MMMMMI "THE SPELL OF THE YUKON" The Daily News AT IVESTHOLWE TONIQHT MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Itcberl W. Service in his "Songs For ths EasL . Published Dally an J W.oklf of a Sourdough" hs possibly Mondays, Wednesdays and Sal Guaranteed Largest Circulation been responsible for orjlraying urdays at 9:30 a. m. the life of the great Vorthlrtml. HEAD OFFICE: where'the gold is, and the snows From the EasL Daily Now Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 08. and blixxards and the strong men, Sundays, Tuesdays and l'liurs- TRANSIENr DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cent per inch. in the manner by which the reader days at S.30 p.m. Kccp foRlGLEVS In can vlsualiie to himself most Contract Rates on application. plainly, that country. The play For Vancouver: mind as the longest- to be screened at the Weslholme Tuesdays & p. lasting confeel Ion DAILY EDITION. W Friday, Mar 10, 1918. Theatrt this evening Is based upon Wednesdays ........ can buy. Send It to Al? one of his poems, and In the Spell Thursdays 10 p.m of the Yukon, an opportunity will , "WAR SECRET" SPOILED ture, contains the following on bo afforded to the old timers here, From Vancouver Ninety-nine people out of the speech of one of the promoters who know what that country was. Sundays to p.m. every hundred have really be of the so-called Unionist within the last twenty years, to Wednesdays 10.30 am lieved that the Strait of Dover convention: exescise their critical faculties Saturdays p.m This is vivid drama of Alaskan a havo been closed since the first "Mr. Cruickshank delivered life which will recall the days of For Anyox: nip days of the war by steel nets, an attack on the Government the past to many of the people of Sunday ...... 10 p.m. making the passage of enemy clAirging it with extravagance Prince Rupert. It being a Metro Wednesdays to p.m submarines impossible. Sir Eric patronage and inattention to picture ensures five acts of ex Geddes has robbed them of one the returned soldier problem quisite photoplay, and no one will From Anyon: regret seeing this play, with Ed Tuesdays . a.m. to more illusion, and admiration He made reference a report mund Breese as the star. There Thursdays . p.m without of the Vancouver Board of which for the navy, will also be a two-reel Fox comery such help has ensured the Trade on the financial situation which is really all comedy. For Port Simpson and Naas River transport of many millions of ,in British Columbia, aud said points: men and many million pounds lire expenditure had shown an A Clergyman's Wife Sundays 10 p.m 6IIIU worth of material without loss, unreasonable jump from the Wants Women Know to From and Naas Port Simpson will be the greater. But it is days of the late Hon. Mr. Tat-low Advantages of Internal River Points: War Time Economy desolating to think back upon at the timo he was finance Tuesdays a.m. all the wonders that clustered, minister. The outlay here was Bathing In Sweetmeats so to speak, about that famous twice as much per nead of pop Queen Charlotte Islands: If women couU only see. Um thousands net, now shown like them to be ulation as in most other provinces or letters Dr. Tyrrell ba received from For Maasett, Port Clements and a vain imagining. London and four, times as great grateful women la all part or It world. Upper Island points: a 5 cent packase of WRIGLEV'S will thanktnr him for bia wonderful tot to Saturdays 8 a.m Daily News. as in some. The Government, Hon for Infernal Batatas, they woSd aooo and fiivc you several days' enjoyment: he said, had one fixed reply to diicard too meditlae bottle aod look to From Masset, I'orl Clements POLISHING, UP 8IR JOSEPH all to l be rsuse or their trouble, tl per rent Upper Island points: It's an Investment In benefit as well representations as re of all human ill are doe to accumulated Tuesdays a. m Mr. Edmond Bristol, M. P quiremenls of the districts, watte In the Cofcm or Larr Intestine. as Pleasure, for It helps teeth, breath, Warm water prrerlr sed with lb "J? has accepted the job of official which was that Mwe have a de B. L. Cascade.', wtu rcluri um cause or For Skltlfgate. Queen Charlotte appetite, digestion. polisher for Sir Joseph Fla pleled treasury and cannot un your troubk and perfect bealia wilt City and Lower Island points. velle. He assures parliament dertake the fallow . Wednesdays 6 simplest thing un A Winnipeg- rleriyman writes: CHEW IT AFTER EUERV MEAL that Sir Joseph is a much- From Skidegate, Uueen Cliarlolte less our revenue is increased." "Mr wife U natural! sensitive aboat maligned patriot, -rather in barlnr her name, appear la public print. City and Lower Island pointa Mr. Cruickshank is nothing ret la aniloua that otbera afaonld know clined to philanthropy where if not thorough in his denun anal the "1. B. L. Cascade baa done for Saturdays p. tn. The Flavour Lasts her. it hat reaDr ilen her a new leas the public interests are con SkFEflA LASO DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ciation, and he is also some of life. For rar efce had been dot tor cerned, and cites cases to show-that thing of a humorist, for be In- for Constipation, which became COAST. nA.tE t. Sealed tlchf Kept right the British worse every r ar. Since taslni the 'J. B. L. -erflli by lending government holds, the present administra Cascade. nrst about 4 year aro. aha ba TAKE .lOTH-E thai the Orand Trunk some expert advisers tion responsible for the flnan not been aick a dar. and hai become to- Partfle Railway Compar of Wlnalpetv kacc in buat and ttronr arain. S boa Id any person Manlua, Inteodi to apply for peraitssloa CANADA basis Sir on a commission cial policy of the province ever wish lit!i lettcV confirmed, joa are. at to keate the feHewinr described lands Joseph saved the British taxpayer Commenrinr at a post planted at the nx t since Captain Tallow resigned liberty to rle mr name la pritate." 1MB JS of Lot 17 about oortherty point at or The "J. B. L. Cascade" la ahown and at from a worse fate. So Just nine years ago- Every plained by Cyril II. Orme. Third Avenue. Win-water mark, thence northerly, easier siilllllllll SlSSilllRf far he does not seem to have body knows, of that the nine Rupert B.C. ly. soatherty and westerly, foll'iwlnf the course, stnaosltles of the shore line to t point ot The "J. B. L. Cascade" la an Intention. explained just how and how conditions described by him eummeiircnient, Includmr all that f""e perfected by br. Cbaa. A. Tyrrell of Mew sbnr between birb water and tow water much Sir Joseph helped to were created by the party he is York, and baa done more durinv the pail Dated April 41b. It IS. win-the-war and sustain the trying to help by supporting few disease,rears than to all restore ether bealta meant and combined.lessen THE ORAD TflL'-MC PAUH' RVIIWk Advertise In The Daily News COMPACT. H. IL Hansard, solicitor staying power of the Empire by an alleged Unionist candidate Ask for booklet eiplainlnt all about In ternal Bttbior and what It baa done for charging twenty-five cents per in opposition to the Minister. thrs." It I free. pound for salt water. The of Agriculture. elucidation of that particular Incidentally, is it not time MINERAL ACT phase of Sir Jobeph's self-sacrificing the word "Unionist" ceased to cutTiricATE or lantovuitNTS activities will naturally be used as a disguise for Bow-serism OTICK be awaited with some Columbia? In British Tat Fraction" and -Dally- Mineral interests Edmonton Bulletin. While it does not deceive anybody Claim, situate In the Portland Caaal Mining it may do harm to genuine Dlrlston oX Casslar District Where located: On the east tide of TOUGH ON HIS FRIENDS Unionism which has nothing to Cascade Creek. It miles from the bead of The dispatch from Chilli, do with provincial politics and fortUnd Canal WONT wack to the morning paper announcing which will die an early death TAKE NOTICE that I. I. rred Mlchle the nomination of II-J. if an attempt be made to inject rre Miner Certifies I .to. tITl-CI act or as a rent for Actinald tint JUll!, Free Barber as "Unionist" candidate it there under the discredited Miner CerUflcaM no. fliy-C, Intend, SHRINK against the Hon. E. D. auspices of Bowserlsm. Victoria sltty day from the daw hereof, to apply Barrow, Minister of Agricul Times. to the Mininr Recorder for Ceruncat of WOOLLENS Iiiiprotemenia, for the purpose of obUlolos Crown a ran I of the above claim. And further uk notice that action, co der scttlon II, must be commenced before ' the Issuance of seen CerUflrale of Improve 3 S. S. PRINCE RUPERT ments. Dated this 14th day of December A. D. 117. sailing MINERAL ACT Wednesday 9.00 sun.for Swanson Bay and CCRTiriCATK OF IMPftOVISSCNTS Vancouver. arriCK S.S. PRINCE GEORGE "Molybdenum and "Sonets" Mineral latms, iltuate In tbo Skeena Mlnlnr Divi Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. ' ' sion of Casslar Dtstrlf Vancouver, Where toctdi Ab . 4 mliea Westerly Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, from the bead of AUc inn. and about VJctorla and Seattle. mile from the Beach. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W paunore 8. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Free kiMra certiacate fie. tstlt'C, as Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. trent oi Molybdenum Mlnlnf and Re ducUun Company, Limited, (Non Personal TRAIN SERVICE I.lsbt1lty Free Miner's Certiorate Ho. ' rasaencer Montar, W4nMdj and fctuMs, It 11:10 a.m. for Smlltier. 10)7: C, Intccdt tiny day from the dale rrtoea Georre, Edmonton and Wlnnlprr, rnakltir direct coonectloas for all (terror, to apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder points east and souia. for Certificate or Improvementt. for lb purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of rarb of the above claims. llllK "ii.iimi Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. A.tD FCHTHER TAkE NOTICE that action under Section II must be commenced before 'k. -m For information and reservations apply to the Issue of such Certificate or Improvements. City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Pour LUX on the troubled Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points waters of the wash via Steamer to Vancouver and the Some women bold to Canadian Pacific Railway the idea that bread.mak-ln of these littlo LUX wafers are working wonders every Meals and Berth included on Steamer Is a Jong and difficult MILLIONS to the operation, but this is a all over Canada. In color they are liko cream - mistake, for with Royal touch liko silk. The fine, soft, creamylather LUX makes, w FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Yeast Cakes, light, sweet splendid for woollens-it never shrinks or hardens them. In fact, all S. SOPHIA sails from Frlnee Rupert May Jrd, 1 4 lb, ttlnj June 4lh. I lib bread be dainty or otherwise, and tttb, can made in a kinds of garments, woollens, silks, laces, linens, etc., few hours with but little really LUX. It leaves them luxuriously clean, SS.r-JUMCEM alioe tails for Vancouver 'uns tfnd and July tin. are preserved by trouble. but with the fabric absolutely free from matting and shrinkage. St. p-RtNCESS MAV' saUs for Vancouver Mar Itb, (lib, 1 1 Ik. aa4 tsUn IffS.' ".fw Rf U Beefs Jua laS. tin, 1 4 Ik, tlrd and KU. y. ??.."' ii. UWs lU UtUaebM I mtlUmt Us.4 uae 4rUl,iUkril saj Ut, , piatajy Y.ttlC.ko.willUa So.s4 J SAMPLE FREE on application to Lover Brothers IMs 4lubt ItlUe Uok will be nlWd W. O. ORCHARD, Qeneral Agent. leeavU. Limited, Toronto. Sold at all grocers, Co rter Fourth Street and Third Avenuo, Prince Rupert. B.C. E.W.CILLETT C0.LTD. R.mamWt IsL LUX Is made In Canada. 2nd. It won't shrink wooH-b- WINMIPCO HONTRfAl .i.iiiim.Liiii1iiiiliilMiinnnmiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiMiiiiMimimiiMmHT!iiii!!iiiii!TiTT!i p.pmmi milium" I