' lift uwr 4sN The Daily news vntjXjiO''- , Jl PMNCK rtUPKflT, B.C., TUESDAY. MAY 14, 1918. PRICK FIVE CENT SDHARHES SUNK ASTER TEAM C7 C7C7 114 C9 ENEMY UNDERWATER AND AERIAL SERVICES GET HARD KNOCKS FROM ALLIES GERMANS MOVING UP MORE 'notes from the MAYOR'S REPORT RE GERMAN AIR SERVICE IS council chamber GARBAGE COLLECTION MEN AND MATERIAL TO FRONT i BATTERED TO PIECES ! At 8 o'clock promptly the gathering The report of his worship the of tbe councillor? was call-Jed mayor lo the board oi works, 1LTHOUOH QUIET PREVAILS ALONQ WHOLE FRONT, HUN ACTIVITIES to order by his worship last which was read at the council (Sprcltl to Tbe DUIr .1ew. have amounted to fifteen captive ARE KNOWN1 ITALIAN SUCCESS HURTS THE evening, and tbey settled down lo London, May N. The German balloons, and two hundred and WAR PRISONERS SAY HINDENBURQ the meeting a week ago, came up has been fell behnd lines. Others AUSTRIAN transact business of tbe city air service battered lo seven our IS DEAD, EXPLAINING DEFEAT for another week. There were again last evening. This report pieces. Since Maryh 31, it is estimated were seen lo fall beyond the en quite a number of small matters, suggested certain improvements that their losses have emy positions. In the air fighting Mrtl lo Tbe Dally Html) routine matters, to attend lo. which would result in better totalled some seven hundred during the same period, we lost London. M:.y 1 1. Germany' THE TEXT OF MAYOR'S First of all, there was a letter streets, and sanitary conditions. pilots, observers and machine one hundred and twenty-three niomptjon of the grand offen-ine frpm the 11. C. Food Controller without any further expense. gunners, while a thousand of aeroplanes and fourteen captive against (be Allies on the REPORT RE GARBAGE regarding the new prohibition of Made lo the board of works, in the their machines have been destroyed. balloons. veilern front hag not yet ma. boarding flour and sugar, and first instance, they rejected it, This is held to be the ex. Ostend and Zeebrugge Bombed. insured, Although there la a asking that every publicity be hence to get action, the mayor planation of the cessation of the London, May la- The Admiralty uiel tlong the whole front that The text of the report which given to this new order. Jusl had his reoort read to tbe council- aerial raids upon London and announces that during the night be considered encouraging, Maror McCIrmont LrouKht inlo about this time, the fire depart, There was no counter report from Paris, tbe enemy being forced to period between May 6 and 12, in. ,ui tbe fact remains that the en-taj the board of works regarding the ment (darted up testing the en-gine me ooaru oi m worns,'s even last I a withdraw his night pilots for use elusive, the Allied aerial forces are known lo be moving up collection of garbage, and which of one of their automobiles, evening. in day flying, and observation on working from Dunkirk carried out store men and material for lome they turned down, without making and for the next ten minutes ISricfly. the suggestion of the tbe fighting line. successful bombing operations k move at a continuation of any amendments, or any counter; nothing could be heard in the mayor was that the collection of Berlin's Modest Claims. against the Ostend docks and submarine lifir mighty drive which they report, is as follows: council Chamber. The weather; garbage be placed upon a contract Berlin, May 14. The losses base, Zeebrugge Mole and ilitfed on March 21, and which Tbe Hoard of Works, City Hall, was warm, and tbe windows were basis, instead of day labor, as at suffered by the enemy aersal lock gates, and the enemy ship, Ui rot them nowhere in partlcu-ar Gent emen By Placing tbe gar. open, and lhat automobile engine present. That was one suggestion, forces during the month of April ping in that vicinily. bage and night soil on a contract sure did beat the city clerk lo it. anil arininff from it were Artillery AcUve. basis the following plans for tbe Tills noise bad hardly stopped many, and all of importance in the WILHELM AND KARL IN ENEMY SUBMARINE Lsndoa. Mar 1 ft. Hostile ar betterment of city could be put In when aome other vehicle came civic economy. This initial sug COMPLETE ACCORD CAMPAIGN DECLINES tery developed considerable nc-early force: rolling down Fulton Street, rattl gestion, however, was fatal. Tin this morning north of The citr could use present gar ing over the planks on the street veridea of it got Alderman Casey iSpttUI to Ttw Daily .lews) (Speeu: to Tbe DUy .lci. hrr Strong artillery Lombard, bage auto, delivering lumber and like a maehine gun. This is no fighting mad In a moment, and he London, May 14 The Emperor Paris, May 14, The effective wall have alio been in progress olber duties, thus eliminating the new complaint, but it appears lhat had nothing to say regarding any Charles of Austria accompanied ness of the German submarine lire then on the southern por-..a hiring of private teams, which no one in the city hall likes lo up of the other suggestions brought by his foreign minister and military campaign is declining. Tbe Ger of the British front, and In last year cost tbe city some 11100 set the status quo. Anyone who up by the mayor. Aid. McMeekin leaders have called upon tbe moved lhat committee man government is painfully eV:-s n rtb of Kemmel. alone. attended the sittings of the late a special Emperor Wilhelm at his general Italian Front. The auto, owing to quick de f ishery Commission who. sat in be appointed",; to go inlo the whole headquarters in Germany. The aware of this fact, but has made : Mar 11. Since the ItaU livery, could collect all the ashes the city hall will remember howfel " fuU,, .nd I kto report of the meeting says that the greatest of efforts to conceal aa troops captured Mont Corro from Cold Storage for purposes the attention of the meeting was council with full Information there was complete accord to it. The situation is at present i Saturday morning, the Aus-mans of permanent road making, also disturbed br Just such noises, This was seconded by Aid. Mcftae, their discussion of the present the most favorable. The sinking hate tried in vain to regain would be kept steady for some which could easilr be prevented. who thought that something and future relations of the two of enemy submarines during the tbe health might be improved in i.i mmamllng peak, south of time getting ashes from old au Ilalher than do that, however..theA1 countries. flrst"three months of 1919 has iiuic? bat have been met with heaps In the city, of which there cuy council i, seems .iu ni.. n i....-T deparlmehL He was of the opin been much greater than the number that nicking old ion up papers itnag neiutance. are several, and dumping same on the street. excelsior, and other rubbish scat PLAN COLONIZATION built during that period by the In Mesopotamia. where advanlaftous to fill. Means However, by the time the noise OF OCCUPIED RUSSIA enemy. ticdia. May It. In Mesopo. would be adopted whereby all the slopped, which was by request, tered in the lanes was no work for were out tbe Tbey garbage men. u-.ii. the llri'uh forces have ashes from heating plants wouia we appeared to be refusing a Amsterdam. May 13, Frederich WILHELM STILL GIVES what In tbe cans to collect was jrciifj further up tbe banks be collected by city auto for same Dressing invitation lo attend the nnlv. and cleaning up for mer von Payer, the Gerynan Imperial OUT THT OLD STUFF if the rner Tigris. After the purpose. convention of Canadian Munici of their Vice-Chancellor, in announcing to chants should not be part Wture of the town of Kirkuk, the This would lighten the work ol palities to be held in victoria duties. Even that very day mere the main committee of tbe Flelch-stag Amsterdam. May 13. "The last being Turktth forces were pur. garbage collecting. alo effect a some time this summer- If we had been a fire among such material the establishment of a special few months have brought us sue- RM foe some twenty mfles to the saving by way of less boat hire wer sending anyone Aid. Casey ejected from one store. department to regulate Germany's cesses which will materially influence rati. Itritisb troops are now for towing scow, and possibly Ihls thought it as well to get him ap- Tbe idea of a special committee eastern policy, said: the world's development sixty miles east of the important could be further augmented by nointed-soon. Then the launcn appealed to his worship, but "We Lope particularly for advantages in the next few decades," says a citr of Mosul. Another British garbage contractor being allowed petition was discussed, and it was Aid- Casey took exception to this relating to the safeguarding telegram sent by Emperor Wil vmj it operating along th a dumn certain garbage In deep decided lhat the city sign this ruling, holding that it was out of of our food supplies, liam in reply to an address of wt of the Euphrates, which it fills; for instance 11th Street and petition, and have the corporate orderj. Aid. Casey was of opinion and then for what can be com homage from a convention of tipected will cut off Mosul ark Avenue. seal affixed, as this petition wouia that the whole thing hinged upon prised under the general term of German Chambers of Commerce. &m receiving reinforcements Should this work out, Ibere assist travel out from this point whether this work was to be done colonization. The relationship They insure our right to a strong frvai Aleppo. would not be a man required materially. by contract or by day labor. This of the border stales to us shall peace which will open new roads Hlndsnburg Dead? steady at the garbage scow, and We raised the salary or air. i being the only matter before the and must furnish us with military lo German commerce and give us London, Mar 14. All tbe Ger he could follow auto pari or lime, Duncan, superintendent of house, other action was ultra security of our frontiers against complete freedom for the develop any man prisoners captured in France nml If another man required as utilities, to 1225 per. passed sup vires. The matter of reorganization Itussia, which security we can not ment of our industries. Our sac- UT thai ll.n..l.,.. I. .I.n,1 well, they could fill in time when plies for the various departments, of the health department. Aid. renounce. riflces of blood and treasure shall (lie lajne time, tbe name of not with auto, spreading asnes, when Alderman McMeestn Deggea Casey contended, was not a mat-ten "Besides this, however, there not bo made in vain." ' Mackensen is brought into gravel or rock, and as all ditches lenve to introduce a new bylaw. for the council, nor was before also is the national sympathy with Field Marshal von Hlndenburg 'rwmneace mi.I lu lord nnen there would .m.n.llnir tivlau 263. which had U) the Germans in these territories. as thai of the great it. He thought that the also sent a massage saying: ho is lo bring the Herman be considerable work on this score do with the houra of closing gro health committee was big enough That applies particularly to tbe "If all the German people stand to ictory- f,r them to do. Cleaning ditches cery stores. The bylaw was read to attend to that itself. And Just Baltic provinces. Tne treatment united a peace will be won which and street cleaning alone cost the for the final. lime, ana lia win BAnnil come here Aid. Casey forgot that if re of states must differ, according will assure fresh prosperity for UTHUANIANS REJECT city 1700.10 last year. up a weea nence iur organization is required now, as to their size, their economical und commerce and Industry." GERMAN PRINCELING n ahnuld be kcDt in mind mat reading. U is for the closing oi the concensus of opinion in tne nolilical conditions, their geo every yard of ashes collected saves all grocery stores at ten ocioc council seemed to consider, that eranhical situation and further Dance in Harvey's Hall tonight. 13.27 by way of gravel and on Saturday nights. Then we reorganization was equally .much direct connection which is pos London, May 14 The Ukraln- by way of rock per same quantity. came to the crux of Ihe whole Thai required a year ago. There has sible. Sign the launch petition- While it is InipoiSiDie to puv evening. Whal is garbage? conditions in the ars been no change said to be head. making Jusl how it would the question. Opinions were Sign the launch petition- voiles y ith the act down In writing is in this city within lhat time lo Beach suiting. New new government .. in all details, vet If this expressed freely upon this subject make reorganization more Newest shades. Wallace's. ri lo we uertnans in that coun-y plan is carried out I believe it wlH and at great length. These coun pressing any now than Ihen. If it Is orrd that the Question of contract Lithuania, however, the on ami grjnat sticklers lor pro labor was not essential. For New Wellington Coal and unfold itself as it goes cillors are possible by reorganization to save or day groans are gelling moro lo f.in.l antiafnelnrY. cedure, irrespective of tne great equally, What was essential was that tne Ir Lumber of all dimensions, 'M now, it was possible about. The Lithuanians money or tne cuy cicr. whole system be reorganized for hone 116. a. lb noinl thai by placing er knowledge last and a whole year's dtmanding " w m - year, wwaoee the absoluts inde- garbage and night son on u-i and they overrode the mayors saving might have been to Ihe the safety of the city. Alderman of their country, with not climlnal ruling They refused to sustain But Dybhavn here thought that the ir im hn.u. we are credit of the city at this time. wl monarch selected from some Ing any men owing that one on the ruling of the chair by a "ma the health committee did not reorganize health committee should be given country, instead of the The mayor, asseu iur to report o;itbe TO RENT two shall have lo conunue jority vote. a year ago, and in all an opportunity ymao'ed prince, which llorlln has milii. lbi is covered by me iuu it, of course, but sun -- probability, had the mayor not matter, forgetting that they had 3-rponied cottage partly upon tbe programme. a using a club. whole week lo do this, if they furnished $10.00 lhat Ihey- will be performing is a lime for brought up this matter, after the a 'n .. ...... n,.i nnu.- liotnir done, by way There was a small discussion committee had tunned his report chose. But they did not. 5-roomed house ...$12.50 7 at uie Ulrcus." Matinee of the Hyde Aldenman Casey again protest FOR SALE and ni the moving of street improvements, over down, there would be no reorganization VVealholme tomorrow at uecause building, which did not get any-hr. either. Hut Alderman ed against tbe mayor's ruling and 4-roomed house and lot.. extra cost to city, now inn Klgtlt i. blir nla A.lmU.lmt no t.v. (i iimt n contractor, by ar when the motion for ad Casey repeated that the board insisted that the board of works $1,100.00 wwu. ranging night and day men to bol journment was made. Aldermen of works is big enough lo cope was auite capable of any reor llesidential lots .. $300.00 and Mcllae. however, had a situation. crnnixluff that was reuulred. But Apply to ter advantage, can no Casey with the 't. .v.ii..:. Hoys summer fon less than the city, and this resolution on me laoie. -" Alderman Dybhavn was also whether they exercise their capa ED. H. MORTIMER .nff-nM imbiber with money w l.-i.ii iv ii ..... r.n, nml ndonted. lnis opposed to the contract basis, on bilities. of course, is another 327 Second Avenue saved by eliminating outside team was an expression of sympa y principle, and thought thai this story. The mayor, fortified,by the and counr . u. slur ouinlon of the city cltrk. then put the mayor committee was u on le boat nirc. win from special WESTHOLME hire the difference,and and, I believe, show cily of Prince Ilupert for Mr. John the health committee. Besides, the auestion to the council, as to hi. daughter In heir out of whether they would sustain his balance in the city a favor. Carroll and special committees were YONiQHT ONLY a small The result should be better recenl sad bereavemenl. when the order, except In extraordinary ruling, but they would not, by six was " -"-': not. Aid. votes to two. and sanitary coi m.u... wife and mower cases, which this was "STANCE TALMAQE streets, and at no further e- Mr. Carroll, being . ; McMeekin could not see It that Another motion was thereupon generally, lt?l.ld employee of the city way. The health committee had made by Aid, Dybhavn that the ,. v' 'SOANDAL'' Pn- suuiimi,.-.i lo receive a copy - - turned down the mayor's report. matter be referred back to tne PrtN.w Yrrk BeUnek Itespectfuliy McCIAMONT, Mayor, U They were through with it. If the health committee to report as to FOH QUALITY priHlurt,on. T. This being all the business, the council desired further Information any possible reorganisation of the HtlYICK and SATISFACTION COMEDY Wslllnoton Coal re- council adjourned. upon the matter there was work, which,would effect an econ s AND A Ladysmlth. Justification for a special committee. omy. This was agreed to, after IX DAY WKEK FOR HHLP. fUl Dill 'pe u wnnn I Qair-rrir i.atlsfactlon. Phone 16. .P. H. lals.Hemnant Vednesda7.-Wallace..Day. Aid. Klnkpatrlck consld. some further discussion. Coal Oo.