lul.r M I 18 SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINING. , a-s G.H.Arnold PROPERTY Local News Notes j .kdsnvi rmr. T T,,cr'c Supreme Lki IN TUK 8U1MIEMU COORT OF NOTARY PUBLIO ISIUTISII COLUMBIA. Sign tho Launch Petition. Hy authority of three warrants Dance in Harvey's Hall tonight. SALE Of OOVIRNMINT rSOPIRTT BOWL STANDARD FLOUR of execution Issued in the above PRINCC RUPtRT OISTSICT. kfairufkuj We Sell Hcnl Estate. Court, and directed to me at the Ladies' tan shoes, low heels. writ Fire and Marine instance of Louis Bchult, J. A Wallace's. SEALED TENDERS. endred "Tenders ,LWAYS runs true to form, It s altt tru u, Xii'laril Insurance. Quick and Albert Burger, Judgment fr Logging Engine." will b received by lively BETTER ELOL'R .. list Mtr. Ill I, for II IL lirikTIItlAIJIa rflMPBalet Irks OlIdMSMsk .u m .. , . Mr. W. Ooldbloom sailed last the undersigned up to a ' envinii isrstsuiiv r We have Apartments, Stores, Creditors, against North the purrnase of the rollewlnt nevetei-ed through many yrars of nmtant erm-r..., . . '1M b" Houses, and Offlcei for Columbia Gold Mining Company, evening for Vancouver on a business one 10 i It Empire Looting lon- lion of the most approved mtbotis im i in, .,, ,' ''M's nent, and Want More, Columbia Mines Company, O Don trip. kry r'nrtne. emnplele with a led and 1' has never beefl the slightest"let doww" .,r .i.,a, and Pine wateT link, legelher with ill neeee- furls la maintain this quality--ltd esnri Hmmiu. ....... ' "r 'f We Deal In Mortgage Loans. nell l'lacers Company, Mr. Fred Nash, of Mastet, is vary eperaUng equipment. gea to make "Royal Standard" a SETTER run u ileal Creek Power Company, Ltd, Judg The above is now In use y, and can iMiit those who are dVeirwis of using. Mgh grade Timber Limits. i., Wt Sell paying a visit to the city, having ment Debtors, I have seiied all be seen at, the Kerr k Mann Legging Company tnero are many itewadays. the e.ato)iiwwt 0'Qr. mm We do Conveyancing. the Interests of the defendant come down from Anyox.- "P Qeen Charlolte Islands ROYAL I'ine and Tenders are to be r.n.B. -at the present STANDARD RYE FLOUK companies, situate on Mr. Tom Deasy, Indian agent lite. will bo round 10 ineel every eiartmg reulreanent n, , H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. O'Donnell Creeks in the Allln at Masset, arrived in town lat The highest r any lender not neeeg-arlly ea quanuiy of ths rje lth the wheat y,mr hm', " Mining District, consisting of evening on a short visit. oeeepled. timet pleasing elements of whnlesomee and nmnn,,,, .... " mining leases, and mining equipment, JAMES rATTEIlSO?!.rtrthailag Agent. (BOTH PLOURS AT TOUR OROCIRg) U hydnaulic piping, monitors, Mr. J. T. C. Williams, Inspector Victoria. B.C., Ird May. ISIS. li t tools. Humes, and goods. of fisheries, arrived In the harbor Peed loossfvstloe oflera Is every msa, wemaii aM skill a tku( All or sufflcienl to satisfy the last night on board the "Thomas IIEE.1A LAMD DISThlCT DISTRICT Or reedee a natrletle seevlse. Caesda Peed Searg. u 1 "The Daily News" claims and costs fn the actions, Crosby." QUI E.I CHARLOTTE. I will offer for sale by publio auc tion for cash at 2:30 in the after Mr, Morte Craig was among the TAKE .10TICE that I, K. II. Simpson, of CLASSIFIED ADS. Prince!Rupert, B.C. mariner. Mends to apply the 30th day board the Prince on noon on Thursday, passengers Tor permission to pirchase the follow. of May, 1918 at my office In the Ueorge last ngiht. He will visit tat described lands. Prince Rupert, B.C. Seattle. rnmmBrine at a mat elsnled at north Court House, FOR SALE JOHN SIIMLKY, east corner of the Longfellow Mineral FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Claim, w. P. northeast corner ro, iei Sheriff of tho County of Atlin. The llev. Mr. Ciltetlo is taking TOR BALE Gat boat, by 10; II bp. iiimim wtl 10 chains: tnenr north 10 l-crcl nrin. To bo awn at Cow Bay Dated at Prince Rupert, H. C-, up the duties at Masset of the thainai thence eail to chains s I hence south May 9th, 1918. 127 llev. Mr. Price, who has gone to 10 chains more or less aioci iboro tine FOR CANNERYNIEN rOR SALE Eifbty acres or farminr land. Mellakatla. to point r commencement, containing 40 We have added to our stock of valves and p.jM- a compteb Orsbam fsland. A small river rant acres, more or lees. line of Itubber Hclting . at right UiruurU M property Tartly vtoodfd Ladies' one-piece silk dresses. i n. g. Ill I. inn January. la spruce. On rovernment road and Wallace's. Mr. John Thomas, of Masset, T E. IL SIMPSO. FOn FISHERMEK HIin two mllea of Missel! Inlet. South was in town last night for a few By Chit. J. Btnsos, AgenL A romplfte stuck of the best good that ,an , air or Lot 711. Sale price ten dollars Du ftr acre, ror rurtlxr particular apply Sign the Launch Petition. hours, passing through on his trolling Fpring llrass, Sllvef and tout. to Vancouver. k ELM A LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of way at Jtews Omct. Boi IH, lit Ctt'EE.1 CHARLOTTE I1LA.1DI ran the waterfront Fn SaLE--FourToom(l boas and lot' 10 Advertise in the Daily News. Mr. II. J. McDonnell, of New The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Spul hot la Block 41, Section t. Enquire Mary MINERAL ACT. Hatelton, who has been visiting TAkE .tOTICE that I, Jamei P. Held, of paint "Ft.OOI.AZK,--A complete line of Rtnp i.iianjilery B. Price, kttebikan. Alaska. - if rrlncw Rupert B. c . Proipeelor. Intend 10 Masset Inlet the Queen Char. FOR EVERYONE on apply for o licence W proepxl for eoal raa SALE Weanlior pira from pedlrreed CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEE-ITS. loltes, returned to town last night and pelrvleum orr the follow log described A fine stock of Hardware. Ourney' uf,,,a , v Berkiblrt boar and trade sows, ready Undo the West Coast of Moresby Island. by the Prince Albert. on Wo Sell NothlPB But Ths Dost. far aslivery about lb ut May. 7 to NOTICE Commencing at o poet planted about V of wsaas old. Price 110.00 each P.O.B. Stark Fraction Mineral Claim, alluate In a mile southeasterly frten a poet located The Princess Sophia arrived B.C. Order and ret Drat Telkwa, early Division of Casslar Dl- oa the shore of small Bay opening Ml Skeena Mtnlnc abates- rnidbomme It Flatter, P.O. box tne this morning from Vancouver on irlet. Where located: Sevea mile from of Canoe pais between Morcy and Chaatl FRED!STORK'S HARDWARE t(. Tslkvra. B. C If Ooom Bay. on the northwest branch of her way to Alaska. The Princess Islands, about 1 miles northerly along the rail Creek. May is also expected this afternoon Morstry Island side of Canoe rasa from aSww dwndl 1 TAKE .fOTICE that I, Win. T. Kerala. about four o'clock. Buck Point; thence south St cbainit thence F.M.L. .to. SITS C acunr at srent for weat IS chains, thence sortt 00 tbatnij Phone. . 157 .Pkeat Oeorre Rod re. F. M, L. .to. 6 HI, and Wm theof east 10 chains to the polo I of com-nencemenL Don't srooliier It. Lord, P. M. L. .o. IIIIIC and for The strike of the fish packers merely your cough JOS. P. PILION myself. Intend, alxty days from the date at the Cold Storage Company's JAMES P. REID, ppllcaaL bereor. to apply to the Minlnr Recorder plant has been settled satlsfac. Located Kovember tth, HIT yTXktVl VTfl Uathlew'a fijrey of Tar ssvd CM Uwr an mh FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR for a CertlCrate of Improvements, for tne torily to both parties, and the I llll I I foiply arreeU eoohltf. but thsats ta Rstic purpose of obUlplnr a Crown Oram of the There was a wise Spear-woman JJM-l (Lrtaglheairg rrfnrs it blp tb iTStm loUTvrf DECORATIONS above claim. And further tale notice that men are now back at work today. lived in a shoe She ooLA nnd then edlecta a peraajient ewr. tl is this UAlit kk Uimb action, under section st, mutt be com' tl Sws ImgtM aaie of tar coen an4 cnU nnsiiy la Canada. menced before the Issuance of oen Ccr The Iiuckiey people are movjng For her many children she knew Acorn Co. tlDcate of Improvement. across from Port Clements to what to do: Sign Dated thla 1 0th day of April, A. D. 101 0 their own site near their new mill. She made them mot happy wilb A t OSATnTTSEO JSW tVS. I Construction is sufficiently progressed Wrigley's for all SsnVaV (Bjjsj eneaBei Bsns ajaans) i FOR 3IQN8 Certificate of Improvements to take care of them now. It kept them In trim at i cost ver smalll NOTICE The Prjnce Albert arrived in Subscribe for The Daily News "LULME " Mineral Clatam, attuate In the the harbor last night from Port Advertise In the Daily News. Portland Canal Mining Division of Casslar Clements. She made the trip in L H. SHOCKLEY DlatricL Where located: On American record time. She left the Islands creek, about 4 toilea from Its mouth. at 4 and reached here at p. in. (Succeator to J. L. Hlckey). TAkE AOTICE that I, Robert Stewart. Free Miner's Certiorate So. 0I10"C. In 10:15. CONTRACTOR BUILDER tend, alxty days from the dite hereof, to apply to the, Minlnr Recorder ror Certificate Mr. C. L. Monroe, writing from Store and Office Fixtures, f obtaining of Improvements,Cronn Grant for of the the purpose above Italy, where he Is now with the "The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility Sash, Door, and Mouidings, claim. Military Transportation Depart Oak and Hardwoods of all And further take notice that action, un men I, says he is enjoying the of exaggeration." iSr Robert Border; kinds. der section II must be commenced before sunny skies of that historic coun the issue of such Certificate of improve try- He is at his own job, which We Specialize) In Hardwood ments. Boat Rlbe, Sash, Dated thla Mlh day of Mirth. ISIS. pleases him much. City and Towa Labor Doors, etc. I'llISCE RUPERT LA.1D DISTRICT DIS-TRICT Word has been received in town Plats and Sheet Qlass and OF QVEE.X CHARLOTTE J1LA.1DS. from Jack Kirknalrick. He is well, "alive and kicking," he says. Glazing. TAkE NOTICE that we. The Aeroplane He sends won! of many of the Must Save Corner Frassr and 8th Sis. Spruce Lumber Co. Ltd., of rort dementi. boys and says they have had a oerupaUon lumbermen. Intend to apply for PHONS QREEN 268 permission to lease the rollowlfir described fairly easy winter, but are now lands. right up at the front. P. O. BOX 1S3 Cummenetnr at a post planted at the The Food Situation northeast corner of Lot S, Block 41. part The Itooth Fishery Company's of subdivision of District lot 714, thence north S chains, thence west 10 desrees boat Commonwealth, which has Mith to the approach to It Oovernmeni been up on the drydock here for HE heart of the food production problem is labor, and the Wharf. Port Clements, tbeore southerly STEEN & LONGWliL the past week, clearytl for the alone said approach to the northwest corner heart of the labor tho dweller. of Lot I. said block 41, tbenee easterly llshing groundl last night. She problem is city City people CANITARY AND HEATINO along the waterfront of lots I. t, S, is looking fine after her overhaul must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support I. I, 4, 7. and 0. said block 4 to point showing that the drydock people of soldiers and Allies. ENGINEERS of commencement, and containing seven here can do a good job. our and one-half acres more or lest. AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO.. LTD. Men who are needed on farms must come from the cities and AgenU for The llev. J. Field, of Haielton, S. T. Lewi i, president. MoCLARY FUBNACE8 AHil Ind. till. J1S accompanied by Miss Soal, the i towns there is no other source. The Provincial Departments missionary teacher there, left the of Agriculture co-operating with tho Canada Food Board, can PLUMBING city last night for Victoria by the place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. and Prince fleorge. Mr- Field has been QUEENS HOTEL for many years in this north They are needed at once. SHEET METAL WORKS country, and has been orjdered Phone 3, 83 i Second Avenue. -FIIIST CLAS3 ROOMS south on account of his health. Those who remain at home must also Grow Food Night phones 576 Hot and Cold Water. I ... I f ...i , ..... , A War Garden will not the and Vacant Lot cultivation will and Blue 270 SOe pee Night, and S3 per Week. uuiiiiK, running oiiocm, an auiws excuse The right work, at ths Fight Wallace's. man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to grow time, and at ths right prios. ... Is on a farm. But War Garden more food for export. The Carnuthers arrived sealer service, is needed from those who FOR YOUR NEW 8UIT8 day with C0.000 lbs. lint fish. The The vegetable corden offers an do See Lief : with 10,1000 lb, halibut can no more. opportunity for service to men Harry Hanson's the Lincoln with 8.000: Ilenuhlic Steve King 45,000; Niagara, 0,000; Radio, 5.- Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make it wv l PATENTED produced land oossiblc for them to work on a city Prompt Cleaning A Pressing 000; Hoyal, 3,000; Cellarhead, 3.. on by Fast Heating Phons Green 418. bOO; Caygeon, 5.000 lbs all sold city labor,will be a positiveaddition "farm, to women, to beys and gins-to 'today. The price realized average. to the food supply. Home Garden city people generally. Hot Water lo Vi and 13 cents. Coil Be a Food Producer This Year DENTISTRY White shoes and pulnps. Wal Costs 110.00 all connected up complete lace's. If there is n garden or vacant lot movement in your Orders and will guaranteed be received for one at year.ibis CROWN AMD BRiOai WORK . community, associate yourself with it. If no organization price up to May 16 After that the A OPCOiaLTV The good people of Masset are HjBannTl exists, do what you can to Interest our PRiCf WILL OO UP. At the present getting back "close to Nature price of material, aik your OH. J, S. BROWN and life will be somewhat nlmiili- neighbours in the War Garden campaign. plumber for a prlre to make an 04MTIOT Write to Provincial Department of Agricu ure ned for a little- The doctor, the your ordinary guarantee II Coll,for on coiumcI year,It aud tip see and OflUti OmltS)PHeae eieek.44 TDK ? policeman, and the minister have for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. then compare prlcei and judge for all left. With no doctor; to (ell yourself, them they are ill, no policeman to CANADA FOOD BOARD As all between heretofore)the other eiliUog plumber agreements tell them when they break the law sod myself have eiplred, I hereby and no minister to tell them when revoke any. penults to anyone to V. I. PRIVATE OCTIOTIVC AOCN0V they might do wrong, everything ike and Install same, ascepilog ZOO MeUepellUn Die's;., Vaaceuvtr, will be all right. Masset should STUN LONOWILL during my absent Will positively Day Phone, Seymour 4111, bo happy. Director of r Director of ChhTnn t-esecuie Infringements. Night phone, Fairmont 10 10. Production Agricultural Labor Men's "Invictuo" shoes; Just in Hsad Offlae, SIS Hlkben-Sone Blse. ) HARRY HANSON Victoria, B. C, Pheei MIL Wallace's. (In Co-operttlon with the Provincial Departments of AcHculture TNI BUM PLUMBER I Sign the Launch Petition.