JL JL mJlj Daily News VOL IX 122' JOUNCE RUPERT, B.O, MONDAY. MAY 27, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENT HALIFAX POLICE 0 Ch th IS 7 CE RAIDED BY 10 CAKE OF SOAP CAUSES $5,000 DAMAGE - MANY PATROL ACTIVITIES AT FRONT RAIDS AND LOCAL ATTACKS EXPECTS THE GERMAN BORDEN AGAINST HALIFAX MOB CAUSES $5,000 ATTACK TO COME SOON CONSCRIPTION OF HAPPEN ALL ALONG THE LINE Washington. May 25. The ENEMY ALIENS DAMAGE TO POLICE STATION lorjn of Mackensen," Germany's MTKOL ENCOUNTER REPORTED NUMEROUS ARTILLERY third and perhaps final great drive .'Victoria, May 25 In response! ..n-m u n.iir office at the City Hall, but the ACTIVITY INCREASE! FROM GERMAN BATTERIES-CANADIANS on the western front will, be to a petition from the people ofi .faT Mnt,M1unM.. other one escaped, lie evidently STORM NUMEROUS ENEMY POSITIONS launched about June, I N according Jgfc4, lbN-tM in'lhe down-town section was successful in enlisting the AND GET PRISONERS to the prediction of General W.-ernmenl to the A. HHrffffa rhif nf th. tiriiih Question. Sir noDeri uoraen nas " " okU.u sympathy of the other soldiers :ipdi u tim Daily 5 Military Mission here. prepared a memorandum which when a crowd of soldiers, sailors aod blue-Jackets in town, and as London, May 27 Field Marshal flier nn uruc tunm i Should Mackensen fail to breakthe has given to J. C. Mcintosh, and civilians attacked the City a result tte mob went to the last night mVJl UV iriDJl TWAA u,e Allied line at bis objective' M. P, for the information of his Hall. The damage caused is esti police station and bombarded it aays:- Hifi report Ue constituents. It refers to the in. ,n Ypres salient and around hostile raid UK UU rlbnlilMb mated at around 15,000. The successfully with stones. the night a Amlen.an Austro-Gernan of- sistent demand there has been for fp--.ed by the French troops fensive against Italy probably will the conscription of enemy aliens police office was totally wrecked. Considerable damage was done for labor purposes and that their The trouble started about eight to the building, which remained a toe sector north of Hailleul. Washington, May 25. Every follow. General Bridges declared, of draft must work He "pressed complete confidence earnings should be appropriated o'clock in the evening, when two a sorry sight after; the mob had fU:..W t night wii repeated man age or bad their will at it. Uproarious by the state, but points out the Fochs' ability to stem British sailors were arreted for fight after July i under a drastic witnessed for scenes were some disadvantages of such a course the invaders in all events. tor tt heavy, consisting chiefly amendment to the selective er-( .hf enemy ba, now on lhe from the standpoint of the national refusing to pay for the purchase considerable time before the great sf ru shells There was heavy vice regulations announced by we,tern battle line 1,500,000 interest which would greatly of a cake of soap. One of the crowds which had gathered, were ru shelling eaiy this morning Provost - Marshal-General Crow, bayonets- The drive probably outweigh any possible advantage. sailors was taken to the police dispersed. i Hinges. der. i will come about June l. II may Such discriminatory legislation. iffl Sir Robert Borden oayg, PROVINCE WILL SELL PACIFIC FISHERMEN'S break before that it be or may American Patrol Action. .Not only idlrrs, but II frift' would instantly provoke reprisals BONDS AT HOME WAGES IN QUESTION delayed, out u a coming, saia Washington, May 27. An registrants engaged in what are'Bridges. "We exDecl the enemy on the part of the enemy states, Isxncan patrol, consisting of an held to be non-useful occupations make nU greatest effort atpuud and ouch reprisals would take a Victoria, May 27, An effort to Ottawa, May 23, The appar ttr and twenty men in the are to be haled before local boards Ypres and northward to Bethume, hard form, and they would be float a loan of $2,000,000 in this ently large increase iq the wages and the choice of new!in the vicinity of Haieurouc. visited not only on Canadians, but paid to halibut flshermen"oh the Lanine sector last eight drove a-iven a province will be made by the Provincial while a subsidiary drive, on a on all British subjects at present Pacific coast since 1915 was the tat asd inflicted severe losses job or: the army. Government- Following the Min. smaller scale, is expected at heSd In enemy territory. subject of a question to :?oa in enemy party armed with Gamblers, racetrack and bucket Amiens." "We neither desire nor expect instructions received from Hon. ister of Labor by Frank Reefer-. jjfct machine guns, under a. shop attendants and fortune tell, The newly reorganized German to compete successfully with the John II art, minister of Finance, member for Port Arthur, la the ttCl by machine gun Are from ers bead the list, but those who divisions and the remnants of the enemy in barbarity, aaid the pre now in Toronto with Premier House tonighL Mr. Keefer quoted flj' Mmt' llna' in i i l 1 1.- divisions engaged In the recent mien. Oliver, immediate advertisement the wages paid as follows: 11.75 French Front. through in the Provincial papers asking per hundred pounds in 1915; 12.12 a drive being put .. y.r 9t trtithrr dufi lations also include waiters and,ni4ieourpe are of training in open war-t.sners KAISER'S GREAT NAVY for bids for the loan will be made. in 1917, and (3 at the present treat intensity took place bartenders, theatre manoeuvring, British WANTS SAFETY FIRST The issue will be of ten years, time, a total increase of 140 per scstbeast of Amiens, in the re. attendants, passenger elevator ;miUry officials declare. Their bearing 6 per cent, and payable cent. rsa f llangard Wood and below operators and other attendants ofitraiQjng has virtually been comJ S LondonMay 2&-5Uicioe" is on June 1, 1928. .A.tbe men were all,found in to Arre rher. Our troops clubs, hotels, stores, etc., domes-lpletel and only the most raaicai the word used by the German This action of the minister nets, food and everything elsej the 3N prisoners in various sectors tics and clerks In stores. I change in plans will hold Cer- naval authorities to describe what created considerable comment in increase could not be due to the apttrcl actions. tTrA elasaiflcation sranted manv's greatest efforts to ureas it would mean for the Kaiser's legislative circles here. The offer rise of the cost of living or any Usga Raided. account of dependents will be through to the Channel ports, navy to attempt to interfere with ing of bonds for local purchase thing else, and as it affected the lisiUrdim. May 27. The Cot. on disregarded entirely in applying I "Germany is insisting that Aus-the the transport of all Allied troops has not hitherto been followed in the, price of fish, it as a matter tr !a Xaasboda reports that an rule. tria sUrt activities against Italy." and munitions across the English connection with Government notations, of public concern. The fisher - A air raid has been carried Channel. and the experiment will men, Mx. Keefer intimated, were Baseball players, as well as General Bridges declared. winer Liege, where the Igondit golfers "Should a stalemate be reached According to German papers. be watched with interest. largely of alien race and not in professional ockeys, andj n2y ilalion was destroyed and considerable irritation has been sympathy with the food administration, urrmau ww other professional sportsmen, i again in me wesu t!y.,tx persons were killed- by the rapidity ORDERS DISBANDING. and they were making General Crowdei; said today, will undoubtedly will be diverted for caused in Germany Canadians In Action. has been OF ROUMANIAN ARMY things difficult accordingly. Mr. which England German b affected by the regulations if'an Italian drive. Without with l Canadian Headquarters In and Keefer asked that a Government into France, men throwing enforced- Oeneral Crow- troops, Austria proDaoiy win rc- tit Field, May 27. FourWn irietly criticism has been directed at the Amsterdam, May 25. Au order officer:be appointed to investigate. to make fuse to start anything. desire did not der said he , Kwasers and one machine gun In a vigorous defence. for the demobilization of the Rou Mr- Crothers asked for a memo. 10 Admiralty. at this time, and "Should a determined euorj pecitto rulings captured, manian army was published in randum to forward to the Labor numerous enemy Karl Hollweg points only when crush Italy be maae ny uermany, Rear-Admiral make rulings would Mrtioni stormed, and many dug. cases come to him from local the Allies would find it imperative out that the activity of the German the Official Gaxette at Jassy on Department's age'nt on the Pacific were bombed In a series of boards after July 1. lagain to lengthen their lines navy Is subject to geographi May lUh. coast. tod Alexander Marghiloman, the tarried out by Canadian cal limitations. b9 this morning. The enemy Theatrical performer were ex "A voluntary attempt to re Roumanian premier, while con DUBLIN LORD MAYOR the at PLOTTERS from the regulations ARREST OF cepted versing with a Roumanian news- tft alert and displayed better IRELAND move these limitations, nr argues, REFUSES REQUEST. oi war HAS STEADIED of Secretary direction than the troops encoun- "would signify a heroic but paper representative, said that MADE BY BALFOUR who Is said to feel that the Baker, daring recent weeks. In useless suicide for the German Bessarabia, with the exception of The great neonle not do without all Dublin. May 25. 'y places they offered a vlg- can will fleet." a slight rectification of its northern Dublin. May 25. the anti- that re- and oiliiens time, of Irish resistance, amusement In war mass frontier, would be joined to conscription conference at Man amusements could be dispensed n...!. ihi radical leaders of Bsriln Wireless RsDorL other instant the government FINNS MUST LEAVE ALLIES- Roumania. Advices from Kiev- sion House, a letter was read frjim Berlin. Mar 27 South of the with more readily. Sinn Feinism the its charges RUSSIAN RAILROAD ALONE say that the Government has pro A. J. Balfour, the British foreign taport Canst and on both side proves hibited the export of raw and secretary, to the Lord Mayor of "ffHunade we captured seventy MR. McADOO REMOVES against them. definite impression London. May 25. Any measures manufactured metals and rubber Dublin, declaring that passports Mftans in smalt operations. The RAILWAY PRESIDENTS nhi.ined This is from the conversation with directed by Finland against ine All exports frpm the Ukraine to would be granted to the Lord V-.jery Ore which continued leaders and men in the Mourmansk railway will be re- Roumania and Bessarabia are Mayor only if he agreed to submit t4frt!T Ihrnnrhniit th dv Wa.hiiiBton. May 23. Kvery factional carded by Great Britain, France forbidden, "as Bessarabia has to the Irish government all documents wttme lively in some sectors of rallf&ad president in the United (roots.in inland Las steadied, ine and the United States as a breach been annexed and its political and he Intended to carjry to t battlefront after dark. There Riaia was relieved irom acme "-'" of neutral territory. The Dagblatt economic relations remain, un America on his proposed trip cniderible increase In the of Stockholm says, A Stockholm settled.- there. t times in the Kemtnel re- by IJirecior-uencrai reama mi with Ire--and if she- dianateh to The Morning Post General Rogosa has been ap The Lord Mayor of Dublin sent '-0 MCADOO who will appoint a fed-1 .ymp.thUe to the ef. pointed War Minister in the Uk. South nf lb Rnmmo. and Level- auotes this newspaper this reply to the foreign secretary: rtaeen Morenll and Mont-didler -Y . ..rh road, re-'condones s'mn German Feiners. plotting.are a inciuuru I.,.a.A feet that the Finnish Government rainian CabineL My Conferees have decided that r?f nuelfuny. several British sponsible only to the raiiroaa administration. headed foregoing. But the most ha tMn so Informed by Great as the document Is a direct com. Uki In many cases the tn the DISTINCTIVE IRISH munication between the confer f.ued Britain. and In other sec. the Sinn Feinera are of or lhe road may oe radical Mourmansk railway was UNITS ARC PROPOSED oi ine fri lo There were lively pa. president Miiir than ever. With the The ence and me president, I actions west of Mont-didler named federal director. liivtv to injure bng built after the war began, pri United States, they decline to "anvthing e Americans in the Alllett To safeguard the interests or .iffn to consider the marily for the purpose of giving London, May 25, Part of the submit it to the lord lieutenant." maintain the in land," they rjofuse for plan for voluntary recruiting in and of entry 'f n the French on the south stockholders claiming it i all a Russia another port of the Alsne. the dividuality of each railway. iea-eral evidence, Telegraph cap-m wan supplies. It runs from Mour Ireland, the Dublin correspondent at and The p possible. frame up." of The Daily News he learns, "Mh tnrtheast of Lunesville directors, whenever atlonalist mansk, on the Arctic, across ine says minelates the Pr sinners were taken iii h. unnnlntrd from among the AhLftJ Kola peninsula to a Junction point probably will involve the complete KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS operating officers of the property. mul a with the Archangel - Petrograd reversal of an old War Office The government prove This will mean the adop in"-This line. policy. Nomination and Election General Clan Liner Sunk. the Director Telegraph the -moon. will avoid disrupting any Plot or apologiie.- be French and British marines ror tion of immediate steps to form of Officers Skeena 27. can May The British course "No middle rw Clan Mathleson" has road's working organiiauon un in The Nationalists are some time have been guarding the Irish brigades or Irish divisions, Lodgo No. 45, lAUrated. WWI unk m collision. necessarily. iiiM.iarlv resentful of the sug war materials stored there. These in which all reasonable measures Monday, May 27, at S p. m. 1 sympathies troons were reinforced recently will be taken by the use of Irish Rank bf Esquire will n j'Uvgoers." At the police court this morn- nn that Ireland and ob eel by a British expedition. Last emblems and the observance of also he conferred- All non't mM it ... with German tyranny, of Finnish White Irish customs, to foster the idea to attend. " hodl.t Church Tuesday ing before Magistrate i.a. covered with the si me month a party Knights requested Benjamin, A. wimanip. - to being They believe Guards made an attempt to out of a distinct nationality within F. E. WERMIG, C.C. ' were charged unu of ,m,.Ger;iianUm-. i..-;..!... e..... u.hlih (he railway line. the Empire. Levin rarding idlers. in the great prior m.. The correspondent, however. '. sword regulations ad. - i,. laken nn the predicts that Nationalist civilians WESTHOLME n.i..i ..o.,ativM eases were FISHING ARRIVALS an.t believe Uie pioi will give only lukewarm support week for one nJ'e lefame me TONIGHT ONLY Journed something a device to National The Stranger U i with 7,060 to the plan, and thiaks that most to secure runtry the them and 'injure do. lbs. halibut; H. & R.. 6,600; Saturn Nationalist members of Parlla. Aruraft presents faclory to i.a m II a A to enforce t,G; Maghnel, U.W0; Nomas, meat are hardly likely to accept E-IE FERGUSON .i.- u.n.n.tist Church. On"1' The slightest will move the M- tl.WW: GulWfonl. 8.G0S; Cettar- invitations to appear on the re 7h CnceVi:fV.d.ylh,tth. Ticket. Jiner. tn.o head, 2,6; Lincoln. 8,; F.ale eruitlng platform, al though he Blnn .K5J. Jnnlt Ouahlna -d SS.&M. a Ml TM. 3.WK1 III. Th admits ow of them favor; sup. FOR QUALITY "Jrr or exceptionally fine no cnva, ch others aims Ifca porting veakvniary enlistment. YcHa is lo in wH. J.Vi KRVICK and SATHWACTtOIl rtntry tn five parts, Wellington Coal ra-duc. e' ntf aalsHoa. Tfee -vfW.rasilssesl for s km a Welilnoton Qaiette Ladysmlth fuel MM and re New fcaUfcttt wm around tl Bt6ttit4l mmumt dresses re IX DAY WKSsK HQ NBLP, your or an wrm. faction. Fhona 1B. .P. ,r Lumee par lb. dtioadj flajjtrattoftin'i st COMEDY Mil. hona Coal Co,