THT DAILY NEWS Ml I mwww The Daily News Harry Hanson's MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PATENTED For the Cast. Publiihad Dally and Weekly Fast Heating Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat Guaranteed Largest Circulation urdays at V;30 a.m. Hot Water Coil HEAD OFFICE: From the CasL Dally News Building, Third Avenue, Princo Rupert, D.C Tel. 93. Coiu 110.08 all wnowtnl up eom-plti Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and fiMnntrttl fur one jrir 5 JO TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per Inch. ordtrt ni t r til at this al p.m. ptit up to May 1 Afltr thai tKa Contract Rates on application. PRICC WILL 00 UP. At tttt prrl-tnt For Vanoouveri Following pnt of material. ak four Tuesdays P-m DAILY EDITION. Thursday, May 23, 1918- f)utlr fr a prU U . an Wednesdays ' the with rdinary Ooll. ronncrt it up and 10 sun ruarantM It for on jaf, and Thursdays .'" thrn emnp'are price, and Judr for THE VITAL SPOT sedulously cultivated by German fourlf. From Vancouver sentiment v an hmtnfar ttiittnr trm-tnraia piny In the early stages of the publicists twtvrrn lh ellwr plumbtra Sundays 10 p.m. war much was said and written no part in the project. Military ni mylf Itar tiplrrd, I twrtbr Wednesdays 10.30 a.m. about the occupation of Berlin and material considerations m.i any prtaiia to anyone to Saturdays Pn- then, as now, determined Prussian iriif and iniult aam, trpnnr as the Allies' chief objective. TKIN A LONOWILL Colonel Repington, then mill, policy. Germany will try tfurinf sty abttnr Will potltlvrlv For Anyoit to annex the iron fields of Uricy larrlnrrmrnta. 10 tary crjtic of The London prtul Sundays p.m. Times, predicted the capture of and Longwy as she annexed Wednesdays 10 p.m. the German capital by the Russians those across the mountains in THI HARRY BUM HANSON PLUMBER Ulsion. for a moment, those far off ports by Christmas, 1014, while Lorraine forty-seven years ago. From Anyox: It will be recalled that In the beyond the trackless seas a noted British peer in a public Tuesdays Jn- weeks of the JofTre opening war speech gave a vivid picture of Thursdays p.m. launched an offensive in Lorraine From Arctic Ice, to the torrid Allied cavalry prancing between have been more fully disclosed lands the trees which line the imposing and penetrated some distance when hostilities ceased, but as For Port Simpson and Naas River the Southern Cross through the Vosges. His beneath Unter" Den Linden. matters are shaping at present it points: The occupation of Berlin in object evidently was to grasp looks as if the Entente will frustrate Sundays 10 p.m. the chief source of Germany's From towns tucked In the mountains, to itself would not end the war. these.manoeuvres and come iron "supply and thus impair Probably no capital In Europe her military effort. The offensive out on top- From Port Simpson and Naas the busy river's mouth is less vital to the resisting River Points: failed and in the rebound of the country of which DRILLING Tuesdays a.m. power France lost her own supply. OPERATIONS WRIGLEY5 Is there! it is the political centre. During FOR ALBERTA OIL Some day, however, there may the wars of Frederick the Queen Charlotte Islands: Great it was captured by the be another attempt and it will For AlnaaetL lnrt Hlements and There, because men find MADE IN CANADA Edmonton, May 20 Oil drilling not fail. It is in the sector Russian but Frederick kept north east of I Upper Island points: comfort and refreshment which is nearest to Metz that operation i and SEALED TICHT-KEPT fighting and in the end was intunlays 8 n.n. the chief American has Edmonton ar this year becoming RIGHT army In Its continued use backbone of victorious. The 1'roni Massct, Vorl Clements olid active and the old been stationed and it is not very companies Germany's military power Is unlikely that if it should be are opening up operations as well Upper IslaoU points: Because of Its benefits the Rhine, and the most Altai Tuesdays s. m. necessary to carjry the war into as several new companies which part of that backbone is the German territory the fresh new are taking in machinery and and because voainasu noiJLhern district of German forces of the republic will play starting on the quest for this fuel For Skldrrale, Queen Charlolle Lorraine. This is the source and Lower Island points: City an important part in the pro-gramme. which Is becoming more import of probably two-thirds of Germany's 6 Wednesdays p.rn- If the Rhine were ant each day. supply of iron ore and forced in that region German Although there is no boom and 1'rorii' BkldesratPr L)urn Charlolle if it were over-run by the Al I' City and Ieer Island points: resistance would quickly come the operators seem to try to gel lies the enemy's power of re to an end for the heart of Ger away from any idea of boom as Saturdays p. m. would be im sistance vastly many's industrial production far as possible, there is a great paired. It is true there arjo iron would be in the Allies' power. deal of healthy activity showing Salvation Army. mines in and Silesia. Saxony In the oil fields all through this but they do not produce more section. Public rnrttliig, TuesdarB. than a small proportion of the GERMANY ALARMED AT Thursdays and filMnlays at 8 p. total requirements. SHIPPING PROSPECTS n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. The Dally News delivered by The Lorraine iron deposits are among the most extensive London, May 22. That German nrrier. 50 cents per month. in the world, spreading along shipping circles are uneasy over both sides of the boundary; so the prospects for the reconstruc Nothing Like Internal QUEENS HOTE pact of them are in France and tion of the merchant fleet is in part in German territory. For dicated by the trend of recent Bathing for Constipation -rinsT class rooms the lime being, however, the comments in Gorman newspapers Hot and Cold Water. Germans have all of them for The taking over of the Dutch SO pee RlfM. a4 M pee Week. Advertise In The Daily News their armies have been in occupation vessels and the proposed arrange of the district between ments with Swedish owners are If people) only knew wtut Internal Longwy .and Briey since, the two bitter pills for Germany to Sathlnr la dolor for tboatanda of otbert early days of the war. Uwas swallow, while the loss of the dock Ihrrt would t rawer nil, and Laiatrtee from mat area mai trance property and buildings owned by altowed and wry muttt leee aafftrtnf frtca Coru Up Hon and U aceompaiijuu obtained ninety per cent, of the orth German Lloyd and the Siomacb and fterroua trouble reauiusi her iron and the German ad-J Hamburg-American Line in New from It vance there crippled her enor-jYork and Baltimore has fairly Mr. Cave. Sit Enerr St, Wtorta. 8 14 The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility mousl), compelling her to rely f staggered the shipping interests, C, MTtlttt of Sir Robert Borden entirely upon imports from;as they can see that their foreign -Beret Bilnr die "I, B. L. Catrade" I exaggeration." uffered com unity rrua Coaiupaitoo. overseas. .trade, ana especially me nigniy bad frequent Ulloui atutk and lick The iron resources of Lor-lucrative passenger traffic across ueadacbea. Sine Urtnolor yoor lyilrm raine had a great deal to do the Atlantic, has been placed in at Internal Batblnr 1ta tbe "J, B. L with von Moltke's insistence Jeopardy. Cacade" four month are, I hat not bad City and Town Labor one attack and feel lironrrr and better la upon the annexation of that There is not the slightest doubt every way. My only rerret U tbat I did province and Alsace in 1871 that Germany has certain designs not ret a Caacad toooer." Contrary to the impression on neutipl tonnage which would By the proper application cf calore Save cure, warm tvaur by meana of tbe "J. B Must U Caacade" ttw lower late uoe are kept free from all potaooou watte. Drun force 5ture. Internal Baibint anliu her Dr. Cba. A. Tyrrell of Hew York. The Food Situation S. S. PRINCE RUPERT apeetaliit on Internal Batblnr. lavenud and perfected the 1. B. U Caacade.' wblcb baa done more durtnr tb pa it to year sailing-Wednesday In reitortnr beallb and letaenlnr dlaeaae 9.00 a.m. for 8wanson Bay and than all other meana euntrined. Alk Cyril THE heart of tho food production problem is labor, and the II. Orme. drurrlat. cor. Ird Ave, and (lb Vancouver. SL. for Booklet. "Why Man of Today la heart of tho labor problem is tho city dweller. City people S.S. PRINCE GEORGE be Only pleated SO Per to Cent enow Endent"and eiplato He te will i.alw B must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support L. Catcade to yoa. of our soldiers and Allies. Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Men who are needed on farms mu3t come from tho cities and Victoria and 8eattle. towns there is no other source. Tho Provincial Departments 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. of Agriculture co-operating with tho Canada Food Board, can Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. TRAIN 8ERVICE They aro needed at once. PaJMBtcr HoMar, WaSnaatay and Saturday at 11:19 a.m. for Smllber, SALE OP OOVERNMENT PROPERTV pnnea Oeorte, Edmonton and WUmtper. mallor direct coooectloo for all points tail and soutn. PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT. Those who remain at home must also Grow Food SEALED TESDLH3. endoraed "Tender A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. for Lorrlor Eniine." will be received by ine unaerairned up to SIM May. Ills, for man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to grow For Information and reservations apply to me purcbaae of the rllwtnr is on a farm. But War Garden more food for export. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 One 10 itf Eo.pUe Lotflnr Don-key service is needed from those who Enrtne. complete with tied and offers an The vegetable garden water tank, lretbr with all necct-(try can do no more. Mwratlna- eaalnmmi. opportunity for service to men Tbe above I now in ute by. and can It impossible Every pound of home-grown whose circumstances make uv urn ei, toe arrr Munn LOfflor tool vegetables, pany ramp. Queen charlotte lilandt. produced on city land by for them to work on a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ill.Tender are to be r.O.B. at the prearnl city labor,will be a positiveaddition farm, to women, to boys and girls- -to Tbe blfbetl or any tender not nke to the food supply. Home Garden city people generally. tartly accepted. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points JAMES PATTtRSO.t,rurrhaalnr Arent, Be a Food Producer This Year via Steamer to Vancouver and the Victoria, B.C. trd May, ISIS. Il-tt Canadian Pacific Railway If there is a garden or vacant lot movement in your MINERAL AOT community, associate yourself with it. Ifnoorgam Meals and Berth included on Steamer nation exists, do what you can to Interest yo Cerllflcate of Improvements neighbours in the War Garden campaign. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE NOTIOE Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture "LOl'ISE" Mineral Clalam, alluate In lb for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. SS. SOPHIA aaila fraaa rrlici R apart Majr Srd, 1 4 lb. tub; Juna 4lh, tlih rortltnd Canal Mlnlnr Dlvltlon of Catilar aa Itth. DlltrlCI. Wber located: On AnuHrin CANADA FOOD DOARD iTMNOtM ALIOS aalla far Vancoutar J una Itnd and July aih. Creek, about ml Lei rrua lit mouth. TAkE NOTICE thai I. Hobart ai...,i St. PRINCESS SUV aalla rer Vancouver May I in. It Hi. (tin. and lllh; rrre Miner' Cerlinctle tio. H0"C" Intend, fad. Vh. Ilia, llrd and 1Mb. altty day from the diu h.rr.V apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder for Cer uncaw or imprsremcnta, for the purpote Director of Director of at liblalnior S Crown Oram of II abov CJisIrm0 W. 0. ORCHARD, Oenersl Agent. claim. Production Agricultural Labor And further take notice that anion .. Co ntr Fourth Straat mnd Third Avonus, Prfnc Kup.rt. B.C. der teetloa si niutl be cunmeuced before (In Co-operation with the Provincial Departments of Agriculture.) me iHwe or ucn ceriioctl of Improve lueMU. Paled lliia Hit) dty of March, ll,