Msy "l THT DAILY NEWS WHAT BRITISH SUBS. D II STOP HAVE BEEN 001 NQ 1 Washington. Mar 11.. Ma. . .if i n mil ii than forty Oerman warships have been attacked successful! i.v IHtflUAbHti Dritisli submarines. This was disclosed by an onTeJal i"Frill-a-lles"' Ilritisli statement received i.... She Tried and made public todav i.t, ii. 5 m Fruil Juices Committee on I'ublie Inform atinn The review was the moil eiten- slve ever received in thia enunip of the work of the llriliih Ail meltrd from your water craft, concerning the activi ties of which little ntwa I... reached America since their famous raids in the I)ardan.iu Trait- and the Ualllc 8ea .'feles .-.sdri"I w wllh Various exploits of individual! w sb wowIntl'rHyfreo craft are recounted. In many in-1 Ucbc, thaaks to your stances the submarine com in and- rsfilir-lBe'. ers have threaded their wav jiiji ALEXANDER MIAW. through dangerous mine fields to jOct tci e for 2M,trUl le 23c seek our their quarry, and so i J drtlrr or wt on receipt ' successful have they been in J'-T pc: J, by FruiM-tlTr penetrating the defences of the .'. .aaa. Oerman coast that the report notes that the enemy "rarelv at. U0 REGISTRY ACT lows his above-water craft beyond U td ! jco. a the confines of his harbors.' FAR-REACHING RULING OF POLICE MAGISTRATE , ), U w .--. WILL AFFECT MANY MEN mWt b (rua " Collector uf Um rrtt Raprrt, brarinf etla Um jj Winnipeg, Mar t. Sir flugu Hi. tai (UU-1 Had (J of ftrpumbcr John Macdonald, the police mag. mi f AU. A" Sl.VOCLAR Ul mala Utrale. baa ordered the wholesale tun J Iun in prtmiaei nimm, arrest of men engaged in various Li Bcr parucslarly Uow tad da- employments under the Anlu "Staff" Mtrl T, ud DfWea (III, Loafing Act. Men doing work Quality IMltat.' 11 !' 1"). which can equally well he done 4 Lot uuru-tat hrgtvu at n4 ttirtf lr Bkxk Brtyooa by women, Kir Hugh, in effect, has II ta Wcaa Eifbt (li, sup ill. ruled, are not engaged in useful m m rmurrd la euoiral Um cUim of occupation. The judgment affects M -ckwr w.uua II Ur from Um men employed in conducting confectionery of UU nolle (walcfe w 4 oh atrrtit stores or clerking in ay StCk4 r pttbutauoa M UM dm Itytri oi!y ut your ai- grocery stores and the same prin- m calird u mcum Si of Um iple extends to dozens of similar Utt VruvT cr 1IB UDradmcaU. tod activities. IT'S THE QUALITY OF "STAFF" BEVERAGES , ) (jtriar rttrtci uwrtrraat orriim or ci or raruscaw kytaaret sm virw um rr- There was a wise Spear-woman THAT RECOMMENDS IT TO PEOPLE WHO raarf or Um tro taUUrd lived in a shoe For her many children she knew Mfi a sace ar eadrr tbna.aa4 ai Una an cUImJD ptnoat what to do: ARE APPRECIATIVE OF THE DISTINCTIVE r i7 tvrut la Um Um tr rirtM She made them moit happy with Wrigley'a for all chuaiat aay touml u um tana It kept small tbem I in trim at a cost very FLAVOR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF THIS 0 prstUioM of uua Act aaall Im rw mn BEwm inns II acj ciaiai to or ta rf(ct of POPULAR BEVERAGE v aM K i lar uita. aaa um miu- ' atA ui au aa vwmtr of U a4 ft uir. Lt3 mCtJOJU appbeau kai -J l of bMlvf UJbl TIU a atr bvUso4 Uada, ta Um babm SJU.K or oovcmnmcnt moeurrr l".i MIUlUII laUf attar Um miMcc nururr district. v. Um om m ktca Um tUMa C7 aold tat Mardna tAiaal. ItlUD TtMlM. aodurwd TfOdrr lar Lotriaf Lnclee.- U1 Im rredtred by M MIX fctfew, Um aodmirn ap to H xT. tits, for Jpa&Ojng ZTtui Tin sonc that at um Um prrbao of Um foUomlBf. -3 tStct rriitruoa ta m ts lit Input Lorfiar to try tana. cuapMi 1ia alro aad " v IMiraiW IIHf M Ul P I U air tank, k-rrutrr vita all a aary eiwrauac qalpcanit. NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of ku aal r3wcau Um praawr pro Ta abo la an la m by. and caa M Miaaluk oar claia. It aar. Im twra at. Um Irrr 4 Nana Loartaa- Cua-paajTi rare delieiousness and flavor; clear as crystal, Ot aui tmJi -m . . . " w w mm vwu - w camp. Ooreo CiMrloll lilamla. Ai ... sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards In full " taif ftMk. Tr4ra art to Im r.OJ. at Um prtaral " M um iaa4 tutuirj VBer. rmttm ait. bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected "l I life dar ar rrbrurr. Taa blrttrat or any trodrr oat naeri- a mi. atrtly arcrpiatf. ripe fruiL Try a glass of Applestaff today: order a r M.cLaoo. IkHtM rATTUSON. M T K BBBB C'Jlrtrt lurutrar nf T11W Psrcbaatar ArmL oo a case for the home. ' a' Ja?maA tMM tftitvwM Victoria. a.C. ird May, nil. ll-ll APPLESTAFF EYERYWHERC ar at Lau II aiwl 11 aiork COAL NOTICES ... : nh lbr uira oo iu aar WaWr, 1 11 C.I l LAXD DIJTWCT D1ITK1CT Of mi v iinub an ft. Qt'U CJUBXOTTE IS LAS US war uu aa4 l. Block tl. Richest brew of good chsar and health; ossensa KOTtCX UmI L ioarpb Buloe. ot TALE of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage la apply tot a tier dm m proaprcl for oual for young and old snappy. Invigorating, stimulating aad pctntwum ortr UM tauowur accruM- Seeds! Seeds! Uadl oo Um Weal coai ot Boncsy utaua. to body and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, Cuoaioaoclnf at a poal plaaled atxMl V of a tu'Ja aouUMatwrty rrvta a posi jucaiw creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come um fthura at a uuaU Bar OtWBlBf OUl again!" In popular priced bottles. and CaaaU tA CaaxM Pais Iwiwarn Moracliy "nnli'i, Ferry'a and SUola Itiaadi. about S mllct noruMriy ajonr um LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Bri0B QaiMan and Flald uorMt-v iiiAud aida at Canua Paa froni Saada. Burk PoUiK Utroea aowUl II cbalaii Utroca rati II cbaloai Ibtuci Bona a coauui ftfUIUar, and Worm Da-lyir. Uiraca ( II cbauu to um pout at raw Barormrot.Juaai-ll atXTO.V ApcUcast. Good old faskioned Bosk aew, stars Us ay aaut Grain and Mill Food. 'tt't Uad Aoailcr lib, II IT. srtaray thaa aver; risk aad Sack of solor, foaming Poultry Ragulator. ChltUn Food IK. OA ULHO DISTRICT DISTRICT or with spirit and life. DoskssaE ia the -Hit of the a apoolalty. . "jtE-n CHARLOTTE IILASDS M " rf.,m, Altaa4 la. Town" wherever it has boea introduced. It is the Ti ir NiiTiCK Uui L Cbarlr E. Bortaaa. pleasing, snappy drink you aava been waiting for, a I tan HuptrU B. C, BUnar, Ulrod to teiaupertFeed Co. appl tor a Ucaox to prvapeel for coal aad with an after taste that make you smack your lips twin Mm ocr Um roUoalas daacrlbad r. o. a, a. lauda oa Um Wl Cuail of Morctby iuado. with Joy. CmuiMoxlDr at a poal plantod aboul oT BOCK8TAFF EVERYWHERE a bum auttUtraiitrly trua a pott bxatad in Um abora of a amaU Bay optaiof oat ..r r.ix r LfiiMD Uoraabr and CbaaU Ulaoda. abuul I miMi borUwrly akins Um ploased announce that we have been naaaod distributor of "staflT BtrvanagM fer Northern Morvaby Ulaod aida ot caooa raw iruu, Ws r hurk rnlnl, UxlM BLtb IS cbaliui UMBOa of Seattle. We supplylag Cafes, refreshment TMlLNGINtyRtnNLMENll Columbia, fer the llemrieh's Staff Products Company, are call IS cbalMi Ibroc aoolb IS cbatnai Tritlsh V UMocemrnL tbroca wart SS cbatna to pomi oi cw places, hotels, restaursnts, grocers, and other dealers as rabidly as posilble. Please Phoa the underiigned If CMAKLES E. B'QESS. Appucani. will that order is promptly fliiss. ean't get Applistaff, Lifestaff or Bockstaff; we sis your .i ... a, , . Lucalad WtnaoiUr IU, HIT. you IktE-IA ULID DISTRICT DISTRICT Of OCKEN CHARLOTTE ISLAAPS Hm ra. Tiir mnnrr ihAi I. tliol E. CbrUtao- rawar. ho. or rrioc Kujrt. B. C prwiMCior. .. ...i. t..p m tiMnaa to broapacl Limited UHU. w tH'f ' F. G. DAWSON, 'urth.r Information lur coal aud patreMum. or Um foUowiai raal at 33 " dracrlbad UBdl 00 MM w PPly to Meraaby Itland. Cuuntrocinf ai a pu plarnad aboul V ol a nula aouUaiany Distributers t rrum wcaiaa on um -rnaU a purt Fflo WILUSCROFT a. Bay opanint oul of Caooa faaa b. UcenssNa 142 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 77 and 72 "Uptrt, B. 0. Iihi Mortaby and Cbuu milt I norUMrly aloof tba noraaoy Hdt o( Caooa fata Iroia Buck rolclj tbroea SUBSCRttat aoria IS cbaloil Um tBl"i Y? Utaae aouUl IS chain! Uiroco ! abata ta pulnl ot atauoMBOMDaoL lH& Daily HANS E, CHRIBTLNSEN, AppUcaaL News Lacalad wmir US, HIT.