TUT DAILY NEWS I.LB IMMMHIM The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE TUG LEADING NEWSPAPER I: NORTHERN OfUTlSH COLUMBIA Published Dally and Wkly For the East. . Mondays, Wedneidays and t?al-lirttays Guaranteed Largest Circulation at 9:30 a.m. II BAD OFFICE: From the East. n.iil Xj.va IljIIJinir. Third Avenue. Prince Ituuort, U.C Tel. S Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays TRANSlSr DISPLAY ADVEIiriSING tJ cents per meb at 5.30 p.m. Two Questions Rates application. Contract on Tor Vancouver: Tuesdays VM DAILY EDITION. Uw Saturday. May 25. I9I. W cdnesdays .....-.. 7 a.tii-Thursdsya ....10 p.tn. With so many low-priced What ths F-ood Board Says. pjoflls, and at the same tunc From Vancouver so-called anti-skids obtainable, Kites the ivtailer a means i "Food dealers. large and Sundays .............. I0 p.m. average his protlts with lair small, aijj being placed under ness. Wednesdays 1030 a.m. would that great host licence in Canada." says the "But why can I tiie Canada Saturdays pjn. Canada Food Hoard. loud Board fix prices t lin of motorists pay more for For Anyoxi , "How can that help me,' question has been asked ofieu 1 he answer is because no boaro Sundas ...... 10 p.m. Dunlop "Traction" Tread asks the consumer naturally. Wednesdays 10 p.tn. or government can make men "Licencing keeps down profl do work that bungs no pro ill if could leering. Every,licence is re 'Money makes the mare go-' No FronitAnyoi: they get its merits quired at stated periods to price of any commodity can be Tuesdays a.m elsewhere ? make reoorts concerning his lixed steadily so long as tb Thursdays p.tn Molt of these cost of labor cannot be tlxed. I game would not be worth the (business. peo and River For Port Simpson Naas has been found that prices candle. upright and patriotic; Also, would that other pie are have at times bad to be raised If Canadians choose, they points: some. like Hamlet, are 'indif to be fair. Fixed prices must can save food, and so attain all Sundays 10 p.m. list of ferent honest. always be above the normal that a rationing plan would, large car owners buy "But the licence is the only If the price of wheat were llxed without its huge expense." From Port Simpson and Naas " way of catching the unscrupulous. too low, production would drop inis is as uie matter ap River Points: "SPECIAL andand the farmer would quit. peals to the Canada Food Board Tuesdays a.m. It is the one weapon that if tires which j"f prices of some foods were and there are numerous bther somewhat in all the warring countries has too low to encounage produc phases of Ibis difficult question Queen Charlotte Islands: been 'found to be the terror of tion, they would disappear from which will appeal with equal r'or Massett, Port Clements and resemble it in appeawi ; e the evildoer in business- If the market. The burden would great force to the consumers l Upper Island points: there is a suspicion of undue then fall upon the remaining who, after all. are the peopl Saturdays 8 aan. resembled it in efficiency? 'profit, an examination of the fpod, and their price would go who have to pay. Worn MasseL I'orl Clements and up. This is a fact in Canada tjpper Island pelnts: 'books will be ordered. The today. The Allies need food The Daily News delivered b Tuesdays a. m. licence gives the power of the cannot win vic Price fixing a .arrier, SO cents per month. showdown. Licencing controls tory. F.or Skldtgate, Queen Charlotte profits; with profits controlled "The only remedy within Insomnia Cured City and Lower Island points: 6 .prices urji only such things as reach today is in saving and Wednesdays pjn. economising the present stocks Without Drugs from Skidesair, Uurrn Charlotte will encourage (production. and Loner Island City points: treb of'food, and in doubling, "If unfair profit is discovered the licence may be suspended this ling and season's if possible crpp.quadrupling Prices will Internal Bathing Relieves Saturdays p. rn. Don't merely smother your cough or cancelled. And out the drpp when there is enough food the Cause Salvation Army. profiteer will have to go for for ourselves and the Allies. Matbira'a 6;re? eiTwiaaCad Utee 00 oUr Public no-ttnirs. Tuesdays. CURE IT tweaMly amala cocfhisr, bt tha to ttUmxiA U yon do mi eleep Ur It alaaya business. "Then why couldn't the Can no -licence, no CreatbeLar tnmtin It beln tb eretra totkwe el huh. Doa't tun douf tta Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. "Keeping down excessive ada Food Board order ration- m cuU aal tbtM rcTrctt a taunt run. 11 la IhU guilty hkb lue wm U drort. Jmd can't fomame tbeta. n. Sundays at 1:30 p. rn. It Um Ue-f4 eaW i aay csetgk and eatd rrmMj la Ci W, of ing?" The consumer would Rle Utt cane and a rood, sound aley profits is the surest way like to know a little more. ill I tbe molt Jjt. Ux Wlin, rrn) r, checking the rising price of Tlx nitna cannot b rtrnt If tlx "The answer is easy," the 4. t acATvrro ce. rvv. nzaiaaet r Co Wo or Jarre totnttM U sol krpt cia living in Canada. A fair profit, Food Board replies- "it could tod free from all vast mailer. But QUEENS HOTEL must be allowed the middle, make the order, but what power internally ir you watt perfect bratta. man, as the chief distributor, in in Canada could see the order Mr. r. C Votft. Rapid City, Man, FIRST CLASS ROOMS write r "Fof eeveral jear I aa8erd Hot and Cold Water caixied out? There's the rub. this vast he will slide land, or front ladirettloa, nervosa DeetUty, la out of business. Then our last Rationing today could only nnl and CooiUpaUoa. Had no appetite, SO pee Nlf III, SS pee Week. Advertise In The Daily News touch city people. Fifty per and doctors did not eipect I would Bit stage would be worse than our cent of our population live in Utroattxai Um winter. Yoor book later eM4 n 1 rat a -J. B. L. Caacad" and first, for it would mean starv the country, and seventy-five in a few da j i obtained remarkafcl rteulu, ing in a land of plenty; we per cent of the rest in small now Weep and Aloy mj meal belter should have food in the Do towns. These get their food Utan for rr be for, t rerard lb B direct from.the 600,000 farms. ( Caerade" aa a Oodaeod to me." minion without the necessary Ttw "I. B. L. Caaca4o' la a perfected Rationing could not touch these means of local distribution. only about fifteen per cent of Or.tppliaor Out. a.for Tyrrell latenul or Baialnc,Jtew Tort,Invented and baa by "The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility This is.the idea of the Canada the people could be rationed. been lb mean or reatertnr Umuafcade to the perfect bealib It la a bo-mo and captained of exaggeration." aSV Jto&ert Borden Food Board, and there are "All the food going Into tX cyrU 11. Onno, DrurrUt, ror. rd Ate. many people in Canada who United Kingdom goes through and (Ui St. wbo will bo pleated to lit a few ports, or doorways and yon an uicreeitsr book tailed Ti Wbat will not agree with this at all. can be checked all the way Tbe Wby. Tbe War of latenul Baihinr "Price fixing is only arbin down. In Canada, the food is on rtqaeiL Ak (or It City and Town Labor trary, but licencing gives the spread out in little lots, and consumer something twhicb would want a host of policemen protects him from excessive U tipce to the tables. The Must Save S. S. PRINCE RUPERT BALI OP aOVCRNMCNT FROFKftTV The Food Situation PRINCK RUPERT DISTRICT. sailing and SEALED It Dills, endorsed "Teodera HPHE heart of the food production problem is labor, and the Swanson Wednesday 9.00 sum.for Bay r Lot lor Enttne. wui be receded by A Vancouver. Um underatrned up to Hal Majr. Ill. for heart of tho labor problem is the city dweller. City people am or tba purcnato One to a II Empire roikmlcr Lordnr Donkey must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support S.S. "PRINCE GEORGE Catlne. couplet with alel and of our soldiers and Allies. water lank, wretbrr wub.all necea Wednesday'Midnight to'Anyoi. Thursday-Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Tb ao abst vperaUof la now equipment tn tu by. and can Men who are needed on farms must come from the cities and Victoria and Seattle. j area a I. to Kerr a Mnna Uarr Com towns there is no other source. The Provincial Departments Pnr' camp, Uurn Cbariott laUnda. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Teodeea ar to b FM.D. at in prtxnt of Agriculture co-operating with tho Canada Food Board, can Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. MIC Tbe biabeil or any tender not necea place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. TRAIN SERVICE nly accepted.james rATTtaso.v, They are needed at once. rvutpr smui, Mrse4r sad inrai tl 1 1:10 i.m. for Smltbera. rnrcbatlDf Arrnt 'Prince Ooort. Edmonton-sndWlnalper.polau Mil-tad making(ouUl direct eoooccUoat for eli victoria. B.C., 3rd May, I til. 1 la Those who remain at home must also Grow Food MINERAL ACT A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Certificate of Improvements man whose rightful place this year leave the farmers free to grow For information and reservations apply to is on a farm. But War Garden more food for export. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE .260 NOTICE service is needed from those who LOUSE" Mineral CUItm, attoat In tbe roniand Canal Mtninr flvlalon of Caatiar can do no more. The vegetable garden offers an Diatrlci. Wbrr located; On American opportunity for service to men creek, about 4 mllea 'root ita month. Every of inv TAKE HOIto: Utat I, Robert Stewart pound home-grown vegetables, .whose circumstances make It rre Mlnrr'a CcrllDrale No. UJ9T" ip produced on city land by possible for them to work on a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY apply tend, ality to lb daya Mlnlni from Recorder tb due for bereo'r.a Cer to city labor,will be n positiveaddition farm, to women, to boys and girls UOcau of Improvement, for tbe purpoa to the food supply. Home Garden to city people generally. or obialalDr a Cron Oram of tb abo Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points claim. Be Food Producer This Year And further lake nolle I tit I action, un a via Steamer to Vancouver and the der eection tl muat b etawnencetl before Canadian Pacific Railway the au or aurb CcrtUlcat cl Improve If there is a garden or vacant lot movement in your menu. community, associate yourself with it. If no orgonl Itatedtbia Utli day of Martb. lilt Meals and Berth included on Steamer ration exists, do what you can to interest your IkEE.K LA.VD COAST,DISTRICTWSTIUCT RA.IOE I. Of neighbours in the War Garden campaign. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture TAKE .to TICK thai tbe Orand Trunk for pamphlets on,gardening and additional information. SS. SOPHIA aalla fraia mate Rupert Mar Ira. !. I4tb-Jaae iia. lata Pacuie runway Company of Vlniili. as aim. i ManiU.Ua, lound to apply for. pennttaloe CANADA POOD BOARD ut teat v roiiowinr deKrlbed laoda.-Commenrinr fSSPwiacass. ALICI aalU rorVaoier lae find tad July Ilk. at s poat planted at tb moat noriberly point of Lot 1ST sl or about ee. PRiNCCaMAValU for Vaocoutar May Ilk, IIUi. Iliu. aa H blthnaier mark, tbenc northerly, eaiter-ly. Juse tkd.sth, litb. Iird and lia. aoutberly and weaterir. faitomiae ih. ainuoaitiea of tb abore lin to a point of otoJitenccineot, Includiof all tbal for Director of bor between blab-water and low-water Production W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. Dated April lib. an TIIK OBAMD TRUNK lUCIdC HAILWAV Ce ner Fourth Street und Third Avenue, Prfne Kupert. B.C. cuni'a.it, ii. it. iitnaard. aoUclior. (In Co-optratlon with the Provincial Departments of Agriculture.) Advertise in the Daily News.