TMT DAILY NEWS ' Showing al the Westholme Theatre tonight. MIJllUL ACT. RECOLLECTIONS OF A 2inn(iT or mpnovtxtfiTi. GREAT NEWSPAPERMAN HOT!CI QTILL art fnrUum NlD-ral Claim. (UutU U tCouliuutfd (ruin 1'age two. INCREASING - ftVarrt Ktim: aarro nutcs irwn 'mt tu a Um ortkvfM br.oca of encampment of tue Grand Army or the UepuMic, blcu uai held tilt - lM warn, arrrin. at Bl. Louii that year. The day MtfttKlIf,.i it?r M.u.L kiui fo. (It,aa tad fro i WOL jr before 1 left New York, an editorial The demand for "Staff increasing Beverages" . Ml-..i r M L .Ho llfll C aad for appeared atrongly support- ever tptt bint ii tr cj tnm Um d.u Ing President Cleveland for a IP,w t truant u Apply of I l"4 U1 rvMtou,Mlotsf KordT for Um econd term, being one of the is evidence that its superiority is recognized by flril v-oat of stuiAlof Crew Ornt of lb leading newipapen to lake m era. am nrurr use nouc uai Ihli alep. Joiepb Pulitzer ai rM, anVr akUoo II, mmtt V ctm then owning and pushing to the nni uta Um Uiuiar of tacn Cr-dtit discriminating users front the New York World aa a of Unpformnti. uw au iu ir of Apm, a. d. iiii Democratic organ and the neit day it followed tbe Herald's lead, UNO REGISTRY ACT and also came out for a second SKttOOA It M 1 1 4.) cabled term- Tbe lo Mr.World Dennett editorial and was the HAVE YOU USED IT IN YOUR HOME? kWMiia Sm. Mil l. Mill. IIII L next day the Herald Till at TICK Uul fjU tattoo bi bre totally re tk m rtruicr mu w. tun or rrtac versed its editorial policy as to Better Order a Dozen or a Case from Your Dealer TODAY iar I. u itMr la ft adtr four Cleveland. tu U twada frwa Um CoUrlor oX Um I was to accompany Cleveland DO IT NOW! or at mart aaptrt. twartar data um for the Herald his na rf AettnUr, HIT, aad oo Tu on swing Wt (wad dalad Had da of StcaUr( around the circuit from St. Louis, at AU. A.VD SUOULAN tut ea-rula and when in St. Louii I read the jartal ar tmt M Uad Aad prcaaia UloaU, second editorial in the UeralO, n tad W!ai la Um air af rrtara b- w. aa,. MHImUrt ftMftvm Mil 4W. which delicately hinted at Cleve land's adipose and addle-pated characteristics, I war in doubt Tj-v.fw ii im Lou uurifinrva whether I was there to praise or. a Bad law roar (l. Slock Dfgr-OM MUM WcUoa Eltal III. Mao III. lo bury the presidential Caesar, until Mr. Dennett was again heard i fci parraaarr viuua at oaji froa Um from on the subject. Mr. Dennett lived In Paris on at tlrcird ay aiibUcauui la Um Ml M8Hm fUrt 1Kaart A ft-4 tMM a.. the Champa Klyvees, but had also n tafld to aarua II of Um beautiful chateau some forty tad UtMn Act" -all amiimu. aad miles outside Paris, to which he NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of bb uiuau, tMl a Arf I lit at a MiHt w ivrtlBnu was fond of inviting gay young rare deliciousnesi and flavor; clear as crystal, Bl Hfclili hrtnm Old k.tnM th. chaps to "Come lo luncheon and sparkling like champagne, sweet aa orchards in full mm wmmmr mm 1mm WW nuUN put on (be gloves with me,' While j a r Mca Ui mm. all brnoo m rM in Paris, I received a letter fipm bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected avur. tod Ukm rlaiatiat certain colonel of the PaciOc r i Oder tbrat. um n ripe fruit. Try a glass of Appleslaff today: order . j Mm-1 i M imp u tmm coast who requested me to sound "J urtrt4br4 UutraoMi aad an Mr. Dennett as to sending him lo oq a case for tbe home. tiuatiaf aajr lavrml lb -m mm Egypt as war correspondent. APPLE8TAFF EVERYWHERE. HM mm mm mm , About three o'clock the next " y V. V UH IM " nunvg ua Humo iraoi morning 1 met Mr, Dennett at the uj cuim m or la mmt of Jockey Club, and ventured to ask i mm MM MM MIW when I might call upon him on Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence i Mil u ovar of la Uad business. "Come to petit dejeuner "n al half pasl nine," wai bis reply- of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage WHIklAI Wllcauwa b4( bm did so, and found Mr. Dennett ROlng oven a pile of Heralds oi for young and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating I BxatkioM Uad. la Um ium - w ntrtj which each article and paragraph to body and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, WMtltriB . llw. marked with the name of the Mk ... . v. .: . : was creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come writer in red, and the name of the M Luu). . .... . editor who bad passed it for pub. again!" In popular priced bottles. ra ft... .k. . . lication in blue. Dut before this, UFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. 1 U AUtAj'. l.l Wlf, Mr. Dennett had taken a ten-mile . u.fillHU n. TAKE mnnrr tt..t 1 .t" ik. gallop in the Dois de Boulogne, "r,laM which bis invariable custom f was lack awllcilhia aad lain a . . . . ... 'WTT'BMI. a, --j- w while In Paris or at his country laatrtAiiDM TlUa to Um tald aGood old fashioned Bask brew, mere tasty and fvTiT 0f TnU W. llirt ttftMA place. Pronxaia Um prvptr pro-ri"1'?,"!Nu, His was a full round uie to me area my than aver; rich and stork ef color, foaming clauo. If any. . - -. or m prttrot tucn pro- end. Full of the tyuned gayeues with spirit and life, Boekstaff la the "Hit of the of existence that fall only to tue weolthy; full of the worries and Town" wherever it has been introduced. It is the B. I I M. .., .... ... 1. in. " "--"'' exciting perplexltiea and sheer pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, H. f MACUOD. hard mental work of one wnose with an after taste that makes you smack your lips T. i . n-Hitrar of TlUei. soul ia happily centred on a uaiaoo, print Rup-rt. a. C, worthy ambition, and with the with Joy. M Lo1 "4 II. BkKk of OCK8TAFF EVERYWHERE .L2lf.1!! ruwi. EOniooioo, All, rtf- exception of the lait two years k. Ml aar of Ul It, recurrent Illness, ho rounutu uis U- AM told fbt I.... ii.. long life as few are able lo do, "ni..TI?,,oa,'.ii . Mill- V.. Itr-nh. AIT" replete with honored achievement. We are pleased te announce lhat we have been naaisd distributors of "stafl" Bevavagss for Northern , , DMCC . the Daily New a delivered by Drttlsh Columbia, for the Hemrlch'a 8taff Products Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment .arrler, 50 ceuts per month. places, hotels, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers aa rapidly as possible. Please Phona the undersigned if Ms! Seeds! i-risce nvrciiT!T .lau u,"u.v,7r.V.nit. you oan't get Applsstaff, Lifestaff or Doekstaff; we will see that your order la promptly flllt. TWCT Or QVlVi CHAHLOTTS " ' "'" W. btodlt .. th.i v. Tha AtroplAoa "!, r.rr,., Bnd 8U-U pr.ct Luniur Co.. tM.. ot . CJ-". tr,1,n otctinAtloo lumUnnen. laUnd to IPPW Hd" tnd Fl,ld dU Um falloaUtf ptriol.iloo la 1am rnJllur, ,nd Worm Da.. BUBWd Al UM F. G. DAWSON, Limited "Iir, aorilxA.1 eon-r of Ul j , ... HI wuiunaua. J'- -In and Mill Faad. oor.1, s cb.m U-aee. "...i Distributers auuUl lo Um ApprwACB w - M,"'17hVr7: t WhArf. l-ori on-ou. ai-ao License No. 142 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 77 arid 72 acr of Ul I, bk 41. Umoc. .a.I lu I, 9. M. rl Akms iim AUrfol H . . . a block II W POUl SRuperl Feed Co. of tuAmuc-ruKoi. and cmuloliif M tad oiM-ball acrti AtltOI'LANK PMJCE lVml CO ITU, r w. HI a rraaldfOl. . ...1 lata. Ill