The Da ily news 1 NO. 109. I,mNCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1918. PRICE FIVK CENT END in N METEEM YEARS MUST REGISTER LOCAL ATTACKS ON WESTERN FRONT - ALLIED LINE RESTORED AT LACLYTTE - i M OF NINETEEN EXPECTS GOOD SEASON MUST REGISTER IN SALMON FISHING GERMANS WASTED THEIR FIGHTING CONFINED THREATEN NEUTRALS TO LOCAL ATTACKS WITH GERMAN KULTUR STRENGTH TO NO PURPOSE Wait, May - -A proclama. Arriving in the harbor last bsi been is.ued here today night on board the Methodiat mis. Mnaon, May iu, ine an London, May 10, With the lb effect that all men of the sion boat Thomas Crosby." which London. May 9. A representa- sions. besides the nin divi.inn. nouncement is made by Field view, evidently, of Impressing the Htvl BJnclfcn inuit register for the Dominion Fisheries Bepart- tive of General RadclIfTe. Director'already there. I Marshal Halg that both the Urit-, few remaining neutral countries e jrr acnire before tlie first ment have chartered for the of Mliilary Operations at the War Reducing Dlvlalona. ish and French Dositions. of still capable of joining in with the cf Js:n Tbey will not be summer, season, Mr. J. T. C. Wil- Office, today summed up the mili- The effect of the operations in which the enemy had penetrated Allies in the fight against the the north will be to reduce the front had been Central materially line, re-established Empires, German agents color? before July. liams the ti..f4 to returned to Prince Rupert, tary situation on the western the number of fresh divisions at the close of the fighting are flooding these countries with Tkii tppwet to unmarried men, Mr. Williams has been seriously front as follows: the Germans have available- in the propaganda showing the ruthless vsdmT"3 with no children. ill for some months at his homo In lD north, while the Ger. "As to the future the Germans Laclyte-Voormezele Sector. effect of "frightfulness" as per Tttry will register at the local In the aouth, and it was even with mn "' ) Iheir main objec-, have large number of divisions Artillery Active. petrated in Deigium, Northern r? other place In the iQxiteiUQ ttlvcl&tiCQ Ihil ttit ' 'bT made their right flank'recovering which can be used Paris, May 10, The War Office France and Serbia. These dis riu awcr. and in due course him to come 0rS i?"5 by lhe C"pture of Kernel, shortly. It i. difficult to make an here last night made the announcement ciples of Kultur are most active l.. Tier .heir summons to re Mr. wmi.m. ,.. i we must regard the operations'exact comnarison of the slaying that the batteries of in Hpain, where In every town and tot htn the time comes by reg. making " 1 '7 l,."llT7 Row"s 01 .lDe l arm,M- bul Village the fullest narlirnlAm nf an inspection of his dis- artillery on both sides are show- " - Che nirrtd ma., similar; to man. trict , .. -. ana they used up five the facts shown are in our favor I. . ... . Ithe suffering nf lh Inhahiiani... mbich the previous claaaea on the way up from Vancou- r ai , I.... imK Signs OI extreme aelfvitr nnl ... . . . atria .... .a- u il.. general re-in me enemy continues his orien. . ioi tne invaded areas are d clnxl Iim been called. point.TtWrd. . ood seaTu T b",de' ,eVen or e,ht In the north he must impalrthe Ual MonUdidier front- "Frightfulness" a. the result of year for the fishermen Prevlou1' employed. his chances of success in the Also nearj the Albtmie-Bougin- the application of German Kultur UMAN3 LOSE HOPE While the aockere are not so' "T!" ru,u of lhe pal wk south, court sector the enemy, following to these regions, is shown in all OF SUPREMACY IN 1 ""'"toT-1 main aim is to horrible nakedness and in No 2 the ?" W..0le separate upon an extremely these AERIAL. WARFARE S.h. the cc-hoT.; hump, ana Jog Vlhr.AnF"nch Mml" ? lhe bardment of the allied position,, " K1"! to.the in- I iilmnn mrm .(in trA .. pt " uiiiu iuuiu,sna ii me enemy continues uaouanis oi neuirai countries in lUant, May 0. A 8w,V,.de': Th lW lhn lt" ',,lei' Wl,houl 'W' ,lh' MmP'' north without 'a"ncrfned a "lr0n?, ,OCaI anUack; order that they may be impressed Nick u the Agenti 1. tt.u In all he used on the'important results be is using up f"0 f1"0'" n Dre4'w"h the full possibilities of their wtfjt bat in German mlllUry.J'Um."Hp this north front tnlrtT.flvg freth dwu hu force tp pQ , lhe troop, proved countries Joining in the war t hr nn tnnffar remains "a,on: " flow of ler 1 ; imuch for the attackers at Bougin- .rainst the Contrkl mpirys. uj kope of obUIning aupremacy jrro.fn1 lb.e mountains brings down LEQAL TCTBURAL SAYS C. N. It BUILT wui,l Their llack was oken... .1' Eery possible effort." "" iouus toe xo INVESTIGATE LINE ON SUBSIDIES up ueiore- reacning tne allied HUN OFFICIALS FEAST afef cade to Increase the ouUt"a;1Imak,n flh,n.f "f!er- Mr' YUKOR ELECTION AND LAND GRANTS lines, and many casualties wenai WHILE MASSES STARVE 'se-anes and piloU, butlWJ,nam tsU lhal lnV . left on the ground. At Albernie,) Gtrwny losses In tlie air are ?e f rea!" numbr of Palro1 otUwa May 9 A legal tribu Toronto. May 8. Mackenzie the enemy, after suffering very I tm.i.rri.m m o Th. t.i ml.rm ibo' d"r ttiia summer, for nal , . right of rr. and Mann were presented in .nwsl osses. were-tnaniea to oc-,shevikI ambassador to Berlin, M. 5r A.Td?fflcuTl, 1., IhrproleeUoBof lh.B.hfndlhe new light lo the Canadian people,tv? one hundred and fifty yards (j0ft, has been installed in the ajer-ed in providing an a4e-!fl,bery r'ons will be very Alfred Thompson or Mr. Fred today, when Pierce Butler, their ot lne a,,ies dvnced trenches. oJd Russian quarters on Unter ul supply of efficient pilots lrlct,Jr enforced. This means Congdon to represent the Yukon Minnesota lawyer, pictured them den Linden. irauwuiic i c virr ui i; this branch of their" In paijlament. After a long-jft- a, bavins been Induced bv sub- HAULED THROUGH man capital is scandalized oven tiiUry seniee being the least "'"V" "JJ"" ting of the committee this morn- sidies and land grants to build CHINA IN A CAGE (the goings on at'm house-warming FT 1 a.( Aiier me aiaa. . in cnii u iin -ni u hnn their transcontinental system. party held here, and which tasted eiieace. of the pa.l few. v.. ... Sir William Meredith, chair- A Pacific PorL May 9 After until three o'clock in the morn- W nH r ik. niii 'aning everytning into con- . .""im-, man or tne Canadian Aorlhern eing capturea dj nmese nan- ing. An opulent banquet, said to H'-'i sppearance of large num. s(deration, from his first visit Liberal member for Cape Breton, railway board, bad suggested an dits, robbed of a fortune and have cost forty marks a head, ex- Kt cf Ameriran fighting aero- over the district this season, Mr. moved that a report be prepared hypothelical case of a road whose hauled through the interior of elusive of beverages, was served. Mui in the very near future, Williams confidently expects to for submission to the supreme central lines were profitable, but China In a cage In which he was On the wine list figured cham-which iWur::"! iteneral SUIT realize see that the fishermen in District court of Canada or to any two had overloaded itself by exhibited to the natives like a paign, hock, claret and vodka, all tUiUe:r a:r forces are likely to Ho. 2 will have a prosperous judges of the OnUrio supreme the construction of extensions vi,d animal and from which be of which flowed in streams. W so:pijr outclassed very time. court- which were not profitable- finally escaped by bribing a guard,! Among the guests were numer- ten uey also realiie that n making the motion, he said E. J- Purcell. an American rail-our Independent Socialists, whose ia fct wjji prove a very serious MOW TO STILL FANGS that this was purely a legal ques- HEBREW COLONIES way engineer, has arrived at this leader, lien; Haase, in fervent c.i a ').a handicap to the OF PREMATURA HUNOER tion which the committee, as a IN PALESTINE HAVE port en route from the Orient to terms toasted "The Red Interna-GREAT ixu3 arnues in the operations E artisan body, should not be ask-d PROSPERITY 'ew York . Ue was accompanied tional," to which Ambassador us coming summer. to decide. The vote was then by his wife and three children who Joffe replied "suitably. It is as- (hunger without at the same time taken and Mr. McKenile'a motion Montreal, May 9 Communica-.were in Pekin during the lime serted that the entire cost of the KICIAN NEWSPAPER 'suffering from headache or other was adopted on a division of 13 tions have come to the Zionist Purcell was held prisoner by the feast was covered by the Imperial STILL RIDICULES HUMS i indisposition is very difficult for to 12. Hureau for Canada from repre- bandits. i German treasury, which excited - j most people," reads the opening The vote was on party lines senlatives in Palestine which givej - angry comment among the popi fwis. May 9 -The German ad- aentence of a significant adver- with the exception that James a grannie account or conditions austtyi aits commit ulace. -"si, s in Belgium haveHisenienl inserted in Sunday's Douglas, Unionist member for existing in the Jewish colonies! GREAT BARBARITIES KSerrd another bitter diaapJTaeglisrhe Rundschau of Berlin Slratheona, and Mr. Read, Union- since the British occupation. IN OCCUPIED ITALY The Rev. Father Rivet went I.'.im.&i . . i Km T1 tin V. ryn I..t W ..,n n.l I. I.I .i.t.a f,.m ..II..L'.n.i.. vnl.A to the southern ot r-i.i 1:1 laeir euoris to riu u ' '--- "iriiii ,UI The Jaffa refugees availed, across part Utauehes of the secret Belgian in a newly.luvented drug which, with the Liberals, themselves of the earliest ODDor- Italian Headauarters. May 8. Graham Island today by the "Al- 'psp-r La Libre Belgique, ,"though not forming a substitute Earlier, by a Vole of 9 to 7 the lunilv of returning to their homes Terroi? reitrns throuchout the bent." On his return here, it is - l ban siung, ridiculed and)for lhe minimum daily suste- committee declined to permit i and the Jewish population of the Italian territories occupied by the understood that Father Rivet will 4M at ibem ever slnca thev nance, is an excellent preparation consideration of irregularities city soon showed a marked in-'Austrian., according to unani-i proceed to the Yukon, where he waned the territory of the brave 'or tiHInr premature hunger and claimed by Mr, Congdon to have crease, especially after the cap- mous reports made liy the few.w-ill be stationed permanently. i&gdcin. u-natlc one lo noiu out umu toe occurred auring tne contest. ture of Petah Tikwah. civilians and soldiers who have ita every evident nf nlr. next meal lime. Social life in Jaffa is now re- succeeded in making their es- The tug Dola, which brought s the Uermans announced re- TRENCH BUILD SHIPS suming a more or less normal cape- Barbarities committed by up a hulk last week to load lum. ("!' they bad arrested WILL RECRUIT JEWISH I BEHIND FIRING LINE course, and the Communal Board, the invaders are so ghastly that ber, was passed by the "Albert" ttfM DelKian nrlr.l. Mmrlln 1 MfilslENT FOR PALESTINE under the dilution of Mr. Bezalei ;they aija impossible ot descrip-'l"t night. The Dbia, with the and Belee, and three civil- 1 Iria. Mr The latest Jaffa (who is also manager of the tion. hulk in tow, laden with lumber. tnd that th had tw.Mn.t ih! Mnnir...! M 0 Cantain Paul freighter in the French mercan- Palestine office of the Zionist or- At Feltre, some of these refu-Vas making for the south. - , , taa editor.. nubll.her. i iKUi.. who went overseas w th tne Hie service was isuncneu i i i i-uu ganlzation is hard at work re-'gees report, a wife was torn from ad distributors of the' 148th Battalion and has for some kirk yesterday, and now is safe i in organizing public affairs which her husband by Austrian soldiers,! There was another launch in Jfet paper. One of the priests,Itlme past been in the United a French port, remote(from the were so violently interrupted who tied the man to a tree and(Cow Bay last night, when the boat wa sentenced to death. Btatea on special service, has ar- fighting zone. It is 50 feel long about ten months ago. half killed him with their rifle newly built. In which Mr. George Wording to Information received(rived in Montreal to undertake and is of 19.000 tons displace-,t In the colonies plantation work'butts. Girls were subjected to Bryant and Mr. J. Myhill Jones -; Government. The apeclal service here In the recruit- ment. and sowing are carried on ener- the most awful outrages. At Vir- are together Interested, took the r....i . (," . . iK- i.ui.k Tim Germans, aware of the lo- getlcally. The arrival of the Brit- torio the Austrjans not only re-water gracefully. The boat is a "mting many year. (Battalions now being recruited in cation of the shipyard, tried lnj8h tr0ops created an increased m0Ved the bells from the church ctdit to her builders. Judging 'i morning, a brand new cony the United States and Canada ror every way iu uunjnt uruitnu iur on .u ui im, ..u towers, dui even wio uoors irom "ff1"'"" " "V "Unaewspaper was in it. u.iiaV.ervlee with the British Kxpedi. work and destroy the yard and considerably enhanced prices are the churches, while they trans- champagne was used In the chrfs-H m letter box of I'tmnaTv ship. On the night preceding the now obtained for produce, par- formed the latter Into stables. In tening ceremony, on account of .Uenhausen (SSI ' UiJd thit hi had Seen l launching the German, tried lo ticularly almonds, wine and every village which the military the Prohibition Act. lleC he hlpyard wilh oney. So well ha. the produc-carU ,,. the Austrian troop. -5- " Dubiir.,"' ,a.nd "ra.'lU..rl'. "J"Lt oolhas. but were beaten off. The;Uon and distribution of foodstuffs'ha by lhe Germans and Turks. Mr. and Mrs. Naah. otasset." h.l- . "v.i iiua auurarFU ir..dsii iuw usjb. -."rt... '. . , h.i.ii. . ...... . . . 1 - i.. - .. . . .. i. . iL.f. m.. j ii. - " - r. n .1 ii 1 1 1 1 1. i riu, h..n...... npin mi iiv Liin ipaurrH ii !t.-i- r n. in i-i niinu a m I r , nil inpir ihiiiiiv.. iti-i irii mnu ."any since. The m-nl- f WOU1U eilrinr men - t unji. ovpua - Father death sen. ?.hCruilin all over along the course which they lhe Jewish Community t h a tae,. pillows, sheets and fur-'last night from the Island They, J-t up Denl. was com. Include Iravol ,.. r.rfllrlnf.... tm1. ...I U.V. I.rt fn,....,v.r. nn Ih.lp ua life anew in ircit uutnuiiip ..... ...r. H v miuro j i cr; uuii ui iuiuq whkh bv ..vv.r. v.. - imprisonment. Canada. 81s. .aid that but the mine. "Pj non-existent. lean be removed. way to Sandon, where Br. and While here Capt. Mrs. Nash will henceforth take bine The Ministry up; next day. ' collaboration Uarvcy work In a Hall he would tonight. UL aft .oeclal commit- rine consider t a great feat o Mr. C. C. Perry sailed last night their residence. te fiviuan h a t n(p for the south, where he will at. WIR TROUBLE Boys' school bloomer panl.v- tend the Methodist Conference. WESTHOLMFf arrangements tual lighting front. On account of a break, Mr. Perry when there, will dis. Wallace's. ' aa the necessary down to the telegraph wlrya the possibilities of enfran-'hlsing msa I..I,QHT ONLY had been made here ho would pro- somewhere up river this " av Tn, .Imllar Last night a nun the Indiana. ceed to Toronto to lake up forendon, our usual press also co-operailon turn U . have been work there, n, dispatches unable Boy.' tweed suit.; 4 to IS yrs. with the Jewish civilian r, .. Heir Geo. to get through today tOMuno anitsi lee. '..-.....i i inmA McLaren. l. in time for publication. -Wallace's. The We are, therefore, compelled For New Welllntton Coal and Blgn the Launch Petition. Sluart and uarry lan-.f"much ap. to go to pres. with, Ir Lumber of all dimensions. . , iwi what I irti speckled ueauue. FOR QUALITY nut our usual telegraph rhon US. or TMC Ladyemlth Wellington Coal re-ducea prectated today. news from the front. and SATISFACTION' oON TV your fuel bill and gives Ladies' Voile, Uk dre.a .klrt., Boys' summer sweaters and SKRVICK WF.KK FOR HHLP, " rkHaift satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. Wallace's. leIMWallM'a. Coal Co.