THE Daily NEWS VOMX. NO. I I T jmiNCE RUPERT, BXJ, MONDAY, MAY 20 1918. PMCE FIVE CENTS 1ANY SIM FEN PLOTTERS ARE ARRESTED BRITISH AVIATORS BOMB GERMAN TOWNS - HUNS ATTEMPT RAID ON LONDON HUNDREDS OF SINN FEINERS ARTILLERY FIGHTING AND BRITISH RAID GERMANS. ARRESTED THROUGHOUT IRELAND LOCAL RAIDS ARE REPORTED GERMANS RAID LONDON OOVERAHEKT HAD EVIDENCE OF ALLEGED PRO-GERMAN PLOT (BpeUI la Tlx Dtll; .lwi) active and our batteries here were ALLIED AVIATORS DROP TWENTY TONS OF EXPLOSIVES ON AND ACTED SWIFTLY SINN FEIN HEADQUARTERS I London, May 20. The village many times subject to a violent GERMAN AERODROMES, BILLETS AND RAILWAY STATIONS RAIDED IN DUBLIN AND IMPORTANT 'of Vilie-sur-Ancre, north of Mor-jlancourt fire. GERMAN AIRCRAFT CROSS ENGLISH DOCUMENTS WERE FOUND MAKING FOR LONDON COASTS French FronL has been captured by the Paris, May 20, There have to Tb Dttij ! ) J of Iriitimen for their own ends, Hritlsh and Australian trocps. teen lively artillery actions north (fipeelil to Tbe Dill News) Dublin, Mar 20. The 8innj -j. 8 hereby CB upon They made a successful raid dur-jing of the Avre river, and in the NO Lll I IT TO U. S. London, May 20-The allied reiner tlemenl throughout Ioa-.oya BUbjecU of Hit Majesty in the night, during which they Champagne sector. French patrols EFFORT TO WIN WAR aviators have been extremely active Had received a rude shock on inland to aid In crushing such itook three hundred and fifty captured prisoners btweeen over the weekend, and have Lassigny and IN'oyon- (Special to Tbe Dally Revs) filurdsr morning, when con-JconipjraC3r prisoners and twenty machine dropped twenty tons of bombs on Italian Front. New York, "May 20. Opening terted action was taken by the) "That, as a means to this end guns- The German posts were Rome, May 20- The Austrians the enemy aerodromes and billets Minorities, when hundreds EWe shall cause still further steps also successfully raided south have made a third attempt to recapture with a speech here on Saturday at Tournai, Courrat and Chaunes. laan Sinn Felners were rounded be laken to facilitate and en-p east of Mcteren, when heavy casualties Monte Corno, but have night the Iled Cross drive for a A ton of high explosives was second hundred million dollar the station at dropped on railway throughout the country.'courage voluntary enlistment In were inflicted upon the failed completely to mate any headway. The Italians have also War Fund, President Wilson announced Metz, doing considerable damage. garriaon. General Uaig's report TTtnly-lhree arrets were made reand , nit Majesty's forces in Many trainloads of explosives. reniilsed with heavy losses de the purpose of theUnlt-ed a Dublin and reports of further j,, nope that, without resort to reads: "We made a successful tachments of the enemy on Dosso Stales to set limits 11 consisting of ammunition of the no on msll naire been received from compulsion the contribution of raid at Morlancourt, and in the Alto, and on the northern elopes various kinds for the German uilwjj, Cork, Bligo, Dundalk, Ireland to these forces may be sector south of Hullach this forenoon, of Altlssimi Frensolo valley, also effort to win tbe war- i troops at the front were being Skibereen, Kilkenny, Kul. taking a numbe of prison-era. in the Asolone area. marshalled in the Metz junction Cupel, brcuRht up to the proper strength TRY TO MAKE AMIENS yards, when this attack was made In the Morlancourt the In Trans-Caucasia. iisnr. Drorheda. Alnlone. eet- and made to correspond to the raid, 20. Turkish ANOTHER RHEIMS and some of them were hit- Tbe Moscow, May regulars contributions of other parts of Australians surprised the German and forces of the Kurd railway stations at Chaulnes, the Empire. garrison, capturing men and ma tribes advancing in Persia, have On the French Front in France, Haubordin, Douai, Marcoing and chine guns. The hostile artillery occupied Soujbulak and Ushnu, May 15. The German artillery, Peronne were also bombed with trhnn alth the 1016 rebellion. CZECHS IN RUSSIA has been more active in the Vil-Icrs-Hrettoneux south of Lake Urnla. At Baku, on under orders from the Prussian ten tons of explosives. Stations RESIST INVASION sector' to dis were demolished and the tracks the Caspian Sea. according Bavarianlrown Tbi and officials and Princes, is military police blown in thus Berlin Says. received by the Moscow were up many cases, ... . . patches L I - 1 I J V doing its utmost to turn Amiens Hul interfering with the transportation, Berlin, May 20 West of the Musselmen and enemy ashiugton. May 20. Czechs newspapers, into another Rheims. Picardy's ------m rnnclud- m-.i.r-. for . lach, the British attacked with Bolshevikl forces engaged in which was already none In.n u ,v, oVn nr .nnur li are suffered ter several companies, but were repulsed conflict. Two thousand Capital has already too good at the best. Thirty-two umIiu while figntlng with a deadly ribly from this effort to out carry bombed at Metz -red pro-Oerman revolutionary with heavy losses. Between heavy guns were have been killed and three Austro-llungarian armies have cerjons the German idea of striking terror at and Thionvllle, and Cologne Arm V Albert, the enemy was thousand wounded. organized an army which is now into the Fatherland's enemies by bombs At the tflnn Fein headquarter 4 thirty-three were dropped resisting the Teutonic invasion of tbe destrucUon ot their mosUpvenj.,,- 8tatlon. factories wi n many important aocu- llussia, the Serbian legation u.A) f2iT4rWnri8H CREWS BLEW UR - works of arjL. and every day adds and barracks. was Informed today in a cajbj, ;.J-EYJ SUBS BEFORE HUNS CAME to its suffering. In the air fighting which en. gram from London, quoting" The correspondent today went sued during these operations, our. V l-f.., of fti Tl 1 m Art A Lukuich, an officer of 'ttiil. out no London, May 20 An account over the abandoned city and ob. fighting machines brought down who has arrived he hnection served the effects of the bombard summon nas been issued oy nr the dostruelion of the seven nineteen hostile aeroplanes yesterday, French, which begins: Lukuich said part of tm aeropuoe sjinienfa , , , , ment, which has turned parts of and other four weie forced ereti, it has come to our had reached Japan Ueaou. liociiau buuiiiui me ui iiciBitiKiui the town into heaps of ruins and to descend uncontrollable. Ten beria and planned t, alley, was given to the Associated Press killed 52 men civilians, 30 women of our planes are missing. i lied armies at Ealor set- correspondent in a port where he and five children, besides wound The London Raid. Jd D Ireland, have conspired western front. ? puia i uw h Mr. i met several of the members of the ing 62 men. 48 women and 19 London, May 20. Different ester and have entered into Oermany vlolf , crews of the submarines and children before the population had Kquadrons of hostile aircraft llresULltovsk pea.,,, whence he travelled back to Eng. an opportunity to evacuate the crossed the coasts of Kent and German and bitrarily invadingia um oovemmrBi place. Since the Germans have Essex shortly after eleven o'clock "Whereas, enemy,such treachery is a created deep feel. iuertj on the same steamer with been within cannon shot of last evening, and proceeded on and "SZ?" n. Amiens after their recent advance kulch f&ue to the fair name of Ire. said, their way towards London. At -J and Its glorious military (the lied Guards )Mi of wu i. t. s. The British crews got out of during the offensive, they have midnight the raid was still in dea toca 4 u poiot hurled fewer tban 5,600, most 6r4 a record which is a Ing organlted Jnefors onlr twelve hours no progress. that is being w ly six-inch and eight-inch, shells war we of intense pride to a coun- )f the Germans, entrance -t .1 .... A I. utmost vloleuce. 1BEh co ltd. The assured Into the city. Every indication RUSSIANS RETAKE swished themselves and fought have arms, equlpmrrujcoL xwn. men points to a systematic effort to THE POST OF'BAKU ' lueh munition for an arnv l ipondent that they had destroy the public buildings, as beroic valor, in the past destruction of their has been struck the officer e the cathedral Rus Ut same way as thousands of men, TICES Constantinople, May 20, earing. craft before leaving. by shells which have pierced the reinforced a are now fighting In this war. sian Bolsheviki troops 30 T' district or larines, which had en-Baltic roofs and walls, and the object of from Turkestan and Astrakhan, 'Whereat, drastic measure HILL 44 HAD QREATvpti 1SLAXOS jtcxioo, at at early periods firing incessantly upon the" town have recaptured the port of Baku ne taken to put down this 8TRATEQIO nor. lnicad d6w r and had been in con- the cannot assumption be explained that it except is carried upon on the Caspian Sea. The Bolsheviki 'nn will tur co force crossed the Caspian Sea plot, which means nice eince. frozen wer.e out with the purely barbarpus 1 uicit uiiecirn kirsinm mat With the llrlllsh Army on Russian gunboats and attacked in the ire in Helsingfors. idea of the destruction of tbe lot France. May to. An hnporta, m the Musallmen, who, owing to 'Sow, therefore, we. the lord- section of high ground, near the FJJ- winch made their escape"Minpos- beautiful objects It contains. lack of means of defence, were Ml.. . ...irciana, ana Kover- Wyerbeeke river, north of Kem- Or ALL GERMANS slble. It was suggested that the forced to abandon the town. The . ice be dug out around them and SOLDIERS' FAMILIES .ur.ifi.tai t ft. Bolsheviki troops are vigorously iii ireisiiu. ue mel. has been captured Dy me. attack. Iloth London. May 20, The German that they should then make an TO RETURN TO CANADA continuing their attacks. ut iu issue mis rnicin. French in a atrong commission appointed to examine attempt to dive underneath the "w and Ooddczone farm, uecianng as follows: Hill 44 ml U in thn ilnlv nf nit lnvl which lie between Laclylte ona the decline In the birth rate in ice and reach clear water. After London. May 20. The Cana AT THE WESTHOLME , stormed and vc-cupied, Germany has reported a recommendation considering the plan carefully, dian military authorities on this (lla to assist Vicrstralt, were majesiy thereby giving the French for the compulsory however, the British commanders side of tbe Atlantic are still urg The play to be screened at the i " j ins uuf. 'UOieni in Irolnnrl iutucaij lr xinnrii,. which had been a bone marriage of Germans before their decided that it was impracticable. ing the return to Canada of the Weslholme Theatre thia. evening positions twentieth year is passed, according For the purpose of destroying wies and families of soldiers in is one of the best ever shown 'suiiuuie cnnnnirnpr mui contention for many aays. of Germans also received a to a dispatch to The Bally Express the submarines large quantities the overseas force, and apparent there. The play is full of excitement, i l f... ... ... The battlefront from Amsterdam. of explosives were placed Inside ly the response to the advice is life and incident, and is one " iu una me tne nonor knock on the southern detour In an Financial assistance would be them and exploded by means of not so quick as the official mind continuous thrill from start to where they made a the defence on granted by the stale, according to fuse. desires. It is pointed out to the finish. "Wild and Woolly as the attempt to capture south of Mallly- this plan, which provides penalties The series of explosions which men and their wives that it may West has been called in the year the elevation auc-ceeded for those falling to comply, followed shook the entire city of not be possible to accommodate that are past, is the proper de WANTED lUlnoval. Here the enemy In obtaining provision Is also made for the Helsingfors. At the same time the the dependents of soldiers returning scription of the play, as well as hard lighting after the French punishment of married couples large stock of torpedoes and spare to Canada in the same ship being its title- Tberp l a great Three In Carpenter. a footing childless. on hand was also blown up. relatives during who remain parts as their military allurement in tales and pictures R. MORQAN, LTD. front line at one place, dm for meir a After an inspection had shown the period of the war. Moreover, of this description, and those to success was short-lived them NOTICE that the work had been effectively when demobilization comes, the be shown tonight are among the Apply . prompt counter-attack drove Prince llupert, being done the British crews left the will The City of shipping arrangements render best ever. The name of Douglas tbry dead, Wllma A Manoon. out, and besides their . desirous of forming a lloll of city and retired northward across such arrangement impossible. Fairbanks is, of course, an attraction left more than too prisoner- Honors would, like to have the Finland into llussia, reporting for Consequently, the return of women in itself and no one will the hands of the defenders. ---the duly a fortnight later at a nub. here names as eany Vvwmw and children remaining have any regrets after witnessing The battle for Hill 44 attack was me on men from Prince llupert, who murine base in England. at that period will be greatly re. the unfolding of this story. There outcome of the German have fallen In the war. Will every The property vulue of the craft tarded- will also be an official gazette, as WESTHOLMR Mny 8. When thf Germans holding assaulted, one who has lost a relative at the aud the material destroyed reach, well as a fine comedy. the Allies were who formerly belonged to ed a total of about 12,500,000. front, TONiqmt the elevation. Hitler fighting ensued communicate w lin ONLY city, please this all day long, and the Ger,-tnai.H Mr J J. Hutchinson, srcrriuij RETAIL CLERKS FOR SALE ' aOUQLAS FAIRBANKS In the course of tlm w-currd Great War Veterans A.socla-,on. possession of the hill, ine the or Mr. P. L Palmer, president, Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock Fishing Boat 'Malsura SW'S "WILD AND WOOLLY" tr..mi.itintely organized a or Mia Urand. secretary, of sharp, Carpenters Hall. Apply to ' haV niwl forced Inf O. HAMADA r.. Auxiliary. snAinv mil. the Ladies Dance in Harvey' Hall tonight. Administrator Ftate of M. FOR QUALITY The next day the Germans again Wellington Coal rs-ouc..our Hamada, Buga House Ladysmlth ERVICE and SATISFACTION COMEDY drove forward. They mnae uo fuel bill and qNj For New Wellington Ooal and (Bayvlew Hotel; AND A " Mr Lumber of all dimensions, S Ihfy that 15. assault QAZETTE a heavy atlsf action. Thons IX DAY WEEK FOR HELP, captured the hill, which they held Coal Co. hone 11S. until fioturdny.