Motiday, July 4, 21932 NEWS ITEMS H. N. Campbell of Hazelton was a week-end Visitor to town. LOCAL i + mine apes The cheapest fuél in town, bij: load slab wood $3.25, -Albert & McCaffery Ltd., Phones 116 afc 8, J. Jabour returned to the city. 117. th) on ‘the ‘Prince Robert on Saturday from.a business trip to Vancouver. —-- W. H. Carter of Premier was : passenger aboard the Catala last. E. M. Letnes of Port Essington evening returning north after a| Tuesday Special TERRACE STRAWBERRIES Arriving Daily Munro Bros. meneame oa acme Miss Mary Dowther sailed Satur- day evening on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. was a Wé#k-erld visitor to the ‘city, visit to Vancouver. H. €. Tuck of Port Simpson was| being registered at the Savoy Ho- | is b weeend wikitor to sin: havitig | tel Frank Morris sailed Saturday ev-j arrived in the city from the neigh- | ning on the Prince Rupert for a The city police have an inquiry. brief trip to Vancouver, saccom- for Mrs. Florénee’ Lenora William: panied by his daughter, ‘Miss Me- whose relatives are seeking infor- gan Morris mation as tO her whereabouts. } | 4 Miss Elizabeth Sturgeon sailed | Alex Murray and Malcolm Mce-' last Friday night on the Princess Ledd arrived in the city on the Adelaice for Campbell River. She Prince Robert on Saturday from! will spend the summer vacation on Vancouver, being here to take Over| Vancouver Island. their duties at the local dry Gock |! 1 connéction with the loading of he steamer Fresno City J. B. Miller, well known dry goods aad shoe merchant. re | : ‘turned to the city on the Princ: boring village by gasboat. Peter Carrigan of Hazelton ar-! rivec in the city from the interior| at the ‘end of the week and is a) guest at the Savoy Hotel. Schoo] Inspector T. W. Hall and Mrs. Hall sailed last Friday night on the Cardena to spend the sum- mer vacation in Vancouver and loca | Victoria. Miss Edna Gillies, daughter of Having made a speedy and effec- Robert Satu'day from a brief bus-|Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Gillies, left on récovery from a Serious at-' ines ack of pneumonia, Ralph Smith i was able to leave the Prince Ru It was not until pert General ‘Hospital at the end/day night last if the week for home. He will have | Cardena, Capt take it easy for a while nowever, trip tt Vancouver 10:55 on Fri- that the steamer Sart pvi yet,;arivived in The vessel sailed at night on her return south, William J. Crawford, chief grain weal nspector for the federal govern- ment at Vancouver, arrived in the ty on the Prince Robert on Sa from the santh Miss Margaret McLean arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon’s train from her school-teaching du- : } Ernest Georgeson, | turday from the south, being one ties at Hazelton to spend the sum- f the officials who jis here in con- mer vacation with her parents, Mr tion with the loading of the'and Mrs. H. A. Mcbean, Green eamer Fresno City at the local gteet evator T. D. Pattullo, M.L:A. for Prince Rupert and Leader of the Opposi- tion in the Legislature, is sailing this afternoon by the ss. Prince Gusrge on his return to Victoria ifter paying a brief visit to his constituents here on Family MEAT Market Tuesday amd Wednesday i ; : Specials Miss Jean Burns of New Hazel- ton arrived in the city from the passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound for Stewart Where she will pay a visit with her son, Rod Brown, who is the staff of the Bank of Montrea! at Stewart. Mrs. Falding expects to spend the summer at Stewart. 4 Ibs. Corn Beef & finterior on Saturday afterndon’ 4 -e . o: - . nical 50¢ train and sailed that evening! LadDDe “ 8 on the steamer Prince Ruper peerage Beet $1.00 that evening on the Prince Ruper & 5 Ibs. New Spuds for Vanéouver and Victoria where 4 Prime Rib Rolled S4be: $1.00 she will spend the summer vaca- ast ‘5 Ibs. New Spuds Mi an nm $1.00 | =~ CNR, steamer Prince George, 50c Capt. Neil McLean, retiirnéd to port at 8:15 this morning from 50c Skagway and other~Alaska points and will sail at 4 o'clock this af- i T-Bone Roast & ibs. New Sptids i Stew Veal & / bunches Carrots 4 lb. Stew Lamb & bunches Turnips ulder Pork 50c¢ ternoon for Ocean Falls, Powe}! + ibs River and Vaneenyer. The vessel I Chops im 38 passengers, seven of S pg 50c 25¢ disembarked here. der Reast.of Veal * iD esh Killed Fowl er Ib Miss Jessie Moffatt, teacher of Westview School, sailed Saturaay ifternoon on the Princess Louise Bacon & 30 for Vancouver enroute to her lb. Liver C jrome at Summerland where she will spend the summer vacation 957 — Phone — 957 She was accompanied by Miss Pol-; ema Cameron of this city who will visit with her in the Okan- eee ee ee ee BPAY a hems eee deena dil bi 4 Every Mouseholder in Prince Rupert Will Receive This Week a Card, Which, When Presented ‘to Your Grocer Entities You to— Purchase a Tin of ins Best Coffee 10 CENTS We want you to taste the goodness of this popular B. C. Product. Should you fail to receive your rebate ecard please phone 72 or 73. The W. H. MALKIN CO. LTD. Less a Rebate of— Not good after July 15th UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prinve Muyert for Vancouver P88, CATALA BVPRY TUESDAY, 1:50 PM. Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thureday a.m, DS. CADENA. EVERY FRIDAY. MIDNIGHT, a tember of) Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx, Weekly kattings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas Bites, etc River points, Sunday, 8 p.m ? Y Further, information ‘regarding &ll satlings and tickets at — < AOE IN Camapa VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY; Second A venue. Phone 568, | p£t-80 - - Saturday atternoon’s train for Mc- Brice where she will spend the | summer vacation. Peter” Black, jr., arrived in the lcity on Saturday afternoon’s train| 12:15 mid-|from McGill University at Mont-| (real and will spend the jvacation here with his | Mrs. Peter Black. H. W. Butler, Government Tele- graphs operator at Aiyanshk, after a two-weeks’ visit to the city, sail- ed on the Catala last night for Mill Bay whence he will return’ to his |post up the Naas River summer mother, | L. H. Little of the Canadian Air- |ways Limited, who has been sta- |tioned at Carcross in the service jof that concern, arrived in the city \from the north on the ss. Prince | George this morning and proceea- }ed on this afternoon's train to Ed- Mrs. Palding ot Vancouver was a}monton. Mrs. Little also came | south and ts proceeding through ‘to Vancouver Making her first voyage of the season on the Alaska route. C.P.R. | steamer Princess Alice, Capt. Wil- |} liam Palmer, arrived in port at 17:45 this morning from Vancou- ver and sailed at 10:30 am. for Skagway and other Alaska points The vessel, which will return here Saturday afternoon southbound had eighty passengers on board. MILLIONS HELPED TO HEALTH BY ALL-BRAN Has “Bulk” and Vitamin B for Constipation; Also Iron for Blood In ten years, Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN has gained an increasing number of friends. Today, it is used by millions with satisfactory results. New tests show added reasons for the success of At1-Bran. Labora- tory experiments prove it has “bulk” to exercise the intestines, and Vita- min B to help tone the intestinal tract. Another benefit of Ati-Bran is that it has twice as much bleod- building iron as an equal amount by weight of beef liver. The headaches, loss of appetite and energy that so often result from constipation can be overcame. by this pleasant cereal. How much bet- ter than using habit-forming pills and drugs. Aut-Braw action is gentle, Its “bulk” is much like that of lettuce. Within the body, it absorbs mois- ture and forms a soft mass. Gently it clears the intestines of wastes. Two tablespoonfuls daily are sufficient to overcome most types of constipation. If your intestinal trouble is not relieved this way, see your doctor. Serve as a cereal, or use in cook- ing. Tempting recipes on the red. d-green age. Sold by all, — Made by feilees in beltion, Ontario. a A EAING Cutan entholatum I peefe relief for, Sunburn, Insect i 4 ion fishermen ;arrived from the Skeena River on | day afternoon’s train for a holi-| Pete Cravetto left on Satiutday afternoon’s train for a business trip to up-river points. } The Canadian National Recrea- {tion Association has given up peog eer CET For rent, for sale ‘and ail éther small advertisements ‘fn this Séétivn a word pér insertion with six inséftions for the priée‘of four, By the | } i A. C. Morse left on Saturday af- ; ee varnoon’s train for Port Essington —oooeeeoeeeoeoelTETlTleleeee eee ') attend a mass meeting of sal- ; 4 . ' FOR'SALE in , we —_—— ———————— | LOST-Small damieo “brddch, ‘He- NEW Vindex Sewing Machine ‘for | sale. Phone Green ‘B56. 6) dore. Firlter pléase return to FOR Bile ‘ddio ‘Marconi 6-ttthe,| Daily News Office. Reward. 155 perféct ‘conditidén, $14. Phdne neem neta a seamen CaCO i i dia! EXCHANGE SPECIAL—Goodyear Tites at lower) ——____ prices than any mail order house. Kaien Motors Ltd, Phone 52. D., Critchley of Inverness is pay- ing a brief visit to the city, having; last night’s train. Capt. L. Shepara of the Domin- ion Fisheries service sailed Satur- day evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver on officia) business. Small home. Part cash. Phone Green 505.00 tf FOR SALE pair of adjustable shifting hangers. Also galvan- ized iron tank Apply Daily News. Mrs, A. E. Perry of Port Essing- ton arrivéd in the city from the Skeena River on Saturday after- noon’s train and sailed last night on the Catala for Port Simpson. | | ’ | HELP WANTED meee FOR RENT M i Mrs. G. A. MeMill a tor, etc. Full details free from the Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McMillan an -— MCC. Witihiper, family saiied Saturday evening on| FOR RENT had ce the Prince Rupert for Vancouver | 260 9ih Ave. East. Mrs, McMillan and family wil spend a holiday im the south. - Six-roomed House— 264 fOR RENT— Modern flat, Rand | RF SRG ‘iat Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. uf PRIVATE Kiridergartens pay. Ad- H. Skattebol, dispatcher here for} FOR RENT—Five-room furnished Vice given free by the Canadian the Canadian National Railways,} house. Harbor view. Fourth Av-|,, Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. and Mrs, Skattebol left on Satur-| enue East. T. McClymont. a : PAINTE day trip to Edmonton and Winni-|"OR RENT— Clean well furnished RS peg modern 2-room. suite. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN- iAvertisement taken fir léss than 5c. tween Fifth Avenue and Commo-| LOT FIFTH ‘AVENUE ‘lear 'Tatlow none Red 918 PERSONAL A. O. MORSE, Did this 154 Delegate. ever happen { toyou? - yaa ‘charged at the rate of 2 cents ‘thie Chitge is 25c' a w =A eae ay Noe MSR TMEE 200 + PAPERHANGING ‘Paperhinging, Kalsomining and Painting At prides that will 'sitit you C. Rouse __ DAIRIES ~\For FRESH LOCAL MILK tf} LOOK AHEAD--Get into the Civil! Service as Postman, Clerk, Cus- | toms Examiner, immig Inspec- | Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 = PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK ‘Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms en | ae ee | VALENTIN DAIRY REMO STRAWBERRIES GOV Sens Sew OR ACT Phone Red 802 (evenings) to Phone 657 Ls | | MONO fabher ef Beer Lleeuce | J. P. MOLLER Are now on the market. Sec- | Notice is hereby given that, on the — for — CHIROPRACTIC ond to none. Ask your dealer [|| 11th day of July next, the undersigned slender tae tieihleneed enact ma for them. D. J. Hartley, Anyox school prin- cipal, and family were pussengers aboard the Prince Rupert Satur- day evening going through to Van-/| couver where they will spend the summer vacation. Mrs Essehmont of Vancouver was} ® passenger aboard the Catala last | evening bounc for. Stewart where | she will visit with two sons who} are in the employ of the Crawford Transportation Cox | ; Miss Annie Service, daughter of | Sergeant W. J. Service, chief of| the city detachment of the pro- vincial police, left on Saturday ait ternoon’s train to spend the sun mer vacation visiting with frien it Smithers and Prince George. } i | } | Miss S. E. Johnson, school teach- | er from Dawson, is a passenger on | board the Prince George today| bound for Vancouver where she | will spend the summer vacation. It} 'is Miss Johnson's first trip south jin three years. Capt, W. P. Armour, local mana-| }ger of the Pacific Salvage Co., and Mrs. Armour and daughter, June, are expected back in the city to-) day aboard the company boat Sal- vage Princess from Seattle where they attended the recent Rotary | GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 126 intends to apply to the Liquor Contre! Board for consent to transfer of Bee Licence Number 2063 and issued in re- ypeéect of premises being part of a bullc- ng known as the Roya] Hotel, situate at 701 Third Avenue West, Prince Ru- pert, B.C., upon the lands deseribed a: Lots Nos, 11 und 12, Block 32, Sectio: Kalsomining, Painting : 7 W. C. Aspinall & Paperhanging } | Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES 1, Map No. 923, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province 6 British Columbia, from Diamantre Zar elli' to Northern Hotel Company Limited of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the transferee DATED at Prince Rupert, this 7th da) of June, A.D. 1932 NORTHERN HOTEL LIMITED Patmore & Fulton. Solicitors COMPANY, Per: The AUCTIONEER Packing -- Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me sii List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's teading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 Intcrnational convention. Mrs. W. W. Noonan and daugh- ter of Telkwa arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train from} the interior to pay a visit with} Mrs. Noontn’s mother, Mrs. F. W.! Bohier of Terrace, who is a patient in the Pririce Rupert General Hos- pital. | —# Miss McKay of the teaching staff lof Coqualeetza Tnstitate was a pas- I | | Senger aboard the Catala last ev- 9 \ jening bound for Arrandale, having ‘in her charge a party of native) children from various Naas River} points who will their homes} for the summer vacation. | UNEMPLOYED CONFERENCE OF) LABOR UNIONS OF PRINCE} | | RUPERT | jninlals A call for delegates of all Labor ;Unions for the city regardless of \affiliations for a conference on | Tuesday, July 5 at 730 p.m. at the) Longshoremen’s Hall is hereby sent} through the initiative of the Nor-! thern B, C, Fishermen's Associa: | tion, } PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Green 241 and 549 Open Evenings 6 Excnange Bik. Send Your Watch, Clock, TRANSFERS Jewellery and Optical | CAMERON'S Transfer, Phoné 177: Repairs to | Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for 7 rent. Beer bottles bought. A. E. IRELAND in WATCHMAKERS 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.c. | SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for | Sale at reasonable pricés. Phone fhirty Years Practical Experience | Green 699 or Blue 903. Assures Absolute Satisfaction : — AE ES a rN 8 me am eR OUR NEW LOW PRICES SUMMER RESORTS WILL SURPRISE YOU When Coming to : TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AMEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic | Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates SWAIN’S TRANSFER Inexpensive Satisfying .. | Ask for cM. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C, FOR RENT | James Hutchison of the teaching x . ‘oh? staff of Booth Memorial School, i urnished Cabins on the | sailed Saturday night on the Pririce Lakelse Lake Shore ;Rupert for his home at Chilliwack Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge | where he will spend the summer va- Apply — V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. Prices Reduced —at — “THE DUNES” Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands In keeping with the spirit ‘of the times, the rates for simmer boarders at “The Dunes,” Tlell. have been redticed to $1.50 a day. cation Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Eagles’ Picnic, Grassy Bay, July 10. 4 Canadian Legion Picnic, Digby Island, July 17. G. W. Dunn, who is in charge of the Consolidated Mining & Smelt- ing Co.'s assay office here, return- éd to the city on the Princees, Alice} this morning after a ten-day trip to Vancouver. The ideal summer resort. A home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. Miles of sandy Beach, huge sand dunes, all the pleasures of the . farm With fresh milk and plenty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables and Home cooked meals. Trout ‘and salmon fishing in Tlell River. Wr NEW SPECTAL RATES make ft possible for anyone to pay a visit, Here is cost per person: Board and room for 10 days ini ee Return steamship fare ............. ala’ Be Care Hive GO ANd TOM BORG once cc cesccsecanseteens 2 Petal £0 TR Re cdiihecdcociin: i $35 Children, halt price. No extras. Prince John Teaves Prince Rupert July 8, 22, Aug. 5, 19. Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut