I iiii.i..i.ii.nm....JUi. Local News Notes Dance in Harvey's Hall tonight. Mr. L. K. Wilson, of Port Clemen!. Is paying a visit to the cltjr. Mrs. DazteUJones will not re. ceive on Tuesday, nor again un. til September. 5 PER PACKAGE Mr. 1). n. Jones, of 8keena Crossing, returned to the city last evening from uo river- The train frpm the east due last evening was late in arriving; and did not pull in until about 9:30. New fishing boat 34 feet long with 12 h. p. Imperial engine, gear etc. Must be sold At once. Weigh Scales. 110 Mr. Wm- Desman, of Port Simpson, is among the visitors who are spending a few days in the city at present. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Nelson wer?5 among the passengers on board the Princess Mar sailing last evening for Victoria. NAVY CU Mrs. S- Guttstein of Chicago. arrived in the city last evening by train to visit hen sister, Mrs. A. Guttstein here for a few months. CIOARETT ES Mrs Henning, who has been visiting in the city for the past several weeks, returned to Fid. ii mdnton by this morning's train His lordship Bishop Iiunoz went BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING out on the train this morning on a visit to part of his diocese. He will go to Burns Lake and Stoney Creek. fti llll . Mil TTTT mi . mi . mi - mi . in r Advertise In the Daily News. Old Port, Cherry and Ginger SHERIFF'S SALE OF MINING NOTiai OF ASSKiNMI! NT G. H. Arnold Liberty Wine. Try it. PROPERTY "tX IS HERtB ulVH that Ttv QUEENS HOTEL STEEN & LONGWIIL lfM Ibe f rrtace Rapert, There were five car loads of in the SUPHEMB CODflT OF It) ia the Province of Brttlih Columbia, carry fish for the east on this morp- imiTISII COLUMBIA. FlflST CLASS nOOMS- -lint NOTARY PUBLIO tat on batlaree at the SteeeCH' Clrtf (lor, SANITARY AND HClTlfC ing'S train. .iilhnrllw nf IhrM uinrtinl. dad a the tta Ur of Nay. A. D ms. and Cold Water. EftClr.ttRI ' eutloii Itaued In the above Mini u Nrnata Hfl, irnl. prtac Rapert, The Princess Sophia called in prtiUh Carambta, la trwt for lb te fe NleM. aad M tee Week. FOR SALE this morning on her way lo.y"" auu "' beivcr of bit eredKeea. M Ma rel and aawdb a4 iiv,n insiance or l.ouis bcnuit, J. a. yerwul prtfertjr. eredlte sad tlftct. ports. U..,.w . , abtcti mar to anted tad said aader ttra fUcCLARY rtXftlCU Lets ie, 11, and 12. Blosk uumt auu nivtrt uurcr, uuff. nan, hh aH tomcat It dated tbe Ilk Mr II. inent Creditors, against North McCall, general Section fl. super ir ar Mtr. its s. 20, FLUM3IH0 intendent of the G. T. P, went Columbia Gold Mining Company, A.1D notice li farther rteaa tail I tti DENTISTRY out this morning to Smithers. Columbia Mines Company. O'lton-aell ia f lb eeedHar WUI be befcl al tbe sn We can sell these three Placers 'iw officee nf Meiri Palmare k fallon. and Pine Company, oatowa tao bmiu virtus Btf SCT UtTAL WOftU Itvel lots on Hays Covt The Federated Labor: party will Creek Power Company, Ltd, Judg ca Itwk. Prtace Rapert. ea tbe ITU a SKeSA.TT oar of Mtr. ISIS, at I ten hor af S oeWk Hlteie $. hJl 1 Air;al Circle, for hold a meeting in the Carpenters' ment Debtors, I have seized all ia tbe uurmm. to u mtmm rf riaf OR. J. S. BROWN N ajht l 91,600 Cash. Hall tomorrow, Tuesday, night at the interests of the defendant dirvetMt far tbe dpoi. r eaunatai CtJTTIST S J D12 n 8 o'clock. companies, situate on Pine and f.!b "1 ASD not)re H?a Out tbe Odteei tana aUeek, Te - Th right wort tt tt HM O Donne!) Creeks in the Atlin .... u. .. ..." .. , Mrs. John Hyland. who owns ,hi,b wTn, v icti wiir turn 9M time and at IM rlM sHm. Mining District, consisting of or laae. mi. Droned ta dutrtbau tbe N. O. HELGERSOM, LTD. the trading posts at Telegraph mining leases, and mining- eauin. tbe aaid frank A. surra aiaoor Creek, was in town this morning ment. hrdraulic niDinr. monitors. rTfltH hp ' rar orny i toe ntim ar waita ae aan on way norm. tools, flumes, and soods. .k.. k... .t k. a k. v-u . All or sufficient to satisfy tte repoww f "be iwu r say fart i 3lrs. Hodgers and .Mrfi. Perkins -,.lm. , .-M. irrri to dttiriawwd u any rria of I WRIGU were the sail- cu. ba .bail aet u bar, bad "The News" amontr passengers aue' Daily , wi o(Ter fof ,ale fcy pul,jc , ' - - -' a Un. rr v CLASSIFIED ADS. . aucy r uu noon 0Q ThuP4d,y tn, 30th day ay of May. ISIS. a vacation. m.w ... .ui Hrsw.t hill Attirw . . . " Mr. D. J. Williams .superin- Court H"";vPr'?,C fB"Pert' B--! f. or ci.ccLLArioii or astenvc WANTED. !ni!n( nf iha-" ItOCber do Iloule! ol ,i0V.. S,nL"' iiti ! U hrrbT7ln tkat lae ree J ALITOR W A.I TED for Borden Street mine near Hazelton, who has been' l' """"Tetutrat . tbat purti-a at tat ms. al Pnce Rupert, II. C-, cbartaii tHairvt. aarteyed aad School. Applicant moil be prepared to snendin the last few dars in the 'yuo May 0th. 1918. 127 Lot tsia by rrtum f a i.uw snake arranreiDenta for a certificate to city, left last evening for ancou- iappeanar la tb. vntub Oaiambu ojih raa a beau&f plant. Salary ttt.tt pr Ver. - Of Deretaber ST. 1SST. la raareMed for litavistBir wmn piinTrrTtnx arr nootu. Dull u tummmr Joae lit. AppUeatlooa to be la of May It. W. D (ft. . C. Cbaeur ill i i tno af Iraalar aald Lai f tit. yance. Boi im. us Mr. J. II. McMullin, was in re-' ooeen Cbarleiie tHttrkt. to tbe fin.a J ceipt of a telegram yesterday giv-' the nhimii caiawa Lt'MBr.n din taaaoian Laager irrraiiti lkmixi ror WAITED Two waltresaee, St tor HoteL ing information of the death of a poiwtiom. united Hereby site aour. saw m!u purpoeea.i ft. IIIDCM, Wi-tlEB To tuy lenta. suitable for rent-let mnr. . n.or. V. IM.,IIIb' " M iiepaiy MHtitiee af Laadt. purpoKi. Apply r. W. Htrt. tf left last evening to hold an in-Jwerti at Oiiawa and m tb omre of 3 pfpartniral itlt.af Lead. Vkraaeia. B i: . I lib May. Itt WAITED At gaveaaon Bay, ttrl or woman quest. vuinei neriairar or tn Land. Hmirj I nlpt it Bm.i It ri.. F I - - - 1. capable take chart of imall bouse aad tktCA LA.1D flSTMCT DISTRICT OP cook for niarrted couple employed durtnt Mf. f.M., nH HaMhl . " - ' tXta'af wharfl 5 P'EE.t CHARLOTTE. The tbe day. Warn III to lit. Writ -. --.-O...V., Lulldinrt, el.. prvfl to be bwilt fd TAKE NOTICE tbat I. E. H. Slnpaoo, Of have been the Mr. and Mr. Carney, Swaoaoo Bay. Imioedlalcly. , V . guests 1 of, .I I Mataet.. mui,... ....orahan .uiand ta rraat of Prloca Rape it. B.C. mariner)la lend i la apply universal Jira. jiazzeiJones auring ineir, Pr or loi im Tiamer urente a us P for penmatloa to purrraie the f'lkiw-bir FOR SALE stay in Prince Rupert, returned to 4 u cba""'" i"J deacrtbed landa. lhlp hnm In Smith... V.v n4a.. ,rlrl- 1 Cdruaienclar al pott planted at north-eatl military " ' ' -i And take notlee tbal after tbe FOR SALE Houitbold Furniture. Phone eipira corner ar tbe LMirfrHow Mineral train. . I Uoo of one montb frun the dale f ijw Red 17. tf ruira. W. p. Sortheaii corner Na. ittti i'-r.i aut4trlfMi of tUa natiee Tbe Bmlta thence weti I rutin, thence norm tt service rS SALE On boat, 4t by l; It ttp. Messrs. II. C rrawfnnl Hue Canadian Lumber Corporation, Unld wilt. halo; the ore call la rbalnJ; the ore toutb cycle cutine. To be teen at Cow Bay Llndberjr. A. Lougheed, and Wrn. .aoder Seetloa 7 of tbe aald Act, arply to to chaine nrc or leat alone ihore Una In- at, ot OIUwt fef IIipnWi, to patnl Of It etwnenrrmenl. roMalnlaf Ma SALE Four-rootued boute and lot IS uiacKsiocK, or llazelton. are visit- 'aatd ne and plan and for ke to rt' atrea. mart or leaa. i fk Sleek II, Seetloa t. Enquire Mary ors in Prince Rupert, having ar. tiuri ibe aald wharf. bulMlnti. tie. .DATED fltn Jaaaary, itts. j B. Price, kitthiMn, Alaika. tf Dated Vaneourtr. B. C. tMa lib rived in the city last evening from I day E II. SIMPSO.l, of May. ISII. fSB SALE Wianllnf plf from pedltreed up river. THE BHITISII CA.tADIA?l LUMBER COR- Oy ( tn J. Seoaui, AesL Btrwihlrt bear aad rrade aowi, ready I'ORATIOX LIMITED, by their I real. fi Soldier's offering to his fr delivery abut tbe I at May. T to S The evidence for the defence in E. A. Clcteland, Clll Eatlnrer rvl Harry Hanson's mtkt eld. rrlee 110.09 tatb TAt.B. the theharge against the Windsor . Surveyor, Vaneourer, B.C. sweetheart is naturally Tflkwa, B.C Order early and tet flnl Oietce rnidbomme 1 ruber, P.O. boi Hotel of a breach of the Prohibi WATER NOTICE PATKNTKD sweetmeat that gave him St. Telkwa, B. C tf tion Act was completed this morn. blvertloa and Ute. Ingin the police court, before Fast Heating most refreshment and greatest TAKE NOTICE- lhal Ibe fltll OIL AMD I Magistrate Carss. The case was iiiiint,iB Milan, wnaae aaareee it lit E. H. SHOCKLEY adjourned until tomorrow. epiny ratine ifr nuiiaiur,a urrnra vanrwuter,10 uae ana B.are C. fori)will Hot Water Coil enjoyment when on duty. af waur oat of Creek, atao kaoaa (Suteeteor to 1. L. into bead af ftrtieare Say, Illtkty). MI.1F.rtAL ACT. flnctiea Coaia Inlet, about H mftea nfrrtberly 110 on an ennnreied tp tun-plete Vrtof Rupert, B. C. ami ViLiraalied for one rear. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER CERTIFICATE Of IMPROVEKOTS. The water will be dlrerted from u ordert will be tereltid al thia Lasts Hrram h i poini auoui yaoa rt. rrwii sun price up b Mey 1aArtar lhal the The Flavour Ualer aad will be ued far dotBeelle and Store and Odlce Fixtures, J0T!CE aaaauracuirlnr purpuaea upon Ibe aroand PRICE WILL OO UP. Al Ike prea-rut Stark Frettion and wnarf deeertbeit at I lab Ml aad I'm price or laaunal. aik your Mineral Claim, altuaia In Sash, Door, and Mouldings, daeta Untiled Plant. ptiNKtr far a nnri tm ntike tbe Skeens Mlnlnr blrlekin f Ceuler bl-irlfl. as Oak and Hardwoods of all Tata nailra wn putted on tbe trouad orailaary OdJ, rtihaect it up and Wbere loraUds Seren nJlea from on tbe I in day of April. Itlt. kinds. Oooee raaranirc It far one )sr, and see -Ihra Bay, on ibe normwru branth of A copy or thia notice and aa appWeaUun fall! Creek. evwpare peteea awl iudra foi W purasanl thereto and la ibe "Water Aei Specialize In Hardwood TAkE NOTICE that I, Wrn. T. Keralo, I 1 1" will be filed with the MM Water rawraelf. Boat Rlba, Sash, r M L No till C. aciins at artt for I leaded r al I'rlnca Rupert. B. C. Aa a:i baeetafuea eveiiar atrea Door, sto. Ororse hudye, t. M. L. No. Silt, and Wm (lbjeciu.ru to ibe epplleAUoa iia L aaeau batwaea taa eiber pluuilien II Lord, r M. L. No. llttlC. and for Sled ParUaiuent with the buiwmi.Comptroller Vleiarta.af Wtlec it. : .lllfbta' tn Mtytelf bare eiptred. I Ik ftby Plata and Sheat Glass and uyaelf. Iniend, amy days from I tie dale la irarlr dirt after the nm n.......with retiik- aay panalte ta anue ! Kate Its tart Is bereof. la apply to tbe MloJor Rttorttt of iMa notice ia a loetl uewn.pe bMke aad laeUll aaiue eiceptint tueelltd. Qlaxlno. tnr t CertlDtaia of ImprotametiU, for the Tbe date of Die Aral nu hair r .i... ITCIN A LONQWIU tervtcs Corner Frasar and 8-th Sta. purpoae or obuinlnr Crown Oram af toe notice la May II. itlt. dartas U y l.-nrr Will . .:, ty above claim. And furiner lake notice thai l OIL AND PIlOOUrTS i r M m, pnM-uie larrinieiueala. PHONE QUEEN MS anion, under section SI, ruutl ba com. 1 C It. ta v. in Uirnced before Ibe laauenr of auch Cr- MAFIftY HANSON P. O. BOX 1BS imcaie of iBiprortmenta. Hie Daily News delivered by THE BUM PLUWatR Hide la Uatcd Ibis 10 lb dty of April, A. D. Itlt. .arrler, 50 cents per montn. Caeees V t eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej