1 TUT DAILY NEWS BRITISH SEAMEN WILL ONLY MEDICINE BOYCOTT ALL THINGS UEnmAri FOR YEARS London, May 8 -Jlfivrlock Wil FRUIT BIDE fflOM eon, I'reeldent of the IlrtH,!, getu men und Firemen' Union, in a tnlemenl an regard thn .m Eiifaordinary Success which flees of Iho mercanllle marine Has Achieved eaya lhal B.000 Ilrlliiih .r.nt FnilMesM have been murdered by n L r "Fn.IU.UTM" plrale during the war. Bea mnr. successful In titrwrJintrily oera arc grymlng, deiplle the decline llsf to those afferlnj with relief In the number of uhlps attacked, yLJiMti", TerfULhtr, Migtt. becauee the Hun in innr. K Ckn,nUllndathtt,NiurtlCtt, determined than l'JJer ever that sailors tin " rain in tit J)atk, In sunken ships shall not live to mnmtlitm, tell the tale. other 8Ua Affection, c ,t nJ llritish sailors wero in deadly It 1 the only medicine la iccsnte world nude from fruit Juice, earnest In their determination to tit of the medietas! apply a punitive boycott to (er-many It u compos principle foond In pple, omnge, after the war. Masters, officer? I- Bd prune, tocetber with the and seamen were In heartv fne toDici nd antiseptics of unanimity In their resolution not! wore repute. handle stuff In any way con Oe. t 6 for$2-fiO, tHl site 25c. nected with Germany, after the il ill dealer or ent postpaid war. A year ago the limit of tho friM i ' Limited. Ottawa. boycott was for two years. Now, owing to the Increase of such REGISTRY ACT LAND Crimes It had heen extended to Sections I sd Its.) five and one-half years. .. irmnr.Ooo Soa. Mil l. fHM. no auaea mat me seamen s nil soriCK Uii tppnciuoo bet been league was growing daily. Al iiK m Miller rrM w mri, w rrmci ready It bad a hundred thousand ., i. u owner In fee under four members. Candidates for parliament W l4 ,rotB lb Collet tor of Um Tu at the next election who did , t rrtnt Rspcrt, beirtnr due Um lie. ur of soember, HIT, and om Tu not espouse the league's policy jrt Deed diled 1 1 ixl diy of September, would have a poor, chance. mi, r ill A50 ilioular tbst certain icni of Iratl or una ana prenuies suuiie, ALL OROCERS MUST BE Kf a pcifif is mk V4 1 ii vriJKv nil Mrt. sort MTtlcsUrir known and do LICENCED BY JUNE 1ST 4 u Leu seven IT) end Ofteea (II) "Staff" Ktrvrlrt II . Lot twelve (It), Block Quality try lit . end Lou tbiriy-lkree Ottawa, May 8. The Canada jj mi thirty for (ll. Block Bfly-otM Food Hoard announced today that tit iS tt Section tiibl (). Mid ttl it has extended until June 1st the rewired to coo tee l um claim In it date on and after which it will be or tu purtixr nithin II days frwn Um ( a service or this noUto (able!) illegal for any retail grocer lo m effected ky peSUeaUoo to carry on business, except under Pim Super! DUj ?ltwi), tad yew il Ice nee from the Food Hoard. U called la MCtlon 1 or Um It Is the intention of the board introOowisi lot StfUtry Act'etirici with Uwreritxai amendmeeu, end to enforce strictly Us licensing IT'S THE QUALITY OF "STAFF" BEVERAGES H at eel tilt r win or certificate regulations. These place upon I'M tn&tei u enr beioi or Bled Um before person Um eoUUd rem the retail grocer; the responsibility THAT RECOMMENDS IT TO PEOPLE WHO wr itck ui mm, sil person to served for Insuring that he has a license. rj him, and UK cit Unlet and any retail grocer who doe sip w wmr uaa, ur mu prOQI not secure such license before m iaj Uir(l In Um land tjr vtrtno June 1st will be held strictly to ARE APPRECIATIVE OF THE DISTINCTIVE r v wmrwwrtd inttmnMt utd nil mm ckantat ur latorttl U. t account. WItmmi tMM uu it not HkUkcron Similarly the regulation that FLAVOR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF THIS M Om prgtuiool or U0 At I, ttMU Im wholesalers and other licensees hr itt Mwrfwa nd obmd l ma must not deal with unlicensed re- rstf p tar cuun lo or In rttpKX of htMNHUIor UIM. tad UM R(U ail grocers on and after. June 1st POPULAR BEVERAGE i ma riir Um ptrtoa uiiod en must be observed absolutely. wr ui mm it mr or Um Und The extension of time was de nM for uttt. cided upothjn order to enable all m UA iUmij bu twt Mi fcr I ruarM or lndrtuibl Tllte retail grocers In all parts of Can. m tbvn nmuonod Und, In Um a da to comply with the licensing rnrt W Htrt. order, and no retail grocer will whcuas on InmurtUat Um have anything to excuse his fail an ifonn umi prior to Um um day 4 uu um dAU on wbicfe in ure lo secure a liceme on or tier- June 1st. . sea ! Mat tlnnail a " nwi Mreri 1MB TAII .10T1CI Uul tl UM Tom, Tom, the Spearman's son. (SPARhlJSG tm I into rffMt rtruirtiion in Stole a Wrlgley box and away he run I trtlnM T IndtfruibM Till la Um uu Fach slick he chewed his health B" nM or mnk W. Htrt bbUii w protcoM in protr pro-M renewed NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of riUMltk ar (Ulrn. If r. And helped his appetite for foodl a a rare deliciousness and flavor: clear as crystal. llut his father said The boy Is Und Rrrtilrr Offlrr. Mint wise, sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards In full v. w tail 1 1 in oav af r.kntiw let him do il to advertisel Mil. " " blodtn, and fragrant with the-mellovyiess of selected Since I quil my piping and bought m. r. MACUOO. this store ripe fruit. Try a glass of AppleslafX today: order DUtnrl bihiHi r tiil.. in selling Wrlgley's gum galore I' loo a case for the homo. rlN rUtiu. EdraostoB. Alu.. COAL NOTICES APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERE. ownrr or Lot it, 1 104 told fa mi. 8AIC.1A LA AD DISTRICT-DISTRICT Of tvnibtr. mi. v ir...K. ii Qttt.1 CHARLOTTE ULA.1DS Mu 7 U II. RLvrk II TAKE .NOTICE Uul L Jottph ScikA. of Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence I'noo B. C rrotptctor. Intend ipplr Rupert.for tier dm to prospect for cot! of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage sod petroleum ottr Um roltovtor deierUxd for young and old snappy, Invigorating, slim, Seeds! Seeds! Undi on Um Writ Coot! of Mortebr Itland. Conuuenclns tl i pool piloted about of ulating to body and nerves, Lifestan is foamy, hum toutbeaiierlr from pool located Wc (uaJlo Um ttKiM of a muiU Bit openint out creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come of Canoe pais between Mortcor and CbuU "Bn"''. Frr,'. and Stoolo It land i, about S miles Honker. aloof Um again!" In popular priced bottles. "80t Qarden and Field Moretbr Itland Mdo of Catwo rats from LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. edi. Bock 1-otnl, tnenc tomb I cnalnii tbmco rftllli,r, rail It cnalnii ibenco nortk IS ciuint; and Worm Dee- Uware weit II cbain lo Um point of coja "er. me tic me nl. HT, JOSEPH SEXTOX, Applicant. Ornln and Mill Fed. Lucatnl XuVrtuUr Ilk, 1117. Good old fashioned Book kew, were tasty and Poultry l!eflula6r. creamy than ever; rih and aterk of oolor, foaming Clltkln . ...... SI. A LA.1D DISTRICT -DISTRICT Or - javiaiiy. 'Jtr.l CHARLOTTE ISLANDS with spirit and life, Boskstaff is the "Hit of the rrpu, AtiMtee to. Town" wherever it has been introduced. It is the ' T IE NOTICE tbit I. entries E. Burr". D.in.t r I ft of I mm Rupert. B. C, miner, Intend lo pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, nujicri reeu uo. 1,1)1 for liconie to p rot pec I for coal and in.1 with after taste that makes smack lips peln ,ua over Um followlnr deicrlbod an you your lands on Ibo W'tl Coait of Moresby Itland. UxuturtxiDt tl a post planted about of with Joy nuia toutbeaiterlr from a pott located BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE on Um snore of a small Bar openint out of Canoe rats between Moresby end Cbattl .tCllittlrt Itlandi, about S miles northerly alone tno Moresby Itland side of Canoe rats from We are pleased to announce that we have been named distributors of "staff' Uevewges for Northern l"ELNOINtykLFINLMN Buck rolDtj inence Dtnb 10 cbilnt; tbence far tSttfat"0 rut 10 cnainss Ibenco sou lb IS cbalnsi llritish Columbia, for the Hemrlch'a Staff Products Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment ihenro wert 10 cbalns to point of com . mencement. psceshotel, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned if CIIAULES E. B'nOESS, AppllcanL ! In, In, 1 1.1. Located November IUi, HIT. you cau't get Appletta(ri Llfestaff or Dockstaff; e will see that your order is promptly filled. SaEENA LA.H0 DISTRICT DISTRICT Or OUtE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE Uul I, Hint E. Cbiitlen- sen. of Prince Rupert, B, O, prospector, Intend to apply for s Ucente lo prospect for coal and petroleum over Um followint F. G. DAWSON, Limited described lands on in Wett Coast or Muretby Island. Conuuenclns al a post planted about li ot I mil toutbesturly Distributers from Ml Incited on the SbOr Of S "rlrif .. ""Pert, B. o. small Bay openlof 01 of Uiwe Pas be LlcenstNo. 142 Prince Rupert, II C Phone 77 and 72 ineea Moresby and CbuU Itliads, about I mile northerly iloos Um Moretby Island sld of Canoe Pat from Buck Point) tbenc -RIBE nurtn S cbalnsi tkene west f cbalnsi FOR thence sou lb 10 cbalnsi tnenc tail SO l ibaloi to point of tonunenceiuenL Daii v News HANS E, CIIKISTENSEN, AppllcanL Lct4 Novimber tin, HIT,