The Daily News VOL. IX. KO. 120. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C, THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS MM PEG SIRE ffiOWS STRONGER DAILY TWELVE THOUSAND MEN NOW OUT-SHIPYARD WORKERS IN VICTORIA MAY GO MAN OFFENSIVE PLANS POLICE COMMISSION BRITISH PRISONERS HOW HOUSEKEEPERS IRELAND WONDERS DISCUSS MANY THINGS IN GERMANY GET MAY CUT DOWN COSTS WHAT AMERICANS HAMPERED BY ALLIES' BLOWS ' HORRIBLE TREATMENT ARE THINKING NOW .Idlers A of the Had Better Look Out and meeting general corn- I Get Busy Motor Speeding mitlee of the publicity section of IT NUMEROUS POINTS, ENEMY HAS BEEN FORCED BACK TO Is to be Restricted and (Special to Tt DUlj 3ewi) the .Natural Resources Department fSpeeuI to Tte Dan? news.) NEW LINES AND HIS ARRANGEMENTS UPSET RAIDS Bllnd-PIgs Pinched. ' London, May 23. The Times organized by the Food Board in Dublin, May 23. "What does AND LOCAL ATTACKS STILL CONTINUE gives prominence to further authenticated town, was held last evening in America think?" Is the question ITALIAN SUCCESS. The regular meeting of the reports of atrocities, the Board of Trade rooms, Mr. D. which all schools of Irish (opinion Police Commission was called for systematic tortures and coldblooded G. Stewart, the district chairman, have been asking since the arrest (peUJ U Tlx DtUf !) yesterday afternoon, when murders of liritlsb prisoners presiding,.The chief matter which many of the Sinn Fein leaders. Every London. Msr 23. The German MORE UNIONS JOIN mailers yf public importance in Germany, in which the the meeting had before II was a for the resumption of the war. Hi.ti...,l rt.l-f VIV - sum total of the evidence in in- letter from the mayor in which he faction of the press claims the plasi TTfVtltTff y n nwvvvm i " inhuman. There Is brought the matter of cash support of American opinion and his credibly an up a nffrnive In France has been niiinlrtlJ OiKlKt er Pented report for the by the sudden . month of April, which showed instance of a Urjtish soldier at and carry system or alternatively each section quotes freely what ttrioasly hampered 'lbal forty-two cases Minden, who was deliberately shot a plan of community delivery of ever American comment it can Moci of the allies here and there Winnipeg. May 23. - With ,of h,e dead because a dozen Dritishers goods from the retailers to the b'fore the ibLT"gl'1 m?s"lfle collect in support of its .own par twelve thousand the whole UfaU Tho Gcr- men on strike. . did not want to draw their ration consumers, thereby cutting down or uaa ticular convictions een and union. ininlnr,..ik iol"7- viewpoint. mori. tMt have been forced back at obtained. The fines collected y of the filthy, undrinkable stuff the retailers' expenses considerably, out hourly, conditions in Winnipeg served as coffee. At Merierburg. and consequently, the costs lustrous points to new lines, daily becoming 'amounted to some 1808, of which AT THE WESTHOLME are more a number oi seriously wounoea of food to the consumer. tiicb msy be the more easily detailed. grave. In a cold driizling rain. $400 was claimed by the Dominion. British soldiers were, after vain This Is one of the things which The swift and sudden at-lull thousands walked to their work protests, forced to walk for has been engaging attention in June Caprice, one of the dain made by the liritlsb and this morning. The Business Men's The matter of salaries of the twelve hours a day. many towns for soma time past, tiest of film actresses, will be French forces on the Flanders League has a thousand motors police force was brought up by and in some places instituted suc seen in the title role of the play to Uptl bsve spparenliy cot upon operated by the owners and volunteers Commissioner Macdonald. In view cessfully- In Prince Rupert nearly be screened at the Wesiholme Ut aems of the German soldiers. frye.of expense for those of the increased and continuously wJCTORIA FACED every store possesses its (own Theatre this evening. As "Patsy- Tkrt are unable to anticipate who desire to ride, and a hundred increasing cosi oi living, iih-p WITH TWO STRIKES delivery cap. and il is no uncom June Caprice is charming as ever tkere the next blow will fall, and licences were taken out in the withstanding tne increasing num. mon sight to see several ears not and her many admirers will be prisoners taken captive appear rash hours for automobile hire of controllers, he moved that fully laden covering practically still further delighted with her ioU frrally relieved, when their cars, line mrec cuusLauies itiarici uv Victoria, May 23. Victoria is the same route. It has been felt rare acting in this play. There is uueties are removed. increased to 1120 per montn, to faced with two strikes, one in that this was an instance where something delightful in the manner; EipecUd Soon. ARMENIANS WILL date frpm the 1st of May. This volving ten thousand shipyard economy might be practiced without in which she portrays the part Pirii, Hay S3. The German FIGHT TO DEATH was agreed to. workers, and the other; the entire decreasing efficiency, and at of "Patsy," the poor little country siUtk ti expected soon, and will Commissioner Macdlmatd also fire fighting force in the city. the same time releasing experi girl at first, and throughout !! roost probably take place In the London. May 21. It is learned referred to a statement which had Refusing lp accept the Murphy enced drivers for more necessary her futhero experiences. Then, Uasmt region neat Albert, on the from Armenian sources that been made by one of the lawyers award in its entirety, the Labor employment. there is the added attraction of Am river The German artillery everywhere In the .Caucasus the in town to the effect that he did organizations, through the Metal It is also possible that the cash Billie Burke. She will appear in stUtrits have been in constant Armenians are organlxing in ory. not expect to gel Justice in the Trades Council, yesterdar pre and carry system might be prac the fourteenth chapter of "Glor tcUoa for so long here that the der to resist the attempted advance police court, or something of that ented Mr. It. P. liutcharL director ticed in Prince Rupert very much ia's Romance." the serial etr lUsek might be expected any of the Turkish troops eastward- kind. He irtimated that it had il me woouen -i.-i.iui buipduiiuidk du it..tun more, which would help out con wb-iebi tme bat so far. the German , Telegraphic Information been brought Lp his attention,that j pacific coast for. the Imperial siderably in the restricti-g ofjrec rwera staff have not"yet shown from both Armenian and Turkish cases sometimes are disclTssed In Munitions Hoard, an ultimatum- deliveries to certain specified f ha! tUir htnd. sources has announced from Urn the police office with the magistrate we'gbts of goods. With the costs through this serial, and is an at Beiiln'a Report-Beriia, to time that fighting has taken before the case comes before friends, and I think it time that of delivery cut out, or largely reduced, tractive as ever. Tonight's chap May 23, Heavy arjil. place between Armenian and Ottoman the court, and that the out the police had friends" it will be possible for the ter is in two parts, and is of such Cb;.,njr is reported in an of. trpops, and it appears come of the cases are practically Automobile Speeding. storekeeper; to .sell just so much a quality that will be greatly en -At sUlement received from clear that the Turkish march decided before the trjal- Commissioner Hill brought up cheaper, which the consumer will joyed. tatral Headquarters today. The eastward has been considerably "I don't believe It," interjected the matter of the excessive speed appreciate. And under the new Another specially good pro tkf tones said to be under gun hindered. Mr. Peters. "I have occasion t or automobiles in the city, particularly system of licences, the stbrekeep. gramme nas also been arranged In tere the Kemmel district, both In spite of enemy propaganda go to the magistrate in all cases. on tlth Avenue. The ers' books will be always avail. for Friday, when the star; actress f be Lyt, and between Ar-ru and betrayal by the Tartars, the and to give him details, but as far cars just toot when approaching able to be checked up, and in any Ethel Barrymore will appear in sad Albert. I Armenians are determined to as discussing the case further, it the hill, and any children playing case of undue profits being taken. "Final Judgment," which is a play More Raids. fight to the death for their national is not so. If I or the chief, went on the streets have just to fall off the storekeeper is liable to lose of exceptional power. A twii-reel Umdon, May 23. The Gerynane cause and the defence of to the magistrate behind the bark Unto the muskeg to get out of the his licence, and thus simply be Fox comedy, of the kind which tHuiti end attempted to raid their country. At an enthusiastic of the other side and tried to in way quick enougn. Mayor md-Clymont put out of business. has been appreciated so much for & Bi -j positions near Mesnel meeting held at THHs. the President fluence his Judgment, that would agreed that the rate of The communication from the several Fridays past, will also be fcUer repulsed. British forces of the Armenian Assembly be wrong.' speed by some of the business and mair will be discussed at a displayed, as well as a splendid a-fT'&c in the city was of the retailers concerned Gazette, showing the detaitof the' out a raid on the Oer-positions said: I am informed that the result professional men meeting around Hebuternr. let before some cases come disgraceful. 'There are no playgrounds." to be called for next week. Mr. great disaster at Halifax, when "If we are to perish, us is kn)iwn dieted very severe losses Upon perish with honor. into court," repeated Commis went on the mayor, Geoise Munro and Mr. H. Atkins that town "was ruined by the ex tt enemy. On the following day tne Ar sioner Macdonald. "1 want this "and the streets are the only were the representatives of the plosion of the munitions ship. Abandon Zeebrugge. menian trade unions passed a stopped, if it Is going on." places for the children to play. particular trades immediately May 23, The German resolution that all able-bodied It is not going on, reiurnea and some day there is something concerned, and the further ar KAISER WILHELM HAS 5J auxhorUles are preparing persons be enrolled, while the Mr. Peters. I absoluleiy ueny going to happen. However, I have rangements remain in their ROCK-LIKE CONFIDENCE" bn(i.0 Zeebrugge and Ostend students and school boys also met this statement. We have a highly certain proposals for th City bands. utsvsi bases because of the re-bJ-'tkades and declared that the battlefield honorable magistrate. I often Council to deal with." Amsterdam, May 20. "I have ATTAINED IN effected by the was the place where they would speak U him about cases. I have Increasing Traffic. OBJECT rock-like (Confidence that my peo. h naval forces, and the con-nt continue their studies. occasion to do so. hut not regara-ing The increasing automobile PALESTINE OPERATIONS pie will be equal to the great tasks barrasiing of the British the JudgmenL" traffic up Fulton Street in the of the future," said Emperor Wil orbing planes. "The police have to be protected direction of Comox Avenue was London, May 22. Recent op. helm when inspecting the graves Italian Success. ALL SUBSTITUTES LEIPZIG FAIR from things of this kind." went also brought to the attention of erations in Palestine and Meso of soldiers during his recent visit Rome. May 23. Tht Italian AT Commissioner Macdonald- "It the commission. After being silent potamia are regarded as entirely to Alx La Chappelie. The soldier on JJPi on the mountains west of 22. OUlcial is lour duly. We will do ours, ana for several months, thenight was successful by the British General who has struggled through Brenla river broke Washington. May riiUHt do theirs." again full of noises between 10 Staff. the iron time of the world war r stUcks. esptially up on many the despatches received today giving others If want to protect p. m. and 2 a. in- Commissioner The ?nain object of Gen. Allen will be a teacher and leader to the Fair Then you tola slopes of Santo llosso- On accounts of the great Lelpiig the chiefs private Macdonald moved that the Com by's operations in Palestine have growing youths at home in building said that the fair war largely an the police, with list been largely realized. His object the wts Spmnoncla. west of the ought to be restored. There mission be supplied a up and consolidating reborn exhibition of substitutes, espec- room showing the owners and occupiers was not merely to occupy a large empire, I where can says an official at present "Austrian statement, allr In the metals sections, only is no place of the houses on Comox. Commissioner territory east of the Jordan, but in with him privacy, position was destroy- the porcelain maker noing discuss matters was taken Hill also moved that on to draw Turkish trpops from the Constable Evans, of the Pro itld.time piquets. Dolls since his room any occasion when a conviction south and so ease the situation vincial Police Dept., took a man u.r thnwn with hair made oi over" brought was obtained regarding the keep for the Arabs. This has been named K. H. Jackson into.custody the spun glass Tea made from straw PiVtecting from Commissioner police Hill ing of a disorderly bouse, that the done to a marked extent and the yesterday, and went with him to berry eaves and neros was the query why charge had been al- owner and agent be prosecuted at Arabs have taken full advantage Granby. flor the preliminary ueai WESTHOLMF, hihited. and said to have an ex- in a week from interfering well. lot the opportunity by raiding the ing- The charge is obtaining ..ii.nt taste, hut even five or six terjwl this to Blind Pigs., Hadjaz railway at various places money under false pretences. while on duty, TONiQMT ONLY cups fallen! to produce we re with the police which was a That whisky was being sold in until now the entire railway Is assault, freshing exhileralion oi ie common "There are town was known to the commission. virtually out of commission. The Raincoats. JUNE CAPRICE article. It has been namea very different lot thing.of men in U They also knew the price. German troops still in the south The Family Shoe Store will give PATSY"is man tea," Pepper was surpr s- doubtless a to take a wallop It was 17 and f 0. The chief also have lost their artery of supplies 20 discount off all men's and I Ult of k ,, ,aeomr Ingly well Imitated, marmaiauea town prepared for It 5." said Com-mUiloner knew, and was awaiting Just a and are living on dates and what, women's raincoats on Thursday, ' tn ri rrslur. were made from vegetables instead at the police Hill. 'They would also little evidence to complete his ever else they can obtain locally. May 23rd. 120 of fruit. Soap was a combination In Mesopotamia, Gen- Marshall's ease. take wallop to a Mth Chipfcrr of of oil from berrks and be quite pleased at the same Idlers. operations have been Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces BILLIE BURKE pumlcestone. having effective at the commissioners I don't propose to Anyone, no matter of what equally successful, although the your fuel bill and give Tw Now wis, cleansing qualities, but larking We want no nationality, must go to work, and British columns are competing Mtlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. wallops. FRIDAY the characteristic of a creamy take any In this town to get everyone in town must get some against nature as well as against Coal Co. ONLY lather. Two concentric rings wu roughnecks- details of the case then useful "occupation, or get out. It the Turks, whose policy of running HtL BARRYMORE small springs between were offered bv The mo ..--,, is not eif mgh that a person be occupied away Increases the difficulty. ssAU sur for pneumatic bicycle tires, were given, which There seemed I to merely, but the occupation Gen. Marshall has been success, 'INAL tut, la causing one correspondent to remark been published. to whether the must be useful to the community-There ful In diverting a number of Turk. Mvt JUDGMENT" sorrowfully that "thry be some dubiety a. were several persons in I ah from the Capaslan Ses enten-prise. rt Mftn, oflkers naa iirJ very serviceable on asphalt pavements, police tins charge. (""?'-.toner town at the present moment who T fwri rm cwiMxly but ore not exactly ni'l"-less pointed out that as-upon were better otherwise employed, Hill BON''urlllal BON RIOT or easy riding." lb..-niS and they will receive attention. Liberty Wine la delicious. FOR QUALITY HANS MAD d for Foe New Wellington Goal and ERVICE and SATISFACTION A White mo. . lon be made In any Sport, pionlo and dress shoes s aih ". K.t tWIIUi Ladles I I See our new .vmer - . n fulure. -II has for men, women ad c4ill4rfrn. Ir Lumber of 6.11 dimensions. IX DAY WEEK FO HHLP. can all white kid shoe. Fami!yt'?j ,aj lhat the pol,f have B0 Family Who Store. tz hone 118, Bhoe Blore, II