The Daily News DA iK OF " MAIL SCHEDULE THC LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMN British North America I For the EatL rublieh Dally and Weekly Mondays, Wednesdays and Sal Guaranteed Largest Circulation Statement la ibt Dominion Oovtrn unlays at 9:30 a.m. mrnt Gondened Sill Jtnatry, HEAD OFFICE: HIS.LIABILITIES TO THC PUSLIO t From the East. Daily Ners Djildinff, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C Tel. 93. .lote la OrenUUdO ..I 1.1 1 I.I I Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Ocpoaite t.?lt,tl at 5 JO p.m. Keep WRIGLEVS In TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. Da to ntner Imu .. 114,111 auit Payable (Arcrpi mind as the longest Rates application. Vancouver: Contract on iiHti by London office! For I.ltt.tll .Tuesdays & P m- lasting confection you DAILY EDITION. Tuesday. May II. 1018, Acceptance under Letter Wednesdays ? can buy. Send It to r Credit (at per centra) 1,111.41 Thursdays 10 P the boys at the front. A FRENCHMAN ON GERMANY tinguishable from luxury- Autocratic lt.4tt.til From Vancouver Debussy, the French composer, Gerjnany, on the other ASSETS. Sundays 10 P Cain in band and la BaAalll.ltt.ttt once said that Germany Invented hand, put convenience within the DrpMlt witn Covers- Wednesdays K.3 a ( restaurant music in order to cover reach of the majority of her citi. oral ea not Or- Saturdays P-" the noises made by the sons of sens." Germany's mistake was ralattoo I4l.ltt the Fatherland at their soup. This that she mistook civilixation for Oepotlt Kwtti In Central Gold I.ITS.000 For Anyoxi kind of remark not only annoys culture. "Culture is the treasure Ooremmcnt, Municipal Sundays 10 pm the German but makes him self-conscious. we carry in ourselves, the sacret and other Secarttie lf,ttt,Itt Wednesdays loptn With all his efficiency, fire so to speak, the forcing bed call and 8 ber I Leans . . 7.11 1.44T Loan and DU- rwi he has a vague sense of inferiors in which we grow. Civilization is tMDti and etner At- From Anyoii Ity, and the more he asserts him-self a practical application of human ttU Il.llt.14 Tuesdays ajn as a man of taste and culture discovery, and amounts to putting Liabilities cf Cuilota- Thursdays pm the more the inferiority becomes within the reach of the community ert oixer Letter of evident. The German who practises the greatest possible wellbeing.' Bank Crtdit Prrmitc(at per contra) 1.111.44 t.ltt.ttt For Port Simpson and Naas River the goose-step before his So Germany is civilised like the points: admiring countrymen may feel negro who has received clothes, ITI.4U.44I Sundays 10 p.m himself a hero, but he becomes a Bible, and a gun. What she uneasy and angry when he catches calls her "kultur" is cheap and From Port Simpson and Naas a critical French eye. It is the nasty. -None of the dust of old knees and feet wide apart, glared River Points: War Time Economy French ridicule, loo openly ex- humanity is allowed to rest on all at the crowd passing below. Epigrams Tuesdays a.m. pressed, that was the cause of the ber splendor. The Germans have frpm the Kaiser's speeches In Sweetmeats notorious Zabern incident- The thrown overboard al't ballast in decorated the walls. The guests Queen Charlotte Islands: German has risen to power too,order to rjse even higher, but the were dressed in parodies of the For Massetlf Port Clements and quickly, and makes a clumsy j ballast they rejected was their costumes of official personages, Upper Isrsnd.points' a 5-cent package of WRICLEVS will figure beside the highly civilixed real treasure, and stood for the and amused themselves by pinning Saturdays .mF"- 8 a in Frenchman. lie may try by true value of their race, which is on each other such famous decorations From MassjH. I'urt Clements and filve you several days' enjoyment: swaggering to make up for his now dishonored in the eyes of the as the Order of the fled UoDer I1it&ditinls: It's an Investment In benefit as well deficiencies, but swaggering only world." M. Henry dissects Geo- Eagle and the Cross Pour le . . m emphasizes his fundamental bar man character at a hundred Merile. And so on. Ministers of Tuesdays .ml as pleasure, for It helps teeth, breath, bat ism. points, and always with an illuminating State and the Chief of Police him. For Skidegale. Qdeen Charlolle appetite, digestion. A great many books have been French touch. He discusses self were amused guests at the City and Lower Island points written during the past three Socialist Germany; artists, ball Yet it all meant nothing. 6 Wednesdays pjn CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL years pointing to pre-war evi monarch, and censors; German Outside the company met real dences of degeneracy in Germany. women; th life of every day; policemen with pointed helmets From Skidegale. uuean Churloue L .City and Ler I land points Jews; master-singers, students, But the authors are generally and once more became peaceful wise after the event. As a matter officers, and policemen; Vanity citizens, obedient to their, masters. Saturdays P- o The Flavour Lasts of fact, most people were deceived Fair. His account of the rela. Obedience is in the bones of the PaTtVU LAMD BHTIUrT-WSTMirT Or by Germany, and the prophets tions of South Germany, Bavaria, German; and Prussia is well 4 AST. ItASSE s. and the reT to Prussia is well Seated tlnht Kept rieht who saw beyond her outward efficiency aware of the fact. An Intellectual were, foi; the most part, worth reading in view of hopes himself, M. Henry knows the German TAKE .40TIIX that U Stand Trans sometimes entertained of a German Peetne Raltaay cacstwajr or Winner ignored. All visitors to Germany intellectuals thoroughly. His aanta, tetrad t apfr for rrnHt!aa may not have found there a revolution. The Bavarians, conclusion is that they are artificial le Ira Ibe fettawlar dewrtbrd land "spiritual home," but the majority he explains, never hesitate to and violent products of an CMaawwtaf aa a pott planted al Ike anrnt less show their contempt for the Prussians, aertaerty Mint Ul W tl of eb at were more or impressed by uneducated society, poor In tradition, Ma water mirk, tbrare twrthfrlr 4lr German orderliness and industry. provided that in so doing but rich in lust, incapable ff. aoathrrty tad vnxrrif. fnltovtev Um This aspect of German life receives they do not run any danger themselves- of understanding the subtlety of tMaMlUra oT Uw atera Una 14 a patal af full justice frpm M. Marc tact, harmony, or proportion. M. nmsammutM. ladadiac aU taal r.jra Henry, whose interesting articles The last part of this sentence Henry is an entertaining as well anarc triaa U$ nkr sad aair in "La Revue de Paris" have now-been M. Henry puts in italics. Gerjnan as an instructive guide through THE Oatrd OIUJD April TBt'Sr 41a. ttlt.PA'irn- ttUtWAV Advertise In The Daily News gathered together and pub. frankness is always subordinate Germany. Books about the Fatherland COMPACT. R II Hrd aotldlor lished in English. M. Henry of to fear. It is, however, astonishing before the war are common course has the French touch, and to what extent contempt may enough, but "Beyond the the total effect of bis book is to be expressed without coming Rhine" is sufficiently distinctive leave the German with a gross, within range of the law. M. Henry to command special attention foolish face in the midst of all for example, organized a ball at from the reading public O. II. his slightly shoddy splendors. Munich which h advertised as But, as he says, no really strong Through Darkest Germany." The! Salvation Army. nation need shut its eyes and ears longest name represented a wide to facts; and France and England street in Berlin. On the cloth Public meeting. Tuesday may learn something even frpm that did duty for the sky were Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Germany. "Democracy of comfort, hung chains, bayonets, guns, 1. Sunday at :10 p. m. he writes, "was the essential blood-stained swords, deadly wea quality of pre-war Germany.! pons of all kinds. A triumphal Advertise in the Daily News. SHRINK In Republican France and Parliamentary arch from one room to another England comfort came was in the form of an immense with riches, and was barely dis- policeman, who, with hands on Appendicitis Opera WOOLLENS tions Not Always Necessary S. S. PRINCE RUPERT latamal StaUihtf Rallataa Ika Cava MfV M BBaaaaaH sailing-Wednesday "Toer pnyaldan win MU yoa tnatl Apjtt-ndirjua U an laaamed coodlUoa of , 9.00 a-m.for Swanson Bay and tha Uttla tack caUrd tna Appcndu at U loner rltnt band eornrr of Uta Co loo or! Vancouver. ' tarra tnlrallna. By eWanatnr tbu Cokm i lib pwnfird irm aater by U "I. B. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE L. Catrada" Utlt aack la eleanaad and tat tnfUromaUm tubaidca. Ilundradt of ' i Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. iperaoen hara lwtn aroldcd by aunt Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, uw warm watar cars foe Appmdidtia. ' Mr. laa. MeLaaralin. SI Evanttoa Victoria and Seattle. ttrt.i, Wlnnlptf, art laa ; 8. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. 1 bad tprnt urr Bfty doUart IIH ' dtfctort trrins 10 car Apprndidtu. rin. j mm to Queen Charlotte Islands. Alternating Weekly illy tti doctor aald I matt ro to Um TRAIN SERVICE aoapital al aaco for aa operation. Your , idvertiteoieat Isterctted rse. I bccrtsl a Pattenrer oaaar, W4s4ir and Saturate at !!:! e.m. for Smltnere, "J. B. L. Caacade," wblcb rclMTed ma al Print Oeerre, Edmonton and Wtnnijx-r, makins direct eoanectlooa for aU aort, and am now ctanpteuly rtirad. points tatt and toutn. Kcvcr fell Ixttrr In my Ufa: aU pain and torraeM rune, and I eat and aicrp Ilka a boy. I am (raural to Or. Tymil for 1 Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. W wonderful bealtk-rivlsr Invratlon. aij mm mm For iuformation and reservations apply to SI prr rent of aU trocoin Ilia ara canard, by accumnUtad waau la tna Colon,f. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Internal Batniar with the "J. B. U Cat-! eadr krrpa tbla lira latetUna aa frra from all wait and at clean at nature da- tuandt II tnotild tm for perfect nealtn. Aak CyrU . orma, Drurrut comer Srd Are. and tin tt. for booklet called "Wnj Man or Today It Only IS per CenL tm CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ctmL" It U free. He win alao be pleated Pour LUX on the troubled to allow and eiplaln I be B. L. Caacade" lo yon. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points MINERAL ACT waters of the wash via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway ccmricATC or impbovcmcnts of thoso little LUX wafcra arc working wonders every mxtick Meals and Berth included on Steamer MILLIONS to wo "Moljrbdeaum'' and "Sarcett" Mineral all over Canada. In color they are like croara - Oaimi. altuaia In Um Skeena Mlnlnr Division is cf tutelar I)UU1i v touch like silk. The Sine, soft, creamy lather LUX makes, FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE UTirra locttedi Aba . 4 mile Wetierly them. In fact, from tba bead ef AUc Arm, and about splendid for woollens it never shrinks or hardens SS.and Sophia Kin.Mill rrwu Prince Rupert May Srd. 141. t4ti Juu 41a. Ilia mile TAKE from JtOTICX Uta Beeca.tbat UU W. Patmora kinds of garments, woollens, silks, laces, linens, etc, dainty or ouicr-wise, rrre Unn tcrtllnu N11 i.t. .i are really preserved by LUX. It leaves them luxuriously clean, BS.raiNtKSS AX ICE taU fur Vancouver )uw ttnd and July tlk. tteni at Jte Mblrtdmuai Mlnlnr and Be- but with the fabric absolutely free from matting and shrinkage. SS. PRINCESS HAT tallt for Vancouver Ma tin. I tin. it Hi. tad I4U; Buciron uompaay, UAited, (Ron Ptrtaaal Jum tat. Ilk, I Sin, tlrd and SMu. Liability free M Inert CertlSta Ma Itllt-C. 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