is about ready to ad. ' aifl llDd day of Mplrmler, mil that when Adam made goo-goo Tl a iu w BMOL'LAR that certain eyes at Eve be started ef land and premiere ilium, tries something Later he tells us that! 1. known sod de f vjb 1-anai 'f I as flaat tarnrn n In iili ' Ben periicslirly V "a BP av asSFS nvmaiu rv Ltjuuuinti end Sflccs III). her talcum powder off on a man's s taff" Quality IK tn-'rt II Lot Iwelee III). Block coat." Also, be assures us that MtiU l ind LaU Mrty-taree III 101717 TOUT HH ull-lDe When tve put up her sob talk. m n section nt-nt (i). mud f ii Adam fell for it," for "she was la in reaeirid to contest Um claim of the only mirror on the mantelpiece wtinia II 6.1 ma Ux at ki ponttur ri for him." Previous to the tbu doUm M tM imtc of (wbics n it iffMiM ir puMiuuoa in im creation of live, we aryj informed, m gpn tiilr wi. tod yoer it Adam "didn't help support the m h a Boa to Mctua ii or im anil hit iMrsOsviiif kriutrr lef titnrt vttB urrtrromt unendiDcaU, nod the Laxicab bay companies early." always IT'S THE QUALITY OF "STAFF" BEVERAGES In tbe Ielilah story be tells us fk (MrM ocuif nwa ixror um rrru how damson, "the first strong man to exhibit before large audiences." THAT RECOMMENDS IT TO PEOPLE WHO ta Mm lad thoM cUtminc was "dolled up with a Md or Bdr lira, oil pmm purple band around bis Panama," ARE APPRECIATIVE OF THE DISTINCTIVE tux ur bmnI la lb Uad by virtot etc. Samion goes lo his father tug nrrrvtxrod toiimmn tod oil and speaks as follows: "I've come mem cluusi ur tivtml U. um mm if tnna bc ll lit It not If ira to tell you I want to get spliced, FLAVOR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF THIS uU tk MMklMI ikf f hi S ftt KA tl lui governor, and it's up to you lo m mr Htocfcd and (kbtrrtd iron come acnjiss with the velvet and mi o i7 cUua i or la rtiptct of bells. She for wedding POPULAR BEVERAGE arrange ai kkl m tld far Ui, and Um HU- the original sweet dream and I im mm irfwirr mm fivipva rauuw WB is MRU lu Mk u ovarr of Um land want to cop her before tbe alarm ttU tct Uua. clock goes off and wakes her up." US -BUtlt arrUauwa baa taa Utile later Samson is engaged tj xrtflriu of Indff alM TlUc at ikaaatiocd laada, la Um mid in whistling. "Its a Long Way to (rnat W Hart, Tipperary." O WHtatil oa tovtaunuat Um fair These are samples. KfT tnal prior U Um Ilia daj "Dilly" tells us in his foreword -'-"S um eato oa vttK-a Um Mkaoi vr aotd for ovaduo lata), that "honest slang is belter man ra tk rtftitarvd aad aicd in-m hypocritical cant." That is read u iuM tlo, ily granted; but is slang tlie only JparKLng lm TUB KOnCK Oat at Um 3m 4 uvan Btf rrrutriUoa la alternative? Must one use slang of acta implies Uoa aa4 Uiao in order to avoid hypocrisy? How tKtcaii af ladtftaatoM TIU la Um aald about the Uible translators? m ki a b u4 oaaw prtMrcau or frana Um W. inn uImi We are told that "if Dill Shake NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended Into a drink of orrftr pro- ttuuiak yoar cUua. If any. speare says it, it's literature, if lOO o rare deliciousness and flavor; clear as crystal. tail kadi, or M prrtroi locn pro- Hilly Sunday says it. Us sacri iftwa sa mj part. legious" Nr. Sunday, we are sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full an I. u i- utu-d ilia rwttatrr day Om.or rctraarjr.rrtan afraid, is an unsafe logican. Also, bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected llll. we suspect at times that bis sense developed. ripe fruit. Try a glass of Appleslaf? today: order H. r MiCtXOD, of humor is nol fully DUtrtct hiHitrar mt TitkM We greatly admiip "Hilly" Sun- oo a case for the home. V Jarage, rrtneo imptrt. B. C. with his day'a sense of intimacy of Lota II and II, Block APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Maaiu, CdiaoaVM, AJU. m Creator and wilh Ihe characters 4 u4 avaer or Lot II. of the Hible; but we believe that JJl4 ,oW ,or up on 1 4 in day such intimacy should not be allowed fcprnjixr im. v BinntM. T to degenerate into lhat fa itMovm, .C a "w uu and II, Block II. miliarity which is said to breed Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence Calgary News-Tele contempt of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage gram. for young and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating Seeds! Seeds! 8alvatlon Army. to body and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come W haadM Public roeeltngs, Tuedy, at again 1" In popular priced bottles. Annie's, Ferry's and Steal Thursdays and Saturdays p. WfiBs Garden and Field u. Sundays at 7:30 p. uu LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. totda. fspUIUars) and Worm Dos-tysr. Ihe Daily News delivered by arrier. 50 cenls per month. Nl, Grain and Mill Food. Good old fashioned Bosk arew, smere Vast ana COAL NOTICES r'U's Poultry Regulator. sreamy than over; rich and stork of solor, foaming Cl"csn Feed a specially. . scoa la5d wiTiucr--rjsTiucT or with spirit and life, BoeksUff is the "Hit of the M 4mjRmjLAmW rfmtlf AtUMXad la. Town" wherever It has been introduced. It is the ti ir woTirjc that 1. Char lea E. Burren, pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, NRupi Feed Co. or I mco hupcrt. . C, miner, intend to apiH 'or cna jni with an after taste that makes you smack your lipa prtn .um over UM roUowlnr dMcrUMd r. o, a.i asa Unda on Um Wit Coast of Mortally Uland. with Joy. Cooinxnelni at a roil puataa ancui x BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE . mil. Koattwaittrlr 'rum s Boat localad on Um atrara of. a small Bay. opmina- .out - 4 t a(t of CatMM rail bclWMtt noraaoj a vjtmm-lilanda, about I mlUi norUMrly alonf UM pleased U announce that we have been naased distributors of "staff" Beveswges for Northern Morviby Iiland slda or canoo ran iruu We are Buck rolnlj UMnee m-Ui IS cnatoij UMoet Columbia, for the Hemrich's Staff Products Gompauy, of Seattle. NVe are supplying Cafes, refreshment i aa rluinai lbenc SOUUl IS CbalBS; Iiritish tuenccmanL tbeitcs wart SS cbalu to point of com- places, hotels, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned if CHIIILXS t a"0CSS. ippUcasL will that order is promptly filled. 't la. Applsstaff, Lifestaff or Bockstaff; we se your k j in, la.1s Located oul)er IU. HIT. youfsan'tiget IkttNA UD WSTIUCT WITWCT OF a.. M aar. TALC norm Ual L Mans t Chrti0' sro, or l-rlneo Rupert. B. t. prolor. iiiub tit nni fur a Iuchm IS proapac Limited rM F. G. DAWSON, rtHsr Information Tor coal and puroleum.t or Um toUowlni r-Ai.1 nf Apply mm to daacrUied land oa t a.i .. r.j.Nnlnt at a MSI W' planted sbuul i of S mlM soutneaitarty Distributers WILLI8CR0FT rrurn s pott located on we PVInp- b ... ,i. cut of Caitue rm License Na 142 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phose 77 and 72 "upert, b. O, leen Moreiby and CbaaU Ulauua. alxml I miles norUMrly Hons um oiwj UU, of canoe I'aia rrurn Buck I'olult Utence aurta S rbaUMt Umbco west IS cainl T7rti lUtuce bouU) II cbaiusi Umdcs eut -iyt to point of commencement. ihe Daily HANS K. aiWSTlNIM. IPPUcant. News Located noTember tin. HIT.