TUT DAILY MANS The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSrAPER IS NORTHERN nntTI JH Co V .10? v For the East. and Weakly Publl.hed Dally Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. Guaranteed Largest Circulation unlays at 9'M a.m. HEAD OFFICE: From the East. Daily Sswi DjIIJing, Third Avenue, Prince Kui?crt, U.C. Tel. : Sundays, Tuesdays and TUurs. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - Si een'.i ;?r i days at &M p4. Two Question Contract Rates on application. Tor Vancouver: I .. sdays PJn. DAILY EDITION. afrtu Monday; Msy r7. 1918 v in -Says T , hnrJas I0 P-n- With so many low-priced WHO 8C0RE0? tbe record of Ooernment operation From Vancouver so-called anti-slnds obtainable, Sir Robert Borden does not in Canada suppl --convincing - inday 10 PJT), appear to be a very serious evidence that in . inawdays 16.3 a, would that great host student of (be Sir Sam Hughes multiply public responsiiuit Saturdays P-m. ties in that direction is I regime in his war department. of motorists pay more for the national debt multiply an Yesterday when be was telling For Anyoit an inquirer: about tbe man; tbe taxes. Sundays 10 pm Dutilop "Traction" difficulties in the way or the Western Canada has an in Wednesdays 10 p.m Tred formation of a Canadian flyfn; terest at stake in this gigauti SI TOOTO.CAMA0A hliGrt IE corps. Sir Sam Hughes interposed venture other than the interest From Anyoit if they could get its merits by remarking "I know the common to the people of aii sEsSEJaWauaSlSBBft Tuesdays ajn. difficulties, and 1 had them all Canada. Unless Canada develops Thursdays PJ. elsewhere ? removed!" "That fact was a gnius for Government clouded. If be undertakes to brought to know, operation of railways and Naas Rlvsr never my For Port Simpson ledge." tartly replied the Pre- which ha not hitherto been speak on behalf of the be Yukon, points: Also, wouldthet other his utterances will lacking mler Now who scored" Sin displayed. Government operation 10 Suadays p.m. Sam for removing the difficulties of the C. .V It . Grand in moral authority. He will large list of car owners buy feel the anomaly of his position Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacific and then doing nothing, and Naas From Port Simpson and will be reduced to doing " will make the all-absorbing or Sir Robert for doing nothing River Points: SPECIAL little but draw his sessional indemnity problem for generations to because of difficulties which Tuesdays ajn. no longer existed? Montreal come to find money to meet tbe San. in silence- Vancouver if tires which somewhat losses these Herald. on enterprises. Queen Charlotte Islands: With three of the four great and resemble it in Clements Port For Masseti, What Chance for Construction? railway systems in Canada There was a wise Spear-woman Island appeai e Sir Robert Borden informed losing money hand over fist, lived in a shoo Upper points: 8 resembled in Saturdays asn. it efficiency? For ber many children she knew what chance or hope will there Parliament last week that, having From Masset, Pott Clements and be of finding investor? foolish what to do: saddled the country with IstsHMl She made them most happy witb , -Upper porn Is: enough to put money into future the obligations of Mackenzie A Tuesdays a. m. Wrigley s fwr all railway construction in Mann, the Government are now Canada? And to paralyze railway It kept them in trim at a cost very carrying on negotiations with For Skldegale, Queen Charlotte construction is to stall the small 1 TI a view to also loading upon City and Lavter Island otats: the public the consequences of development of Western Canada SHERIFF'S SALE OF MININQ Wednesdays 0 pjn. Government ownership and operation indefinitely. Edmonton PROPERTY From Sktdegala, Queen Charlotte of the Grand Trunk Bulletin. Cfty atftl Lower Island points: and Grand Trjunk Pacific Railways. IX THE SUPREME COURT OF Saturdays p. m. The Yukon ReereeentatJve. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Don't merely smother your cougti After a spasmodic effort to By a curious coincidence, the By authority of three warrants Salvation Army. 4 same issue of the paper containing reform and lead a better life, of execution issued in tbe above 0 i"t Tl TV TO WatnWu'a $mp af Tax a4 Cad Uw . act mh this announcement had the committee on privileges Court, and directed to me at the Public mating. Tuesdays, 1 I I K I' I I wrUy trrnu ivaMti, tt tikaskt to btecir w also a Washington dispatch and elections at Ottawa has reverted and Saturdays at 8 instance of Louis Scbulz, J. A. Thursdays p. tana electa It U Uila wVk Unb &ecxJ4e a frsnetcra. a, saying that in three months, to its old, evil ways. By Quick and Albert Burger, Judgment n. Sundays at T 30 p. m. h (sa brrrt aaia ed ta; fof ta4 tail rened U Canada. under Government ownership. a strictly party vote it has decided Creditors, against North United States railways earned that the Yukon soldier, Columbia Gold Mining Company. ballots to be counted X a. asATSTXU CSV. rvwyw WTliaC, r 1 109,000,000 less than in the are as Columbia Mines Company, O'Don- HOTEL corresponding three months of cast. nell Placers Company, and Pine QUEENS last year. As under the agreement Tbe practical effect is to Creek Power Company, Ltd., Judgment wli.h make Dr. Alfred FIRST CLASS ROOMS the railway eom. Thompson Debtors, I have seized all panies tbe United States Government member of Parliament for the tbe Hot and Cold Water. interests of the defendant has to pay dividends Yukon. Dr. Thompson, it per companies, situate on Pine and SOs par NlfM. sad M see WMk. Advertise In The Daily News in proportion to the earnings haps need hardly be said, ts of O'Donnell Creeks in tbe Atiin of the roads last year, this the same political stripe as tbe Mining District, consisting of 109,000.000 will have to come majority f the committee. mining leases, and mining equip-menL out of tbe pockets of United If this was the intention bydrpulic piping, monitors. States taxpayers, as tbe quarterly from the beginning, as it pre tools, flumes, and goods. instalment of tbe cost of sumably was, why go through All or suflcient to satisfy the Government operation of the' all tbe solemn flub-dub of bold. and claims costs in the actions United Slates railways. ing an enquiry and pretending I will offer for sale by public auc The food crisis is grave and urgent, beyond possibility The record of tbe Borden to foryn a Judgment on the tion for cash at 2:30 in the after of exaggeration-" 6ir Robert Borden Government forbids facts? a suppo-' noon on Thursday, the 30th day sition that it is There would have been more capable more of 1918 May, at my office In the of managing the complicated courage and more honesty in Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C business of a vast railway sys-' acting on tbe established principle JOHN SHIRLEY. tern than is tbe Wilson Government, that a political minority Sheriff of the County of Atiin City and Town Labor or the companies whb is not entitled to anything that Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C have bitberio been charged can be taken away from it. May 9tb, 1918. 12; with that responsibility. And Dr Thompson's title will be Must Save S. S. PRINCE RUPERT The Food Situation sailing Wednesday 9.00 a-m.for Swanson Bay and sale mines.or eovuiMMCirr HurmT district.morurrv rPHE heart of tho food production problem is labor, and the Vancouver. heart of tho labor problem is the city dweller. City people . SEtlXO TEMitKS, aAiJuri4 TrotUri must produce food if Canada is to do her full duty in support S.S. PRINCE GEORGE i.i.frr EaciAr." ia v rivrd tj ID BOdenlrB ar to Slal Mr. ISIS, tot of our soldiers and Allies. Wednesday Midnight to Anyoi. the pcrtaaac uT tba raUomtor: Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, kajr ua tnrtec.is sis euup'tla Emptr Lotriav IU W4 tx aa4 Men who are needed on farms must come from the cides and Victoria and Seattle. iWr task. ltUrr wHb all sccaa-arj towns there is no other source. Tho Provincial Departments S. S. PRINCC JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Tlx abuta tH'TttUDf la smw cqaipoMrat.la vaa bjr aad aa of Agriculture co-operating with the Canada Food Board, can Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. vm ra at. u ktrr A Mtuas tMftar rca Cr eaap. Qwto Cturlalte ItluoUa place thousands of men on good farms in this Province. TRAIN SERVICE aiic.TnxJrrt in u k r.O.S. at Um rvarai They are needed at once. raaaeam BwUJr, Wedaeaaar and Batardei tt 11:3 a.m. for Saltaera. mat Oearrt. Ednoatoa and W tamper, mat loir direct connections tor all Tba hlihtt or ur taodrr not &nm point tail and sou Ik. MMIf accrptrd.J A MLS rATTEItSO.V. Those who remain at home must also Grow Food rsntkaaiDr a trot A War Garden will not excuse the and Vacant Lot cultivation will vwiaru. B.C. 3rd Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. May. till. u u man whose rightful place this yer leave the farmers free to crow For information and reservations apply to MINERAL ACT Is on a farm. But War Garden more food for export. City Ticket Office, (28 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Csrtiflcate of Improvements service is needed from those who can do no more. The vegetable gen offcrs an NOTICE for service to men opportunity "LOllse" Mineral CUlais, afteau la lor IHtrtlaiul Canal Mlnlnr bMHem tit Caaaiar Every pound of home-grown vegetables, whose circumstances make it impossible Crttk,DUlrlct alMMii Wbara i utU lorami.trtMa II Oo ummiiIl American produced on city land by for them to work on a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TAkC NOTICE inal I. Abcri SUm dty labor,will be a positivcaddition farm, to women, to boys and girls rrrt Miner a rtip;.ai n. nice" in to the food supply. Home Garden to dty people generally. um, aiiijr ar tram tna aata ncraor. la atUr la Um Minint lieearder far car Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points UScale of lBiprtwr(iU. far tna twrpot Be a Food Producer This Year via Steamer to Vancouver and the or obuinifif a cron oraat of tka aLova Canadian Pacific Railway naim.And runner Uka notira iLtl arUwu. an If there Is a garden or vacant lot movement in your der will st lauit Lmi ccauneficad befur community, associate yourself with it. If no organi Meals and Berth included on Steamer tbe nenU.Imu or tutb CerUDtiU of Impre ration exists, do what you can to interest your Kaied tkia fltb day or March. Itis. neighbours in the War Garden campaign. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE ttltXA LA.1D WSTIUCT MSTWCT Of Write to your Provincial Department of Agriculture COAST, BA.10E I. for pamphlets on gardening and additional information. SS. SOPHIA tatla from mora Unpen May Ira. tlUi. tllaj Jim 41k. Ilta and tUL TAKE JIOTlLE that lha flraiut T,, w CANADA FOOD BOARD SS rmwetss AOCI ul tut Vancouver June Stnd and inly ta. racine Tllllwir Ccaimanr ut u-Idju,. MlulUiii, inienda i app4y far pfruuutoo SS. MINCase SUV aalU for Vaocujrir Miy lib, IIU. Iltk. tad Ml; la eM lha faHam wr deacrUied liftdi -fVaumriietor Jvaa taS. via, I(lb. flrd aod IMS. at s pl plaaied al lha mail iturincrtir po4st wr Lrt tCT t or atiai BJ b-mater mark. Iheuea nartheel Director of IX, aotiiheriy and tfUrly. rauiaf toe Chalnneo W. O. ORCHARD, General AgenL llauotlltei of tna anora Una la a patai of Production eummeneeiiienL Ineludta ,n ih.i Cm ner Fourth Straal and Third Annut, Pr'nc Rupart, O.C. bora telaes klrb-Ur sttd Um atiae (In Ca-ane-Tatinn v4th tk Pmvtnol.l n.n,rimMli nf Agriculture.) 2 Dated April lib. lilt s a e w s-a a aa - --a THK OSANI THUNK FAnrtC lltllWO compasy. U, II, Utr-ard, aoitc.ior