i Mr A. P. Ourd of Claxlon. ar- "Tics: or cANCttumo- or -tst-vi eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereee feel irjved in the city yesterday morn- to , H ,b, lM, ,m rrt. G. H. Arnold ! ing on a Mill. .miwit m imi pnm r it . ROYAL ' Inaeew ISHirtet. ord ilW STANDARD Fresh and Fit Mr. W. F. Hoyer of Hkeena City, as Lot lite By reetem s ; HOI NOTARY PUBLIC J Is paying a visit to Prince HuperL apfeartsr i the British cmWsoiiMie having arrived front up river yesterday ksastitr M S. MILLED tk pssrrwee ; SCIENTIFICALLY you must keep your stomach mn Otirtote imtrHt. te te BMH.ti FOR SALE well, your liver active, f!tiuin Ltmbee srpeeeil') UMii fM J MODERN MACHINERY the bowels regular,and The Prince Rupert had sew saw mHI purposes. . Makes II at tb ininiiir e ..i . your fifty-one this morning 8. a sunns. Lets 10, 11, and 12, Block passengers Mlfttltef f Lands. e iw v blood pure. Your physical for the Queen Charlotte Island. twfwty iiiKitcr, tnnn rp flejayr thai Section 6. Oerirtmeut of lends, Yttterts. B C. lllh does nt 20, condition on the, enttipar. three Serbians depends She also brought up May. lll. M health of these organs. on their way to their eamp USED ALONE OH N ALLIANCE We can sell these three When anything goes wrong on tbe'Atlantic coast, where they IhlACi RUflRT tAHO MSTPICT PIS-TWCT WITH level lots on Hays Cove will receive training beforj? going OP QVECS CHARLOTTE IILASD9. Circle, for overseas. : ROYAL STANDARD RYE Fl.flllli S 1,600 Cash. just take TAKE SOTICE that we. The Aeroplane : Mr D. R. Kennedy, of the Prince 9e'Lumber Os- Ltd, f Pert Oeraeou, Intend to apply for em pel Inn tttmbertnen. a few doses of Bcecham'a Pills ing Rupert Company,Equipment returned and to Engineer,the city aenMsston to lease the fertewter described A IT MEANS WHOLESOME landt.- H. O: HELOERSON, LTD. and avoid serious illness. APPETIZING any last evening from Skeena river CaKmmtf at a ptaated at tbe LOAVES mmsm ftffrf- T - t They are a fine corrective and points. While at Hatelton. h northeast estner ef Let I. Block II. part ROTH FLOURS T ALL tonic for the system, and a made extensive improvements to ! tt swhditlslea ef Distrtei M Tie. inewee ItAOl.a 8S0CtS . si 00 mmBm help in maintaining good nana S rnains. meoce west 19 derrees great will the lighting and power plant at M(a u um appracii te fw Ooverameat Hh tMht fe Ieet,- I health. A single box the Silver Standard mine. Wharf. Pari Omentt. thewee southerly BSlrUBial I Ceaad Pm4 tou. "The Daily News" prove the remedial value of alear saM approach te the aortbwest corner of Let I. said block 41, thence east NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT erry aiear the waterfront ef lets t. t, I. CLASSIFIED ADS. HEXHAM'S I. I, , T, and S. said bleek 41 te potst w tee ., SOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES, that rraak of assume nee meat, ted eeatalftier seven A, Stevens, ef tbe aty or prince Rupert. and one-half acre mare or less. .EROPLASE SPRUCE LUMBER CO LTD. WANTED. m the Prevtnre ef British Oetumbla, carry S. T. Lewis. President inr a hwsKiesi a the Stevens' Qyar St we. PILLS April Ind. HIS. Jl FRED STORK'S WASTED Settlor bea r-bon Oreen IS did . the lib day ef May. A. O. 1911. HARDWARE assiim to llrrman 11 HI. arrat. Prtnre Ra WASTED To bay second bind Underwood WATER SOTtCE Vfri Briush Caiumbta, W trust ror the Typewriter Welsh Seie. Laraa Sale ef Ar Medklae UtV.WerU. Drrerskea and Use FOR SU rrrrbara. la beiee,IS. benefit of bis creditors, alt hit real and CANNERYMEN WAJfTrD Two wiltresM-s, Saroy Hotel persoaai prtferiy. credits and effects! We have added to our stock of valves and pip. f-. mbirh may he aetied and seed under etecn.i TAIE SOTICP. Hit I tf mil OIL ASD pietj line nf Rubber Helling I IHiOlCTS 1sm a4re M SI at nght prtrs. WASTED To buy tents, suitable for rent uoo, wbleb Mrnmenl Is dated tbe Stk UMtTetV, ViiiiImhi PaeSfle itl ItalkSSar. r tat vurvo. Apply r. W. Hart tf day oT May. III. FOR FISHERMEN Local News Notes ASD notice s further aivea that . meetJ,' ttTSt tt kalst'klowa A fftrnpJst sUk f the best gids that nn-n-y . WASTED At Swansea By, tlri or wonuo inr the creditor win be held at the 'as nowise heed of Setesert , tm crble ukc char re of small boue tod taw offlee of Messr. Palmare A ruttoe, J Toekee laieL abMsl H i h-eiy (pning--Spring Hrasi. 8ilver and Bronte cook for married couple employed durtni Scatt Bteek. Prtace Rupert, oa tbe tllk i rnm r"art t B. C FOR THE WATERFKONT i be day. Wares lit to III. Write Old port. Cherry and Ginger day of May. 111. at the hour of 1 o'rlnra I The stater win be diverted fewn th at a shoal fees ft fresa Slftl Tbo celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnish- 8peul Mrs. Carney, Swansea Bay, Immediately. fee the'narooee of aivtee iwem pecal bcit wine. Try it. Liberty tJL. V's.w-.r or eontlnutar :maafaete J HI paf be nw Uftan fee deeneetst the iraaJ iW paint "FLOG LAZE" A complete line of 8bip .hsndi j FOR SALE Mr- Mitchell Albert arrived back tbe business of lb estate. ' .1 aharf OeserHwd as rteh OM and Ptw- FOR EVERYONE ASD nntlre Is further slveti that the,duets I trailed ptaot run I ALE Household furniture. Phone in the city today from Vancouver. testrnee U1. on and after the lib day; The nottee was ete4. oa th creM A Sne stock of Hardware. Guraey's 'Mrd ki .., Red IIT. If of iune, till, proceed to distribute th,"" ' We Sell Nothing But The Cost. Mr. V. J. Alder, of Victoria, asset of th said rrank A. Stesee amonr) ZSi FL' tL -vEZTii? FOR SALE fias boat. 41 by 19; II fc-p. arrived in town today from the lite person entitled thert barmy m" rlrHli 1?U Wiier cycle e urine. To be seen-at Cow Bay. rrd only to tbe claim of whlcb be shall Reearder at PrMre ftatMct. B C fredtoTk'shardware south. thta have nouce, and be will ml be held! ObJclto la Mm ppBcMob iy b yea sale Fourrocsd boose and lot 19 responsible for Ibn assets oe any pertjated the OcnntreBli r af Water Rlrht. U Block 41, Section t. Enjulre Mary Mrs. F. It. Hunt and child arrived , m distnb,ied to any rersoa of ',CZ7T TTVtili iL B. rrtee, Ketchikan. Alaska. tr in town today from Van etsim he shall hot then have had 3 Sfl'Liw s, -UfT rOR, SALE: Its acres land near Alyansb couver. ' The dale ef th Beet puhttetaie of UaM BATED al Prince ftopert, I, C, IkttlUl weee u My It. 111 II an acre. Terms If d sired. Arply to J f y. Itll. FISH OIL ASD PROK4JCT9 UMlTlP Subscribe for The News Daily W. D. Soble. Mill bay, B.C ttt Captain and Mrs. Alexander, of II Ell MAS HILL. Assirnr 1 By C R, Rett Arrat Carcross, were in tbe city this ron SALE At less than rorermneot price, garter-section la Bulkley Valley. Sen morning on their way into tbe to Land Settlement noldlnrs Welrn Atlin country. Scales. II Mr. and Mrs. 0. 11. Nelson weer fen SALE Weanlinr plrs rrom pedlrreed Berkshire boar and rode sows, ready among tbe Prince Ilupert.cUiiens 3). fer deUiery about tbe lit May. 7 to I returning to town this morning o la v H weeks old. Price 119.99 each P.O.B fryitn tbe south. Tslkw. B.C. Order early and ret Brsl cnaice Prudbomme 4 ruber. P.O. boi ILS.) We have some native eagle IS, Tetkws, B. C tT claws mounted up as fobs in solid CANADA ? tt-k gold at reasonable prices Bulger & Denike. v.i. PRtvATf orrtenvt aacnev PROCLAMATION 20 StrtrepoilUn !-, Viicvr. s Mr. G. 11. Doulton, of Port Cle ments, arrived this mbrning in Day Phone, Seymour 441 f. Slrbt Phone, ralrmont S9I9. the city on his way across to the Islands frpm Vancouver. GEORGE the FIFTH, by the Grace of Cod, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the BrirUh Meed Ofltce, S12 MIkketfSeee Blea. Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. Vic toe la. B. a, Pbeae S4I2. Mrs. J. M. Lyncb, of Suiitbers, To all to whom theft prevents t:ull come, or whom the same may In anywioe concern, CREETINGi arrjved in town in the early hour A proclamation caUlug for report by the men comprised In tlx- ettenslon of Qim I, aulhocUed by the regulation of 39th April. 11. of yesterday morning from up The ridltary Service Act. 1117. river. The train was late. dVekr that aS th I by it.j sr f w HF.nKAS by oar jWUmttioa And we do hereby 3 lmiut elet the lllh 4r ei tkoai 3" DENTISTRY Mr. Martin O'lteilly returned to OSoW. 117. e did reN oat eUe I cW iA hrrrir Art. t4 ra4 aad mbfi a sMUaary b km lb darhtfaa d tbe rwet m c tbe wr MsHury tbe this morning by city Art khMltna taetealler ualeaa naM dMrbarawl. aravio uai rvwr k 19I7,na a tbe snea by oar UnwN MO BRIMS WOW Prince Rupert after a business ad IforlamatSua tC iefiMj or daamb4 Ktil the fire day Jaa t be dee sard to b eo Vw v of at tbereaftee ereey aeb taaa W Waii bate daly rrated a W f- SftOlALTT to tk H etoe tofcwrtac.oa aeUr to tbe southern cities. M t oar trip ehall be ia etarfaaadUa fapdilkmry tSnaad day. aa by this oar prortaatetka repaired, aww evsr abawe withtmt aatd the dar ahirb he ahall ba imesrrd Caaade aa in OR. J. S. CROWN For e lor the Ifcfeara c4 Asa ia the f'aaadiaa lUamlMsaoary aad be sVd aa aniee arr tare Mr. E- E. f'aaU. and Mrs. lliggins, ar i Hber la or bryoad a . onmtT beraoy aaorewrwr BoStljr fta.1 auotsa ear Sovtaa; aahperl ate arr- 'V rived in tbe friom Deputy MtseXrr U Jartke saicbt t the eaoiSBaavl or dtrenka td of llTl. searirt. a f". 0i 9HM Bleak, Tntow a reave city yesterday oar sitRry leeeea thereailee oedee oe repuel. thatif. oaerUtWe the beat day Jaaa, they where Mr. lifggins rUBtatana emaaaaite aaJ eeJatoMl. tnr all! o im rwjairKo v r.; Port Clements, dtrrrt. Im pUretl apna artjra arrrire a aioreaaid uatil a day not eerhrr tk-July. s is interested in logging opera. HIS. ahkh til by oar rectatmr or depaty refMrai tar th t lions. AND WHEREAS 'ZtrTch(r attsrfc they are hereby mtatred to repnrt, be aotiR 1 1 thee "''-' nl April hut. ia tbe er atine t4 tlie t en Werml by r VVr Ueaearea Art, lilt. trmt at their rexwrtir addmaaa a etvea ia their reeurta, ae at -- a-3e ar addreeaea they hare eeapxrinely Mined to ear raid w it w aoMMHC other inter- nert aruva eil that tlae I uec our rami atanary nrmm ae ay The P. It. T. No. 1 is being re- Act. 117. ebeJl. IB ad4nk k th m tarladed tLeef tacwr said Art eaeelioAMj. reglttrar, aad de baeeby ialoens, low-are aad adsaoalah the saes '' lajsr" L H. SHOCKLEY modelled and fitted Cot tbe fishing iartade all snea. who ar by tkw oar rwlf!k ix-eln-d is retwrt a knaiter to nport that tf any 4 tbetn alalL.witbaat ) aad af!kuM aa- the time aad ptararvietml antlne ia wriUai ae am awl ' duty, at by dearribml. aad that all snea iarledcd iu the mJ Clam I by striae ef lb rV.tk b (Successor to i, L. Hlckey) trade, and will be a valuable addition alomaad. ehall report u. the rtMrr ur deputy rrMtsar xadee ear said M Hilary ba Irauml he ahall. b aabyaet to lb seoredare. pabw aarl to tbe already fine tleet of twrriiw Art 117. e r.umJ y pnm It matiua. a) ball be aUnt o silsury Ua seeaertbwl aa acMaet dewrtee. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER as ia aarb BrurUmatsua art out. sat alaU, la the ea U lUir tasuae; tn ertrt. be tbe Deep Sea Fisheries, Ltd. liable to the praaitin ape- ifWl ia uui said last naituM-d Art aad the reUlSuae (M all whiah Oar kwiax sabieet aad all aiter ubasa ! at. tTiereuatleri at kerefca iir to lake sair. rewieelaa etriet aiWwawe te aad'- -l H theae uar aaen ma ads, dirartioae aad reqaireeaeat. aad frmil leesta- Elore and Office Fixtures, Good is being made progress oar fknreraur (mi f Canada la Onuaeil aeeurdiacly Bash, Door, and Mouldings, with the construction of tbe new- AND WHEREAS baa l-term t:. l t eteeriae the sum as fxa- Oak and Hard wood sf all sawmill which is being erected at lerred to rrar the tae4 IbeacaaaddeaetiptHW bm-wafser epntfie!. as aethnetatd I., rP..e:....,., AIM ..f Wehaea-l the- "rt by tbe said reevUtioas of SQtb All feat to repurt, h1 ' ratirrt tlieta to n Hilary lit A dllIllLll Ji V V II CI UUI, a U IVIW kinds. " usk. it is expected to La in operation law at (be 'ima -a' ia be snaaaer f thie our prortasaatH a arearrthnl U I aaada ta l- berraata a Hi ted. H HM tftff KU irsny aa a within a couple of weeks. IWlurni i iai aad (ovaarllur, Vlnor (aitsa MBKaas. l We Specialize In Hardwood Now, therefore, know iZUXAtiil Uaoieeat 4 ilartlaio. lrl ot Irrahir. Karl af IHrttsat'W '' ' ' teCi Boat Rib. Sash, ye U HarlBKa. llarea ('avradiOi nf Kelchky. Kaacbs W 0r v ' Mr. C. Calhoun arrived last thai every nun wb Is a Brltltbaubjert real lallt t'ausla.nt ulthln any lias .J the Caiter. Oae U (Ut i Ifoa-iuralJa lriry Oooa-il. k" 15 Door, etc. evening from Edmonton en route f persen desrrlhed In lb etreptleit snenltaned In l!i- kedul te aur tall .i()r Uiat DbtunMlad Mnht id tmt Jlieharl aad 1-"I axft- MlUtary fvmWe Art. 1117. who ba attained the ac ef nineteen year, but nas Oread froa. uf IHJ ltoal V'MoHaa OrJr; Goeeraor Oeaeeal aad Plate and Sheet Qlaas and to Alice Arjn and vicinity. Mr. barn en er slnre the uth day ef IHtaher. tJ, iiid t unmarrtfti ar a wMewer laHU'eJrf ot Mar IJomtataa of UtaU. Calhoun prbspecled the Alice Arm stllbeutebUdrrn.sbatt.anee befaretbe Brsl day cf June, lilt,report In wrltlnf Glazing. by rrtltterrd pt te tbe rrthitrar ar drpuly rrd I aatl ar uo r aur HtMur r?URT,L'1fi,h.tiAu ths A Oar f ioveraoiaat lluaw. U fW t OTTAWA. l district fourteen ago, and Sertle Art. 1117. far lb dltfrkt stlthln nbl years rrfUtrr hr rUea. bl name In thoaaaaJ bteew. Comer aad Fraser 6th aia huadred and 8 La. la in year el lr Lord oa still has valuable holdings there. fuu. I lie date af hi btrlh, and pi ire af retdrti .1 '.:;t LI. usual past oC Our of Iteic. addreaat aben i oar ioviac aubjai-u afleeted by our tun a I aad tajaaetioa alr year PHONE OREEN 26 aid are eepxeially ebar(nj not to (all. star ant ol d. t, . Hiaity aad aHuUara Mr. and Mrs. II- A. Macdonald rcqair aad iinpaw th oUicatioe of earrful aai inplirtt Ik m Ui tbmw our atriet Ily eoaniaaad. P. O. BOX 158 and arrived in the this eomsoaade aad Ujiiarttooa. but nvtrurrr, leat aay uf aur n t ubfwta hawU be family city ifsoraat of the eoaaMieearea whkh ifl eaawr if they tut '., n-jt witl.ie laa liene morning from Vancouver on their limitMl aa atureaetd, tse da brrtbt ferewart!. and edmenUh I lift thai any en by Ibis aur preetinuUon required I report 1.1 j ab JI tsitlKut nsaenabl Graham Island. Mr. way across to rsruae fall la report a afareaaLl shall tbrr by ratuuiU an atlrnee far aihleh be Harry Hanson's Macdonald was associated with shall be UaMe,en aumnwy raniktloti.la l-nrUot...i f r any Itrm not eieeed of f'tat. bis father-in-law, tbe late Mr. N. lac die ear Mills bard labour, and be shtil. nes.rik.sr. U mi u Ire. be UadeNWrUry PATENTED rompeUed te ers ImmedUIrl in eur said Kiped'-tUniry I err. J. McLeod, in contracting in this Fast Heating city, and previous tin that, with tbe late Archie MacDougall. Note: Tha men required to report by ibis f oclamaUou stiould addfeaa ibeir report aa followci . . .... if.II if ikry Hot Water Coil Tbe whaler "Hlue" belonging to ONTARIO-To tbe tb Deputy lUvi-tar uwler the Milttery . .r. ie Aet. IftT. ImU. To tU Drauly Itea-UWar ua.lef the Mflilary jBerrW Art, I"'- Vt whtia Kf U"baa. kX ir UueWt, (hfoai, ieaiM tbe Uietn,aau naww. ia Ukwaty U tirlf as, the fleet of the Victoria Whaling Vatarbio, wellmcUM. Ivnh. 1 1 aro. or 11 rare. Costs iie.ee all connected cp complete Co., is tied up at the wharf ot To the Iteciatrar uadertbt it.Military llaWunaaJ,Hertrb NurMr Att. IVl'I T, .a a. if il ay HeeJ la KOVA SX OTIA-To the IWiatrar aler the MCiury rWviee Aet. iW "' and ruaranteed for one year. the Rupert Marine Ironworks. The I'aal. Yoefc. (Hiaio i.t ,U, Wtatwoit. Halloa. they reaeie ia th IVoviare of fioym rlrotia. Orders wiu U recelred at tola I'arrv Kuuad. Aiaitua aa.1 Niptaaine; aurlh U the wt,ttaaa aad Pieata Revaaj A Hlue" bad to in here price up to May IS After that the put on is'ludlM the TuaaabibU i4 I'mia aail llnaAcbl HHW llUUNHWICK-To lU lll.trar a.lrr lb MWhwy Hervu PRICC WILL 00 UP, At the present Thursday for boiler repairs. Considerable To the Deputy ICrfiatrar uadrr the alllKary tmh A t. IUIT, Iviaaala. U JmJm. M they raM to tbe lloTtaee uf Kw Hrula. price of materiel, aik your interest was being evinced t bay reaale la the aty .4 DstUui. No.tiiau.Urlpa.1, k hAavfeswuah. plumber for price to make an Haatlass, IViaee laiasrd Iaan. AddUeVn, Tiuaiaa . falilua. f aetMoa! flllNt.i: IJDWAItJl ISI.KlTo the lU-iutrar Jif'J ordinary Coll, connect It up and yesterday in her harpoon gun IHrnU. fjleecarry. ItaH-ett, Mwiwal, OwetOU.. laaafk. laU. lf.trhaWUetaa. U they reeW la th I"rv1e4 Ittm guarantee It for on year, and see which is mounted on the bows. vae Art. then euuipar prices knd Judtf for She Is a sturdy looking craft. ItHITffllf COLUMUIA-Tu Ibe llel.trar ,.JFz2L yourself. e Vrur, d they reakie 1 the I"toy tare U Urilk ("a" as all between heretofore tbe other esistinf plumbers arree-menta No one could have any Objection QUEMIX: To the Keglatrar under Ute Military Hervkw AH. IIT, Uulrl. if tber NAHKATCll E AN-To tU Kei Mrar uaJer lb MOttary rr4 "7 raaide if reael is the lrov4ae of haikaUbaaaa. end myself bare eipirrd, I hereby to Empire Day weather, as NaDiarTille Iter revbke any penults to anyooe to per sample given yesterday. ill'. '' TerrebuMe, Two ktuuataia. Miraa. tVrvw Aet, 1. AMaaatiaa, MiHU , KaiUViw. IU&1-litvan. AiJ UHTA-To the Ikglatm uaJer the MUiiary stake and Intuit same, eicepuoi- Everyone who had an opportunity Ua. Ht Maarfr Three Ht Jidtaa. lleviUa UiU.uU U, reaida la IW rrovtat All-rla ITIIN LOMOWILL Mineil. Ilaukilla. ml.I. W.l.u. u. I, iL n. "Tn ' r durlnr absence Will took advantage of the calm sea lUeaaah.;. VMa.t. twT. ' lT 3-..v" a. .ssmb. siiisianai. Il' Vf any positively " "' "'tiaiaa. nuartwnuK aan w Art. (ruse rule Infrtnrements, to have a trip somewhere. Across -r .1 V. huuiu 7. v,tm the Military Kw Vi, lilt.a-aar'Uwoa. If tly MANI iXtllA-To tbe itUar uaUar tie MUitary fVrviee the harbor, and at Digby Island liiey rsile ia the I'TOviaoeU Maaitoba. HARRY HANSON tbe sUore was doited with small tbe MUtUryriervfc AH. Ilf. Dsesua, I KOK To the R.i.rar under TNK BUM PLUMBER boats of all descriptions. Hun reaale ia lb Yaoa Territory- baths were very popular.